

male LV 13

I like books.

2017-07-08 入りました United States
バッジ 12

Moments 78
8 months ago

Love this and please keep it going it’s awesome!

8 months ago

Just found this when I noticed you tacked something on to the end of the kiva fix and I love it already! Would love for this to be it’s own thing

8 months ago

Persona 5 for sure, prob Rogan second, and worm third

1 years ago

This is very good with one caveat. The MC feels almost lifeless. He’s somewhat charming and a little caustic which is nice but it feels like he’s getting dragged along by the plot. He has to participate to get world points so he can travel to a world filled with magic, beautiful women, and large breasts, yet ignores the fact he’s in a world with magic, beautiful women, and large breasts. There are half a dozen women such as Olivia, Angelica, Jilk’s ex fiancée, and the queen who are all beautiful, even tempered, ready for an mc to get them to fall in love with them, and possess large breasts. Despite this he complains constantly and doesn’t bother attempting to court them, almost content to mope, complain, and dream of DxD. I get it, I do, but he should focus on the here and now and let the future come as it will.

1 years ago

This is a story on, it gets posted there way ahead of here and the author there said he doesn’t post on Webnovel so fuck off you thief.

1 years ago

Man this really feels like reading Hunter x Hunter. Pages and pages of dry exposition about abilities and techniques. Really brings me back.

1 years ago

I have never understood the wild hunt. They want Ciri so they can use her powers and they try to capture her by using those powers which they seemingly already have? Like in the game it’s explicitly stated she will die when they use her for something but it felt at least to me that the reason that thing had to happen was super vague.

1 years ago

I mean it’s alright. I could only make it to chapter 22 though before the edge became too much. The rant about not lumping him in with heroes because they’re all pathetic trash who pretend to be good but really are all selfish was like 14 years old emo levels of cringe. I get it since I went through a phase like that but in the end you realize that not everyone is like you and people can be different and have different motivations for their actions. Dumbledore isn’t evil, Batman really is just trying his best, and Uchiha Sasuke wasn’t cool. Sasuke was moody, he whined constantly, and he lived his life with as much self inflicted suffering as possible. Try to find happiness in life, make friends, discover hobbies, and be good to others out of selflessness. Being angry, keeping your head down when you see others suffering, and spending all your time focusing only on yourself is wasting life not being cool.

1 years ago

I decided to go check out edgerunners after I got into this and I gotta say I’m so happy that Rebecca managed to fend off Adam Smasher and decided to move to a farm where she, David, and Lucy are living out their days happy and free.

1 years ago

5’8” is short as f. I was 6 ft when I was 14 and only gre like two more inches by 18. If he has any hope of actually being big and strong he’d have to be way past 6’ by 15.

I stand up and look at myself in the mirror, I am pretty tall for my age being 5,8 with blue eyes and blonde hair. I keep short with a body packed with muscle due to all my training.

Jack Hanma: True might [reworked]

Jack Hanma: True might [reworked]

Anime & Comics · SaishoMysteriarch