
LV 5
2017-09-10 入りました Global
バッジ 3

Moments 132
2 years ago

Its the second time for mobius in this fic

"Dr. It is him, I've scanned him and he matches my records of Dr. Ein." Klein spoke and Mobius slowly came to him, shedding tears for the 1st time in her life. Even when she was born, she didn't cry and instead asked if her name was Mobius.

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Video Games · Khay_Cee_Padua

2 years ago

Thx for the chapter! Seriously, take your time with the storyline. So that atleast it won't be as rushed as last time.

2 years ago

Only a real zhongli user will feel pain reading the first sentence.

"Osmanthus wine taste the same as I remember, but where are those that share the memory." Ein then tried to remember Ei's and Makoto's aura, but the only one left was the former as he frowned. "I see, so her sister died. Well, I'll visit her later... Maybe give her a present for that video they did. The Mei's did give me a good laugh when I showed it to them." He sighed.

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Video Games · Khay_Cee_Padua

2 years ago

Thanks for the chapter! So.... The herscherr is not dead? The fight feels like a dragonball fight. Like Throwing rocks at each other. But on a bigger scale. IMO Ill give it a C for the effort.

2 years ago

Ehh, this chapter is ok i guess. Ill give a B- for the speech. Sooo, will C.E. be more different? Or still roughly the same plot? (not saying to make a completely new plot, but add many small changes that stack up over time) A bit of a review so far: Btw, I dunno what author replied with back then. to make it clear since it wasnt that clear from wording back then. My problem with the 12th herscherr fight is not is that the result ended with them losing. But that it went nearly exactly the same way canon did. Despite the MC's influence over like what? 20+ years? Basically, the one time ein disappeared. It made it look like he had no significant effect on them at all. Made them look incompetent in comparison to canon. Like they failed all the same stat checks in canon despite ein. It would have been nice to see rin maybe block a few shots from the soldier(basically put up a bit more fight) . Or someone noticed the nukes(but cant really stop it) . You know, the little things that showed he is changing the timeline. (Its the little things that make a good story which most author don't care about, always rushing to the big action scenes) Also, the sudden power boost of the MANTIS still feels really abrupt and "deus ex machina" despite the "foreshadowings". There was not a single scene showing how they discovered the quantum ssea or imaginary space(or what they think) . Feels like the author just decided to add it at the last minute despite it we all know it not being the case. Really, as I said before. Ein did more as a soldier than a scientist. It really felt like the story would not have went any differently if he just went soldier the entire time(and be a bit creative) . (more like the only reason he went the scientist route is just to woo the girls) Scoring: Soldier: A (he actually did quite well for a soldier, and actually because he wants to save people. (most stories can't even have an MC that does this much) ) Scientist: E- (except for project odin, it didnt feel like he did anything else important. And even then in project odin, he was just heavily cheesing his adaptive body)(which is the only reason I didn't give it an F, also because most fanfic authors would fail even to do THIS much) Harem master: SSS+ (.... What did you expect? This is what most of you came to this story for. Move along...) *waves the bonkmaster 9000 threateningly* So Maybe a break chapter after the fight where Genesis and Ein chatted for a while. And genesis gave a scoring and his opinions of his run like I did. So, will the C.E. be a bit better? And not stick to canon as much? I REALLY hope the reply works this time... Thanks for the chapter!

2 years ago
Replied to Khay_Cee_Padua

I see, cuz I don't remember the moon blowing in canon honkai. The moon is believable. Seen weirder stuff from authors with legit mental issues which is becoming worryingly common.

After that, they saw a man with long silver hair. Swaying with the wind, but his body parts looked like they were glitching. "Yo. I'm sorry I am late everyone." He then disappeared and after a few seconds. They saw a decent chunk of the moon explode into smithereens. (pic here)

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Video Games · Khay_Cee_Padua

2 years ago
Replied to Khay_Cee_Padua

Heyyy, where is the picture from? Which manga?

After that, they saw a man with long silver hair. Swaying with the wind, but his body parts looked like they were glitching. "Yo. I'm sorry I am late everyone." He then disappeared and after a few seconds. They saw a decent chunk of the moon explode into smithereens. (pic here)

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Honkai Impact: Invictus.

Video Games · Khay_Cee_Padua

2 years ago
Replied to Khay_Cee_Padua

1500s first? Will he troll the natives? Monty python anyone? Atleast leave some "historical" incident that make everyone question the sanity of the authors.