She couldn't believe that the vampire who had bought her was eating in front of her while letting her starve without offering a single bite from the table. She swallowed at the sight of food, trying to hold back the hunger that was churning in her stomach. She had thought the man who bought her was a good man, but she should have known better.
Penny looked away from the food as well as the man to stare at the wall which had a painting of a deer in it. It was a simple image yet there was something very disturbing about it, with the way it was painted. Looking away from it too, she stared at the ground for the remainder of the time until the vampire was done eating.
And over the course of his meal, not once had he offered her the food which he ate. It was understandable at some level of the system that they lived in. She was a slave beneath his status, even an elite didn't have a meal with a regular man or a woman, and here she was someone of no value but the irony was that he had placed a value high enough for no one to buy her. In the end haggling with a word of a lie to give only three thousand gold coins.
Instead of concentrating on the food and the scent of it, she tried remembering the doors of the inn which was somewhat similar to a mansion. She had noticed a door at the back, all she needed was to get to it and out of there. Far enough for the man to not catch her in this land before going to a human town. That way she would be safe, thought Penny to herself.
A human land because they were much more trusting compared to the vampires in her eyes. With no brand on her skin, he wouldn't be able to do anything to her. He wouldn't be able to claim her to be the slave he bought. With that thought, she patiently waited in time. He was having the last course of his meal when she decided to put her theatrical skills to use which were minimum.
Her legs moved enough beneath her body for Damien to notice her, "What is wrong?" he asked. She let herself frown slightly as if in discomfort, she said,
"I need to use the bathroom."
The man stared hard at her, not speaking and letting the seconds increase making her worried. He hadn't offered her food and she hoped she wouldn't be denied to go to the bathroom.
When a servant arrived at the room they were in, Damien spoke, "Take her to the bathroom and bring her back here," he ordered the woman who bowed her head.
The servant who was a human-like herself had shown utmost respect to the vampire but when she turned to look at Penny, she raised her brows as if she was too tired before leading the way outside. Penny noticed it, her eyes narrowed but at the same time, Damien noticed her expression.
"Little mouse," Damien called Penny who stood up, "We need to fix that attitude of yours. Go now, we need to leave in ten minutes," he took a bite from the fork.
Not waiting for another word, she turned around to follow the maid. As they made their way out of the room through the corridor, she didn't see anyone around and felt some kind of relief. Looking left and right, she asked the servant, "Where is the bathroom?" but the servant woman never answered back to her as if she hadn't even spoken a word.
Sighing, she didn't bother to ask again knowing she wouldn't be getting an answer. The shackles around her feet made her nothing less than a prisoner and keeping up with the servant was hard with little movements. Finally reaching around a corner, the servant woman didn't say anything but opened the door leaving it open.
"Berium," another servant came to call her, "Mistress is asking for you."
"Tell her I am occupied with Mr. Quinn," said the servant name who had led Penny the way.
"It is urgent. The spoons are missing from the drawers," the other girl whispered for Berium to huf.
The servant woman turned to give Penny a look before saying, "I will be back here. Don't go anywhere," she instructed. Even though the place looked like any other regular inn, the place was filled with pureblooded vampires. Anyone wandering around without a chaperone was sure to get into trouble and that was exactly what happened with Penny.
After she had stepped into the bathroom as if she wanted to use it, she peeked out of the room after a few seconds to note that both the servants had disappeared from there. Slowly tip-toeing, while she slid her feet across the floor so that it wouldn't alert anyone of her presence. The task seemed harder than what she had imagined but Penny was quick. Taking a sharp turn, she went to see the back door which was wide open.
The door glowed in her mind, like heaven waiting for her, and she could hardly contain the relief that the sight brought to her mind.
Turning around to make sure there was no one seeing her, she slipped and walked through the door to finally be able to breathe. Running was impossible in this condition but she didn't want to hide here where there were people who could easily catch her. Looking forward, the inn was surrounded by trees but it was situated next to the village which they had passed by before the carriage had stopped in front of this inn. For now, she could go there.
Deciding to leave with the shackles still around her both feet, she readied herself to walk but at the same time, something came flying from above to fall a few feet away from her.
Penny who was in a hurry to leave stopped dead in her tracks when she saw a dead body laying flat and cold on the ground. For a moment shock took over her body and she didn't know what to do.
Was she supposed to leave the woman who was on the ground and flee or was she supposed to go help her? Her heart started to beat quickly.
Closing her eyes she cursed at herself before going to the woman.
"Miss?" she shook the person but the woman was long dead. Penny looked up from where the person might have fallen. There were a series of windows above and all of them were open. As she tried to wake the woman, she finally checked the breathing where no air came to be breathed on her fingers.
The woman was dead and like the woman, Penny's fingers turned cold. She doubted she would be able to run after seeing the dead woman lying cold on the wet ground behind the inn. By the color of the eyes, she noticed that it was a human as seconds passed, so did the blood that started to spill and spread around the woman's head.
Staggering back, she went inside the inn, her shackles clinking for Damien to appear before she could turn around. As if noticing something was wrong, Damien walked towards her, smelling something.
"What are you doing here? Did you hurt yourself?"
"O-outside," she stammered with a shaky voice. It wasn't the first time for Penny to see a dead body as she had seen her mother's but she had seen nothing like this before.
The pureblooded vampire gave her a look before walking towards the open door which led to the backside of the inn. After several minutes he returned back his expression grave and dark. Without giving her time, he took hold of her arm, dragging her with him. His hand on her wasn't gentle which made her flinch.
"Ow, where are you taking me?" she cried softly for him to loosen his grip on her as if he didn't know his hold had been tight on her. Taking a key from his pocket, he opened the lock of the door and pushed her inside, "Stay here," he said before locking the door with the key.
Penny placed both her hands on her head. Oh God, what just happened to that woman? Why was she dead? By the looks of how she fell it was obvious that it was a murder. What was she doing here?! She had the opportunity to run, she could have but she wanted to see if the woman was alright. Panic struck into her system, she walked back and forth in the room to pause her footsteps after a while before looking at the door that had been locked.
When Damien opened the lock of the door, his eyes narrowed to a great extent at the sight of the girl missing in the small room. With the window open, he walked towards it to see the length of the bedsheet hanging outside the window which had been knotted for one to leave the room or in this case escape.
Penny who had been in one of the rooms of the Inn had successfully jumped down from the room through the help of the sheets by which she had descended down from the window. Her hands had been free which had made it easier to get down while holding the bed sheets tightly with her legs hanging before falling on the ground. It had been a struggle to go down with her feet bound through the shackles but that was nothing compared to her where she tried to walk as quickly as she could with small steps due to the restricting chains which didn't have enough length to move freely.
She didn't dare to look behind and continue to walk through the forest. Walking by the road where the carriage passed by back and forth wasn't safe. She didn't know who the dead woman was but whoever had killed her was still in the mansion. Though not wanting to be thankful for it, due to this mishap it had bought her time to escape. This was the window which she had been waiting for since she had arrived at the black market. It was obvious that the man would be busy, searching for the murder or involving himself in the mystery for him to lock her in the room.
The deserted forest filled itself with the sounds of the crickets, chirping and hiding behind and on the trees and forest ground which was wet and slippery. Since the time she had been kidnapped to be brought to the slave establishment, the privilege to wear shoes had been stolen away from her where now she walked on her bare feet.
The rain on the previous night had been heavy enough to leave puddles around the land. Unfamiliar with the place, she headed straight without deviating from her path. Penny didn't know how much time she had before the pureblooded vampire would notice her disappearance.
She didn't heed to the possible consequences she would have to face because it never occurred to her human mind that the man would come to search her. Instead of worrying about it, she put her thoughts in escaping from here. The farther she walked, the closer her freedom and independence appeared.
She heaved for air as she ran but it looked more as if she were walking. At one point she had also thought to pick up the stone to break the shackle but she had no time for it. The more time she would spend here, there was that much more of a possibility of being caught. If it weren't for the sounds of the crickets, the forest would have been quiet except for the constant chimes of the metal clinking back and forth with her movement.
At one point, Penny's leg moved forward which the other couldn't follow and she fell on the ground. She huffed for air now that her body had stopped, the wet mud sticking to her dress which made her body feel cold. She pushed herself up to hear in time the sound of galloping hooves of the horse that approached through the forest.
Not knowing what else to do, she rolled around the ground to fall down the little slope and hide under the large roots of the tree and the mud which had moved up enough to hide her.
Penny hadn't expected the pureblooded vampire to catch her this fast but then she didn't know how much time had passed since she had escaped from the Inn. This was her only chance and she was well aware of it. Escaping from the slave establishment was difficult due to their tight security. The guards would catch her before she would be able to pass through the gates. Waiting until they reached the pureblooded vampire's mansion was not feasible either. Penny didn't know if she would be able to see the light outside without anyone not having a close eye on her.
This was her chance and she had to make use of it. Covering her mouth and nose with her hands, she tried not to let her harsh breath be heard by him.
Raising her head up, she saw the man on his horse whose back faced her. The hooves of the horse moved back and forth as the man continued to pull the reins of the horse. But then Penny noticed, this wasn't Damien Quinn who had bought her for three thousand gold coins. This man was different. He had dirty blond hair that had been combed back for the hair to smoothen until the nape of his neck. Just as he turned, Penny ducked down behind the large roots to hide.
Whoever this man was, he didn't seem like someone who had come to stroll through the woods. Rather it seemed like he was searching for someone with ferocity. At first, it made her wonder if the master had sent one of his servants to fetch her but this man appeared to look off. After some time the man finally took his horse in the direction he had come in.
With the man gone, Penny continued to walk to hear the loud growl of the thunder and in less than a minute it started to rain. The water was cold as it fell from the sky on the ground. The droplets falling from the trees turning heavier than the actual drops, she continued to walk where some of the mud that had stuck to her body started to wash away. She prayed to God for her to get to the next village fast.
Finally reaching a village in the rain, Penny found another Inn and walked towards it while also making sure there was no one to see her shackled legs. Getting inside, wet from head to toe. Now that the rain had stopped falling on her she shivered before getting to the little desk where an old man hovered over a series of parchment papers which was bonded with threads.
Penny's dress ends dripped with water as they were soaking wet. Her feet had left imprints on the wooden floor which she couldn't help but turn back and notice.
With a bright lamp burning at the top of the desk, she brought her wet hand up to hit the bell that stood next to it.
"Oh my! You surprised," the old man replied with a startled voice, staggering slightly at the sudden sight of a young woman who seemed to have drenched in the rain.
The girl smiled, her smile polite and warm where she tucked a piece of her wet hair behind her ear when it fell on her face, "Excuse me but might you have a room I could stay in?" she asked the old man.
The old man though appeared nice from the front, his first question to her was, "Do you have a silver to spare for one night?"
"Yes, give me a moment," said Penny pulling out a silver coin and placing it on the desk while also hoping he wouldn't ask her for more as she didn't have even a nickel to offer.
After Mr. Quinn, the pureblooded vampire had locked her in the room she had decided to run away while also knowing she would need some sort of money later on. She had searched through the little room to find a coat hanging on the back door but there was only a silver coin in it. Believing something was better than nothing, she had carried it along with her while blessing whosoever that coat belonged to.
The old man leaned forward, sliding the coin across the desk to put it in his pocket, "Let me show you to the room," he said, picking up the lantern which was hanging on the hook of the wall behind him.
Penny followed the man where he showed her the room before exiting from there. She closed and locked the door. A silver coin was too much for one night to stay here and though Penny. She would have liked to argue on it, but right now she was supposed to keep low and not call attention to herself.
Feeling cold she pulled the blanket that was laid on the small bed. There was nothing that could stop the tremors of shiver that ran up and down her body. Every time she heard someone walk by the door, she looked at the shadow moving left to right or right to left keeping her alert as if the pureblooded vampire had come to fetch her.
Unable to keep herself awake, her eyes closed such that the night passed for the arrival of morning. Penny was woken up by a woman's voice outside the door and she squinted her eyes.
"She's not here," said the woman.
Suddenly she stood up and went to the door carefully. Placing her ear on the door and pressing it she heard footsteps coming from the other side of the room for the woman to say, "Are you sure? That little ginger cat never comes up here," hearing this, Penny let out a sigh of relief. It seemed like any and everything made her feel as if it was about her.
When the footsteps and the woman's voice faded away, Penny turned the lock and peeked outside the room to see no one. The sky had started to turn lighter and she took it as her cue to leave the room. If she stepped out of this inn when the village folks would be walking by, she didn't need anyone reporting her.
She had to find a blacksmith. Once she felt it was safe, she sneaked out of the room and walked out of the inn while shuffling her feet to avoid the shackles making noise. Finally out of the inn where the old man was nowhere to be seen, Penny started to walk away from the inn to hear the last voice she wanted to hear,
"Did you have a good sleep, little mouse?" Her eyes widened, her head snapping around to look at the pureblooded vampire not standing alone. Next to his feet laid the old man who had given her a roof until this morning. Seeing the old man not move, fear and panic struck Penny. She gulped, seeing the two puncture wounds on the old man's neck.
Damien wiped the blood on his lips with the back of his hand, a sweet smile on his lips that scared the living daylights out of Penny right now.
And she started to run again!