100% Wuthering Waves: Threnodian of Rebellion / Chapter 2: The Beginning and Matrix

章 2: The Beginning and Matrix

The certain border of New Federation.

Fractsidus New Federation Secret Laboratory.

A man in thirties wearing a lab coat walking around the glass tube which containing a body of young boy around eight years old floating on the green liquid.

Not only the young boy, but there is also many children was in same situation as him. All of the children has distinct similarities to the man in lab coat, amongst the children the young boy was much outstanding and can resist the radiation of remnant energy that comes from sonoro sphere.

A space where the remnant energy was abundant, a wrong handling of that object will cause to create a disaster which is known waveworn phenomena.

"Hmm... Alpha was starting to awaken his Forte." The man in lab coat said while he go back to the terminal as he watch the young boy. Whose left hand was slowly manifesting the tacet mark, not only that, the was a vague markings of tacet marks on his left chest where the heart located, the another was on his right neck, the another was in right hand which is so little that might mistaken a mole but more vaguely.

" Although the more tacet marks the more element can wield, but the prone to Overclocking was quick and very much hard to control." The man in lab coat said as he control the terminal, the x-ray of young boy shows through projection as there was an object that letting out some light near on his brain.

" Activate Mind Suppression to designated location." The man said as the micro chip on the young boy's brain began to activates as there was a very small tendrils it was so small that can be only seen with microscope, the tendrils was wriggling around the brain which causes the young boy to awake.

"Arrggg*bubbling!!!!* ghh!!*bubbling!!!!!*"

The young boy cried in pain but it also making it harder for him to breath as the green fluid went through his mouth, but fortunately the respiratory mask on his face managed to filtered the amount of fluid that go to his mouth. Although he is getting difficulties of breathing but he didn't care that as he clutch his head as he enduring the pain.

"Alright cease the operation." The man said as the micro chip stop it's action. He saw the various tacet marks on the young boy except on his left hand fades.

"Dr. Frankenstein." A sudden voice echoed through the laboratory, the man whose the voice referring at look at the door which slowly opened up as there silhouette walking towards him. It was person clad in red robe which also has a hood that covered its face which is hard to distinguish its gender.

" What is it?" Dr. Frankenstein said as he hid something below terminal which has a secret compartment on it.

"Oh my, this is what you say after your dearest friend come to see for a very long time." The person in robe said as it ignore the displeasure that Dr. Frankenstein threw to it.

" Speak, Shepherd, you should know that you shouldn't barg in especially when I am conducting experiments." Frankenstein said.

"I know I know sorry about that, is it enough?" The Shepherd said as it moves towards the chair it sat on it with carefree manner.

"Hmph.. anyway what is your reason to come here?" Frankenstein said as he move the chair across the Shepherd and sat on it.

" It just regarding the Mecha Abomination, did you find way to mass produce it?" The Shepherd said .

" Those garbage? Just let those hyenas to manufacture it, isn't those guys role to begin with." Frankenstein frankly said those word.

" Those garbage will become treasures to others especially to those people who want to bragged their pinky ego, after all we also needed funds coming from those people to keep this organization afloat all this time."

The Shepherd said as it leans back to the chair, it looks towards row of glass tubes that contains children floating in the green fluid, and the young boy who was awaken from pain returns back to sleep.

" Whatever, I will to put it on my miscellaneous project, as from now I am focused device that created by Court of Savant's exiled group that can artificially create an Retroract Rain as my side project now." Frankenstein said as he cross his leg and lean his elbow on the armchair to support his down, he mentally creating schedule to not interfere on his lifelong mission and projects as he was in the crucial point where backing down will waste his thousands years of planning. A thousand years that he keep changing his body through clones every two hundred years.

His ultimate goal was to create a being who can accompany the Great Arbiter in her very long journey, someone who can be a companion who will create an new race of Resonators that will populate in the Third Solaris alongside with Great Arbiter. A new generation of Resonators who can control their own Overclocking to be their power and make it go forward to their evolution path.

The Great Arbiter is a being whose mystery was deeper than anyone can imagine, a divine being who granted the humanity the Sentinels and it also the progenitor of all Resonators. If the two being managed to procreate a new race, then this twisted goal of the Fractsidus Organization will finally achieve.

"Okay, with that object it will also empowered the Ovathrax in Huanglong Jinzhou, and we can accelerate the awakenings of existing Threnodians across the globe." Shepherd said as it also see the potential to bring from the object that floating in the corner of laboratory.

" Hmm.. oh seems likes I taken enough of your time, see you next time." Shepherd said as it also stood up from the chair, it walked toward the entrance where it came from.

"Tsk!" After the Shepherd gone from his laboratory, Frankenstein click his tongue as he took out the object from the compartment.

These object was Sonoro Sphere which is built into portable one, it was currently five spheres that he create. This five sonoro sphere contains a memory of the young boy that can trigger his awakenings of the rest of Tacet Marks. Frankenstein planning to distribute one each nation as he can anticipate that the young boy in experiment will go to journey alongside the Great Arbiter.

Frankenstein walk towards the other side terminal and pulled down the lever. The glass tube containing the young continuesly draining the green fluid. After that, the glass tube was lifted by mechanical arm and placed it in front of Frankenstein.

"Now then, wake up Codename: 001: Alpha." Frankenstein said as the young boy slowly woke up as he struggled to open his eyes as he was adjusting his eyesight in the light.

"Who a*cough!* re you?" The young boy asked as he was coughing, while it surprising that the boy managed to speak after being awake but thanks to micro chip inplanted on his brain, it managed to download all kinds of languages including those from Pre Lament Era, even the vocabulary of words got downloaded to his brain.

"Hmm..good, as who am I? I am your father, your creator." Frankenstein said as he picked up the young boy from the glass tube after it opened automatically. After he put down the young boy to allow him to learn to walk.


"Ack!!" The young boy was struggling to walked but he stumbled as he planted his face on the floor. Frankenstein just he watched him with amusement on his face, he didn't help him to stand up as he wants the young boy learned to walk himself. The young boy struggling to stand up but after a few minutes he managed to stand up and walking in a very small pace, but gradually his pace was catching up the normal pace of walking.

There was time that the young boy bumps into objects which making him falls down as he focused on his legs while walking. After an hour he managed to walk without problem, he went back to Frankenstein he saw sitting on the chair while a sipping something from the object in his hand, which is confusing the young boy.

Frankenstein finishing his drink saw the look on his creation as he beckons towards him, the young boy walked towards him in faster pace which almost like a jogging.

"Good, you managed to walk yourself." Frankenstein said as he patted the head of the young boy. The young boy feels something that new to him as he like that feeling, that feeling that the young boy got was happiness, the young boy feels like he want to do more good things to earned that feeling again. Afterwards, the young boy look at glass tube with a people like himself contains.

"Father who are they?" The young boy said as he points his finger towards the row of glass tubes. Frankenstein looks back where the young boy's finger points, he shooked his head as he stood up from his chair and walked towards the glass tube and the young boy follows him.

" Those children was your siblings." Frankenstein said as he look at them seriously.

"Congratulation, among your siblings you are only one managed to pass in remnant energy transfusion, you are now will undergo you awakening next year." Frankenstein said as he look at the young boy beside him.

He planned to use the Artificial Retroract Rain device to enduce a waveworn phenomena to see if the young boy will managed to awaken the Threnodian inside him through purification process by pseudo Lament.

That's right, all his plans from thousands years ago was to create a Artificial Threnodian who can symbiotic relationship to it's host, but after so many times of failure he almost wipe out the quarter of Fractsidus main base in rage.

After that rampage he got enlightenment, which he created an artificial human with his dna which is stable enough to hold different dna. Although he still getting some failures but it was minimal compared before as he got more progress until recently he managed to find the perfect compatible host which is beside him. Although he didn't know which Embodiment of Threnodian that the young boy will manifest.

" For now let me teach you how to fight." Frankenstein said as patted the head of the young boy.

"Hmnn." The young boy nodded and he look up at his father as he felt he forgot something.

" What is my name?" The young boy said.

"Hmm.. I will deside that after you passed on purification process."

*One month later*

Fractsidus Secret Laboratory Experimental Area


A sounds for clashing metals could be heard, in the middle of the area there was a six silhouette could be seen. The first five silhouette was a people surrounded the young boy in the middle, they are wearing different kinds makeshift clothing and all of them wears a gas mask and eccentric hairstyles. These people were called Exile which is commonly found anywhere, although the match up against the kid was kinda unfair for the latter due to difference of height and number.

For the young boy this is his fight to kill unlike the hell sparring that his father conduct few weeks ago. From wielding different types of weapons to pinpoint the body weaknesses, apparently his father was weapon master as the latter's previous bodies held mastery each weapon till he perfected put to his current body. Which is same as him, it just a push limit of his body to awakened his talent.

Those Exiles whose current opponent of him was captured by Artificers and use them as training dummies for him, when they relucantly surrounded him due to a threat from his father. Without signal, they started to attack be it range or melee on him, while he only using a minimal movement to dodge the bullets and blunt weapons, he felt irritated as he was anticipated a good fight but what he got was inferior one and most of all.

"You're slow." The young boy said as he used the dagger to redirect to the bullets towards the Exile beside him when it trying attacks him from the back. The unlucky Exile was shot on family jewel considering their opponent was a kid especially the height.

*Sigh* The young boy look at them as he sigh, he took out the dual pistol that holster on his back.


"Accckk!!!" "Uoogggh!!" "Argghh!" "Gukhh!!"

He pulled out the trigger as he shoots down the Exiles each of their forehead to finish the farce. Then he look at towards his father on the top of the platform to oversee the test of killing.

"Is that all?" The young boy asked.

"Hmph.. no it was just appetizers." Frankenstein said as he signal the Artificers who entered with a five tall people who wears black long coat with a folded sleeve, they wield a dual daggers which emitting an purplish pink aura on it and at the same time there was an collar that emitting a red light.

"Arg! You better grant us what you promised to us." One of them said as he look at the platform where Frankenstein stood on.

"Hmph, do what the task I gave you." Frankenstein said as he look at them with disdain as he focus more on the young boy who seems creating a strategy on his mind, after all he forbid the young boy using his Forte as it was still unstable, as he might an create an winter wasteland in the base by accident if not managed to control the situation.

"Start!" Frankenstein ordered as he watched the two Exile Leader transformed into Havoc Dreadmane via Echo in terminal.

Although they didn't know why they were using against a child, but knowing whose people managed to abducted them was a large organization that wanted by all nations. They decided not to hold back against the child in front of them, the other three Exile Leaders who didn't use the echo started to stance as they gathered more resonance energy to their blade and feet. They dashed alongside with the Havoc Dreadmane as they encircled the young boy who took out the dagger and put it on his mouth as he bite the handle while his two hands will use the dual pistol, he aimed the on his both sides as he deflect the incoming daggers that trying to use pincer attacks against.


""Tsk!" The two Exile Leader clicked their tongue when they failed to attack the young boy, they step back as the return to encircling formation. The young boy suddenly duct down as he dodge the kick that coming behind him, he use the opportunity to slice the back of shin were the outstretched leg with a dagger on his mouth.


"Argg!!!" Although he met some resistance due to thick fabric from trouser, he managed to cut deep enough to make the person to stumbled in pain. That Exile Leader crouch down to clenched down the wound, as the nerves around was severed, he looks up and he saw the barrel of the pistol rested between his eyes.


The injured Exile Leader was become a headless as his brain splattered behind him. The young boy didn't bothered to turn around as he used the pistol on his left hand parry the dagger of the Exile Leader who use the opportunity to kill the young boy who just brutally killed his fellow Exile Leader which he didn't care aa he prioritizing his survival.

But too bad as the young boy blocked his attack which the dagger was embedded to the pathway of bullets which rendered the gun useless. The Exile Leader who sneak attacked the young boy surprised as he try to pulled back his weapon but didn't managed to budged the young boy even a slightest bit which his fear rather intensify, as what kind of strength did the monster in front of him.


"ARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!" The Exile Leader didn't notice that the young boy aim his pistol towards his family jewel, the latter mercilessly shoot the groin area. The former was kneeling in the ground while clutching the groin area, the young boy holster the pistol on his right hand as he picked up the former from his head who didn't managed to resist, he was used as a shield from incoming Havoc Dreadmane, the young boy also used his damaged gun as a tonfa to block the another Havoc Dreadmane while the remaining Exile Leader use the two transformed leader as an distraction.


"ARRRGHHHHHKKKK!!!!!" The Exile Leader whose head has been held by the young boy was ripped off by the Havoc Dreadmane and the another Hovoc Dreadmane was struggling to pry away his fangs as it embedded in the damaged gun which turned into scrap metals.


"Kugh!!" The young boy grunted as managed to tilts his head as managed dodge the upper hand slash from the dagger of remaining Exile Leader which targeted his head but only to leave a shallow cut on his left shoulder.

The young boy almost drop the dagger on his mouth, he let go the another headless Exile Leader as he took out the pistol on his holster, he aimed towards the Havoc Dreadmane whose trying to spat out the head remains from his mouth.


Another headless Exile Leader dropped on the floor, the young boy also let go the handle of destroyed pistol and he took out the dagger on his mouth as he dash towards the Havoc Dreadmane who also rushes towards him with a glowing purplish pink aura on his tail.


The young boy managed to enter to a place darkness remains but there was multiple line around him and Havoc Dreadmane in front of him was frozen in the midair as the latter unleash cross wave attack which containing the havoc resonance energy which is also frozen in the midair.


The young boy didn't idle around as he continuesly stabbed his dagger on the head of Havoc Dreadmane, afterwards he rushed at the last Exile Leader who was trying to conceal his presence to assassinate him which is also futile as he was also frozen on the domain of this wierd dark and lines area.


The young boy didn't hesitate to stab the remaining leader in vital areas, after that his surroundings starting to get back to normal.



The Havoc Dreadmane returns back to his previous form which his head was mangled and filled with stabbed wounds without doubt was dead. And other filled with stabbed wounds around the vital areas which is no chance of survival was dead.

"Interesting." Frankenstein said as he witnessed the strange domain, although the range was around seven meters it can still through training he was not affected due to limited of range.

"Father, how is it?" The young boy look up to Frankenstein as he ignored the wound on his left shoulder, which the wound mending closed in a fast pace.

"Prepare for more sparring with me kid." Frankenstein said as his lips curls up as he signal to the Artificers to clean up the area. As the young boy heard that he slowly step back as he don't want to experience that hellish sparring.

-To Be Continued-

SwordKing_Aren SwordKing_Aren

Sorry for delay upload as my job got me stressed so much adding the fact that my salary delayed in a month, I will post justing a longer chapters with minimum 3k words over daily 1.2k words for compensation.

And I hate paperworks

next chapter
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