95.65% Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Branded in Meta / Chapter 22: CH 17: Simps, Simps Everywhere

章 22: CH 17: Simps, Simps Everywhere

(A/N: I forgot to mention it in the last chapter, but Alistair got one UR card from his daily draw, which he sold for 25,000 Gems in order to buy Snake-Eyes Poplar for 25,000 Gems.)

Zane :"This can't get any worse, can it?"

Alistair :"Sure it can, just give me a minute."


The door was only halfway open before Alistair spotted the angry simps outside. The army of disappointments noticed him instantly, as if waiting for that specific door to open.

"It's him! He's the bastard!"

"That guy's the one who's living with the Red Queen?!"

"Damn it, just why would the school allow someone like him to live with the top beauty?!"

"...Haaah, it's way too early in the morning for this kind of bullshit…" He sighed, before looking back at the confused Jade :"What's going on, Al? What's all that noise outside?"

Looking her up and down, noticing her delicious state of cover, he instantly got possessive. He knew it was wrong, since they had only just become friends, but Jade was the kind of girl he wanted to protect. She was an innocent girl who just wanted to get along with everyone, and that brought up his protective side. And besides, it wasn't his fault he was a yandere.

He smiled softly :"It's nothing, just a bunch of flies. But Jade, can you please take out my sweatpants and shirt from my suitcase and put them on? Otherwise, these weirdos will definitely act weird."

Jade blinked, before looking down and at him with confusion :"What's wrong with my clothes? Why would they act weird?"

"..." He contemplated explaining it to her. But grinned teasingly in the end, his voice growing deeper, almost as if he was going purr :"You look incredibly sexy in them, alright? And let's just say, I don't want other guys to see you like that."

Jade instantly blushed :"Lewd..." But her pout didn't seem to speak of dissatisfaction. Instead, it was to mask a smile :'Geez, what's with me? Do I feel... happy that he's acting possessive? N-no way, Alistair's not acting possessive. He just doesn't want guys to look at me weird! That's right! That's it! Other guys, that is...'

Opting to not overthink it, she walked to his suitcase in the corner. Since they were tired last night, it was still sitting there. He had to remember to take care of it. Jade didn't need much time. Just grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and put them on over her clothes.

But as she did so, she instantly became aware of something :'Oh, my god... his distinct smell is all over these clothes...' Her breathing picked up, and she couldn't help but gulp :'And now all over me... oh, geez, why does he have to have such a good smell...'

Bringing the oversized sleeve to her nose, she found herself taking a deep breath before exhaling in satisfaction :'It smells so~ good...' But quickly got out of her trance when she heard Alistair's amused hum.

Her head turned sharply to see his mischievous smile, causing her to blush deeply and drop her head. Alistair had to be honest though, she looked good in his clothes. The baggy clothes, which still failed to hide her blessed figure, made her look sexy and incredibly adorable at the same time. He had the urge to dress her up in more of his clothes.

But looking at those melons pushing out of his shirt, dressing her up definitely wasn't the only thing he wanted to do. But for now, he needed to keep things wholesome. So dressing her up was first on the list.

'Maybe I'll do just that later.' He smirked as she stood there, as if waiting for approval :'This girl is way too cute.' She was standing there, leaning to one side while one arm circled behind her to grab her other forearm, and looking at him like she was asking if it was okay with a blush on her pretty face.

He grinned with hungry eyes :"Looking good, hot stuff." Making her blush intensify :"T-thanks, I guess..." She mumbled, her feet playing with each other. He really couldn't get over how good she looked. And his sadism couldn't wait until the simps saw how good she looked with him as well.

Once she wasn't in a state that would give the simps below wet dreams, he opened the door and they both walked out. Not even reaching the railing, and he already saw heartbroken faces on some of the simps.

"W-wait, is she...? N-no way, right?"

"I-is she wearing his clothes?"

"T-there's no way they've gotten so close so quickly... i-it's not possible..."

"What's up, fellas? Do you need something?" He smirked, leaning on the railing nonchalantly. The simps' glares instantly intensified.

"Yeah, we need you to fuck off!"

"Yeah, how dare you do this?! Know your place, asshole!"

"You've got balls, trying to live with the Red Queen! You better pack your bags by yourself, or you won't like what will happen!"

"Red Queen?" He looked at Jade with amusement, causing the blushing girl to sigh :"Please don't ask... I don't even know when they gave me that nickname..."

"Hahahaha, it sure suits you though. Wanna be my personal queen, then, your highness?" His eyelids fell halfway, his chin on his palm with a hungry spark igniting in them as he bit his lip. Jade's breath hitched in her throat at his mesmerizing face, before she gulped and looked away with a blush as she slapped his arm :"Al~, stop teasing me..."

He chuckled in amusement :"That's too much to ask, princess. You're just so~ adorable when I'm teasing you." Her blush traveled up to her ears, and it took all she had to not giggle at the compliment.

But below them, the simps weren't having so much fun. In fact, seeing him flirting with their crush was infuriating, while seeing Jade liking his attention was heartbreaking. Alistair was pretty sure he could hear glasses breaking.

"Hey, didn't you hear what we just said?! Pack your bags and go to another room!"

"That's right! How can you be so shameless?! How can a boy and a girl live together?!"

"Especially with the Red Queen! Especially someone like you! I'm sure you already have ideas about her!"

(A/N: Now, before you get annoyed with them progressing too fast, remember, anime romance logic is never applied in my stories. We're not going to take seasons just for them to finally hold hands.

And also, fun fact, Alistair's personality is like a tamer version of Yujiro Hanma. And we all know from that one flashback, with a certain somebody's wife, Yujiro doesn't fucking hold back when he wants something lol!)

"Oh, of course I do." He smirked as he activated his rizz mode. Jade's eyes widened as he hugged her waist and pulled the much shorter girl into his muscular chest, gently pinching her chin and making her look up into his lustful eyes and smile that sent a bolt of heat down her spine and made her weak in the knees :"Just look at you.

I've never had this many "ideas" about someone. And such filthy ones at that! The purest thing you can find in my head, Jade, is absolutely devouring those beautiful lips and that cute tongue of yours. Want a demonstration of what I mean~?"

"I-I wha- huh- w-wha- h-huh?" The poor girl's brain short-circuited. Just her luck. Such an innocent, inexperienced girl just had to catch the attention of Alistair of all people. It was like a sparrow catching the eye of an eagle.

Jade felt like she was going to melt. Both from her own heat and the body heat of Alistair who was hugging her by the waist. In fact, she felt like that part was going to melt first.

Scratch that, it was definitely her neck and chin when the hand pinching her chin moved to cradle her face. And when his thumb traced her trembling lips, her legs just about gave up as he licked his teeth :"What happened, sweetheart? Cat got your tongue? Should I snatch it back? Who knows what I might do with it myself though."

"I-I-I-I-I..." She stuttered, earning a deep laughter from him that vibrated her very core :"What is it, Jade? Do I make you... flustered? We can't have that now, can we? I think we should become even closer friends. More... intimate, so you won't get shy with me."

And when she saw him getting closer, that damn confident, cocky, hungry smile just about made her pass out. Her hands were on his chest, but she didn't have any idea as to what to do. Let him get even closer? She didn't know. Push him away? Her body absolutely refused her.

But (un)fortunately for her, the simps had enough just before she could grab him by the shirt and pull him in.

"Y-you bastard!! Get your filthy hands away from her!"

"H-how dare you get handsy with the Red Queen when she's just being friendly with you?!"

"You damn pervert! Forget about changing rooms, you need to be expelled!"

Jade's heart jumped to her throat. She had completely forgotten about them when her entire world was reduced to her and Alistair for a moment. She tried to push Alistair away from embarrassment, but his hold was mighty.

And Alistair? He shot an annoyed look at the flies :"Right, I forgot you idiots are still here with how insignificant your presences are." He looked at Jade again, but the warmth that took over the annoyance made her blush intensely :"Can you wait for just a minute so I can kick their asses?"

"I-I... s-sure?" She shrugged unsurely and he smiled :"Good girl."

"Eep?!" But squeaked when he kissed her forehead gently. As he finally let go of the tomato looking girl, he sent a mischievous wink at her :"Don't worry, this won't take long."

'H-huh? W-wait, d-did he just kiss my forehead?! Uuggh... he's really going to give me a heart attack... His lips were so hot...'

Before the simps could cause a ruckus from his act, he stood behind the railing again with a smirk :"Listen here, you dumbfuck, retarded, disappointing absolute wastes of oxygen, if you're thinking your at all intimidating when you're just fucking simping, then you're even more stupid than I thought!

You're not scaring anybody. And if you are, it sure as fuck ain't me. So you lot can either piss off and jerk your shrimp simp dicks while imagining Jade here even paying you just a bit of attention, or you can duel me and absolutely humiliate yourselves in front of her. So which will it be?"

"Y-you shameless asshole! H-how dare you..."

"I-I bet yours isn't even that big either!"

"Y-yeah! Y-you must work out so much because you're insecure about your size where it really counts!"

"So you're not even denying you've got small dicks?" As they laughed, he smirked, making them blush :"Oh, and also, you can see for yourselves how wrong you are about me." Locking his fingers with his waistband, he pulled his pants down unabashedly. Causing everybody's eyes, especially Jade's, to widen in absolute shock.

"Eek!" She covered her red face, but couldn't but look from the gap of her fingers at the absolute monster that wasn't even hard. It was completely flaccid, yet it hung with a proud length of 8 or 9 inches. (A/N: Yeah, *licking lips sensually* she don't need that, give ME that giant DI-)

Unlike Jade who was blushing harder than ever, the simps looked pale as fuck. Looking at their terrified faces, robbed of all masculinity, he grinned widely, evilly :"Yeah, bitch. My nickname's Rasputin for a fucking reason!" The fact that he wiggled his waist, making that monster swing around like a pendulum, didn't make them feel any better at all.

Satisfied with polishing his ego and sadism, he pulled his pants back up :"Well, since you're all still here, I guess you take the humiliation option. Well, hahahaha, more humiliated than you already are?"

- (A few minutes later.)

"Alright then, since it's, like, 80 to 1, I'll be going first." A while later, and they all had gotten their duel disks ready. He was still standing in front of his room's door, while the simps stood in front of the dorm. Most looked disheartened, but some still looked determined.

"D-damnit, size doesn't matter anyway!"

"I-if I j-just beat him in this duel, Jade will definitely leave him alone..."

"S-so what if he has a b-big penis? Dueling is all that matters!"

[Alistair Aliyev LP: 4,000

82 Simps' LP: 4,000]

[Turn 1: Alistair]

"Draw!" But just as he drew his 6 cards, a smug grin made its way to his face :"And guess what, I've already won!"

One of the simps glared :"Huh, as if! Even with that stupid Branded or whatever deck of yours, there's no way you can win against this many people!"

Almost laughed softly :"I don't think you understand. I don't mean I have the cards to combo my best moves to obliterate you. I'm talking about "I literally just won" kind of won!"

"What does that mean? How?" They frowned as Alistair's smirk grew that of a real Yu-Gi-Oh psychopath's crazy smile :"How?! Like THIS! By putting the five pieces together, I can summon HIM!" His haughty, sadistic laughter rang throughout as an enormous golden formation appeared behind him :"Exodia, OBLITERATE!!!"

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


