17.07% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 7: chapter 7

章 7: chapter 7

Cold was the night in the Fusion Dimension with most of its residents asleep at this time, but not everyone was asleep. Inside the You Show School's hideout, Yusei was still in Yusho's room, currently finishing up hacking into Duel Academy's software.

It has been 12 hours and 15 minutes since Yusei's Duel against Yusho and every since, he's been working on hacking into Duel Academy, taking small breaks to eat and check on his deck. Currently, Yusei was sitting on the same chair he was sitting on when he began, only this time instead of just wires attached to the Duel Academy Duel Disk, wires were attached to his Duel Disk.

Yusei planned to start the shutdown on his Duel Runner when he's closed to Duel Academy Island, which will give him more time. It has proven to be challenging to hack into Duel Academy undetected, it took time and most of Yusei's focus, but he recently succeeded. "Alright, that should do it". Yusei said as he stood up from his chair, smiling at finally hacking into Duel Academy's software.

Hearing light breathing, Yusei turned his head left to see the sleeping form of Blair, with the 13-year-old sitting on a chair with her head lying down on the table. During his stay here, Blair has been sticking to Yusei like glue, getting him anything he need. To repay Blair's kindness, Yusei allowed her to pick some cards from his briefcase, allowing her to build a new deck. Blair needed some of Yusei's help, but eventually she created a Thunder Dragon deck.

Even after her deck was completed, she continued to stay by Yusei's side, much to his surprise. Alexis told him that Blair saw him as her hero and wanted help Yusei in anyway, much to his slight embarrassment. True he's met kids who admired him back in his world, but it wasn't anything like this, not that he minded.

Seeing his work done, Yusei packed his laptop, briefcase and wires back into his Duel Runner's extra compartment, before he closed it. Right at that moment, the door opened to reveal Yusho and Alexis walking in, with the adult male using his staff to walk. "It's almost midnight now; the students of Duel Academy should be asleep right now". Alexis told Yusei, using her knowledge of her time in Duel Academy about the curfew time for the students.

"Have you successfully hacked into Duel Academy?" Yusho asked the younger male as Yusei placed his wrist dealer on his left hand. "Yeah, it was a bit difficult, but I did it. This lock down program will even damage their software and Interdimensional Travel Technology. It should halt their progress and keep them from travelling dimensions for a while". Yusei replied to Yusho, telling him about his progress, getting Alexis to look impressed.

"You keep on impressing me by the second". Alexis remarked with a smile, before she noticed the sleeping Blair. Giggling a bit, Alexis picked up a nearby blanket and placed it around Blair, keeping her warm. Yusho and Yusei smiled at the sight, before the adult male looked at the 19-year-old. "Will this time late in the night suffice?" Yusho asked Yusei, who nodded to him. "It'll do". Yusei replied, ready to set off and save Lulu and Rin.

15 minutes later outside the hideout, Yusei, Yusho and Alexis were at the shore, which was close to the alleyway where Yusei met Blair. Yusho and Alexis were standing a bit away from the edge, while Yusei was next to them on his Duel Runner with his helmet on. Alexis pointed out at the ocean, though her finger didn't point at anything specific. "Duel Academy's right in that direction, so just keep going straight and you'll arrive soon". Alexis told the 19-year-old, pointing with her left hand, while her right hand was on her hip.

Yusei nodded to her in thanks as he began twisting the handlebars, revving up his engine as it let out a low roar. "Will you be alright on your own?" Yusho asked Yusei, wondering if he'll be alright on his own. "Don't worry, I'll be fine". Yusei replied to the older male as he looked at the screen, which showed mini screen with the words 'Initiate lockdown', which will allow him to activate the lockdown protocol when he's close enough.

"The only thing left to do is to find a boat". Alexis said as she began looking left and right to try to find a boat. "Don't worry about that, I won't need it". Yusei told the female, getting her to look at him in confusion. "I'll see you two when I get back and if Blair wakes up, tell her I'll be back soon". Yusei told the two, before he twisted the handlebars, causing his Duel Runner to let out a loud 'vroom', before it shot out, heading towards the ocean.

"Yusei!" Yusho and Alexis called out in concern, but Yusei's eyes showed nothing, but determination. 'I won't fail; I'll save those two and keep them safe from Leo Akaba!' The Signer thought to himself, determined to save Lulu and Rin. Yusei's mark began to glow as a red aura surrounded his Duel Runner, before the same crimson wings that appeared in Yusei's Duel against Z-one appeared one more.

Yusei's Duel Runner flew high into the air when it reached the end of the shore, making both Yusho and Alexis widen their eyes in surprise. "That thing can fly?!" Alexis called out in surprise that Yusei's Duel Runner can fly. "Yusei's just full of surprises!" Yusho stated, having never expected Yusei's Duel Runner to have the ability to fly.

Yusei rode his Duel Runner in the direction where Alexis pointed, the crimson energy forming a tail behind as he flew on his Duel Runner. Yusho and Alexis began to wave at Yusei, wishing him luck. "Good luck Yusei!" Yusho called out to his new ally, wishing him luck. "Be careful!" Alexis added, having her hands over her mouth.

Yusei looked over his right shoulder as he gave the two a thumbs up, before he focused on the task at hand. 'Duel Academy, ready or not, here I come!' Yusei thought to himself with narrowed eyes as he revved up his Duel Runner, which let out a louder 'vroom' before it went even faster.

10 minutes has passed since Yusei began his journey to Duel Academy Island and so far, he's found nothing but more ocean water. Yusei was silent the whole trip, his mind and focus on the upcoming battle. Soon an island came into view, getting Yusei to narrow his eyes. "There it is, Duel Academy Island". Yusei said with narrowed eyes as he flew a little closer, but not too close.

Yusei saw that the island only had a castle like building and two towers at two different parts of the island that were a bit away from each other. There was some lights in the castle like building, but that wouldn't be a problem for long. "Alright, let's do this!" Yusei called out as he pressed a button on his Duel Disk, causing the screen with the words 'Initiate lockdown' to disappear and be replaced by the words 'Initiating lockdown'. "Initiating lockdown protocol". A female computer voice stated, before the lights of Duel Academy shut off.

"That should buy me some time. Now, to rescue the girls while I still have the chance, and to start, I'll go to the western tower". Yusei said out loud as he flew his Duel Runner towards the western tower. Yusei saw that the tower had a huge stairway, but it was no concern to him as he flew to the top, where he landed, receiving a cry of surprise from his left.

Yusei turned his head left and saw a woman wearing what appeared to be Greek Goddess outfit with a headdress on her head, covering her eyes and she even had a staff. "What the- who are you?!" The woman demanded Yusei's identity, surprised at how he just came out of the sky. "That's not important. I'm gonna give you two options lady, walk away or I'll have to resort to force". Yusei replied to the woman as he activated his Duel Disk, even though it was still attached to his Duel Runner.

"I am Diana, proud guardian of the Western Tower and I won't run!" The now revealed Diana retaliated as she threw away her staff and revealed her Duel Disk as the blade activated. "Don't say I didn't warn you". Yusei said as his deck shuffled for the Duel. "Let's Duel!" Yusei and Diana called out as they drew their cards, with Yusei placing his cards in the wrist dealer.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Diana Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"I shall make the first move". Diana said as she held up a card between her right hand's index and middle fingers, showing that it was Polymerization. "And with it, I activate Polymerization!" Diana called out as she slotted the Spell card into her Duel Disk with the card appearing in front of her.

'She didn't waste time'. Yusei thought to himself with narrowed eyes as Diana sent two cards into her graveyard. "And with it, I shall fuse Guardian Baou and Penumbral Soldier Lady". Diana began as two Monster cards appeared in front of her, before they were absorbed into a fusion portal.

"This righteous slashing sword shines in the blinding bright lunalight! The two warriors become one! I Fusion Summon Penumbral Keeper!" Diana called out as a female warrior monster with a staff and shield appeared, giving out a battle cry.

Penumbral Keeper ATK Points: 2100/ Level: 7.

"Next Penumbral Keeper strengths both my defenses and her defenses by Summoning a Keeper Shield Token!" Diana explained as Penumbral Keeper held up her staff as a Keeper Shield Token appeared on her field.

Keeper Shield Token DEF Points: 0/ Level: 1.

"As long as I have this token, you're not allowed to attack Penumbral Keeper". Diana informed Yusei as she slotted another card into her Duel Disk, before a face down card appeared on her field. "It's your move". Diana told Yusei, ending her turn.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

'So far she just has a Fusion Monster, a token and a face down card. Penumbral Keeper's effects have been revealed and the token can't do anything, but defend. The only problem is the face down card'. Yusei thought to himself with narrowed eyes as he looked at Diana's face down card. "It's my move!" Yusei called out as he drew his card, before looking at it through the corner of his right eye and saw that it was Card Breaker.

'Nice, with this I can destroy her face down card and I have just the combo to beat her as soon as possible'. The 19-year-old thought to himself with a smile as he placed Card Breaker's card in his wrist dealer before he picked another one. "If you control monsters and I don't, I can Special Summon Level Warrior as a Level 4!" Yusei explained as he placed Level Warrior's card on the blade with Level Warrior appearing in front of him.

Level Warrior ATK Points: 300/ Level: 3 + 1 = 4.

"Allow me to introduce my new monster, Junk Anchor!" Yusei called out as a portal appeared next to him, before a white and red monster appeared.

Junk Anchor ATK Points: 0/ Level: 2.

"Now I Special Summon Card Break by using its effect and destroying your face down!" Yusei called out as he placed Card Breaker's card on the blade. Card Breaker tore through Diana's face down card, making her cry out in surprise.

Card Breaker ATK Points: 100/ Level: 2.

"And now Level 2 Junk Anchor tune with Level 2 Card Breaker and Level 4 Level Warrior! And just to let you know, Junk Anchor substitute for any Synchron Monster!" Yusei called out as Junk Anchor burst into two rings that flew into the air. Card Breaker and Level Warrior flew into the air, following the rings.

"Behold as shards of razor sharp steel and scraps of ironclad alloy forge together to create a powerful new force! I Synchro Summon, Junk Destroyer!" Yusei chanted as Card Breaker and Level Warrior turned into four and two lights, before the lights lined up. A beam appeared and consumed the lights and rings, before Junk Destroyer came out, doing the same dramatic entrance as always.

Junk Destroyer ATK Points: 2600/ Level: 8.

"Junk Destroyer's effect activates! For every non Tuner Monster used as Synchro Material, Junk Destroy destroys a card on your field!" Yusei exclaimed, explaining his Synchro Monster's effect, making Diana look horrified. "Since Card Breaker and Level Warrior were used, that's two cards destroyed! Go Tidal Sweep!" Yusei called out as Junk Destroy unleashed white energy that took the form of a tidal wave as it destroyed Keeper Shield Token and Penumbral Keeper.

"E-E-Even if you attack me directly, I'll still have Life Points left". Diana told Yusei, holding onto hope that she can win this Duel. "Think again lady, because if I have a Junk Monster on my field, like Junk Destroyer, I'm allowed to Special Summon Junk Servant!" Yusei exclaimed as Junk Servant appeared next to Junk Destroyer.

Junk Servant ATK Points: 1500/ Level: 4.

Diana now looked horrified as she took a step back, before she tripped to her rear end, shaking like a leaf. "No… this cannot be". The guardian said in disbelief that this stranger was gonna defeat her. "I did give you the choice to walk away lady. You've got nothing to blame for this except yourself. Go Junk Destroy and Junk Servant, attack her directly!" Yusei commanded as he held out his right hand.

Junk Destroy fired energy covered fist attacks from its hands, while Junk Servant charged at Diana. Junk Servant hit the guardian, before it leaped away as the energy covered fists made contact, knocking her out as she collapsed onto her back.

Diana Life Points: 4000 – 1500 = 2500 – 2600 = 0.

Winner: Yusei!

Both Junk Destroyer and Junk Servant disappeared, while Yusei sighed in disappointment. "I was honestly expecting more, but I guess this is better". Yusei said as he took his helmet off and pulled the right handlebar up. Yusei put his Duel Runner in parking mode as he detached his Duel Disk and attached it to his wrist dealer, before he dismounted his Duel Runner and walked through the door of the tower.

Yusei began running up the stairway, knowing that he had to complete the rescue operation as soon as possible. Soon he saw a metal door, indicating that he has reached the end. "Guess this is it". Yusei said as he took a few steps back, before he charged and slammed right through the door, snapping it from the wall as it fell to the ground.

Yusei raised his head and saw one of the two girls he's come to save. Lulu, who was sitting at a desk, looked at Yusei with wide eyes, though there was some fear in her eyes. "Are you Lulu?" Yusei asked the girl, despite knowing it was indeed her. Lulu looked surprised that this stranger knows her name. "Y-Yes I am". The 14-year-old replied to Yusei as she stood up from her seat. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" Lulu questioned Yusei on how he knows her, keeping her guard up.

"My name's Yusei, Yusei Fudo". Yusei answered Lulu, who narrowed her eyes more. "Yusei?" Lulu repeated, having never heard of that name before. "Listen there's not much time. You have to come with me so that I can get you and someone else far away from Duel Academy". Yusei told the 14-year-old as he took a step forward, making Lulu step back, who looked afraid. "Why should I trust you? I don't even know who you are or if you're really an ally". Lulu questioned in fear, making Yusei stop in his tracks. Yusei softened his gaze at Lulu, feeling sad that she's been taken away from her home and hasn't been allowed to leave this tower. He had an idea to earn her trust, but it was risky.

Yusei held up his left arm as he took his Duel Disk off. He knelt down to the ground, before he pushed his deactivated Duel Disk to Lulu, who looked down at it as it stopped at her feet.

"Now I'm unarmed and you have my Duel Disk that's armed with my cards. With those, you could knock me out and escape on your own". Yusei told the 14-year-old, making her widen her eyes in shock at how Yusei just gave her his Duel Disk and cards. Lulu knelt down as she picked up the Duel Disk and looked at it for a few moments, before she looked back at Yusei. "Why would you give me your Duel Disk and deck willingly? With this, I could attack you and then escape, so why?" Lulu asked Yusei why he gave up his only form of defense. "You won't hurt me". The Signer replied to Lulu, making her narrow her eyes.

"And what makes you say that?" Lulu asked Yusei why he thought she wouldn't hurt him. Yusei was silent for a few moments before he spoke. "Because I can see what kind of person you are by looking into your eyes. You're not someone who enjoys hurting anyone, you're just a girl who's afraid and alone". Yusei told the 14-year-old girl, making Lulu widen her eyes in shock at how he knows how she feels.

Yusei began to take small steps to Lulu, taking one at a time. "I'm not an ally of Duel Academy, I've come to stop Leo Akaba and end his ambitions. The reason I'm here is because I wanted to save you from this prison, I promise. Please trust me, I'd rather be turned into a card than allow you to stay one more day here in this prison". Yusei begged Lulu as he was soon right in front of her with his right hand out, with the 14-year-old looking at him in awe.

Lulu didn't know why, but this man's presence felt...comforting and safe. This stranger was giving her... hope; hope that Duel Academy could be defeated and that this whole nightmare would be over. Deciding to trust her heart, Lulu placed her left hand on Yusei's arm, before she looked at him and nodded, making Yusei let out a warm smile at the teenage girl.

"I…I trust you…Yusei". Lulu told the 19-year-old, feeling safe in his presence. "Thank you Lulu. Now come on, we have to rescue one more person". Yusei told the purple haired girl, making her widen her eyes. "Someone else? Who?" Lulu questioned Yusei as she gave him his Duel Disk back. "Someone that's just as important as you are to Leo Akaba's plan". Yusei replied, surprising Lulu even more.

"Do you have anything with you?" Yusei asked Lulu, who shook her head. "No, I just have my deck". Lulu answered as she walked up to a drawer and opened it. She picked up her deck of cards and searched through it, making sure that she doesn't leave even one behind. "That's good, now come on". Yusei told Lulu as he began walking out of the tower, making Lulu widen her eyes before she ran after him.

Soon they reached the bottom of the stairway, with Lulu behind Yusei. Yusei walked up to his Duel Runner, while Lulu looked at Diana, who was still knocked out. "Who's that?" Lulu asked as she walked up to Diana and looked at her. "Her name's Diana and she was guarding your tower". Yusei told Lulu, getting her to look and see Yusei open his extra compartment of his Duel Runner.

Yusei passed his spare helmet over to Lulu, who caught it. "We don't have much time before Duel Academy reboots their system, so we gotta hurry". Yusei told the 14-year-old girl as he mounted his Duel Runner, getting Lulu to widen her eyes as she knew what he was planning. "Wait… you want me to get on that thing?" Lulu questioned in fear as Yusei placed his helmet on.

"Come on, get on!" Yusei told Lulu as he grabbed both handlebars. "I…I'd rather not". Lulu replied as she stepped away from the Duel Runner, making Yusei narrow his eyes. "We don't have time to argue about this. If Duel Academy caches us, you'll be locked up again. I understand your fear, but don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, please just trust me and get on". Yusei begged Lulu, who hesitated for a few seconds, before she nodded and walked over to Yusei and his Duel Runner.

Ten seconds later, Lulu was on Yusei's Duel Runner, sitting right behind him in the same way that Akiza did when Yusei met Sherry. "Okay, so now what?" Lulu asked Yusei with his spare helmet on her head. "Hang on tight". Yusei replied as he pressed the accelerator, revving up his Duel Runner as it went forward, heading straight towards the edge of the tower.

Lulu screamed in fright as she wrapped her arms around Yusei and held on tight, while Yusei didn't show any fear in his eyes. The crimson aura appeared once more as Yusei took flight on his Duel Runner again, heading towards the Eastern Tower. Yusei looked over his right shoulder to look at Lulu, who still had her arms wrapped around him with her eyes tightly shut.

"You can open your eyes now, we're alright". Yusei told the 14-year-old girl gently, getting her to slowly open her eyes, before she widened them at seeing them still going straight. Lulu loosened her grip on Yusei as she looked left and right, before she gasped in awe at seeing that they were flying.

"Are… Are we really flying?" Lulu asked in excitement as she looked down below, getting Yusei to raise an eyebrow. "You're enjoying this?" Yusei asked in slight surprise, getting Lulu to look at him with an excited smile. "I've always wanted to fly like a bird one day. I can't believe that my dream really came true". Lulu told Yusei with an excited smile as she closed her eyes and felt the wind.

Yusei smiled at seeing Lulu happy, before he noticed them getting closer to the Western Tower. "For now the ride has to end, hang on!" Yusei told Lulu, getting her to look and see that they were approaching the Eastern Tower. Lulu wrapped her arms around Yusei once more as he landed his Duel Runner on the top of the tower, receiving a cry of surprise.

Yusei and Lulu turned left to see a man dressed as a Greek God with a headset covering his eyes from view. He had a Fusion Dimension Duel Disk on his left forearm and was currently looking surprised to see someone here. "Who dares to come here?" The man questioned, looking like he was glaring at Yusei.

"I'm not obligated to tell you that. Make a better choice than your friend at the other tower did and get lose". Yusei replied to the man as he activated his Duel Disk, just in case. "You've defeated Diana? On my honor as a guardian of Duel Academy, I, Apollo will defeat you!" The now named Apollo called out as he activated his Duel Disk, intending to fight Yusei.

"Guess you're not smarter than your friend. I'll remove you just like I did her!" Yusei exclaimed, before he turned to look at Lulu, who was still seated behind him. "After I'm done with this guy and we get who he's guarding, we'll leave Duel Academy straight away". The 19-year-old told the teenage girl, who hesitated for a moment before she nodded.

"O-Okay. Just be careful". Lulu told Yusei, worried about his well-being, who smiled at her. "Don't worry, this won't take long". Yusei replied to her as his deck shuffled once more. "Let's Duel!" Yusei and Apollo called out as they drew their starting hand, with Yusei placing them in the wrist dealer.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

Apollo Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"Since I let your friend take the first turn when I dealt with her, I'll take the first turn this time!" Yusei exclaimed as he looked at the five cards in his wrist dealer, not noticing Lulu doing the same. 'His cards… most of them are low Level monsters like mine'. Lulu thought to herself in surprise at seeing five of Yusei's cards.

"First I'll set a face down…!" Yusei began as a face down card appeared in front of his Duel Runner's left side. "Then I'll play a monster face down!" Yusei continued as a shadowy caged monster with red eyes appeared. "That's it for now!" Yusei finished, receiving a surprised look from Lulu.

Apollo Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 5.

"Ummm, is that really it? I mean, aren't you gonna do more?" Lulu questioned Yusei, thinking he could have done more than that. "Don't worry, if everything goes well, this Duel will end on my next turn". Yusei reassured his passenger, getting her to lean to the side so that she could see Yusei's confident look.

"It's my turn now!" Apollo called out as he drew his card, before instantly playing it. "I activate the Spell, Polymerization!" Apollo called out as he held the Spell up, before he slotted it in his Duel Disk. The Spell appeared in front of Apollo, making Yusei narrow his eyes, while Lulu tightened her grip on Yusei ,out of fear at seeing the Fusion card.

"I fuse Guardian Tryce and Luminous Soldier!" Apollo called out as he sent the two cards to the graveyard. The two cards appeared in front of Apollo before they floated into a purple portal. "Their glistening swords shine in the sun; my brave two battlers shall become one! I Fusion Summon Luminous Keeper!" Apollo called out as an orange and white warrior with a staff appeared.

Luminous Keeper ATK Points: 2400/ Level: 7.

"I activate Luminous Keeper's special ability, which strengthens mine and its defenses by Summoning Keeper Shield Token!" Apollo explained as Luminous Keeper raised its staff and a Keeper Shield Token appeared.

Keeper Shield Token DEF Points: 0/ Level: 1.

'He uses Keeper Shield Tokens like Diana?' Yusei thought to himself in surprise. "When this token is in my possession, Luminous Keeper can't be vanquished! Now I equip him with the Equip Spell, Big Bang Shot!" Apollo called out as a Spell appeared on his field with a fiery red aura surrounding his Fusion Monster. "This card gifts Luminous Keeper with 400 ATK Points and the power to deal piercing damage!" Apollo explained his Spell's effect as Luminous Keeper powered up.

Luminous Keeper ATK Points: 2400 + 400 = 2800.

Lulu now looked afraid, while Yusei didn't change his expression. "And now Luminous Keeper attacks your face down monster!" Apollo called out as Luminous Keeper charged at the shadowy monster.

The shadowy creature revealed to be Massive Warrior, who blocked Luminous Keeper's attack and sent the Fusion Monster back, much to Apollo and Lulu's surprise.

Massive Warrior DEF Points: 1200/ Level 2.

"Once a turn, Massive Warrior can't be destroyed and I take no damage from battles involving this card". Yusei explained as Massive Warrior stood in front of his Duel Runner's side. "Very well, I shall play a face down and end my turn". Apollo said as a face down appeared on his field.

Yusei Life Points: 4000/ Number of cards in hand: 3.

"It's my move!" Yusei called out as he drew his card, taking a moment to look at it before he played it. "I Summon Drill Synchron!" Yusei called out as a portal appeared and Drill Synchron came out.

Drill Synchron ATK Points: 800/ Level: 3.

"Now my Level 3 Drill Synchron gives Level 2 Massive Warrior a tune up!" Yusei called out as Massive Warrior took to the skies, while Drill Synchron transformed into three rings. The rings circled around Massive Warrior, scanning him with the Warrior type monster turning transparent before becoming three lights. A beam appeared and consumed the rings and lights. "Junk Speeder, let's rev it up!" Yusei called out as a light blue armored warrior with a white scarf came out of the portal, spinning around for a few seconds, before stopping in a stance.

Junk Speeder ATK Points: 1800/ Level: 5.

Lulu looked at Junk Speeder in awe, while Apollo frowned at it. "Not as powerful as I hoped, but it shall do. I play the Trap Admiration of the Keepers!" Apollo called out as his face down card revealed itself. "This card negates Junk Speeder's special abilities. It also summons two Keeper Shield Tokens to my field". Apollo began to explain as a red light began to shine down on Junk Speeder.

"Not so fast! Before your Trap's effect kicks in, Junk Speeder's special ability activates! When this card is Synchro Summoned, I'm allowed to Summon as many Synchron Monsters from my deck in DEF Mode, as long as they have a different level!" Yusei called out as Junk Speeder unleashed a bright white light as four portals appeared next to him.

"I Summon Jet Synchron, Nitro Synchron, Steam Synchron and Hyper Synchron!" Yusei called out as Jet Synchron, Nitro Synchron, Steam Synchron and Hyper Synchron appeared.

Jet Synchron DEF Points: 0/ Level: 1.

Nitro Synchron DEF Points: 100/ Level: 2.

Steam Synchron DEF Points: 800/ Level: 3.

Hyper Synchron DEF Points: 800/ Level: 4.

The red light shined down on Junk Speeder fully, making him groan as he collapsed to his knees, while two more Keeper Shield Tokens appeared.

Keeper Shield Token DEF Points: 0/ Level: 1.

Keeper Shield Token DEF Points: 0/ Level: 1.

"What was the point of that? All you managed was to Summon more monsters to defend yourself, so why?" Apollo questioned Yusei with a frown on his face, wondering what Yusei was up to. Lulu looked at Yusei in concern, but he had a confident smirk on his face. "Simple, it was all to defeat you". Yusei answered, making Apollo and Lulu widen their eyes in surprise.

"I activate the Trap, Tuner's Explosion!" Yusei called out as his face down revealed itself. "Now I can tribute Tuner Monsters on my field equal to the number of monsters on your field, all your monsters are destroyed for each one sacrificed and you lose 1000 Life Points for each!" Yusei explained his Trap's effect out loud, making Lulu and Apollo widen their eyes in shock.

"Impossible!" Apollo called out in disbelief at what he's heard. "I sacrifice Jet Synchron, Nitro Synchron, Steam Synchron and Hyper Synchron, meaning all four of your monsters are destroyed and you lose 4000 Life Points!" Yusei called out as all four Tuner Monsters had bright lights around them as they all charged towards the Keeper Shield Tokens and Luminous Keeper. The four Tuners made contact, creating an explosion. The explosion sent Apollo flying before he landed on his back, his Life Points dropping all the way to 0.

Apollo Life Points: 4000 – 4000 = 0.

Winner: Yusei!

Junk Speeder disappeared with Yusei's Duel Disk deactivating. Lulu looked at Yusei in awe at how he used low level monsters to win and how he used them. 'Incredible, he's amazing'. Lulu thought to herself in awe as Yusei moved the right handle bar up and dismounted his Duel Runner. "Keep an eye on him while I go get who he was guarding". Yusei told Lulu as he took his helmet off, receiving a nod from her as she stayed where she was.

Yusei ran into the tower and ran up the stairway, before he reached the end and found the metal door. "Here it is". Yusei said as he held his right foot up and kicked the door open, getting a surprised yell from the girl sitting down on the bed. Yusei walked in and looked at the girl and for a moment, saw his old friends Leo and Luna besides her. Yusei shook his head to focus at the task at hand. "You're Rin, right?" Yusei asked the girl as Rin stood up from the bed she was sitting down on. "T-that's right. Who's asking?" Rin questioned the stranger, being careful as she remembered the night that she was kidnapped by a stranger who knew her name.

"My name's Yusei. I'm here to take you as far away from Duel Academy as possible". Yusei introduced himself to the 14-year-old girl, who still felt a bit afraid of Yusei. However, Rin then notice Yusei's mark, getting a hopeful smile from her. "That mark on your face... That means you were in the Facility, right?" Rin questioned Yusei with a smile, making him widen his eyes in surprise at her words. 'How does she know about this mark and the Facility?' The 19-year-old thought to himself in surprise that Rin knew what his mark meant. "Did you come here with Yugo? Is he here?" Rin asked with an excited smile on her face, one that disappeared when Yusei shook his head.

"Your friend isn't here; I came here alone to save you and another person from Duel Academy". Yusei answered, getting Rin to look down in sadness that she won't be seeing her childhood friend. "If you come with me, I'll try to take you back to your home, I promise. Trust me and I swear, I'll keep you safe from Duel Academy". Yusei told Rin as he held out his right hand to Rin, hoping she'll take it.

Rin looked at Yusei's hand before she looked at his eyes, which were giving her a gentle gaze, something she hasn't seen in a long time. Rin slowly raised her hand, before she laid it in Yusei's hand, deciding to trust him. "Okay Yusei, I'll trust you". Rin told Yusei, who gave her a gentle smile. "Good, now come on. We gotta get out of here while we have the chance". Yusei told Rin as he held her hand and began leading her out of the tower.

Soon Yusei and Rin reached the outside, where Lulu was awaiting them off of Yusei's Duel Runner, looking down at the unconscious form of Apollo. Hearing footsteps, Lulu turned to see Yusei and Rin, before both her and the green haired girl made contact, with both teen girls' eyes widening in shock.

"She…looks like me!?" Rin exclaimed in disbelief at seeing Lulu, who had the same face as her. "How…does she have my face?" Lulu questioned as she walked up to Rin. Both girls were now in front of each other, before Lulu raised her right hand and Rin raised her right hand, where their bracelets were around their wrists.

The two girls' hands made contact with both Lulu and Rin staring into each others' eyes. "Hey…you wouldn't happen to be like, my long lost twin sister, are you?" Rin asked Lulu, who shook her head in response. "N-no, I don't think so. The orphanage I was raised in told me that I didn't have any twins, just my brother". Lulu replied to Rin, making her widen her eyes in surprise.

"You're an orphan just like me?" Rin questioned in surprise, making Lulu widen her eyes. Before she had the chance to answer, Yusei got their attention. "Now's not the time to play twenty questions, we gotta leave". Yusei told the girls, getting them to look and see Yusei standing next to his Duel Runner, making Rin grow a look of pure excitement on her face.

"No way, is that a Duel Runner?!" Rin asked in excitement, making Yusei widen his eyes at how she knew what his Duel Runner is. Rin ran over to Yusei's Duel Runner and knelt down in front of it, looking at it in awe. "It's beautiful; I've never seen a Duel Runner like this before. Did you make it yourself?" Rin asked Yusei as she turned to face him, allowing the 19-year-old to see the excitement in her eyes.

"I built my Duel Runner with some old friends of mine". Yusei answered her, getting Rin to look even more excited as she began examining it, checking out every detail. "No way, is that a ZX 5? What about- oh my god that's a turbo charger! How'd you get these?" Rin asked with an excited smile as she continued checking Yusei's Duel Runner out, moving around like a blur, making Lulu giggle while Yusei smiled.

"I'll tell you about it later, right now we gotta go". Yusei told her as he pulled the handlebar up and mounted his Duel Runner. "I don't know how much longer the lockdown protocol will last, but we gotta go while we have the chance". Yusei told the girls as he passed his spare and main helmet to Lulu and Rin, who caught them.

"Hold on, how are we even gonna fit on that thing?" Lulu asked a little in fear, not knowing how all three of them will fit on the Duel Runner. "One of you is gonna have to sit in front and hold on to me". Yusei answered, getting both Lulu and Rin to widen their eyes. "Hold on to you? Not to be rude, but I just met you and that's something newly acquaintances don't do". Rin told the 19-year-old, who nodded to her in understanding.

"I understand what you're saying, but we have little choice. We don't have time to argue about this, it's now or never. Just trust me and both of you will be alright". Yusei told the girls, begging them to trust him. Rin and Lulu hesitated, before they looked at each other and nodded. A few seconds later, Lulu was reseated on the back of Yusei's Duel Runner, while Rin sat on Yusei's lap with her hands wrapped around him, with both girls having the two helmets on.

"Hold on tight you two!" Yusei told two girls as he twisted both handlebars and pressed the accelerator. Yusei's Duel Runner shot out with the crimson energy appearing around the runner, before it formed crimson wings. Yusei's Duel Runner took flight the moment it reached the edge of the tower and shot out into the sky.

Rin gasped in amazement, while Lulu closed her eyes in bliss at feeling the wind. "I can't believe it, we're flying!" Rin called out in amazement as she looked below to look at the ocean. "I know; it's unbelievable, right?" Lulu asked Rin with a smile, who nodded to her with a huge smile. "Enjoy the ride you two, we'll be flying for a good 10 minutes". Yusei told the two girls as they looked back at Duel Academy Island and saw no pursuers coming after them.

The two girls looked at Yusei and gave him appreciated and thankful smiles. "You've rescued me from Duel Academy, thank you Yusei". Lulu thanked her savior for rescuing her. "Yeah, even if you weren't who I was hoping for; I really owe you for saving me". Rin added, thankful to Yusei for saving her. Yusei smiled at Rin, before he turned to smile at Lulu.

"You two don't need to thank me; I just couldn't stand to let Duel Academy keep you two prisoners. I'm just glad that I saved you two from Duel Academy and Leo Akaba". Ash told the two 14-year-old girls, getting the two to smile at his kindness. "I have a question though, why are we going?" Rin questioned, wondering where Yusei was taking them.

"We're going to someplace safe until we can find a way out of this dimension. There you'll see someone you know Lulu". Yusei told the two girls, getting confused looks from both Rin and Lulu. "Dimension? What do you mean dimension?" Rin asked in confusion, having never been told about the Four Dimensions.

"I'll tell you later when we're safe, but to be honest I think that can wait until tomorrow". Yusei told the 14-year-old girl, noticing the time on his Duel Runner. "Yusei, who are you talking about? Who's waiting for us?" Lulu asked the 19-year-old, wondering who he mentioned that knew her. "You'll see when we arrive". Yusei replied as he continued to fly his Duel Runner in the air with both girls hanging on.

15 minutes later, Yusei flew his Duel Runner above the town, with both Lulu and Rin looking down at it with wonder. Yusei flew his Duel Runner to the mountain where the You Show School's hideout is. The 19-year-old landed his Duel Runner gently in front of the door. "Ride's over, you two can get off now". Yusei told the girls as he pulled the right handlebar up, but didn't get off his Duel Runner because Rin was still sitting on his lap.

Rin and Lulu looked a bit disappointed that their ride in the sky ended, but did as Yusei said and got off with Rin first, then Lulu. "Can you hold my Duel Runner for me Rin?" Yusei asked the orange eyed girl as he dismounted his Duel Runner, which the girl nodded eagerly. "No problem Yusei". Rin replied as she held the red Duel Runner, while Yusei walked up to the doors and opened them.

All three entered the church with Rin pushing Yusei's Duel Runner. Yusei walked up to the altar of the room and reached for the switch there. Yusei pressed the switch, causing the bookcase to move to the side, revealing the hidden passage. "Well that's handy". Rin remarked as she, Yusei and Lulu began walking down the stairway with Yusei helping Rin with his Duel Runner. Soon the three reached the hallway, only it was devoid of any students, maybe because it was late in the night.

"Come on you two, this way". Yusei told the two girls as he began walking down the hall, pushing his Duel Runner with Rin, while Lulu walked close to them. Soon they reached the green door, where Yusei walked up to it and opened it. Yusei saw that Yusho and Alexis were inside with the two still awake. Yusho was sitting on his chair, while Alexis was standing in front of him, with the two in the middle of a conversation.

"Yusho, I've return!" Yusei called out, making Lulu widen her eyes, while Alexis and Yusho turned to see Yusei. "Welcome back Yusei". Yusho greeted his friend as Yusei, Rin and Lulu stepped inside the room. "I see you were successful". Yusho added with a smile as he looked at Rin for a moment, before he turned to look at Lulu, who was staring at him in disbelief.

"Lulu, it's been some time since we last saw each other". Yusho greeted the 14-year-old girl, who continued to stare at him in disbelief. "All this time you were here in the Fusion Dimension teacher? But I thought you were carded by Duel Academy". Lulu said in disbelief that the man who taught her to bring joy to others through Dueling was here in the Fusion Dimension.

"I understand your confusion, so let me tell you what happened. On the day that the invasion took place; I came across a young man named Aster Phoenix, who challenged me. We Dueled and I emerged as the victory. I wanted to show him the joy in Dueling and even offered to give him a Smile World card, but he tore it in half". Yusho began to explain as he brought out a ripped card, showing that it was one half of a Smile World Spell card.

"His Duel Disk accidentally sent me here to the Fusion Dimension, where I met Alexis. We created a safe haven for students that escaped Duel Academy and took them under our wing. I couldn't leave because I didn't have the Dimension Travel program and these kids needed me here. I'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye". Yusho finished as he put the card away. Lulu still had a look of disbelief, before she walked up to Yusho, who looked at her with a natural expression.

"Deep down inside, I always believed that you never abandoned us. You were here helping the children of the Fusion Dimension, spreading the true meaning of Dueling and I'm happy to see that you're safe". Lulu told the adult man with a smile, who returned it. "Thank you Lulu, I've missed watching you and Saya Duel". The adult man replied to the young teenage girl.

Yusho then turned to face Yusei, who had his arms crossed and Rin was standing next to him. "Your rescue operation was a success, well done Yusei". Yusho praised the 19-year-old, proud of him for accomplishing his task. "You just keep on impressing me more and more". Alexis commented with a smile, her interest in Yusei increasing even more. "Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without your help". Yusei replied with a smile, grateful for their help in saving Lulu and Rin.

"It was our pleasure". Yusho replied to Yusei, before he turned to face Rin. "So you're Rin, yes?" Yusho asked the orange eyed girl, who nodded with a nervous smile. "H-hello there, it's nice to meet you". Rin greeted Yusho as she held onto Yusei's right arm, getting him to look at her in surprise. "There's no need to be nervous, we're all friends here". Yusho said to help ease Rin, which succeeded as she loosened her grip on Yusei's arm.

"Teacher, who is this man anyway and why did he save us?" Lulu asked her friend's teacher, who faced her with a smile. "I'm sure he told you his name already Lulu. That young man's name is Yusei Fudo, the man that I believe will one day defeat Duel Academy and Leo Akaba". Yusho answered her, getting Lulu to widen her eyes in surprise.

Yusho began to get up from his chair and used his staff to keep his balance. "I'll explain early in the morning. Right now it's very late and you all need your rest. We'll continue this conversation in the morning". Yusho told everyone, getting Yusei to look over his left shoulder to look at the clock. "He's right, it's getting late. We'll explain everything in the morning". Yusei said in agreement to what Yusho said, thinking it was time for everyone to rest.

"Alexis, please take them to a room where they can rest for tonight". Yusho requested from his trusted student, who nodded to him. "No problem, follow me you three". Alexis told the three teenagers as she began leading them out of the room. Yusei began to push his Duel Runner, but was surprised when Lulu and Rin began helping him.

Soon the three were pushing the Duel Runner together, following Alexis as she led them to a blue door. "This is where you'll be staying". Alexis told the group as she opened the door and entered. Yusei, Lulu and Rin entered and saw the room had two bunk beds, a desk, a door that lead to a bathroom and a wardrobe.

"This should do for you three. Unfortunately we don't have any clothes for you guys to change into at the moment". Alexis explained to the three teenagers, getting Yusei to look at her. "It'll do, thank you". Yusei thanked the 16-year-old girl with a smile, one that she returned. "I'll get some clothes for you guys tomorrow. Speaking of which, time for me to hit the hay". Alexis said as she yawned, before she turned around and left the room, leaving Yusei, Lulu and Rin alone.

Yusei placed his Duel Runner in parking mode, before he turned it off. "You two can take that bunk bed; I'll take the other one". Yusei told the two girls as he walked up to the left bunk bed and lied down at the bottom bed. "Okay Yusei". Rin said as she climbed up the top bed of the right bunk bed.

"You two will need your rest for tomorrow, cause we're gonna search for a way to get out of this dimension". Yusei told the girls as he folded his hands behind his head. Lulu lied down on the bottom right bed and looked up at the bottom of the top bed for a few seconds, before she turned to look at Yusei, who had his eyes closed. "Yusei…thank you for saving us from that prison". Lulu thanked her savior once more with a gentle smile, grateful for what he's done for her.

Yusei opened his left eye to look at Lulu and returned her smile. "No problem Lulu, now rest". Yusei replied to her as he closed his eye again, making Lulu smile as she covered herself with her blanket. "Goodnight Yusei". Both Lulu and Rin said to Yusei as they both closed their eyes.

Yusei was silent for a few seconds before he responded. "Goodnight girls". Yusei said to the girls as he softened his nerves, finally resting from everything that's happened to him for the past few days. His Duel against Jakob, Aporia, Bruno, Z-one, those Juvenile Officers, Yusho, Diana and Apollo, he was exhausted, mentally and physically.

Very quickly, Yusei began to fall into the realm of dreams. What he didn't notice was his mark of the Crimson Dragon glow lightly, but he did hear the Crimson Dragon's voice in his head. 'This is my last reward to you, my chosen Signer'. Yusei heard the Crimson Dragon's voice in his head before he lost consciousness.

(In Yusei's mind)

"Yusei…Yusei". Yusei heard a gentle, beautiful and soft voice said to the Shooting Star of Satellite, making him groan as he slowly opened his eyes. Yusei saw that he was in somekind of yellow dimension that felt comforting. And standing in front of Yusei was a beautiful adult woman. She had brown hair, royal blue eyes like him and beautiful pale skin.

She was wearing a black three quarter length tights with a white fitted dress that flares out at the hips with a black flared jacket and black high heeled sandals. Around her neck was a neckless. Despite his exhausted spirit, Yusei recognised her instantly. After all, he had a picture of her in his Duel Runner.

"…!" Yusei stared at the woman before him in disbelief, getting the woman to giggle. "I wonder if you were like this with honey when you first met him. Talk about cat got ya toung". The woman giggled as Yusei's lips trembled as he began to cry tears.

The woman nodded to Yusei with a happy smile. "…That's right, I am your…" The woman began, but was cut off when Yusei wrapped his arms around her smaller body and gave her a hug. The woman widened her eyes in surprise, before she wrapped her arms around Yusei. "…I've… wanted to meet you for so long… m-mum". Yusei said as he cried tears of joy at finally meeting his mother.

"Hmmm, you may have your father's looks, but you have my eyes. You've really grown up into a beautiful person, Yusei". Yusei's mother said with a happy smile, feeling happiness to finally have her son in her arms again. "H-How is this possible?" Yusei questioned, keeping his hands around his mother, afraid if he let go, she'd disappear. "The Crimson Dragon's true last gift was the chance for us to finally meet. He felt as if you deserved this for protecting New Domino City. You have no idea how proud of you I am". Yusei's mother replied to her son, telling him how this was possible.

"Sorashi…" The woman said to her son, getting Yusei confused as he pulled away to look at his mother's face. "Huh?" Yusei questioned, having no idea what that means. "It's my name; it means infinite space, time and Princess. Since you learned your father's name, I thought it was only fair that you learned mine". The now revealed Sorashi explained her name to her son, getting him to smile as he finally understood.

"Sorashi…it's beautiful, just like you mum". Yusei said to his mother, thinking her name was beautiful. "Thank you sweetheart, it means a lot to me". Sorashi thanked her son for his words, blushing a bit from the happiness she's experiencing. "Mum…dad never told me his name". Yusei told his mother, getting her to sigh in disappointment.

"I should have known that he'd forget to tell you his own name. He gets so focus on things that he forgets to do the most simple of things. He needs me to do everything for him". Sorashi sighed in exhaustion, before she gave her son a smile. "Your father's name is Hakase, Hakase Fudo". Sorashi revealed, making Yusei lightly laugh.

"R-Really?" Yusei asked in amusement that his father's name means doctor, making Sorashi giggle. "Yup, he probably didn't tell you because he wanted to avoid the embarrassment. Still, 'Hakase' suits honey very much, don't you think?" Sorashi asked as she and Yusei sat down next to each other.

"Now that you mention it, it does". Yusei said with a smile, thinking his father's name suited him. "Now that I've told you about Hakase, why don't you tell me about your sweetheart?" Sorashi requested from her son, getting a confused look from Yusei. "Who are you talking about?" Yusei asked his mother in confusion, having no idea who she's talking about.

"I'm talking about your friend Akiza, silly". Sorashi answered with a giggle, making her son widen his eyes in surprise. "She's…just a friend". Yusei replied to his mother, hesitating for a moment. "Nice try, but you can't fool me like that". Sorashi told her son, getting him to look a bit confused. "Yusei, I know that you see her as more than a friend. To be honest, you and her remind me of your father and I". Sorashi explained to her son, getting him to look a bit surprised.

"Well, not exactly alike, we were just a bit nervous to take that important step". Yusei's mother said as she looked up in thought, before she looked at her son. "Yusei, sometimes people aren't aware of their feelings until it's too late. Your father and I almost made that mistake, so promise me that you won't. Promise me that you'll sort out your feelings for Akiza". Sorashi requested from her son, who looked down in thought for a few seconds.

"I…I'll try". Yusei replied to his mother, getting her to smile. "That's all I ask. So I'm curious about something and I was hoping that you could answer me". Sorashi said to her son, getting him to look at her. "What is it?" Yusei replied to his mother, wondering what she wanted to know. "You were determined to save those two girls from Leo Akaba, right? So I wanted to hear from you why. I know it was to stop Leo Akaba's ambitions, but you aren't the kind of person to risk your life for just that. Why were you so determine?" Sorashi asked her son why he wanted to save Lulu and Rin, who looked down in though.

"I…I really don't know why. When I heard that they were locked up, a strong urge to save them came over me, like I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't save them". Yusei explained to his mother, honestly having no idea why his desire to save Lulu and Rin was so strong. "I see; I won't push you about it then. Perhaps in time you'll understand better". Sorashi said with a soft smile, understanding that her son was having difficulty to try to understand his feelings.

Suddenly both mother and son could hear two voices, with Yusei recognizing them instantly. "No, please stop! Yuto, Shay, Saya, Yusei, help me!" Yusei and Sorashi heard Lulu's voice crying out in fear. "No, don't take me back to that tower. Yugo, Yusei, where are you!?" Both mother and son also heard Rin's voice crying out, making Yusei widen his eyes in concern as he shot to his feet.

"Lulu! Rin!" Yusei exclaimed in concern for the two teenage girls. "It sounds like those two need your help Yusei". Sorashi stated as she stood up on her feet, getting Yusei to look at her in horror. "But…if I leave, you'll…" Yusei began, but couldn't finish because he didn't have the strength to finish that sentence. "It's okay Yusei. We'll see each other again someday; right now those girls need you". Sorashi told her son as she reached up and rubbed Yusei's head in a comforting way.

"This was a gift, one that we should be grateful for". Sorashi told Yusei, before she pulled him down and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a comforting hug. "Remember, just like how your father's always with you, I'm always here with you as well. Promise me you'll never forget that". Sorashi told her son as Yusei began to cry tears, but he returned the hug to his mother.

"I-I will… I love you mum". Yusei told his mother as a bright light began to appear around them, but the two paid no attention to it. "I love you too, always my little Yusei". Sorashi replied to her son as the bright light consumed the two.

(Back in reality)

Yusei slowly opened his eyes, before he opened them fully as he looked left to look at Lulu and Rin. Both girls were shaking and had a look of fear on their faces. "Lulu, Rin!" Yusei called out as he ran to the bunk bed. The Shooting Star of Satellite first went to Lulu and brought her into a hug. "It's okay Lulu, I'm right here. Nobody's gonna take you back to that tower". Yusei said in a comforting tone as he rubbed Lulu's back in a special way that Martha used to use on him to calm him down.

Lulu slowly began to calm down as she opened her eyes and saw Yusei. Lulu wrapped her arms around Yusei and returned the hug, feeling safe in his hands. "Rin needs me now, I'll be right back". Yusei told the purple haired girl, who looked up as she listened to Rin crying out for help. "O-Okay". Lulu said in understanding as she let go of Yusei.

The Shooting Star of Satellite released Lulu and stood up to his full height, where he saw Rin shivering in fear. "Rin, it's alright, I'm here!" Yusei called out to the orange eyes girl, getting her to gasp as her eyes shot open. Rin shot up from lying down on the bed and saw Yusei right next to her.

"Yusei!" Rin called out in relief as she wrapped her arms around Yusei's neck and hugged him in relief. Yusei returned the hug as he picked Rin up bride style and held her close as he picked her up from the bed. "Its okay, nobody's gonna take you back to that tower. I'll make sure of it". Yusei reassured the teenage girl, doing his best to comfort her. Soon Rin stopped crying and began to breathe calmly.

Seeing Rin calm down, Yusei placed her down next to Lulu, who was sitting at the edge of her bed. "Were you two having a nightmare?" Yusei asked the girls, wondering what could have installed fear in them. Both girls nodded to Yusei without facing him, currently looking down at the ground.

"I was dreaming of the same guy who kidnapped me, only he…had an insane look in his eyes, like that of a predator". Rin explained first, telling the 19-year-old what scared her. "I-I was dreaming of the person that kidnapped me as well and took me away from my home, only he had carded my best friends and my brother". Lulu explained her nightmare to Yusei, her arms hugging herself as she shook in fear.

Yusei softened his gaze on the two girls, before he did something his heart told him to do. Yusei pulled the two teenage girls into a hug, making them widen their eyes in shock at Yusei's actions. "I made a promise to you two that I'd protect you two and I meant it. No matter what I have to face, I'll keep you safe, even if I have to face the one that took you away from your homes. So long as I live, no one will ever hurt you two again". Yusei swore to the two, once again swearing to protect them.

Both girls had wide eyes of disbelief, having never felt the comfort and hope that Yusei was giving them. Not even Lulu has felt this way, even with her brother. Both girls felt at ease, knowing that Yusei was with them. Lulu and Rin returned the hug, feeling safe in Yusei's arms. "Yusei… could we sleep with you?" Rin asked for both her and Lulu, wanting to remain as safe as she currently was.

"We'd feel a lot safer if you stayed close". Lulu explained to Yusei, afraid that she won't be able to rest without him. Yusei didn't look surprised by their request, he just kept smiling. "No problem". Yusei replied to the girls, wanting to do whatever he can to help them feel safe.

10 minutes later Yusei, Lulu and Rin were all sleeping together on the same bed. Lulu and Rin were already fast asleep, resting their heads on Yusei's chest, who was looking at them with a gentle smile on his face. Yusei didn't know why, but he felt content seeing Lulu and Rin sleep in peace with nothing to disturb them.

"D-D-D…" Rin and Lulu began to talk in their sleep, getting Yusei's attention. "D-D-Daddy…" The two girls said in perfect harmony, making Yusei widen his eyes in surprise. Yusei's surprised look changed into a gentle expression as he rubbed the two girls' heads. "So, that's why I feel protective of these two. I gotta admit, I'm not really against it". Yusei said with a smile, before he closed his eyes. In just a few minutes, Yusei was asleep with Lulu and Rin snuggling closer to him

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


