100% Writing Reality / Chapter 12: Episode 3 (0) (R18+)

章 12: Episode 3 (0) (R18+)

At the sound of someone knocking at the door, Daisy said quickly and with a slightly cracking voice, "I wonder who that could be? Ben, while I'm happy to receive your…um, 'thanks', I really should see who it is."

Having already realized that the mood had been ruined, Arthur had already removed himself from Daisy before she had finished speaking.

Only noticing that Arthur was no longer clinging to her, Daisy quickly stood up straight, straightened out her clothes, and rushed out of the room to check on the door.

Mildly irritated, Arthur grumbled, "Who the fuck's cockblocking me?" Though seemingly rhetorical, he shifted his attention from the hallway Daisy retreated down to Aelita.

After arriving at the house, Aelita continued to float behind Arthur unnoticed by anyone. Then, during his attempt to 'seduce' Daisy, she had proceeded to take a seat at the kitchen table to play a game on his phone.

Sensing Arthur's gaze on her, Aelita did not look away from her game as she said, "You should know since you already put it in the Notebook."

"I did?"

"'Because there will be someone else around starting their Pokémon Journey tomorrow, the Ketchum family comes over to meet Ben,'" the angel quoted. "After leaving, Professor Oak stopped by the Ketchum Residence 'next door' and informed them of you and how you'll also be embarking on a Pokémon Journey tomorrow. So, they decided to come over to meet you - as you wrote in the Notebook."

"Ri~ight," Arthur said. Though still irritated, his irritation was now mostly directed at himself. This is a plot point he wrote yet had completely forgotten in pursuit of smut. It hurt his pride as a writer to commit such a faux pas. However, that would not stop him from using the Notebook to take it out on others.

Taking a seat at the table, Arthur opened the Notebook. He paused to think about what he was going to do - tapping his pen against his lip. Once he had it worked out in his head, he wrote:

Ending 10 years ago, there was a war between the Kanto and Johto regions that claimed the lives of Daisy Oak's parents and Ash Ketchum's father.

Delia Ketchum is the almost thirty-year-old, beautiful mother of Ash Ketchum who would do anything for her child.


Born 10 years, 10 months, and 10 days ago (October 21st), Ashley "Ash" Ketchum is a girl and tomboy who - due to growing up with the nutritional food of the Kanto Region - looks twelve-years-old with a beauty-score of one.

Shrugging at his last second decision, Arthur was content with the changes he made. He was already forming a plan on how to proceed when Daisy had returned.

"Ben," Daisy called, stepping back into the room - face flushed and clearly avoiding looking at him, "this is Delia Ketchum and her daughter, Ash. Since Ash is leaving on a Journey tomorrow too, they wanted to meet you."

"Sure thing," Arhur said with feigned cheeriness as he got up from his seat.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (2000-word list of changes, skip if you want)

Stark Industries is a leader of technological development founded by Howard Stark with close ties to the government for funding.

Seemingly killed in a car crash, Howard Stark was actually assassinated to prevent him from advocating mutant rights after learning of Charlie Xavier.

Following the death of CEO Howard Stark twelve-years-ago, Obadiah Stane would become acting CEO and use the company's military contracts to turn the company toward emphasizing weapons manufacturing over other fields.

After losing his father at age fifteen, Howard's son - Tony Stark - would inherit Stark Industries at age eighteen and begin filling his role as CEO under Obadiah Stane's tutelage and guidance.

In 2003, the Ten Rings terrorist organization would be commissioned by Obadiah Stane to assassinate Tony Stark - now thirty-years-old - which will set him on the path to become the hero Iron Man.

Accused of war profiteering, Kaiba Corporation (Kaiba Corp.) is the Japanese equivalent of Stark Industries - founded by the ruthless Gozburo Kaiba as a weapons manufacturer.

After being beaten in a game of chess, Gozaburo honors his deal with Seto to adopt him and his younger brother - Mokuba.

Now Seto Kaiba, Seto is subjected to the high-stress and cruel upbringing of Gozburo to become his heir under threat of him and his brother being sent back to the orphanage.

Mokuba Kaiba would serve as Seto's emotional support and keep alive some shred of kindness in him despite Gozburo's heartless upbringing.

Two years after Seto and Mokuba were adopted, the Kaiba Corp Board of Directors - otherwise known as the Big Five - would be convinced to ally with Seto in using their combined shares of the company to remove Gozburo and insert him as CEO.

Wayne Enterprise is a company known for its charity and R&D into various fields that was founded and run by the Wayne family until the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne.

Losing his parents at age eight, Bruce Wayne would swear vengeance, spend the next ten years training, inherit and become CEO of his family's company at age eighteen, and nine years later become Batman who - while having various gadgets - does not have a bunch of highly expensive resources that should reveal his identity but doesn't.

Three-months into his superhero career, Catwoman - Selina Kyle - would become Batman's first villain.

After three months of Batman interfering with his operations, Crime Lord Black Mask starts to take notice.

Supervillains - characterized by the use of superpowers or super science for criminal activity and/or persistent antagonism and legitimate threat toward superhero - do not appear until at least one year into a superheroes career.

Sidekicks do not appear until at least (on average) three years into a superheroes career.

Three years into Batman's career, nine-year-old Dick Grayson would lose his parents after local gangs - low level thugs of Black Mask - sabotaged their trapeze act because the manager refused to pay them protection money.

Gotham City is known to have the highest crime rate of any city in America.

Metropolis is home to the Daily Planet News Station - workplace of Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and intern Jimmy Olsen.

Based on "My Adventures with Superman", Lois Lane is twenty-six-years old, has a beauty-score of four, and is the cousin once removed of now ten-year-old Luz Noceda (her father's cousin).

Due to growing up under a yellow sun - possessing two-and-a-half-decades of exposure -, Clark Kent/Superman is vastly stronger than any other Kryptonian with his powers reaching much higher levels.

Around one year into Superman's superhero career, the supervillain Livewire will become his first supervillain while also earning him much more presence in the public eye.

Jor'El learned of the impending destruction of Krypton and tried to warn others but was deemed mad when no evidence could be found and put under house arrest.

Viewing Kryptonians as inferior and doomed for self-destruction, the Kryptonian supercomputer A.I. Brainiac gained sentience and manipulated data so that no evidence of Krypton's impending destruction could be found - ensuring its destruction while constructing an escape for itself.

The now twenty-five-year-old Kara Zor'El has a beauty rating of five.

Kara Zor'El's escape ship would be hacked by Brainiac after learning of Jor'El's plans to evacuate Kara and Kal'El in the final moments - not having enough time to do the same for Clark due to the scientist suspecting the A.I. and securing his own security against it.

The remnants of Krypton were seized by Brainiac to become a base for its own machinations with Kara being raised as its 'daughter', right-hand, and agent of destruction.

Though scientifically advanced, Kryptonians had yet to develop much in way of space travel due to xenophobic tendencies which is why they were unable to escape save for the child and niece of Jor'El since he knew about the impending destruction and had just enough time to invent spaceships for them.

The Omnitrix works by using the selected DNA strand to restructure the user's DNA into that of the selected alien creature - turning the user into the species equivalent of themselves with Ben's alien transformations sharing his conditions of being a 'healthy', ten-year-old child who has high physical aptitude, is unusually developed, and heals quickly.

Plumbers were a secret branch of the government under U.N. authority responsible for handling and concealing extraterrestrial or paranormal activity from the general public.

The extraterrestrial and paranormal activity responsible for the Plumbers creation was the result of trouble leaking over into the public eye - dying down into obscurity once the issues were resolved.

After extraterrestrial and paranormal activity began to subside - either due to new measures, related governing forces reeling them in, or other reasons -, the government put the Plumbers into retirement.

The key distinction between science and super science is that super science is mostly only understood by the creator/inventor of the subject in question which is why the related technology and discoveries do not become widespread.

An advocate for the peaceful coexistence between human and mutant, Charlie Xavier has a beauty-score of five and is one of the most powerful non-cosmic telepathic entities in the universe - capable of telepathy, telekinesis, mind control, memory alteration, etc.

Charlie Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters will be up and running by August 2003 with the X-men beginning operation in 2005.

The meta-gene is speculated to exist in 1% of the human population on Earth and is currently active within 1% of women on the planet - around 37,102,956 people.

Mutants are not the only source of superpowers.

Any artificial source of superpowers that affects one at a genetic level - mutagen, One for All, Devil Fruit, etc. - will cause a male recipient to become female or hermaphrodite.

The reason alien activity on Earth died down is due to a stabilization of forces between the three conflicting empires whose territory the Milky Way Galaxy is located in.

The Milky Way Galaxy is located in an area of the universe where three alien empires are waring - the Incursion Empire, the High Breed Imperium, and Vilgax Empire.

There is a fourth force in this area of the universe - the Interplanetary Alliance - that was founded by the Galvin as a means of peaceful interaction between planets.

The Galvin were the first race to achieve relatively convenient interstellar travel which unfortunately fell into the hands of the three resident empires.

Intergalactic travel - though attributed to the Galvin - does not mean it does not exist elsewhere as a form of super science.

Other galactic forces outside this area include Brainiac's Neo Kryptonian Empire, the Brood, the Klyntar, etc.

Duel Monsters originates in Ancient Egypt 5000 years ago.

After losing his childhood sweetheart and wife - Cecelia Equestreese -, Maximillion Pegasus would fall into depression where he would return to Egypt to try and regain his spark only to instead obtain the Millennium Eye.

Cecelia Equestreese was Maximillion Pegasus's childhood sweetheart and wife who helped him in developing Duel Monsters until coming down with a disease that killed her last year.

The Shadow Magic employed in ancient Egypt involved channeling the spirit to call upon and manifest physical creatures born of sentient beings' emotions - particularly those of negative emotions.

Used as a form of punishment for criminals that doubled as a means of drawing out more negative energy for stronger spirits, Ancient Egyptians would create these monsters known today as Duel Spirits and seal them in stone tablets to call upon later - often draining the human they were born from.

It is for a similar reason that the Millennium Items - created from the melted down bodies of the Kul Elna people - are so powerful as they draw on the tortured and evil spirits of such people.

Through Pegasus's use of the Millennium Eye, his company - Industrialist Illusions - will prosper as the leading game company in the world and later cooperate with Seto Kaiba to advance the game of Duel Monsters.

The Ketchum residence is visited by Ben to thank them for their welcome gift and Delia asks him to help look after Ash on their Journeys if he can - agreeing to his conditions.

Ash's Pokémon Journey is also sponsored by Professor Oak - the allocated research funds divided between them.

Due to the influence of Pokémon, humans living in Regions have not developed the meta-gene and instead have demonstrated psychic powers for years and learned to harness the power of Aura for centuries.

The Kanto Region consists of only the original 150 Pokémon - 151 including MewTwo.

The Regions of Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto are connected by land - though civilization in Hoenn is located a bit further north than its boarder.

Discovers in other Regions such as Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, etc. have not been made or are not widespread yet.

There exists a yet to be discovered Hidden Region located underground known as Remnant.

Gwen Tennyson did not argue with staying in the U.S. - preferring a sense of normalcy of going to regular school unlike Ben.

Kim Possible likewise preferred to return to regular school and also to be there for Gwen.

In 2001, Amazonian Princess Diana (Prince) would embark to 'the world of man' from the hidden island of Themyscria on a right of passage as heir to the Amazonian throne where she would be present and become known for supplying aid in the September 11th Terrorist Attack.

Amazons are a race of female warriors who live on the magically hidden island of Themyscaria and are blessed by gods to possess superhuman (magical) physical condition, beauty, longevity, and some ability to access the magical forces of the universe.

The women who would become the amazons of Themyscira were those rescued, blessed, and granted salvation by the gods as they fled otherwise inevitable capture and rape from Roman invasions.

Themyscria is an island removed from normal space and time only accessible by the gods or those of divine origin that was bestowed to the amazons as a safe haven where they train themselves to the pinnacle of combat in their self-imposed duty as the god's warriors.


After meeting the Ketchums and accepting their welcome gift, Arthur had spent several hours milling about and making changes with the Notebook. These changes mostly had focused on expanding on or clarifying various things he had already added. There were only three particularly 'new' things he added.

Though only vaguely aware of "My Adventures with Superman", Arthur decided to lean into it in terms of designing his own addition of Superman mythos to the world.

Another change was setting the stage for Wonder Woman to make her appearance.

Finally, one change had to do with his plans for RWBY. Originally, he planned to 'isekai' them into the world. But while expanding on the setting for Pokémon, he changed his mind. Now there existed a Hidden Region underground that would serve as a fusion of Pokémon and RWBY that he intended to play with.

Now late into the afternoon, Arthur thought that it was about time he started his 'revenge'.

Leaving the guest room, Arthur went downstairs where he found Daisy watching TV. "Hey, Daisy," he called out.

Slightly startled by Arthur's sudden appearance, Daisy still seemed unsure of how to interact with the foreign boy and replied nervously, "Y-Yes, Ben? What is it?"

"I just wanted to let you know, I was going to see the Ketchums."

Seemingly confused by Arthur's statement, Daisy looked at him blankly. "Huh? Why?"

"I wanted to tell them 'Thank you for the welcome basket' and see if there was anything I could do to repay them."

"Oh, alright," Daisy nodded - not seeing anything wrong with him going to say 'Thank you'. "Well, they live next door, just down the road on the opposite side of us." As she provided instructions, she raised her hand to point in the direction she meant.

"Don't be out too late, though. You need to be up early tomorrow to begin your Pokémon Journey. You'll need to be there at seven at the latest to get your starter Pokémon and receive a full explanation of what you'll need to do for being sponsored by Grandpa."

Though feeling flippantly about the whole thing, Arthur found himself wanting to respond with at least feigned seriousness to Daisy's stern expression. He turned fully to her saying, "Alright, I will. Promise, I'll be there by seven - on the dot."

Seeing Daisy's expression soften, Arthur proceeded to leave the house and head toward the Ketchum's.

Though Arthur could see the house, it still took five minutes of walking to reach it. He walked up the dirt walkway and up the step in front of the front door before knocking. There was a muffled voice saying it would be just a second, and a moment later the door opened to reveal Delia Ketchum.

The woman had amber-colored eyes and kept her smooth reddish-brown hair in a ponytail with a green scrunchie that reached her shoulder-blades. Fair-skinned and slender physique, she wore a short-sleeved yellow shirt under a white apron, a purple skirt, and light green shoes.

It was to Arthur's surprise upon their initial meeting that Delia was quite beautiful - possessing a beauty-score of five. He had specified her as being beautiful but did not really care - expecting her to be a three. However, although currently running Pallet Town's only restaurant - Pallet House -, she had originally aspired to be a model and Pokémon Trainer; only choosing to inherit her mother's restaurant due to having Ash. This led to his previous change of how your average model would have a beauty-score of five applied to her without him doing anything.

Taking a moment to again bask in Delia's beauty, Arthur scarcely heard her surprised utterance, "Oh, Ben, what are you doin here? Is there something I can do for you?"

Snapped out of his momentary daze, Arthur quickly replied, "U-Um, yes, I wanted to come over and thank you for the welcome basket you gave me."

The woman smiled. "Oh, well, you're welcome, then. I know it wasn't anything fancy, but I hope you enjoyed the sandwiches."

"Oh, I did, they were delicious," Arthur replied honestly. He may have had an ulterior motive in coming here, but that was no reason to be disingenuous.

Arthur had originally planned to follow a similar script as he had with Daisy. However, he was not interested in playing and had arranged for how things would go while using the Notebook. Now, he just waited for his cue.

"I'm happy to hear that." Delia turned to look into her house before turning back to Arthur. "Since you came all this way, the least I can do is invite you in and offer you something to drink."

Delia opened the door wider and began to lead Arthur inside.

"Thank you," Arthur said happily as he followed her - being sure to close the door behind him.

Stepping into the homey little kitchen, Arthur looked around as Delia said, "Sorry for the mess. We just had dinner and I was in the middle of washing the dishes."

"Don't worry about it," Arthur said quickly before taking a seat at the table. "It's not like you were expecting me."

Before long, Delia placed a glass of water in front of Arthur and took a seat opposite him. "I'd call Ash down to say hello, but I doubt she'll here me. She's so excited to start her Pokémon Journey tomorrow and I heard her say something about watching an exhibition match."

"Its fine," Arthur insisted. "I appreciate the thought, but I came over to thank you. Seems wrong if I'm a bother because of it."

"You're no such thing. And, actually…"

"What is it?"

"There's something I'd like to ask you if it isn't too much trouble."

"Ask away."

Looking down sadly, Delia said, "Ash's grandfather was a Pokémon Trainer. Her father was a Pokémon Trainer. She loves Pokémon and being a Trainer is all she's ever talked about for as long as I can remember."

"But…," Arthur asked.

"I know it's safer than ever, but there are still risks. I can't help but worry."

"Hmm," Arthur scratched his neck as he thought. "It's understandable. All I can really suggest is trust that you raised her to be smart and capable enough to be safe."

Delia chuckled. "My daughter isn't exactly the careful type."

"Ye~ah, maybe I could have said something else."

Delia shook her head. "No. It's fine. I…I didn't want to ask for comfort or anything. No offense, you seem very mature for your age, but if I was looking for comfort, I'd have gone to someone else."

Mentally stalling for a moment, Arthur understood but could not help but feel insulted. "W-Well, what did you want to ask me then."

"If it isn't too much trouble, I was hoping that, since you're both going on Journeys at the same time, and you might run into each other now and then; if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye on her for me."

"You want me to keep tabs on your daughter while we're on our Journeys," Arthur simplified.

"Oh, I wouldn't ask you do inconvenience your own Pokémon Journey just for that," Delia quickly explained. "I was just wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble to check on her if you're both in the same town or something."

"You know," Arthur internally mused to himself, "this would be a good set up for why the rival randomly appears every now and then to battle the main character."

"Alright, I'll do it," Arthur agreed.

"You will," Delia exclaimed happily.

"But there's something I'd like to ask from you first."

"Oh, of course. Anything. Just name it. I'm sorry to inconvenience you like this, and while you don't have to go out of your way or anything, it's just right that you should get something for your trouble. So, what would you like."

"I want to fuck you."

Delia's joyful expression frozen on her face, her befuddlement was clear in her eyes."… … … … … … … Excuse me?"

"I would like for us to head upstairs, right now, and fuck."

Tilting her head, Delia's confusion began to bleed into her expression. "Bu- I don- Wh-"

"You said anything. That's what I want. To start off my Journey and commemorate the event by losing my virginity with a beautiful woman like you. I may not have a Pokémon yet, but I am a registered Trainer which means I'm legally an adult. So it should be okay."

His piece said, Arthur stopped talking and let Delia process. He could almost see the gears in her head starting to turn as she began to understand what was happening. He considered pretending to leave but decided not to. He was too eager to put it off any more.

"A-Alright," Delia said after several moments - a serious but gentle expression on her face. "I did say anything," she added sounding slightly self-chastising. Rising from her seat, she said, "Follow me."

Doing as he was told, Arthur rose from his seat. "Time to get the OG MILF we were all too young to realize."

Arthur followed Delia out of the kitchen, down the hall, and up the stairs. They passed a room were Ash could be heard loudly cheering as they continued down the upstair's hallway and arrived at a green door.

Delia slightly opened the door before turning to look at Arthur - her face slightly flushed. "Come on in," she said softly.

Opening the door more, Delia stepped inside with Arthur close behind. Once they were both inside, she closed the door behind them. The drapes were open and it was not completely night yet, so the room was not completely dark and visibility was not low.

Taking a calming breath, Delia thought to lock the door just in case. She then turned around in time to see a now shirtless Arthur as he removed his belt and allowed his pants to drop to his ankles. She stained wide eyed at his blue and black stripped boxers, or - more specifically - the sizable bulge they seemed to be barely containing.

Delia's eyes trailed upwards and over Arthur's physique. It was a frankly bizarre sight to see such muscle definition on an otherwise ten-year-old boy - not excessive but certainly unusual.

"Sorry if I'm a bit eager," Arthur apologized.

"Uh, oh, no," Delia said quickly as she waved her hands to dismiss Arthur's words. "It's perfectly alright. I just wasn't expecting someone so young to…be so…um." She gulped as her eyes drifted over his stomach to his bulging groin.

"That's a relief," Arthur smiled. "So, if everything's still okay," he added leadingly.

"Right," Delia replied somewhat nervously.

Delia reached for the bottom of her shirt - blushing. However, she then realized she was still wearing her apron. Reaching back, she quickly untied the strap before puling the apron over her head and throwing it over an adjacent dresser. Her hands then went back to her shirt. She did not intend to be seductive or sensual, but her embarrassment caused her not to move quickly as she pulled it up.

Slowly, first Delia's smooth stomach was exposed. Then, the white, plain bra holding her modest bust was revealed. She continued to raise her shirt over her head and finally her bare shoulders and arms were left to the open air as the item of clothing was finally removed and dropped unceremoniously to the floor.

Seemingly getting over her embarrassment, Delia was able to remove her skirt without such fanfare - allowing it to drop to the floor much as how Arthur had with his pants. Her creamy, smooth thighs on full display, she now stood in nothing but a pair of - albeit boring - white bra and panties, white socks, and green shoes.

"Wow, Mrs. Ketchum, you look," Arthur tried to offer a compliment but was quickly interrupted.

Suddenly growing much bolder, Delia removed her shoes as she quickly advanced on Arthur. Gently nudging him back, he let himself fall back to sit on the bed behind him.

"Mrs. Ketchum," Arthur began to say but stopped as Delia gently put a hand to his mouth.

Letting out a deep breath, Delia then looked him in the eye with a flushed but confident expression. "You may legally be an adult, but you're still a young boy. And, you said it yourself that you don't have much experience with this. So, just sit back and let the adult show you how it's done."

Arthur did not argue as Delia lowered herself to her knees - maintaining eye contact as she did. Her gaze then dropped down to his groin. She proceeded to gently grab his boxers and pull them down. Freed from confinement, his erect member stood tall.

Delia leaned backed in surprise at the sight. Once again, Arthur's body left her stunned at the disparity between how developed it was compared to his physical age. Still, she swallowed heavily and proceeded to begin gently stroking it with her hand.

Arthur groaned as his hands pressed against the bed behind him to prop him up. It did not take long before his member began leaking precum.

Now using two hands to massage Arthur's member, Delia saw the reaction to her stimulation and quickly moved her hands so to spread his precum around his member. Once it had grown somewhat slick, she lowered her head to it.

Pausing for only a moment, Delia proceeded to take the tip of Arthur's member into her mouth. Gently bobbing her head up and down while rolling her tongue around the head, she gradually took it deeper and deeper into her mouth. All the while, her hands did not stop with one beginning to stroke his member more vigorously and the other moving to his testes to massage them.

Arthur clenched his teeth to resist cumming so soon. He internally marveled how how different this was to Gwen's sloppy attempt at a blowjob before. However, under the assault of Delia's soft tongue, warm mouth, and gradually quickening actions as she sucks on his member, he achieves release.

At the sudden release, Delia is initially caught off-guard and gags. But she is quick to collect herself and begins to swallow what she can. Once Arthur is finished, she continues to suck and lick his member as she pulls back. With a wet *POP*, she pulls herself off his member.

Looking up at Arthur, Delia's face is a mess due to drool and some semen that had slipped out when he first released. In a chastising but also guiding tone, she said, "In the future, you should warn your partner before you do that."

"S-Sorry," Arthur apologized. He looked down and internally thanked that giving himself a 'healthy' physique meant he was still erect and capable of more.

"Still, I was hoping there was something I could do for you," Arthur randomly bullshitted to see what would happen.

Wiping off her mouth, Delia asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I came over here to thank you for the welcome basket. I was thinking I could do something to show my appreciation."

Delia was quiet for a moment. Her blush that had been dying down now returned as she smiled. "Well, if that's how we're measuring gratitude…" She glanced at Arthur's still erect member and proceeded to reach back and undo the clasp of her bra. Removing it, her breasts and hard nippled were on full display.

Leaning forward, Delia used her arms to press her breasts together and partially envelop Arthur's member - still slick with precum and spit. "Then, maybe I should step it up." She then began to move her body up and down to stroke hi member with her breasts. Once she got into a rhythm, she then leaned her head down to begin using her mouth on the head of his member.

Again Arthur groaned at the sensation of Delia's soft breasts stroking his member with her hard nipples providing additional stimulation. He already came once and would not be so quick again. Still, as much as he was enjoying this, he did not want to bet on being able to immediately try for a third round.

"Delia," Arthur said in a slight moan - forgetting to call her 'Mrs. Ketchum'. "As much as I'm loving everything you're doing. It's not quite what I asked you."

Delia looked up to Arthur for a moment before again releasing his member with an audible *POP*. "Sorry. Truth be told, it's been a while since I've done anything like this. I suppose I was getting lost in the moment." She stood up and removed her panties as she did - a wet stain clearly visible.

Watching as Delia removed the rest of her clothes, Arthur crawled back onto the bed.

Now fully undressed, Delia proceeded to crawl onto the bed herself until she was over Arthur. Leaning back and sitting up, he felt her soft rear press against his legs as she sat just under his hips.

Arthur's gaze was drawn to the moist heat he could feel so close to his member. Besides an unshaven bush of brown hair, he was not able to clearly see her privets due to his member being in the way.

"Are you sure about this," Delia said.

Arthur looked up to meet her eyes that were slightly glazed over.

"This is your first time. Are you sure you want it to be with an old woman like me?"

Resisting the urge to laugh at the idea of Delia calling herself old, Arthur said, "I don't know what you mean by old. All I see is a beautiful woman who I want to spend a magnificent night together with."

Delia did not respond to his words, but it seemed whatever last hesitation was gone as she raised her hips.

Arthur's eyes dilated as Delia's moist privates came into full view as she angled herself over his member.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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