23.52% Yozakura: Termite (Old) / Chapter 10: Time Is Like The Wind

章 10: Time Is Like The Wind

Fun fact from the manga: Everything from chapters 1-162 is a span of one year…

(This means that he became a Silver Rank Spy in a single year along with other feats… Bruh, he went through marriage, a whole training arc, and like multiple large arcs… all in a year?)

Lol, Taiyo Asano be like: You want speed? I'll give you speed!

No, but for real if you calculate his age when he got kids…


[Backup Plan: 2… Complete]

[Backup Plan: 3… Complete]

As the memories of the past five years started coming together like a jigsaw puzzle, I couldn't help but wake up from the lucid state I put myself in.

I'm… back…?




It's time to wreak some havoc.







Blaring alarms blasted through my ears hurting my already sensitive ears.

As I focused on my pathway out along with some of the research kept in my back pocket, the Termite Team blocked my path.

I looked at the 'new' number two. Sinclair.

Although my outer appearance was as cold as stone, inwardly I felt crushed.

Within moments I had knocked some of the weaker Termites out and dodged the black arm from behind with relative ease.

I took a moment to see the countless black arms and weapons floating in the air from Sinclair's solidified neuro-toxin.

I got into a sword drawing stance.


My second and only other highly destructive technique other than [Obliterate]. It was a single-slash technique unlike [Obliterate] where I slash multiple times.


A moving wall of white hair blocked my path. Lots of the hair fell down, cut from my attack, but the gaps were filled just as quickly as they were destroyed.

"Now now One. you shouldn't hurt your teammates."

She gave me a warm smile.

'White Snake…'

My face scrunched up.

'If possible I would have liked it if her response was late…'

She was a more annoying version of Sinclair, able to manipulate her hair as both defensive and offensive measures more quickly and more precise than Sinclair.

My meticulous plans came into place.

While there were many negative hypnosis and mental suggestions placed in my head, I placed one that would help me in advance if the situation arises where I was fully brain-washed.

"Please forgive me White Snake… I have no time to waste." I muttered to myself.

The mental suggestion left in my brain allowed me to hide my progress while I was training and learning in the shadows.

The Somei Yoshino Project (Seed Sowing Project)... I feel pity, I really do.

Among the things the high clearance level gave me were not much, I learned of a few things that left another mental scar in my already growing pile of them.

For one, around two years ago I was tasked with rigging the family car of a family to make it seem like they died by an accident.

After the deed was done I watched from a hill.

My memory is always as clear as day. I remembered the rain, the binoculars, the wet dirt.

As the tires failed, the family swerved into the railing and crashed down below…

Those people were White Snake's doctors and their children.

My memories flashed by in an instant.

I grabbed my other knife, now armed with them both I opened my legs and arms into a wide stance.


'She noticed.'

Countless tendrils of white hair rushed to stop me to no avail.



White Snake tried to block my attack with her hair but it was futile.

It started with an X slash.

Then, more and more slashes reached into the high 100's until all the hair stopped trying.


Steam rose off of my body.

I looked to find White Snake panting and leaned to the side of the wall. Her one accessory that stood out were her sun earrings.

I felt a wave of guilt all over again, but I moved on, like I always did.

If she didn't sacrifice her hair both she and the Termites would have slashes all over their bodies.


"{Now where do you think you're going?}"

"I don't have time to play games Cha-Cha…"



Both the way in front and back closed.

'He really has grown…'

I could feel his 'presence' all throughout my surroundings.

If I was made to beat the Yozakura on my own… The Nijibana Rainbow Flowers were made to defeat them one by one.

"{...I'll trap you until Makoto gets here…}"

"Too bad that he won't."

He usually stays cooped up near the bottom floors of whatever facility we change to. Today's no different, if not for the fast intervention of White Snake and the Termites I would have had a clean escape.

I sheathed my left knife and I clicked a button on my right one.


It extended like a baton and into Tanto.

I've had this weapon for a while and it is in dire need of an upgrade. Luckily my stored ideas of different weapon designs and various tools were all kept safe deep inside my mind.

Once again I got into a sword drawing stance.

'I'm not pulling any punches anymore… [Flow]!'

Instantly, my surroundings felt more alive and vibrant. However I shrunk my peripheral vision onto my only target.

The thick steel wall that blocked my escape path.


My eyes closed for a second.


Both the steel wall and the surroundings in the front all had a single horizontal line etched onto it.

I went up and flicked the steel wall before it slid down like butter.

I hopped over the wall and my now improved legs helped me reach the ladder in just under thirty seconds using my triple techniques that's just there as passives.

(A/N: [High Speed Dash] (His base speed is now faster than using this in the past), [Presence Blending] (This one is half active at all times.), [Silent Steps] (At the peak right before complete mastery).)

But I didn't go up.

'[Two Cross]'

I turned my other knife into a tanto before I used this skill.

An X cross split the large circular entrance. It just used the first motion of [Obliterate] to the extreme.


I stretched my neck up and saw the countless fodder looking back at me with their shabby weapons.

I smiled in disbelief.

'Do they really think this is going to stop me?'

I put my knives back into their holsters.

'They aren't worthy of my weapons.'

I started stretching, completely ignoring the 'looming threat' above me.

Some of them got impatient and jumped down at me.


I tilted my head to the side allowing the metal pipe to completely avoid me. 

Once this amateurs center shifted, I simply disarmed him and killed him with his own pipe.

They all froze upon seeing how casually I killed one of them, that was their mistake.

It only took a single minute before all twentyish people died.

"Hyup, that was a good warmup~"

I jumped through the large hole.


I flicked my hands as multiple blades flew from my hands and into countless goons.

Some died, others injured, but one thing remained constant. They feared me.

Most if not all of them had diluted Hazakura, but even that wasn't enough to stop me.

I bulldozed my way over to a location where all the boats were.

Eventually I lost all the tails behind me and I turned off [Flow] for now.

"There it is…"

I took the sheet of plastic off of the boat. 

Right now I was on a dock on one of the shores of the beach where I would set off and start my plan.

"Hm~ Hm~"

I hummed a tune as I checked everything was at least usable.

My hearing and other senses over the years have grown. It was to the point where I could hear people's breathing in a ten meter radius around me.

"...Hello Sinclair…"

Kurosawa and Mizuki were still out on a mission for Makoto so they won't be back for quite a while.

This was disadvantageous for her… her neuro-toxin solidifying is easier when it's in a closed environment where wind doesn't run rampant.

I observed Sinclair as she took her helmet off.


She looked confused, scared and as much as I wanted to comfort her…

My eyes darkened and unknowingly my irises went deeper into my eyeballs as they started turning into a swirl.

"...I know for a fact that you aren't her, rather-"

I closed my mouth and clenched my teeth. I stopped myself.

"Go, and I'll spare you…"

I turned my back to her, I was done with preparations and was ready to escape.

Just then, I smelled the sickly sweet smell that Sinclair always gave off when she used her abilities.


Taking the gas mask out of the storage, I snuggly fit into it.

Sinclair had done something that I thought she wouldn't have been able to do - at least not at the current moment anyway.

She compressed all her neuro-toxin into a weapon outside. With the wind occasionally blowing weapon it was a wonder to see the sheer willpower this must have taken.

"...Don't do this…" I felt my psyche grow tired from even the thought of fighting her.

My lingering emotions held me back.

But with a cold and callous look, she rushed at me with the intent to kill.

Feeling the threat from the weapon I entered [Flow].


Her mission is to stop me or kill me…

That means she'll aim for the boat.

The boat itself wasn't worth much value, but the thing was that it didn't have any type of machinery or tech in it at all. 

This would help me evade Cha-Cha's detection even for a short amount of time.


"...[Two Cross]"

My knives swiped the air creating a massive gash on the ground.


Sinclair peaked her head from the oversized scutum shield she transformed her sword into.

'This reminded me more of Kurosawa's body composition… is that where she got inspiration from?'

Kurosawa's body went through an intense surgery where his entire body was turned into an organic alloy that could shapeshift into whatever he wanted it to be.

As the battle dragged on, I could hear the countless footsteps coming this way.

Because of the amount of technology stored inside my usual suit I had to abandon it. 

I swiftly turned around, taking the Glock from the holster I shot the electrical components in order to start the boat.



As the engine revved up Sinclair shot countless darts from her sword.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Using my knives, my arms were like whips as every one of the darts exploded into thin toxins that spread into the air.

Finding a small gap in Sinclair attacks, I threw a needle thin enough to be mistaken as sewing one.

Within moments the toxin construct collapsed and she passed out on the floor.


I turned around and I drove the boat to the nearest port.

'Time to visit some old memories…'




"Where is he!?"

Countless fodder were furious at the leader of the Termite team.

Not only did he kill some of their comrades but he hurt their pride by escaping.

'...It doesn't matter if a pawn is thrown away, as long as the game is won nothing matters.'

Makoto thought, with his iconic smile, the one that Technician had copied to get annoying glares from his coworkers.

The afro white haired man cared for nothing and would sacrifice everything to get his goal achieved.

Besides, while One was the most powerful he still had ten more Termites and with One gone, his 'sister' can take his place.

No harm no foul…

"Hm…? Kurosawa you're back?"

Makoto looked at the man as he showed several facial expressions along with hand signs to convey his feelings towards One escaping.

"Yes that is true, no you can't find him, the boat he took had its GPS tracker already destroyed."

Kurosawa's eyebrows scrunched in frustration that the once cold and robotic sparring partner (that never died) had escaped.

"{Makoto, Mizuki is back.}" 

"I see, thank you Cha-Cha."

He responded to the voice in his ear.

"Mr. Kawashita I am back with the snacks you asked for, though might I ask what the commotion is about?"

"One escaped~" Makoto said with a slight chuckle, not disturbed or worried about its implications whatsoever.

"The Termite team leader?" Mizuki asked with his impassive face.

"Yes, that one… you get it?" Makoto winked at his joke only for it to fall onto deaf ears.

Kurosawa gave a thumbs up at the joke but Mizuki just looked blankly at him.

Mizuki just stared for an uncomfortable amount of time as if testing how long Makoto could stay calm before holding up his tablet that took up his attention.


"Mizuki, weren't we supposed to be friends? How could you do that to me?" Makoto overdramatically said.

Kurosawa with his blurring hands making out hand signs, both Mizuki and Makoto couldn't make them out.

"I can't understand you Kurosawa." Makoto said with his unchanging smiling face.




It was a lot later than I would have liked it but I finally made it here, the port where me and the Termites took down Ryu and Tora.

Now I have almost mastered [Flow] and beaten much tougher opponents, it's been a long time…


I jumped out of the boat and onto the concrete.

I took out the small emergency backpack that was Tanpopo standard and used [Obliterate] to demolish the boat.


Watching the pieces sink into the water, I left my identity as 'One' behind and started my new life as 'Takara (宝) Takahiro (鷹広)'

(A/N: Last Name then Given Name)


Omake 2: One On One, Teachings About Love.


"Say… What do you think about love?"

The surroundings were pitch black, the floor was made of still water that went on forever. In the middle was a single light bulb dangling, swaying at the wind currents with the smell of the ocean.

Two people sat across from each other,  one was a grown man about in his early adult life and the other was a cute pink haired girl wearing a high school uniform.

"Why the sudden change in subject?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

Both felt lucid, as if this was all but a dream.

"Hmm~ You know? I've searched for so long for my 'pure' love that it doesn't seem to end." She darkly responded with a shallow smile.

Some of the girl's hair fell in front of her face, her eyes darkened as her deep maroon red eyes felt as empty as their surroundings.

"Love… It's a complicated topic to talk about. What would you like to know?"

The man's fingers intertwined just like the girl, except he didn't rest his chin on them.

The wooden chairs they sat on creaked showing their long time usage.

"What is your interpretation of 'love'?"

This place was lucid yet felt so real to the people sitting and conversing about love.

"For me, I believe that love is something that should be pure and something where both parties unconditionally treat each other with respect and care. Of course that's if you're talking about romantic love and not familial or friendship with all of the others."

(A/N: This part from here on will be edited later by me after I'm done reading the series.)

At the start she smiled, their views of love were the same after all, she knew the existence of 'familial love' but her aunt wasn't someone she could see being in a romantic relationship with.

Her perception of love was so warped that it all blended into a toxic cocktail making her lost, it's just… she didn't know it.

"...What do you mean by… 'familial love'?"

He felt the small ripples from the dark deep water at his feet.

Processing the question fully he answered back, "In my perception, it's the same as romantic love… but different."

Her almost imperceptible frown worsened along with her eyebrows creasing a tad bit further..

"...What do you mean by that? You know that doesn't make any sense, right?"

Here she didn't need to hide her 'bitter' side, she could talk to this figment of her imagination and converse about her inquiries of life.

Before he responded she covered her mouth.

'...It's bitter.'

"If you want, we can stop here."

For the man, this was a figment of imagination embodying all the past mistakes he couldn't fix. 

Turning her eyes back to the man's black eyes she returned a resounding 'No'.

"Alright then, you asked why both my familial love and romantic love are different, correct?"

She pushed back her hair using her ears as a holder for them.

"Yes, I want to know."

"Hmm… familial love is when someone protects you because maybe they're your guardian, parent, lover-"

"You said lover…" She retorted, clearly unhappy about the man's lies.

"I did, let me clarify, romantic love can encompass familial love but the other way around is not possible…"

Her eyes narrowed in thought.

"...I see"

Smiling, as if watching a student grow he continued, "Romantic love on the other hand is when you want to embrace them, kiss them, Love them…"

"People often confuse familial love and romantic love, I have a question to ask of you child. What kind of love do you think is more intense? Romantic or familial."

Seeing how her head lowered, most likely deep in thought, he quietly said, "Take as much time as you need… we have all the time in the world."

After some time she asked, "...Is it romantic?"

Her voice was littered in uncertainty.

A soft smile embraced the man's face, "It was a trick question, both are just as intense. If you are still confused then keep searching, one day you'll understand the differences and parallels between the two."

Their time was up.

Both of them felt it, the wind picked up some speed and the water's ripples oscillated between unmoving to varying sizes. A storm was brewing.

"...It seems our time is up."

The man scooted the worn chair back and it disappeared into the darkness.

The girl as well got up her chair also disappearing into the darkness.

The instant both of them got up, the strange new and clean wooden table disappeared as well leaving only the two of them facing each other.

Opening then closing her mouth then opening it again, she asked, "...What's your name?"

"Isn't it rude to ask for someone's name before giving your name first?" He closed an eye showing that he was in a bit of a joking mood.

"...My name is Satō Matsuzaka"

A bit amused, he said in response, "My name is Takara Takahiro, pleased to make your acquaintance, little girl."

In an instant later both of them woke up.


Ah, hi.

I hope you guys liked the side chapter, Satō Matsuzaka is a complicated character that is interesting to say the leasts…

Before writing the side chapter I watch a full youtube breakdown about the character, of course I'll most likely need to read all of the manga since I'm not done with it, so some parts might be tweaked in the upcoming future.

I don't know if I got the whole 'mysterious' vibe from the side chapter or not. Not all side chapters are going to be like this of course, sometimes he might be interacting with different fictional characters, but most of the time it'll be within the Mission: Yozakura Family verse.

The reason this chapter is out so early is because I got excited about the story actually starting so I made this chapter.

I guess you could say that this is a 'thank you chapter' for the 1k views on ScribbleHub and my upcoming 20k views on Webnovel.


Anyways hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Also if you guys see any typos or syntax errors I'll quickly fix it as soon as you comment (obviously not 'instantly' but within the week).

ObsessedNovelist ObsessedNovelist

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


