85.71% World of Warcraft: (DISCONTINUED) / Chapter 6: Chapter 5 - Journey (1)

章 6: Chapter 5 - Journey (1)

Daniel was sullen throughout the feast. He heard the news of his father's mistress giving birth to a bastard, he'd thought of his father as a husband faithful to his wife, and yet, this happened. Finally, he now knew why Cirias treated his mother coldly after years of living together, it wasn't because of duty. No, it was another woman. Elaine almost fainted after hearing such grave news, if it weren't for Anduin and Daniel, who timely held her hands. She wept and wept at the Keep's balcony, tears pouring unceasingly, and face, pale as a sheet. Daniel clenched his fist, nails etching deep into his palm, while his face contorted in rage as he watched his mother weep. Tonight was the first time he saw his mother show her most vulnerable state, breaking his heart to the extent of wanting to cut the woman who stole Cirias from them.

"Everything will be fine, Daniel." A hand gently clapped Daniel's back, he turned around and saw Derek, who had an expression conveying sympathy.

"No, Derek. It will never be fine, our family is broken. My mother loves him very much... But look at what it brought her. Look at how heartbroken my mother is," Daniel said. He turned towards his mother, saying. "He was one of my idols. Loving, caring, and strong; a true leader and a father, yet all of it was just lies."

"One mistake does not define a person, brother. I'm sure Lord Stormsong loves both you and your mother."

"Then why did I have a... brother not born out of my mother?" Tears seeped out of his right eye, sadness reflected in his deep blue eyes. "If he really does love us... Then why, Derek? Why?"

Influenced by his sorrowful friend, Derek stepped forward and hugged Daniel. He whispered. "The Proudmoores will always stand by your side." He did not let go of his grasp until Daniel's last drop of tears. "Do you want to go down, Daniel? Jaina can no longer wait to dance with you. I'm sure lord Anduin and mother will stay here to comfort aunt Elaine."

"Thank you," Daniel said.

"Hmm... We better wait for your eyes to ease up. You don't want my sister asking too many questions, right?"

Ten minutes later, there were no signs of swelling in his eyes anymore, the crease on their clothes was tidied up as well, Daniel and Derek hurried to a large hall on the ground floor.

It was a large room, filled with more than a hundred nobles, laughing and cheering. Bright chandeliers hung upon the ceiling, brightly colored Proodmoore flags draped the walls, along with lavish red curtains on the windows. Large barrels of mead laid beside the tables, men indulgently chugged using chalices wrought with gold, a nautical symbol engraved on it. The seats whereupon they lay had comfortable padding made of sheep's wool, the design of the chairs exquisitely carved by the finest craftsmen of the kingdom. Luscious servings of meat and desserts were shared between the nobles; the long table upon which it was served, designed with a lining of gold.

Daniel sat on an empty seat beside Jaina, behind her stood a maidservant attending to her needs, while Derek was pulled over by Daelin to converse with the guests. Daniel saw many important nobles, especially those who are from the other two ruling houses—The newly married Arthur Waycrest and his wife, Meredith, and Lord James Ashvane and his wife, Priscilla— Brother Pike was also present, a middle-aged tidesage appointed to the Stormsong Monastery by his father, Lord Stormsong. Though Brother Pike was a priest, Daniel saw him unceremoniously chug a chalice full of mead, laughing with his fellow priests while he would say blessings to those noble who approaches him. Still pained with the news, he'd heard of the effects of mead; some say it will let a person forget all his worries. Excited, he stood up but bumped into Jaina's seat. "Dani?" She asked, munching a loaf of bread, her eyes inquiringly blinked at him.

"I'm going to get a drink, Jaina." He pinched her cheeks, then walked towards the table full of priests while Jaina still sat on her seat, continuing to munch her bread.

Arriving in front of priests, his presence was warmly welcomed by all of them. "Young lord Stormsong," they bowed, perfectly maintaining their manners; no tidesage will ever disrespect the son of their high priest even if they were influenced by alcohol. Brother Pike, the highest-ranked present, said. "What brings you here, my lord."

"Can you give me some of your mead?"

Brother Pike walked in front of the boy and kneeled, he gently grasped the boy's shoulder. "Aren't you too young for one, my lord?"

"It's an order, Brother," Daniel emphasized.

"I apologize but Lady Stormsong would punish me if I do so." He flashed a helpless smile at Daniel. "Please, My Lord. I understand your worries, but everything happens for a reason. I pray the tide cleanse your pain." There were rumors of Lord Stormsong's infidelity, however, admitting the high priest's blunder is tantamount to smearing the tide.

The two, a man and a boy stared at each other; one with a holier than thou attitude while the other glared, anger reflected in the boy's eyes. "I am a kid, Brother Pike, but that doesn't mean I am ignorant," Daniel said gruffly. Then he winced and turned away, walking back towards his seat, his contorted face making a contrast to the smiling attendees. Hypocrites! The church speaks of discipline, loyalty, and faithfulness, yet none applies it truthfully, even their highest leader does not abide by it. Damn the tide, he thought of leaving the kingdom soon; apart from feeling a little sad that he needed to part with his friends, he was more inclined to leave right away from that blasted house. Blasted kingdom.

The next day, at dawn, Daniel and Anduin proceeded towards the city harbor right after resting for a few hours, behind them followed Elaine, Derek, Jaina, Katherine, and Daelin, accompanying them to send them off. The sea breeze and the cries of gulls blended with the sound of waves crashing against the hull of galleys. Strong towering Kul Tiran navy ships moored at the docks, maintained by the sailors and their crewmen, they saluted at Daelin's party with the utmost respect. Arriving at their designated ship, Elaine was caught off guard when she saw a sailor carrying her luggage at the gangway. "What is the meaning of this, father?" She said, "I am not going with you, the valley… Brennadam needs me."

"There is no reason for you to stay here anymore, Elaine! You will come with us to Stormwind, and we shall depart now!" Anduin persuaded. "Taria will be happy to be accompanied by you again, my dear. She misses your lovely laughter at the palace gardens back in the days."

Elaine gripped the hem of her dress, looking very confused as she considered her father's choice. Thinking of Cirias, and imagining the little bastard in his arms while he smiles, Elaine didn't need to consider anymore. At the behest of Daelin overlooking a noble lady under him slipping away from her house right at his watch, Elaine bade farewell to the Proudmoore family then followed Anduin to the ship, the two called for Daniel but the boy wanted to spend a few more moments with his friends before departing. It will be a long time until they meet again, might be so that Jaina will be a fine lady by then, and Derek, an admiral, exploring the vast seas with the Kul Tiran fleet. But, what about him? Will he be a mage of Kirin Tor after his apprenticeship, and rise to their ranks, or serve Stormwind, following his grandfather's path - or maybe, by his right, claim the seat of House Stormsong when his father rests. He didn't dwell for too long in such thoughts as a soft force tugged on his waist, looking below, Jaina was tightly hugging his thighs, her head buried right on his waist; tears and mucus staining his coat. "Jaina," he whispered, gently placing his hand on the back of her head, stroking it affectionately. "Don't be sad. We can always exchange letters. I'll write very often and have Derek read it to you."

"Promise?" Jaina innocently asked. She turned her head upward and stared at him, waiting for his answer.

"Promise, and maybe- just maybe, I can visit you during winter veil," he said. Then he turned to look at Derek, they both smiled concurrently. "Remember to write letters too with Jaina."

Derek nodded. He said, "I'll bring Jaina with me to Stormwind when father lets me man my own ship." They both saluted each other, and Daniel had Jaina let go of him before turning around, he didn't want to show both his friends the tears that rolled down his face. "Goodbye, Dani!" He could hear Jaina's soft whimpering voice as he walked on the gangway.

The ship they boarded was a three-masted galleon, it has a lion statue atop its bowsprit, the sails bore the lion crest of Stormwind. The bow of the ship was adorned with two cannons, manned by two footmen. Below decks is an array of heavy cannons, intimidating any pirates from approaching it. The journey between Kul Tiras and Stormwind, back and forth, is full of unforeseen danger, and so it was decided by King Llane, accounting his friendship and Anduin's standing, to send a galleon and two frigates to ferry back Anduin and his family. Operating the helm is an admiral known for his ferocity and maneuvering skills, a dear friend of Anduin as well; Zale Strongwood. A human of small stature yet having a bulky physique, and a bushy beard, his height not far from the dwarves, earning him the nickname- Smallsea. The outsole of his boots was a tad higher than the norm, significantly boosting his height, on his waist strapped a dwarven blunderbuss, and he had the smell of rum on him, standing to his side was his first mate, a stern-looking man with a long scar on his forehead. Anduin approaches Zale as he steers the ship on the quarterdeck, initiating a conversation with them, down on the main deck, a female shipmate beckoned to Elaine, guiding her to the cabin, while Daniel leaned on the gunwale, waving back at the figures of Derek and Jaina; exchanging shouts of promises, echoing throughout the sea...

As the night approaches, sconces were lit all around the ship by the guards, enlivening the bleak atmosphere brought by the dark, inside; Foods were served from the galley into the mess, where sailors and footmen ate. Meanwhile, at the captain's quarter in the aft section of the ship, Zale, his first mate, and Anduin and his family sat around a table— said to be made from the roots of a mother tree situated between the border of Lordaeron, the northernmost human kingdom in the continent, and Quel'Thalas, the isolated kingdom of the elves— A mix of Kul Tiran and Stormwind cuisine lay on top of it. Finally! Daniel moaned in delight when the taste of strawberry mingled in his tongue for the first time, he'd first heard of this fruit from his mother's mouth, descriptions of its sweetness and richness in flavor made him thirst for one, there were hopes for Anduin to bring one from Stormwind but midway, the fruit would rot inside his bags. Not long after they ate, Daniel listened attentively as Anduin began asking Zale about Stormwind during his absence, and then it turned towards Archbishop Alonsus Faol's forceful abdication.

"A month after you left, rumors began to spread of demons preparing to invade our lands. It caused panic among commoners and nobles alike, and the source of such words is... Lord Faol himself." Zale explained. "The council of bishops protested to King Llane, proclaiming the Archbishop as a lunatic... And lunatics are not fit to lead the church- That's what they said, but to me, Lord Faol is still like his old self since I had the honor to send him to Lordaeron at his request."

"Do you know what parish he went to?" Anduin asked.

"In one of the kingdom's cities. I'm not sure of exactly where, what I'm sure of is the lord will excel no matter where he is. Light bless him," Zale spoke in utter devotion. He was a man of the light and he see grace and simplicity in Faol, prompting him to have the highest respect towards the priest. He stared at Anduin silently for a moment, before confessing, "I believe in what Lord Faol said. Anduin, the sea is not as harmonious as it used to be, I could feel there will be changes soon.

"Stop your cynicism, old friend. The lands are at peace, and they will remain so for a long time." Anduin stood from his seat, then winced and walked towards the window overlooking the wide sea. Great waves crashed against the sea, and not far from his sight were looming clouds, lightning flashed around and thunder rumbled across the sea. "Dark times…" he muttered. And when the dark clouds cast over the ship, rain began to trickle down, and the roars of thunder grew louder, Anduin watched as lightning struck the sea in front, stunning him briefly. When he recovered, he had a glimpse of a serpentine-like back on the water, the moment he looked again, there was nothing.

At that moment, the weather turned for the worse.

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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