75.6% Yu-gi-oh 5D's-V / Chapter 31: chapter 31

章 31: chapter 31

"While we're at it, I'll activate an effect from my Graveyard as well!" Kisara declared, right before a powerful white light appeared from her Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone. "If a card I control was destroyed by battle or a card effect, I can Summon Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon through its effect!" The white-haired beauty explained, right as the light died down completely. Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon's card slotted out, which Kisara quickly picked up and held it out. "Appear! Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon!" She exclaimed, before throwing the card down.

A portal appeared in the sky above, right before a Blue-Eyes with jet features came out. Heck, it was even acting like a jet. Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon let out a mighty howl as it stopped next to Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon.

Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon ATK: 3000/ Level: 8.

"Oh, come on! Really!" Sora exclaimed with wide eyes, while Rin just narrowed her eyes as she continued to search for an Action card. "Whatever! I've still got a few moves left in me! Frightfur Tiger's ability! So long as this card remains on the field, all Frightfur Monsters I control gains 300 ATK Points for every "Fluffal" monster and "Frightfur" monster I control!" The Fusion Duelist explained Frightfur Tiger's ability, right as both his Fusion monsters powered up.

Frightfur Tiger ATK: 1900 + 600 = 2500.

Frightfur Wolf ATK: 2800 + 600 = 3400.

"Sora's monsters have powered up!" Allie exclaimed in alarm since Frightfur Wolf was now not only the most dangerous monster on the field, but most powerful as well. "And he's not even done just yet". Yusei stated, watching Sora closely as the 13-year-old boy picked up the last card in his hand. "Here it is! My last and best move! I activate the Spell card; Frightfur Fusion!" Sora exclaimed, right before holding the Spell card up into the air.

"Another Fusion card!" Yuya exclaimed in surprise, wondering just how many Fusion cards Sora has. "Is he planning to fuse his Fusion Monsters?" Kisara calmy questioned, wondering what Sora had in mind now. The Fusion Duelist grinned, right before slotting the card into his Duel Disk. A copy of Frightfur Fusion appeared in front of him, then began glowing a bright light.

Then, two cards slotted out of Sora's Graveyard Zone. They were Frightfur Cruel Whale and Edge Imp Sabres, which Sora picked them up and held them out. "Frightfur Fusion lets me Fusion Summon a Frightfur Fusion Monster by banishing monsters from my field and graveyard. Through Frightfur Fusion's effect, I banish Frightfur Cruel Whale and Edge Imp Sabres!" Sora explained, right before both monsters appeared above him.

Both Frightfur Cruel Whale and Edge Imp Sabres began glowing, right as a swirling portal appeared behind them. Both monsters were absorbed into it, followed by a bright flash of energy appearing within it. ""Here's the wild, wicked cat that's all paws, claws and jaws! Fusion Summon! Level 8! Frightfur Sabre-Tooth!" The Fusion Duelist cried out, throwing his right hand up into the air.

The Fusion Monster; Frightfur Sabre-Tooth emerged from the portal and fell to the ground. It landed in between Frightfur Tiger and Frightfur Wolf, right crying out.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth ATK: 2400 + 900 = 3300/ Level: 8

Frightfur Tiger ATK: 2500 + 300 = 2800.

Frightfur Wolf ATK: 3400 + 300 = 3700.

"Three Fusion Monsters!?" Rin exclaimed with wide eyes, beginning to sweat a bit since the situation kept on getting worse for her. "Oh, more than just three! When Frightfur Sabre-Tooth is Fusion Summoned, its ability allows me to Summon back a Frightfur Monster from my Graveyard!" Sora explained, a purple aura appearing over Frightfur Sabre-Tooth as he spoke. The purple aura then came off of Sabre-Tooth, then came down on the ground next to it and began to take shape.

"Through Frightfur Sabre-Tooth's effect, I call back Frightfur Daredevil!" The 13-year-old boy cried out, throwing up his right hand into the air. The purple aura finally took shape, before it cleared to reveal Sora's Fusion monster, the one that he discarded for Frighfur Cruel Whale's effect, Frightfur Daredevil. The Fiend-Type monster let out a rather demonic roar, right before breaking a tree in half with its pitchfork.

Frightfur Daredevil ATK: 3000 + 1200 = 4200/ Level: 8.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth ATK: 3300 + 300 = 3600.

Frightfur Tiger ATK: 2800 + 300 = 3100.

Frightfur Wolf ATK: 3700 + 300 = 4000.

"Can this get any worse?" Yuya questioned with a frown, something that made Sora chuckle in a comical evil way. "It can actually, Coach Y. Frightfur Sabre-Tooth gives all my Frightfur Monsters 400 extra ATK Points for every "Fluffal" and "Frightfur" monster I control". The Fusion Duelist explained, much to Yuya's annoyance at hearing this. All four of Sora's Fusion Monsters all began powering up, extremely.

Frightfur Daredevil ATK: 4200 + 1600 = 5800.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth ATK: 3600 + 1600 = 5200.

Frightfur Tiger ATK: 3100 + 1600 = 4700.

Frightfur Wolf ATK: 4000 + 1600 + 5600.

(Play Yugioh GX OST 41 An Exciting Duel (HQ)

Skip, Allie, Tate and Frederick all began comically crying out at seeing Sora's four powerful monsters, while Yusei, Lulu, Serenity and Zuzu kept calm and watched. Kisara broke into a single sweat, before she let out a sigh and turned around. She began running, right as Sora began laughing a little bit crazy, before pointing towards Windwitch - Piercing Bell.

"I'm gonna win this thing right now! Frightfur Daredevil, attack Windwitch - Piering Bell!" Sora commanded the Fusion Monster, an order Daredevil obeyed. The Fiend-Type monster spun its pitchfork around to holding it in a reverse style, before throwing it like a javelin. It soared through the air, right before piercing through Rin's Synchro Monster from behind. Windwitch - Winter Bell cried out in pain, right before she shattered into pieces.

"Windwitch - Winter Bell's effect! Your Sabre-Tooth loses 2000 points!" Rin reminded Sora of her Synchro Monster's effect, right as Frightfur Sabre-Tooth powered down.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth ATK: 5200 - 2000 = 3200.

"Nice ability. Let me show you Daredevil's effect! When this card destroys a monster, you take 1000 points of damage!" Sora explained Daredevil's special ability, much to Rin's alarm at hearing this. The pitchfork moved on its own towards Rin, but at the last second she jumped to her right, resulting in it stabbing the ground instead.

Rin Life Points: 3200 - 1000 = 2200.

Rin's back collided against a tree trunk, but felt something touch her back that wasn't part of a tree. The Synchro Duelist turned around, then let out a small gasp of surprise at seeing an Action card, stabbed into the tree's trunk. "I'll take it". Rin stated, right before grabbing hold of the card and pulled it out. She took a look, then let out a breath of relief at seeing it was one she desperately needed.

Yet it seemed like Sora had changed targets to Yuya now. "Frightfur Wolf, attack Performapal King Bear!" The Fusion Duelist commanded, which Frightfur Wolf let out a howl in response. It then charged forward, crashing through the trees as it drew closer to its target.

"If this attack hits, Yuya's out!" Zuzu cried out in alarm, worried that her childhood friend won't survive and be eliminated from the battle royal. "I'm not out just yet! I play my Trap; Last Minute Cancel!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist exclaimed, tapping his Duel Disk's screen before throwing the right hand out. A face-down card appeared in front of Yuya, right before it lifted itself up and began glowing a bright colour. Performapal King Bear and Pendulum Sorcerer then suddenly took defensive positions.

Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer DEF: 800.

Performapal King Bear DEF: 1000.

"Not only does this Trap card switches all my Monster to DEF Position, but now they're sent to my hand when they're destroyed in battle". Yuya explained Last Minute Cancel's effect, right as Frightfur Wolf came busting out of the forest and shredded through Performapal King Bear, resulting in the Beast-Type monster turning into sparkles.

Yuya took King Bear's card and added it to his hand, making it a total of three cards. Sora puffed his cheeks out childishly, before rearing his right hand in and then thrust it out. "Fine then! Frightfur Wolf, attack Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer and Monkeyboard!" The Fusion Duelist commanded Frightfur Wolf. The Fiend-Type monster howled, right before tearing through the two Pendulum Monsters like paper.

Both torn monsters turned into sparkles, just as Yuya picked up their cards and added them to the hand. Sora then turned his gaze over to Kisara, right before pointing towards Blue-Eyes White Dragon with the right hand's index finger. "Now Frightfur Tiger, attack Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon Dragon!" He commanded his third Fusion Monster, intending to deal some damage to the white-haired female.

Frightfur Tiger turned its gaze to Blue-Eyes White Dragon, before a sinister aura appeared over it. Frightfur Tiger's scissors grew larger and extended, heading towards Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon. Kisara gritted her teeth, before something caught the corner of her left eye. She looked and saw an Action card in a bush right to her left.

The white-haired girl quickly ran over and picked the card up. Kisara looked, then frowned at seeing it wasn't ideal, but it'll save her. "I activate Flame Surge!" Kisara declared, then slotted the card into her Duel Disk. A surge of fire appeared around Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon, before quickly disappearing. "This increases my dragon's ATK power by 400!" Kisara explained the Action Spell's effect, right as Abyss Dragon powered up.

Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon ATK: 2500 + 400 = 2900.

Frightfur Tiger's scissors then stabbed Blue-Eye in the gut. The Dragon-Type monster cried out in pain, then exploded. The shockwaves from Blue-Eyes' destruction hit Kisara, yet she remained standing. She turned around and took off in search for another Action card (4700 - 2900 = 1800)

Kisara Life Points: 2000 - 1800 = 200.

"That took a huge chunk out of her Life Points". Frederick commented with a small shiver, before wrapping both hands around himself. "Now she's the one with the fewest Life Points". Serenity remarked, now a bit worried for Kisara as she's near the point that one attack could finish her for good. "But she can survive an attack from Frightfur Sabre-Tooth. But if Sora choses to attack Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, its effect will activate". Lulu said with her eyes slightly narrowed, aware of Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon's special ability.

Sora grumbled, knowing full well of Jet Dragon's dangerous ability and knows that it can return either Frightfur Tiger or Frightfur Sabre-Tooth to his Extra Deck and with them, their ATK Point boost. So, he returned his gaze to Rin and gave a small smirk. "I can at least take out that bossy lady that bullied Coach Y. Frightfur Sabre-Tooth, attack Rin directly!" The Fusion Duelist commanded his final monster.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth turned its gaze to the direction Rin is in, before charging towards the Synchro Duelist. Rin didn't waste a moment and slotted the Action card into her Duel Disk. "Action Spell; Big Escape!" Rin called out, right as the Spell card materialized in front of her. "Thanks to this; the Battle Phase is over!" She explained Big Escape's effect, right as the Action Spell disappeared.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth suddenly stopped in its tracks, right before returning to Sora's side of the field. "Darn it!" Sora cursed, stomping its left foot like a child throwing a fit. "I don't have a move left to make, so I'll end my turn here. Make your move count, Rin!" The Fusion Duelist told Rin, declaring his turn over as he had no other move left to make.

(Music end)

Rin Life Points: 2200/ Number of cards in hand: 1.

"Things don't look good for Rin. She only has one card in her hand, and no cards on the field. I hate to say it, but it looks like Rin's gonna be the first person to lose". Serenity said with a small frown, finding it hard to believe that Rin could make a comeback in this kind of situation. "Save that kind of talk after her turn's over. Rin just might be able to turn this duel around". Yusei told the teenage girl, keeping both arms crossed as he watched.

Rin broke into a single sweat at the current situation she's in. She'd honestly be lying if she said she's confident to make a comeback, because she was both outnumbered and outcarded. 'This really isn't my day. Sora's got four monsters that have over 3000 ATK Points, Kisara's got two super strong monsters and Yuya has 2 defending monsters. I've got nothing on my field and only a single card'. The Synchro Duelist said inside her mind, before looking down at the only card in her hand; Windwitch - Black Ice Bell.

True that she could Special Summon her, use Magical Forest's effect to add, Summon a new monster and maybe Synchro Summon, but she'd be left with no defensives. And she wasn't even certain that she could defeat someone right now. The chances of this turn being her last one was high, and she didn't want to go out without taking someone down first.

Rin brought up her hands, then smacked her cheeks hard to snap herself out of those thoughts. 'Come on Rin, get it together! The odds are against you, big deal! That's nothing new! They've been against you for most of your life, yet you've always managed to make it through. So, come on! Show what you're made of!' The Windwitch Duelist shouted to herself, refusing to accept defeat and keep on fighting despite looking as if she's gonna lose.

Her thoughts turned to Yusei and how he's fought impossible odds, yet obtained victory nonetheless. 'If Yusei can do it, then so can I! Just watch me everyone!' Rin shouted out inside her mind, right before placing her right hand on the top card of the deck. "I draw!" She exclaimed, before drawing in a dramatic fashion.

Rin brought the card to see what she got, before flipping it card to reveal that it's the Spell card; Spell Books from the Pot. "This Spell card allows all of us to draw 3 new cards from our decks". The Synchro Duelist explained the Spell card's effect, before discarding Spell Books from the Pot. Wordlessly, the other 3 Duelists drew. Yuya 3 new cards made his hand a total of 8 cards. Sora's hand of 0 were now 3 and finally Kisara, her hand was of 7 cards.

Rin gazed down at her deck, before she placed her right hand over it. 'This is it. My final chance to turn this around and make a comeback. My deck, please answer my cry for help and give me what I need'. The Synchro Duelist said inside her mind, right before closing both eyes to focus her faith. As Rin focused, she was unable to see her bracelet's gem glowing a small green light, as if resonating with Rin's wishes.

With Yuya, the Odd-Eyes Duelist's pendant began glowing as well, something he noticed right away. "What the... Why's my pendant glowing like this?" Yuya said with wide eyes, no idea why the pendant was glowing like this.

Back with Rin; the green-haired girl shot open her eyes to reveal pure determination inside them. "Here goes!" She exclaimed, right before drawing the top three cards of her deck. Right as she did, the glow in Rin's bracelet intensified and finally caught her attention. She turned and stared at her bracelet in confusion. 'What's going on with this thing? Is this what happened with Lulu and her bracelet?' Rin questioned inside the mind, mind flashing back to when Lulu told both her and Yusei how her cards became Pendulum cards.

Rin's 3 new cards and her deck lightly began to glow a light green colour for a few moments. Just as quickly as the glow came, both the deck and bracelet ceased glowing without warning. Rin brought her new cards up, then let out a low gasp at seeing them completely different than before. 'Holy bananas... Lulu wasn't kidding, her cards really did transform'. The Synchro Duelist thought to herself, utterly amazed that, apparently, some sort of magic does exist.

Rin grew a confident grin, before facing forward. 'Okay... Let's give these babies a good test run'. She thought to herself, before adding all three cards to her hand. Rin faced forward, before throwing her right hand out. "I activate Sacred Winds' effect from the Graveyard!" The Witch of the Wind exclaimed, right as Sacred Wind's card materialized in front of her.

"By banishing this card from play..." Rin began to explain, holding Sacred Winds' card with her right hand before putting it away in her pocket. "I can add a WIND Attribute monster from my Graveyard to the hand". She finished, right before holding up Windwitch - Freeze Bell's card in between the right hand's index and middle fingers. "I choose Windwitch - Freeze Bell". She declared, right before adding it to her hand.

She then took Windwitch - Black Ice Bell's card from her hand and held it out. "If I control no monsters, I'm allowed to Special Summon Windwitch - Black Ice Bell from my hand!" Rin explained, then threw the card down on the Duel Disk's blade. A portal appeared beside Rin, before Windwitch - Black Ice Bell emerged from within it, ridding atop her broom.

Windwitch - Black Ice Bell ATK: 1300 + 300 = 1600/ Level: 3.

"Magical Forest's effect activates! Since Black Ice Bell was Special Summoned, I can now add another Level 3 Windwitch monster from my deck". Rin reminded everyone of her Field-Spell's effect, right before she took out her deck and began searching through it. After a few moments of searching, Rin took out a single card and held it up. "I add Windwitch - Cresent Bell!" The Synchro Duelist exclaimed, before flipping the card over.

It was a Monster card with the image showing a 14-year-old female girl with fare skin and matching emerald-colored hair and eyes. She was wearing light blue semi-transparent full-body tights with star patterns all over it. A belt is hung at her waist, and some articles of cloth are attached to it. Her outfit is complete with an icy green cape, a blue witch hat with a pair of bat wings, and a belt with an emerald attached to its front. Instead of holding a wand, she held a broom with both hands. It was large and thin, a typical broom witches use, but it did have a crescent shape crystal at the top end of it.

(Windwitch - Cresent Bell/ Level: 3/ Attribute: WIND/ Type: Spellcaster/ Tuner/ Effect/ ATK: 1200/ DEF: 1000/ Effect: If a "Windwitch" monster you control is destroyed by an opponent's card (effect or battle), you can Special Summon this card from your hand or GY, but banish it if it leaves the field. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 Spell/Trap from your deck to your hand that mentions "Windwitch". You can only use each effect of "Windwitch - Cresent Bell" once per turn.)

Rin returned her deck, which shuffled through the Duel Disk's shuffling system. Rin then added the new card to her hand, right before taking another card and placed it down next to Black Ice Bell's card. "If all monsters I control are Windwitch monsters, I'm allowed to Special Summon this card from my hand! Come on out, Windwitch - Freeze Bell!" The Synchro Duelist cried out, throwing the card down next to Ice Bell's card. A portal appeared beside the broom riding Ice Bell, before Windwitch - Freeze Bell emerged from within it atop her broom.

Windwitch - Freeze Bell ATK: 1200 + 300 = 1500/ Level: 3.

"Magical Forest's effect activates once more". Rin stated, once again taking her deck out and began searching through it. Almost instantly, she took out a card and held it up, then flipped it over. It was a monster that looks similar to Windwitch – Snow Bell, only it was attached to a stained-glass window that showed a blizzard instead of a sphere and its colour was light purple. "I add the Pendulum Monster; Windwitch - Stained Glass Bell!" She declared, much to the surprise of everyone at what she said.

(Windwitch - Stained Glass Bell/ Level: 3/ Type: Spellcaster/ Effect/ Pendulum/ Attribute: Wind/ Pendulum Scale: 5/ ATK: 600/ DEF: 400/ Pendulum Effect: Whenever a Wind Attribute or Spellcaster-Type monster is Synchro Summoned, place a counter on it for each Synchro Material used to Summon it. For each counter, it gains 400 ATK Points/ Effect: If this monster is used in a Synchro Summon; that monster cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps or monster effects by your opponent)

"A Pendulum Monster!?" Yuya exclaimed in surprise, finding it hard to believe that now there was a third person that has Pendulum cards. "Why does she get some and not me?!" Sora exclaimed with a childish voice since he wanted Pendulum cards as well. Kisara stopped running, then looked over her right shoulder for a moment, before continuing on in search for an Action card.

Even Yusei was surprised by this unexpected development. 'Rin has Pendulum cards now as well? But how is that even possible? First Yuya, then Lulu and now Rin? Is this because they're pieces of Z-arc and Ray?' He thought to himself, wondering why these three kids had acquired a new Summoning method that didn't exist until just a few days ago.

Rin added the new card to her hand, right before taking another card from the five and held it up. "Now, I'll normal Sumon Windwitch - Cresent Bell!" She declared, right before throwing the card down next to Freeze Bell's card. A portal appeared between both freeze Bell and Black Ice Bell, right before Cresent Bell emerged with a small flash of light.

Windwitch - Cresent Bell ATK: 1200 + 300 = 1500/ Level: 3.

'That's a Tuner monster. Is she planning to Synchro Summon a Level 9 Synchro Monster?' Yuya questioned inside his mind, wondering what Rin was planning. "Cresent Bell's special ability activates! When this card is Normal or Special Summoned, I can now add a Spell or Trap that mentions "Windwitch" in its text". The Synchro Duelist explained her monster's special ability, right before her deck began shuffling once more.

After a moment or two, it stopped and a single card slotted out. Rin took the card and brought it up. It was a Spell card with its image showing a lush green field, where a black portal was. Windwitch - Snow Bell was flowing down into it, while Windwitch - Glass Bell was flying out atop her broom. "I add the Spell card; Windwitch Tuner Exchange". The Witch of the Wind declared her choice, then added it to her hand.

(Windwitch Tuner Exchange/ Type: Spell/ Effect: Send one "Windwitch" Tuner Monster from either your hand or field to the GY, then either add or Special Summon a different "Windwitch" Tuner Monster from your GY based on where you sent it from.)

"This Spell first has me send my Windwitch - Cresent Bell to the Graveyard..." Rin began explaining, a black portal appearing underneath Cresent Bell. The WIND Attribute monster sunk down into the black portal and disappeared completely. "In exchange though, I can now Summon a different Windwitch Tuner Monster from my Graveyard". She finished explaining, right before she swiped her right hand up with Windwitch - Snow Bell's card in between the index and middle fingers.

"And I choose Windwitch - Snow Bell!" She declared, right before placing it down next to Freeze Bell's card. Windwitch - Snow Bell floated out of the black portal and a little bit into the air, right before the portal disappeared.

Windwitch - Snow Bell ATK: 100 + 300 = 400/ Level: 1.

(Play Yugioh 5D's OST 57 Unleash Force)

'Now she's got what she needs for a Level 7 Synchro Monsters. Is she going for her ace monster?' Yuya questioned inside his mind, seeing all three of Rin's current monsters equal Level 7. "Magical Forest's effect activates once more". Rin stated, once again taking her deck out and began searching through it. Almost instantly, she took out a card and held it up, then flipped it over. It was a monster that looks exactly like Windwitch - Snow Bell, yet was pure white and a borealis was radiating off of it. "I add Windwitch - Chione Bell!" She declared, then added the monster to her hand.

(Windwitch - Chione Bell/ Level: 1/ Attribute: Wind/ Type: Spellcaster/ Tuner/ Pendulum/ Effect/ Pendulum Scale/ 1/ ATK: 300/ DEF: 200/ Pendulum Effect: If you Pendulum Summoned only one "Windwitch" monster, select one WIND Attribute monster in either player's GY and Special Summon it to your field./ Effect: When this card is Normal Summoned; you can discard one card from your hand, Special Summon a "Windwitch" monster from the graveyard, but its effect is negated and its AT is halved.)

"Now before I get to it, I'll take care of one small thing first. I play Windwitch - Black Ice Bell's special ability!" Rin declared, throwing her right hand out. Black Ice Bell held up her wand, before holding it forward. "Once a turn this card can halve the ATK and DEF Points of one monster I control. And I choose is Sora's Frightfur Sabre-Tooth!" Rin explained her monster's special ability, right before Black Ice Bell fired a black beam from her wand. It danced around the forest, until it come up and struck Frightfur Sabre-Tooth, resulting in the Fusion Monster becoming half frozen in ice.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth ATK: 3200 - 1600 = 1600/ DEF: 2000 - 1000 = 1000.

"Oh no". Sora said with a small gulp, now worried because Sabre-Tooth is now an easier target. He then quickly began leaping from tree branch to another in search for an Action card. "Oh no, is right Chicken Little. And it's just getting worse for you!" Rin exclaimed, right before taking two cards from her hand. She glanced at them for a few seconds, right before holding them forward. One of them was Windwitch - Stained Glass Bell and the other was a Pendulum Monster as well.

The card's image showed a female humanoid child riding atop a pink broom through a forest. She had pink long hair, hazel eyes and light skin. She wore a pink cloak cape, a light blue shirt and shorts, pink fingerless gloves and boots. Finally in her left hand was a pink wand. "I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale 5 Windwitch - Stained Glass Bell and Scale 0 Windwitch - Glazed Bell!" The Synchro Duelist cried out, right before holding the cards out.

(Windwitch - Glazed Bell/ Level: 1/ Attribute: Wind/ Type: Spellcaster/ Tuner/ Effect/ Pendulum/ ATK Points: 500/ DEF Points: 250/ Pendulum Scale: 0/ Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, if you control a Spellcaster or Wind Attribute monster and your opponent activates a Monster Effect, Spell or Trap, negate the activation and destroy it. (This is a Quick Effect)/ Effect: If your opponent is dealt effect damage, you can Special Summon this card from your hand, then gain Life Points equal to the damage they took.)

Rin then placed both cards right at the edges of her Duel Disk. The blade then began to gleam a rainbow colour for a moment. The words 'Pendulum' then appeared across the blade in rainbow colours. Two blue pillars of light appeared besides Rin on her left and right, before Stained Glass Bell and Glazed Bell rose up from within them. Once they were high enough, they stopped floating up. Then, the number "0" appeared underneath Glazed Bell while Stained Glass Bell had "5".

All the kids watching all grew excited faces at seeing this, while everyone else watched with curiosity. "Now I'm allowed to Pendulum Summon monsters that are Level 1 all the way up to Level 4!" Rin called out with slightly narrowed eyes, before she held up her right hand. "The fierce blizzard of the Windwitches will freeze you right on the spot! I Pendulum Summon!" The Witch of the Wind cried out as a portal appeared between her two Windwitches, before 2 bright lights shot out.

"Appear! Windwitch - Hailing Diamond and Windwitch - Chione Bell!" Rin cried out to the heavens as both lights cleared to reveal two new monsters. Hailing Diamond had the appearance of a smaller Windwitch - Winter Bell. And the other was Chione Bell.

(Windwitch - Hailing Diamond/ Attribute: Wind/ Level: 4/ ATK Points: 800/ DEF Points: 800/ Type: Spellcaster/ Tuner/ Effect/ Effect: All Wind Attribute monsters on the field gains 800 ATK as long as this card remains on the field. If this card was used as Synchro Material for a 'Windwitch' Synchro Monster, Special Summon it in DEF Mode, but if it is destroyed, remove this card from play.)

Windwitch - Hailing Diamond DEF: 800/ ATK: 800 + 300 = 1100.

Windwitch - Chione Bell DEF 200/ ATK: 300 + 300 = 600.

"Yes! A successful Pendulum Summon!" Allie, Frederick and Tate all cried out in joy for Rin's successful Pendulum Summon. "But let's see how she'll do with those monsters she Pendulum Summoned". Lulu remarked, curious to see how Rin uses the monster she Pendulum Summoned. "Let's wait and see". Serenity said with an eager voice, truly amazed at how Rin Pendulum Summoned.

Rin gazed at Hailing Diamond and Chione Bell for a moment, then up at her Pendulum Monsters up above. She gave an excited grin, before facing forward. "I can get used to this kind of Summoning, now let's see what else these cards can do. But first..." Rin began, then threw her right hand into the air. "First Hailing Diamond's special ability! So long as this card remains on the field, all WIND Monsters on the field gains 800 ATK Points!" The Synchro Duelist exclaimed her monster's special ability.

Windwitch - Hailing Diamond began glowing an icy green colour, right before Rin's mother monsters began glowing. Even Yuya's Performapal Changeling Dragon began glowing a green colour as they all began powering up.

Windwitcch - Hailing Diamond ATK: 1100 + 800 = 1900.

Windwitch - Chione Bell ATK: 600 + 800 = 1400.

Windwitch - Black Ice Bell ATK: 1600 + 800 = 2400.

Windwitch - Freeze Bell ATK: 1500 + 800 = 2300.

Windwitch - Snow Bell ATK: 400 + 800 = 1200.

Performapal Changeling Dragon ATK: 0 + 800 = 800.

Yuya slightly widen his eyes in alarm, yet Rin wasn't done just yet. "Level 1 Windwitch - Snow Bell tunes with Level 3 Black Ice Bell and Freeze Bell!" The Synchro Duelist declared, throwing her right hand into the air.

Both Black Ice Bell and Freeze Bell ascended into the air, while Snow Bell gleamed a bright green colour before transforming into a single green ring. The ring flew into the air, going over both Windwitch monsters and scanned them, Black Ice Bell and Freezing Bell turning orange transparent. "I'm Summoning a Monster that will hit you with all the power of a wicked wintertime blizzard! I Synchro Summon! Level 7! The one, the only... Windwitch - Winter Bell!" Rin chanted as three stars appeared in both Windwitch monsters' bodies separately. Then a thin line appeared in between the light that transformed into a massive one that absorbed lights, ring and Windwitches.

1 + 3 + 3 = 7.

Emerging from the bright beam was Rin's ace monster; Windwitch - Winter Bell. The Synchro Monster soared through the air a bit, before coming down and stopped right behind its duelist and fellow Spellcasters.

Windwitch - Winter Bell ATK: 2400 + 300 = 2700 + 800 = 3500.

The crowd, which consists of Allie, Tate and Frederick, went wild for Rin and her ace monster. Sora, on the other hand, wasn't so impressed at what he's seeing. "Am I supposed to be afraid of that thing? Because honestly, I'm not". Sora stated with flat out tone, more worried about Kisara's monsters than Rin's Synchro Monster. "Oh, you'll be scared in a minute. I activate Windwitch - Stained Glass Bell's Pendulum ability!" Rin exclaimed, throwing her right hand into the air.

Stained Glass Bell began glowing an icy green colour, right before Winter Bell began glowing as well. "When a Synchro Monster is Synchro Summoned, this card gives it counters equal to the number of Synchro Materials used. Since 3 were used, that's 3 counters!" The Witch of the Wind explained her monster's Pendulum Effect.

Windwitch - Winter Bell counters: 0 + 3 = 3.

"And here's the best part! For every counter, my Winter Bell gets 400 more points! And since there's 3 counters, that's a whopping 1200 points". Rin explained with a smug grin, much to Sora's dread as Winter Bell powered.

Windwitch - Winter Bell ATK: 3500 + 1200 = 4700.

"4700 ATK Points?! That's nearly almost double Winter Bell's original ATK Points!" Serenity exclaimed in amazement, utterly in awe at how masterful Rin was with her cards. "But isn't this kinda overkill though?" Tate asked with a small frown, thinking that high number of points wasn't really necessary. "Maybe. But there's nothing wrong with showing off a bit in a friendly duel". Lulu told the young boy, honestly amused with Rin going overboard.

"This probably isn't necessary, but I'm gonna do it anyway to get some payback. I activate Winter Bell's special ability to copy Black Ice Bell's effect from the Graveyard!" Rin declared, right before a black icy aura appeared over Windwitch - Winter Bell. "Then I play the inherited effect to cut your Sabre-Tooth's points in half again". The Synchro Duelist added, then Winter Bell fired a black icy beam straight towards Frightfur Sabre-Tooth.

Sora stopped leaping from tree to tree on one single branch, before grabbing an Action that was in the tree leaves right at the end. He took a look, gave a grin and then slotted it in. "I play the Action Spell; Detour". Sora declared, right before a large copy of the card appeared in front of Frightfur Sabre-Tooth. The black icy beam struck Detour's card, but was then deflected. "This Action Spell not only negates your Winter Bell's effect, but you take 500 points of damage". Sora explained, right as the deflected beam went and struck Rin, forcing her to take a step back.

Rin Life Points: 2200 - 500 = 1700.

Rin recovered quickly and glared in the direction that the surprise attack came from. "Oh, you did not just do that. Prepare for an ice age, because it's coming for you!" Rin exclaimed with a comical angry voice at Sora hitting her Life Points. "Not if I have anything to say about it". Kisara said suddenly, catching everyone's attention as they looked at the white-haired girl, just in time to see her hold out her right hand.

"I activate the Quick-Play Spell; Ultimate Fusion!" She cried out, a face-down card appearing in front of her before it lifted itself up and began glowing. "This Spell lets me Fusion Summon a Fusion Monster that requires Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as material by using monsters from my hand, field or Graveyard". Kisara explained Ultimate Fusion's effect, much to Sora's dread at hearing.

"Oh boy. Coach Y, Rin, stop her!" The Fusion Duelist called out to the two, which Rin gave a scoff. "I'm not afraid of some overgrown lizard that she'll Fusion Summon. Why should I stop her?" Rin questioned the 13-year-old with a confident voice, much to Sora's annoyance. "Because, female Jack Frost, she can Fusion Summon a specific Fusion Monster that has an ability that can destroy 3 monsters! Meaning on her next turn, you'll be an open target" Sora explained to the green-haired girl, as if he was speaking to a child right now.

Rin replaced her confident look with a worried one because she knew exactly what'll happen if she loses Winter Bell. "Oh no no no! Not gonna happen! I activate Windwitch - Glazed Bell's Pendulum ability!" She declared as Glazed Bell held her wand out towards Ultimate Fusion's card. "If I control a Spellcaster or WIND monster; Glazed Bell can negate the activation of a Monster effect, Spell or Trap card. So, too bad for Ultimate Fusion!" Rin explained, right before Glazed Bell fired a pink beam that struck Ultimate Fusion's card.

The Spell card quickly became incased in ice, right before it shattered. Sora gave a relived sigh, while Yuya wiped off imaginary sweat from his forehead. "Problem solved. Anything else you wanna try?" Rin asked with a confident voice, only for it to fall quickly because Kisara chuckled at her. "Actually, yes. There is something else". The white-haired beauty answered, right before taking a card from her hand and held it up.

Everyone quickly noticed that what Kisara was holding wasn't a normal card, but an Action. "What the-! How did you get that?!" Rin questioned in surprise, unable to recall seeing Kisara pick up an Action card recently. "While you were busy focusing on Sora, I picked this up from a tree. And now, I'm gonna use it". The Dragon-Type Duelist answered, right before she flipped her Action card over.

"I activate the Action Spell; Zero Penalty!" Kisara cried out, slotting the card in with a large copy of it materializing in front of her. "What this does is simple. It reduces an opponent's monster's ATK to 0". She explained with a smug grin, much to Rin's shock at hearing. "Say what!?" She exclaimed as Kisara pointed towards Windwitch - Winter Bell.

"Through Zero Penalty's effect, I reduce Windwitch - Winter Bell's ATK to 0!" Kisara declared, right before a white aura appeared over Winter Bell, the Synchro Monster's glow dying down completely in just a matter of seconds.

Windwitch - Winter Bell ATK: 4700 - 4700 = 0.

(Music end)

"Well, that happened". Yuya remarked, though he did feel a bit of a kick at seeing Rin's monster get derailed like that. "Now what? Rin can only attack one of Yuya's monsters, and next turn she'll be an open target". Allie said in concern for Rin since her best monster now has the lowest ATK Points on the field. "Don't be quick to count Rin out just yet. She's still got a few moves left to make". Yusei told the young girl with a small grin, fully aware that Rin still has something else on her field.

Rin looked at her ace monster for a few seconds, before turning her gaze towards Kisara. "Talk about lucky. Getting an Action like that was really one in a million. But unfortunately, it's not gonna matter". The Witch of the Wind stated, getting Kisara to raise an eyebrow at her. "Oh? And why is that?" Kisara questioned the younger female, curious to know why her move wouldn't matter.

(Play Yusei Battle Theme)

"Here's why! Level 1 Windwitch - Chione Bell tunes with Level 7 Windwitch - Winter Bell!" Rin cried out, throwing her right hand into the air. Both Windwitch monsters took flight and came together, then Chione Bell transformed into a single green ring that flipped over and circled around Winter Bell. The Synchro Monster turned orange transparent, right before 7 stars appeared and lined up in its body. Then a thin line appeared in between the light that transformed into a massive one that absorbed lights, ring and Windwitch Synchro Monster.

1 + 7 = 8.

"I Synchro Summon my new monster! Level 8! The Synchro Pendulum Monster! Windwitch - Arctic Bell!" Rin cried out to the heavens, right as her new monster emerged from the beam. It was Winter Bell, but she had undergone a transformation as she now had a humanoid form and looked a lot like the Fusion Monster; Blade Skater. She had long royal blue coloured hair that reached her waist, flawless white skin and yellow coloured eyes. She had on a helmet that looked exactly like her Winter Bell head, a blue and green dress with a skirt that had blue highlighted lines across its body. Her hands were bear with a light blue ring on its right ring finger. White boots with ice skate blades on and finally, royal blade blades on its forearms that had icy blue coloured energy in lines over them.

Windwitch - Arctic Bell masterfully began spinning around like a tornado as she came down from the sky. Once she was right behind Rin, the Synchro Pendulum Monster ceased stopped spinning with a small gust of wind. She then brought up her blades and held them in a stance.

(Windwitch - Arctic Bell/ Level: 8/ Attribute: Wind/Type: Spellcaster/ Synchro/ Pendulum/ Effect/ Pendulum Scale: 1/Requirements: 1 Windwitch Pendulum Tuner Monster + "Windwitch - Winter Bell"/ ATK: 2700/ DEF:2100/ Pendulum Effect: Whenever your opponent activates a Monster Effect, Spell or Trap card, inflict 200 points of damage. Once per turn (Quick Effect); you can destroy this card, then Special Summon 1 Level 7 or lower "Windwitch" Synchro Monster in your GY. The monster Summoned by this effect cannot be destroyed or targeted by card effects this turn/ Effect: If you can Pendulum Summon Level 4, you can Pendulum Summon this face-up card in your Extra Deck. You can banish up to 1 card each from your opponent's hand, field, and GY. Once per turn; if this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, inflict 200 points of damage to the destroyed monster's owner X to its Level/Rank. If this card is destroyed (by battle or card effect), place it in the Pendulum Zone. If you already have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zone, return one of them to your hand.)

Windwitch - Arctic Bell ATK: 2700 + 300 = 3000 + 800 = 3800.

"A Synchro Pendulum Monster, huh". Yuya remarked, not as surprised as he was when Lulu Summoned her Pendulum Xyz Monster since he has a Pendulum Synchro Monster himself. "So, that's what she meant earlier". Kisara commented, now realizing what Rin meant earlier. Sora just gave a gulp because he was now in trouble again since this monster has high enough points to finish him.

"Windwitch - Stained Glass Bell's Pendulum ability activates! Two Synchro Materials were used, so that's 2 counters!" Rin exclaimed, throwing her right hand into the air. Stained Glass Bell began glowing an icy green colour, right before Artic Bell began glowing as well, powering up.

Windwitch - Arctic Bell counters: 0 + 2 = 2/ ATK: 3800 + 800 = 4600.

"4600 ATK Points! Talk about a nice backup plan". Tate remarked with a wide smile, truly impressed with how Rin's turned this around. "There's two more moves to make before I get to battling. I activate Arctic Bell's special ability!" Rin declared, right before Arctic Blade's blades were suddenly engulf in frozen flames. "When this card is Synchro Summoned; Arctic Bell banishes a card from my opponent's field, hand and Graveyard". The teenage girl explained her Synchro Monster's special ability, right before Arctic Bell threw both arms out and fired flaming energy slashes at Sora.

All three energy slashes separated. One struck Frightfur Tiger, another struck Sora's Duel Disk and the last one hit the middle card of the three Sora is holding. "I choose your Frightfur Tiger, Frightfur Fusion and the second in your hand!" Rin declared her choices, right as Frightfur Fusion's card slotted out. The cards of Frightfur Fusion, Frightfur Tiger and one of the cards in Sora's hand began glowing, followed by Frightfur Tiger suddenly vanishing.

Frightfur Daredevil ATK: 5800 - 1600 = 4200.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth: 1600 - 1600 = 0.

Frightfur Wolf ATK: 5600 - 1600 = 4000.

"Sora's monsters have lost a good number of points". Frederick remarked, noticing that Arctic Bell now matched Daredevil in ATK Points. "Now all she has to do is attack Sabre-Tooth and she's taken out Sora". Zuzu said as she folded both arms behind herself. "I'll get to that, but first this". Rin said as she took the last card in her hand and held it up. "I play Called by the Grave!" The Synchro Duelist declared, right before inserting the card into her Duel Disk.

A copy of Called by the Grave appeared beside Rin, then began glowing. "This Spell card banishes a monster from my opponent's Graveyard, and until the end of the next turn, my opponent cannot activate cards with the same name". Rin explained her Quick-Play Spell card's effect, then held out her right hand. "I banish Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon!" She declared, resulting in Kisara narrowing both eyes.

'Well done. Now I can't use Abyss Dragon's effect'. The white-haired female thought, her card slotting out and she took it. Kisara put Abyss Dragon's card in her coat's inside pocket, while Rin sent her Spell card to the Graveyard Zone.

Rin then declared her attack, but it wasn't on who everyone was expecting. "Windwitch - Arctic Bell, attack Frightfur Wolf!" Rin commanded the Synchro Pendulum Monster, much to everyone's surprise at who the attack target was. Windwitch - Arctic Bell reared her hands in, then started spinning and began a blizzard tornado that shot out towards Sora's Frightfur Wolf.

Once it was it front of Frightfur Wolf, the blizzard tornado cleared to reveal Windwitch - Arctic Bell, right before she threw both arms out and sliced right through the Fusion Monster like a piece of paper. Frightfur Wolf exploded, right before Arctic Bell leaped away. (4600 - 4000 = 600)

Sora Life Points: 1250 - 600 = 650.

Frightfur Daredevil ATK: 4200 - 400 = 3800.

Frightfur Sabre-Tooth ATK: 0 - 400 = 0.

"Did you hit your head of something? You picked the wrong target to destroy, and now I still got Life Points". Sora told the Witch of the Wind, unable to understand why she attacked Frightfur Wolf. "Oh, my head's just fine. My Arctic Bell has a handy little ability that activates when it destroys an opponent's monster. My opponent takes 200 points of damage times the destroyed monster's Level. Since your puppy was Level 6, that's 1200 points coming your way". Rin informed the Fusion Duelist, much to his dread at hearing this.

Windwitch - Artic Bell landed down on her right knee in front of Sora, staring right into the Fusion Duelist's face who gave a gulp. The Synchro Pendulum Monster raised both hands, right before smacking both of Sora's cheeks, leaving red imprints on his face with Sora now having swirly eyes. He groaned a bit, right before falling to the ground on his back.

Sora Life Points: 650 - 1200 = 0.

"Haha! Take that!" Rin cried out with a grin on her face, both Frightfur Daredevil and Saber-Tooth disappearing since their duelist was out of the duel. "Well, there goes the first loser. Now it's just 3 duelists left". Zuzu said with a small wince, pitying Sora for both getting his cheeks smacked like that and that he was the first to lose. "Oh well. Looks like Yuya isn't getting a student". Serenity remarked, catching Lulu's attention as she looked at the older female. "Something tells me he isn't too sad about that". The purple=haired female said to her friend, then looked over to Yuya.

True to Lulu's words, the Odd-Eyes Duelist didn't look sad and instead had a relived expression. "Geez, dodged a major bullet there. I don't have time to waste on being some random kid's teacher, I still got one myself". Yuya said as he let out a sigh with both eyes closed. "Well, now that our little friend has been taken care of, your next tomato head". Rin said with a playful evil smirk as she turned her gaze over to Yuya, much to his annoyance.

"Can't you find someone else to pick on? What did I ever do to you?" Yuya said with an annoyed voice, never able to rest easy with her around. "You made a move on Lulu, that's what! And now it's payback time! Windwitch - Hailing Diamond, attack Performapal Changeling Dragon!" Rin commanded the Tuner Monster, throwing her right hand forward.

Hailing Diamond turned in the direction that Yuya was in, right before taking off towards his Tuner Monster. "Not on your life, crazy witch! I activate the special ability of Performapal Thunderhino from the Graveyard!" The Odd-Eyes Duelist declared, right as Thunderhino's card slotted out of his Duel Disk's Graveyard Zone. "If a Performapal Monster I control would be destroyed, I can banish this card instead". Yuya explained, right before he took the card and put it away in his pants' pocket.

A thunder forcefield appeared in front of Performapal Changeling Dragon, right before Hailing Diamond slammed into it. Unfortunately, it was bounced off right before the barrier disappeared. "You're such a killjoy at times. I end my turn". Rin declared, right as both Hailing Diamond and Arctic Bell regrouped around her. Arctic Bell then picked up its Duelist in a princess carry, before it took off with Hailing Diamond following the Pendulum Synchro Monster. Both Glazed Bell and Stained Glass Bell followed after them as well.

(Music end)

Kisara Life Points: 200/ Number of cards in hand: 7.

"Well, her turn again. Wonder what she's gonna do now". Yusei remarked, curious to know what kinda move Kisara will make. "She's got a Ritual Spell and Ritual Monster in her hand, so most likely a Ritual Summon". Zuzu said with a small shiver, comparing her Saffire to Blue Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon. "I've got a feeling that this isn't gonna be pretty". Allie commented with a small shiver, right as Kisara drew her card.

(Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Believe In)

She took one look, right before looking forward. "I activate the Spell card, Mystik Wok". The white-haired beauty declared, then slotted a card into her Duel Disk. A large copy of Mystik Wok appeared in front of Kisara, right before Blue-Eyes White Dragon began glowing a bright yellow colour.

"By releasing a monster I control, Mystic Wok increases my Life Points by either that monster's ATK or DEF. I release my Blue-Eyes White Dragon and take its 3000 ATK Points". Kisara explained the Spell card's effect, right before the Dragon-Type monster transformed into yellow sparkles that rained down on Kisara like rain drops, increasing her Life Points.

Kisara Life Points: 200 + 3000 = 3200.

"She almost got all of her Life Points back!" Frederick exclaimed with wide eyes from seeing Kisara go from almost losing, to being the unlikely one to lose. "And that was just her opening move. She's still got 7 cards in her hand, and 3 of them are still unknown". Tate remarked, seeing Kisara as the most dangerous person right now since she has the most cards and Life Points.

Kisara picked up a single card from her hand, then held it out and flipped it over. "I activate Polymerization!" She declared, which Rin narrowed her eyes at the Spell card. "I thought I made myself clear on my turn that you Fusion Summoning wasn't gonna happen! I play Windwitch - Glazed Bell's Pendulum ability!" She declared as Glazed Bell turned around and then held her wand out towards Kisara's Fusion card.

Polymerization began glowing a light pink colour, a sign that it can't be used. Wordlessly, Kisara discarded her Polymerization and sent it to the Graveyard. "Well done. You stopped me from Fusion Summoning, but..." Kisara began, taking another card from her hand and held it up into the air. "But can you stop this?! Chaos Form!" She finished, right as the Ritual Spell she was holding up began glowing a bright blue colour.

The gates of Chaos Form appeared in the sky above Kisara, much to the surprise of Yuya as he gazed up at it with wide eyes. "Chaos Form allows me to Ritual Summon a Chaos Ritual Monster from my hand by sending monsters that equal or exceed the Chaos Monster's Level!" Kisara explained Chaos Form's effect, Zuzu narrowing her eyes as she listened. "She need to release a Level 8 monster". Skip's daughter stated, having seen Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon's card when Kisara held it out earlier.

"However..." Kisara said, catching everyone's attention as they looked at her. "If Blue-Eyes White Dragon is in my Graveyard, Chaos Form lets me Special Summon a Chaos Monster from my hand". She revealed, much to the surprise of everyone at hearing this. "But that means she doesn't need to use a sacrifice!" Allie exclaimed with wide eyes, unable to believe what she's hearing.

Chaos Form's gate began to open, a roar coming from within it. "Appear! Level 8! Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon!" Kisara cried out to the heavens, right as the gates fully opened. The Ritual Monster; Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon flew out of the gate, circled around to behind Kisara and let out a mighty roar.

Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon ATK: 4000/ Level: 8.

"That dragon's got 4000 points!?" Serenity cried out with wide eyes, utterly amazed that a Level 8 Monster could have that many ATK Points. "It isn't enough to defeat Rin's Arctic Bell". Zuzu stated, pointing the difference in ATK Points between the two monsters. "But it has enough to attack Hailing Diamon and defeat Rin". Yusei told the teenage girl, reminding her that Arctic Bell wasn't the only target.

Rin gritted her teeth from realization, before looking forward to search for an Action card. Fortunately, she spotted one up ahead lying in a tree branch's leaves. "There's one. Gotta get to it". The Synchro Duelist said to herself, Arctic Bell flying up to in front of the tree branch. Rin quickly grabbed the card and looked at it, but gave a frown at seeing it wasn't exactly the one she's hoping for.

'Wasn't what I was hoping for, but it'll have to do'. Rin said inside her mind. She slotted the Action card, right as Arctic Bell turned around. "I play the Action Spell; High Dive!" The Witch of the Wind exclaimed, right as High Dive's card appeared in front of Windwitch - Hailing Diamond. "This Spell card increases her ATK by 1000 until the end of my turn". Rin explained the Action Spell's effect, right as blue energy came out of High Dive's card and surrounded Hailing Diamond, powering it up.

Windwitch - Hailing Diamond ATK: 1900 + 1000 = 2900.

"That won't save Hailing Diamond from being destroyed, but it will save Rin's Life Points from reaching 0". Yusei said with a small frown, recognizing what purpose that move served. "Something tells me that move isn't gonna help though". Lulu remarked, eyes locked on Kisara as the white-haired beauty picked another card from her hand and held it up. "I activate Return of the Dragon Lords". Kisara declared, right before she slotted the card in.

A large dragon statute appeared behind Kisara, then started glowing a greenish blue colour. "This Spell Summons a Level 7 or 8 Dragon from my Graveyard, and I think you all know which one falls under that category". The white-haired beauty explained her Spell card, resulting in Yuya letting out a groan. "Don't tell me. Big, blue, has white eyes and can easily tear through a building". Yuya said with a tired voice, then turned around and took off with his monsters chasing after him.

"You got it! Appear once more! Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Kisara cried out, right as the statue behind her began glowing and transform. The glowing soon died down to reveal that the statue had transformed into Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The Dragon-Type monster roared, before spreading both wings and took flight.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon ATK: 3000/ Level: 8.

"Come on!" Rin cried out with an annoyed voice, starting to get sick and tired of that monster constantly appearing on the field. "I'm not done yet". Kisara stated, then gazed down at Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon's card. "Now I switch Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon into ATK Mode!" The white-haired female declared, reaching down and turned the Synchro Monster's card over. Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon changed out of its defensive position and howled into the sky.

Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon ATK: 2500.

'What is she up to? She can't destroy my Arctic Bell, so does that mean she's going for Yuya?' Rin questioned inside her mind, wondering what Kisara was up to. She was about to find out as the white-haired girl went on the attack. "Battle! Blue-Eyes White Dragon, attack Windwitch - Hailing Diamond!" The white-haired female commanded, throwing her right hand forward.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon roared, then began gathering energy in its mouth. Once it was fully charged, Blue-Eyes fired an energy blast down at Windwitch - Hailing Diamond. Arctic Bell quickly flew away, right before the energy blast struck and created an explosion that reduced Hailing Diamond to ash instantly. (3000 - 2900 = 100)

Rin Life Points: 1700 - 100 = 1600.

Windwitch - Arctic Bell ATK: 4600 - 800 = 3800.

Performapal Changeling Dragon ATK: 800 - 800 = 0.

"Crap! I need another Action card, right away". Rin said with a trace of panic in her voice. Arctic Bell quickly turned around and took off to search for an Action card. "Not this time. Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, attack Windwitch - Arctic Bell!" Kisara commanded her second dragon. Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon howled, right before its thrusters went off and it charged towards Windwitch - Arctic Bell.

"But my Windwitch has more ATK Points!" Rin pointed out with wide eyes, pointing out Kisara's dragon was weaker than her Synchro Monster. "That won't matter. When my Jet Dragon battles and at the start of the damage step, Jet Dragon can return one card my opponent controls to the hand". Kisara explained her monster's special ability, much to Rin's dread at hearing this.

"Are you kidding me!?" She exclaimed, right before Jet Dragon fired a blue beam from its forehead gym at Arctic Bell. It struck the Pendulum Synchro Monster's back, resulting in her glowing light blue before disappearing completely.

Rin fell to the ground, but with her great athletic ability she landed on her hands and back flipped onto her feet. She looked upwards, then paled at seeing Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon flying above her, staring down at the teenage female. "And I'm dead". Rin stated, no move left that she can make to save herself.

"That's an understatement. Azure-Eyes, attack!" Kisara commanded her Synchro Monster, an order Azure-Eyes obeyed. It came down and landed in front of Rin, right before roaring in her face with the force blowing her off of her feet. Rin came down a bit hard on the ground, but remained conscious.

Rin Life Points: 1600 - 2500 = 0.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C31
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


