72.52% World Ixion/SAGA / Chapter 145: Save 78 ─ The Maiden's True Feelings

章 145: Save 78 ─ The Maiden's True Feelings

A man once said. "Something more dangerous than a wild animal or a gun in your face, is a woman's jealousy".

That's what I heard in a forum from my previous life, I said previous life because I am a reincarnated.

My current identity is Rudel von Bradford, the third son of a countryside baron family.

I am an ordinary looking guy thanks to my black hair and eyes, the difference with other ordinary people is my scary face and the shadows under my eyes.

For strange reasons I ended up in a fantasy world themed RPG game which is based on an otome game, that explains the romantic elements.

I arrived in this country, Aster Supreme Kingdom to study, when I actually came to make sure that the possible sequel to this crappy game, which has a bad ending where they destroy the Altfode Kingdom, my home.

In order for it not to happen, several things happened, but the most important of them is my current situation.

I got the heroine as a lover and my girlfriends found me kissing her!

"Rudel-san, if you don't explain properly... you will receive a 'No' as punishment."

Said Airi─ Irisdina, one of my girlfriends, of commoner origin. A beautiful girl with bright blue eyes, and light blonde bob cut style hair.

Airi had a role in this world, to save it as the main character, that was in the game before its update where another character was the main character.

Her beautiful white dress that we went on many dates in, right now gave me the odd scare of being covered in red.

Her neck was quite tilted, but her eyes are open. Her eyes released a pressure to never allow any lie.

I opened my mouth to say something, but my throat was so dry that I couldn't say anything.

I was so nervous.

"Y-You two! W-When did you get here? I-I'm glad to see you two actually."

I was in a cold sweat, this feeling of fear was totally different from when I faced Bandel's bastard knight.

Yes. This feeling is fear of being caught stealing an exam or being late home from the agreed time.

While on the other hand, my other girlfriend, Alisa─ Alicelotte von Bismarck a golden haired girl with a medium ponytail and a bow braid behind her head. Her eyes were a beautiful red color like a rabbit's, she was not only the daughter of a duke, she was also the villainess who bullied the poor heroine.

Her clothes unlike Airi's which are simple, Alisa's are always elegant, as expected of a lady of high nobility.

She was looking at the baby bed in the room. She touched it and smiled.

However, that smile made my spine go cold.

She was really angry. She is quietly losing her patience.

To express Alisa's feelings, would it be like a volcano just before eruption?

If the answer was wrong, then it would be an immediate eruption... why do only misfortunes happen to me? What was it that I did?

"I would like you to think of an excuse with which we are convinced. Why are you preparing a crib in a house in Aster, where you are studying abroad?"

I will explain my current situation.

I could not stay in Erselica's mansion forever, so I decided to return to the house that was prepared for me.

At that time, "Lucy Algrand" was selected as the priestess of the little offshoot of the Sacred Tree.

Her real name is "Lucyelle Liz Vermillion" of the ancient Vermillion Household.

To protect the priestess, I brought her to my home. I have no other intention. It's true!

I brought Lucy here to protect her from the idiots of the aristocratic kingdom.

Lucy, who was selected as the priestess of the little sapling of the sacred tree, is an existence that wants to come out with her hands out of her throat from Aster's point of view.

I decided that being by my side was the best way to protect Lucy. Since also, I am in love with her.

Since she wanted it herself, there shouldn't be any problem.

Lucy looked down.

Her platinum blonde hair, was pulled back in two fluffy, silky pigtails that rested on her shoulders.

Her face was very beautiful, but more beautiful were her amber eyes like the sunrise.

She looked sad in front of Alisa and Alisa.

"I-I've already met once, but I'll introduce myself once more, I-I'm Lucy..."

In a very shy way, she held on to my hand and dropped a bombshell, which made Airi and Alisa's eyes stricter.

"I'm Rudel's lover, I hope we get along well."

I felt Airi and Alisa's eyes radiated a very cold light.

From Airi and Alisa's perspective, I brought a woman to my house in Aster and even prepared a baby bed.

The reason there is a crib is because the day I arrived, I found a bunny, which was actually a she, which I named Lucy because it was such a cute name.

I know that by not revealing her name at the time, I totally regretted it.

If I had, the situation would have been less tense.

I gave different glances between Lucy and the girls when something unexpected happened at that moment.

A drop of water fell on the floor, it wasn't that it was raining and the water leaked, or that the pipe was broken. No, it was something much worse.


"So... it's true that you have a lover."

It was Airi who cried after saying that. Her expression showed pain at learning a horrible truth, while Alisa─.

"I see. I had to have imagined it, no, I always knew, I was just pretending you weren't capable. But I was wrong, a heartless man like you will always be one."

She exclaimed in a pained tone as she clung to her arms. I could see her shaking from the news.

Alisa was betrothed to a dirty bastard who wasn't me. That bastard hurt her to the point that it left an emotional rift inside.

I always said I wanted to protect them and never hurt them or see them cry again.

But what was happening before my eyes was the complete opposite of what I swore that time.

I must stop this before they think any more badly of me than they already do!

I quickly let go Lucy's hand and hugged both Alisa and Airi.

"Girls, I love you so much! Believe me!"

"No... let go..."

"Rudel-san has two girls and yet he's looking for one more, it's painful for us how little you care about us."

With a small force of their arms, both of them tried to disengage from me.

I didn't want them to leave in pain.

Alisa with tears in her eyes said to me.

"Why Rudel? Did you want to have another woman so badly?"

"Aren't we enough for you?"

"You're wrong Alisa, I love you two!"

The tears kept coming down.

It was Airi's turn who was crying even harder.

"Despite the fact that I told you that whenever you wish to be intimate with us you can do it. Despite the fact that we already had our first night together... even with that you are still looking for another woman to play with?"

They were both still crying, the strength in their legs gave way and I helped them to the floor.

I comforted them because I understand their pain.

If I were in their situation, I would be in pain too.

So if I told them about those two... I'm sure they would have a heart attack. That's why I won't tell them until the time is right.

"Sorry girls, but Lucy is not just any girl. She's just like you girls, I love her too. I want her to come with us to the Kingdom to be with me."

Their crying increased as did the strength of their fingers as they gripped my arms.

I turned slightly to check on Lucy for the statement.

She was clutching her arms in an embarrassed manner.

The fact that she had declared that she was my lover in front of my girlfriends must have made her feel really bad.

I guess it's time to endure a beating to relax them.

"Let me tell you what happened."

"If so, please allow us to talk as well since we witnessed everything that happened since we arrived."

The one who said that was a maid who was hidden like a kunoichi behind the door, she was Felicia van Arkin, a maid of the duke's mansion. Her light green hair is gathered in two braided buns behind her head, her eyes are light gray hidden by her glasses. She was the kind of woman who would punish you for getting bad grades.

She said she would talk about what happened with Lucy, as did the people next to her.

"P-Please let me talk too, young Master Rudel is not a bad man like you think you think he is!"

Exclaimed biting her tongue an unrefined maid like Felicia, it was Ada, the older sister of Erselica's servant Allen. A girl who was supposed to be an older sister but didn't look like one, although her body said the opposite, because of those huge attributes hanging over her chest.

Her dark brown hair is gathered in a ponytail that almost reached the floor, her eyes were scarlet giving her an aura of a mature woman although she is not.

In her arms, underneath those huge bumps, she carried the sapling.

As they were still crying, I told them what happened here from the beginning.



"We really sorry!"

Alisa and Airi ran to hug me after telling everything that happened from the beginning.

About Jude.

The wedding.

The guardian emblem on the back of my right hand.

Airi was still hugging me while Alisa placed her hands on her hips.

"Really, you two are the worst."

She wasn't referring to me or Lucy, but to two floating spheres that arrived recently.

The one floating on my right shoulder was a gray softball-sized ball with a red lens and a male electronic voice, I called it Ixion.

"I'm sorry you two cried over a useless man like Master."


"But it was necessary, they were bound to find out sooner or later."

"That's right!"

Accompanying in Ixion's defense, a sphere of the same size with a female voice, but white in color and green lens spoke, it was Bellion or Bell.

"If Master had been an assertive man, Lucy-chan wouldn't have gone through all that! Don't you feel sorry for her? Master was only supposed to take her and thus avoided all the trouble he caused!"

I learned a detail that no one at the embassy said.

Apparently, Herring Household, Banfield Household and Exner Household have stated that despite the internal problem there was, I stuck my nose into a foreign business.

Alisa told me that despite having the backing of Rosenberg Household, those three idiots were right.

The problem was so big, Aster demanded that I leave, but apparently a very skilled diplomat managed to keep me from being kicked out months ago. When I meet him I will thank him with gifts.

Back to the girls.

Alisa commented on something that Ixion explained.

"The Sacred Tree... This is an existence that supplies people with energy."

Is it good to say that it is clean and free energy?

A great plant that solves energy problems.

And in my hand, there was a sapling that grew from that Sacred Tree.

Fortunately, the sapling chose its priestess.

If we return to our hometown and bury the sapling of the Sacred Tree, the Altfode Kingdom will not suffer from energy problems in the future. During last year's war, the reserves were stolen and the Kingdom was in red numbers.

Considering Alisa's position, it was inevitable to bring Lucy home.

However, Airi is not convinced about it.

"W-Wait! What are you going to do with Lucy-san's wish? Lucy-san hasn't given an answer yet, right? They're hesitating, aren't they?"

She said that Lucy's will should be respected.

Alisa and Airi's opinions were in direct conflict.

On the one hand, a human treatment and on the other, an emotionless one.

Alisa persuaded Airi in a reasoning manner.

"I'm sorry for Lucy, but the energy problem will be solved in the future. This is no longer an individual problem. Certainly, Lucy will have a less than favorable life, but in the future one of the key problems of the Kingdom will be solved..."

Her gaze focused on Lucy who had her head down.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to give Lucy an option to refuse."

I could understand Alisa's feeling of wanting to take her home.

Not suffering any more power problems, that's a pretty happy thing.

However, Airi was not convinced.

Even when presented with the benefits, she emotionally objected.

"That's not good. Lucy-san won't be able to be happy. And even she has the choice to stay here or come to the Kingdom? Bringing her by force, it's unforgivable!"

"I'm sorry if I said it wrong. Then, we will treat Lucy with the utmost consideration. If Lucy wants it, we'll let her have a luxurious life."

"It's not that! It's not like that! What's wrong with you, Alisa? You don't act like you usually do. The usual Alisa would never choose Lucy as a sacrifice or anyone else."

Alisa lowered her gaze a little, but raised it harshly to stare at Airi who had an angry look on her kind face.

Both of them gradually began to get upset.

Alisa also became emotional.

"If one sacrifice will save many in the future... my choice will be for the majority. I didn't say we wouldn't make Lucy happy since she will stay in a mansion in the Bismarck Duchy."

Faced with the utmost consideration that Alisa chose, Airi was still not convinced.

"Lucy-san is not a tool!"

Alisa surely couldn't forgive herself for seeing Lucy as if she was a tool.

Alisa was a little dismayed.

It seemed that she herself was aware of what she said.

"It's true that I saw her as a tool. If Rudel hadn't brought this incredible story I would have doubted it. ... But now that I know, I am willing to take Lucy back to the Kingdom. Rudel, help me too."

When Alisa asked for my consent, Airi grabbed my arm.

She gave me a sad look.

D-Don't look at me like that.

"Rudel-san, please stop Alisa. This isn't good, do you want to be happy even if you treat Lucy as a tool despite her being your lover?"


While wandering, Alisa held my other arm.

"Rudel, you are a count of Altfode Kingdom. You have an obligation to protect these people. I know you don't want to take responsibility, but I won't let you run away from this."

Airi looking from the person's perspective.

And Alisa looking at the whole thing economically.

Airi wanted Lucy's happiness and Alisa wanted to sacrifice it so that many others would be happy.

... Wait, should I choose, should I decide this important matter?!?

It was Ixion who sent me a rescue ship when I was in trouble.

"You two seem to misunderstand something. No doubt the sapling will be of use to the Kingdom, but, it won't be for another 300 to 500 years minimum for it to grow to a level where it can generate orbs."

Alisa was speechless at that critical hit from Ixion.

"I-I see... by that time our descendants will have to take care of the tree."

Airi then jumped for joy.

"Yes, Lucy-san won't be used as a tool!"

"A-Airi, you hurt me by making me look like a horrendous person, but, I'm glad we don't have to leave Lucy in that state, but we still have energy problems."

Ixion said as he projected a hologram from his eye.

"In that you need not worry. I'm working on a method of creating electricity without the use of magical power, of course, it's not clean energy so the air may become polluted."

"Hey, contamination is wrong, don't do it."

"The energy and environmental problem are different, industrial growth must make sacrifices. Do you think money is made in a clean way? Well, leaving that aside, Lucy's problem is another."


I said since I was confused.

"I'll say it without reservation. Lucy has no freedom and no secure future."

Lucy gave a slight jump when she heard that alarming news.

"... Will I never be happy?"

"If your value is known, the Kingdom will not only move but also the other countries. Master, you won't be able to protect Lucy if she's not by your side."

Ixion was listing the reasons, but each one sounded like a lie.

"Is that your true intention?"

"Do you still have doubts? Then I'd like to state it clearly. If other countries secure Lucy, they will take all possible measures. That is the end you will regret, Master. It would still be lucky if it is just an unwanted marriage. At worst, she will be brainwashed and treated as a human tool. The sapling of the Sacred Tree and the priestess Lucy, other countries surely wish to get their hands on it."

"I understand, but does it have to be done to that extent?"

"Is it not possible to protect Lucy in Aster? She is their priestess."

"Oh? You still believe in them, even though you've been teasing and taunting them to their faces? I really admire your hypocrisy, or, maybe it's guts?"

Since I came to this country, I have been teasing the six great nobles.

Derrick who has used the status of the six major nobles and used it in his own way.

Jude who forced Lucy to marry him to get it.

They were certainly annoying people.

They screwed me with all of them in many ways, but how would they move if I wasn't there?

She was selected as a priestess, but it's terrible that she can't be happy. I thought the game had a happy ending.

I complained.

In this romance game, Lucy, who was selected as a priestess, should have been happy.

Being united with a boy she likes and reviving her house that was in ruins?

And yet, what about Lucy now?

She belongs to no one and she's not happy either.

Alisa stood up, pointed to the window where she was sitting.

"It's already so late, the business with the sapling and Lucy was settled."

"Y-You're right, I guess it's all clear now."

"Yes, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I can't tolerate it."


Both me, Lucy and Airi said at the same time what we were thinking.

"What do you mean?"

I asked, Alisa stared into my eyes.

"I will not acknowledge Lucy as your mistress. That's my decision."

"If you don't like it... you can break off our engagement."

"...!!" (x3)

I quickly stood up and held Alisa's shoulders, who wouldn't look at me.

"W-Why, Alisa?"

"I understand this is sudden for you, but I'm sure you won't remember. R-Remember what your situation was like with me and Airi last year."

"That's different... we went through different emotions and experiences. For that reason, our bond is special, but I don't have any kind of relationship with her, we are of different content."

"For that reason, I'm sorry, I have nothing against you. But if you want to be with Rudel, it will only be over my dead body."

Alisa removed my hands and left the room.

"Alisa, wait!"

Airi went after her.

I sat back down and grabbed my head.

"Ah, damn it! One problem after another."

Why did things end up like this?

I looked at Lucy who apologized.

"Rudel, I'm sorry, I just bring trouble."

I stood up and hugged her.

"You're wrong, this is all my fault, I should have listened to Ixion from the beginning."

"Please repeat that, I didn't record it."

"Shut up Ixion." Bell said, which was approaching making a strange beeping sound.

"Lucy, I'll try tomorrow to change Alisa's mind, I swear."


She hugged me tightly when I told her that.

Really, what's wrong with you Alisa?


"Alisa, are you all right?"


Alisa headed to Aurora to sleep there, a beautiful white airship. Like the airship beside her, which was black and named Schwert, both were Lost Items, creations of Ixion and Bell.

Arriving on deck, she was attended to by the robots Bell brought, they were cylindrical and had arms, but they floated.

She went straight to her room and went to bed without changing clothes.

Airi arrived soon after.

She knocked on the door and entered after hearing a "Come in."

She lay down next to Alisa to find out how she felt.

But Alisa answered her the same. Airi was angry about it.

"Of course you're not, I know you and I know when something bothers you."

"Do you hate Lucy?"

"If I told you yes, what would you do?"

"I'd ask. Why?"


"I don't hate her, I can't hate someone who hasn't done anything bad to me or my family. I can't hate her for falling in love with Rudel, I can't hate her for wanting to be with Rudel, since if it was the other way around."

"And I would be in her situation, I would feel bad that my man's wife wouldn't let me be with him, I would hate it with all my heart."

"I can't hate her, even if I want to, and you, do you hate her?"

"No. Think as you do, considering my situation, hating her would be very selfish of me. What's more, I feel like it's almost like remembering last year when we had our doubts about whether we deserved to be with him despite knowing each other's feelings."

Alisa laughed again.

"That was an unforgettable year, whether for the good or the bad."

"But Airi, I'm not kidding. If Lucy wants to be with Rudel, it would be my loss, that was never said by Ixion nor thought by Rudel."


"Look, Lucy is the equivalent of the Saint in our country, she's also from an extinct family, revive that house and get benefits from it, all that I thought while Rudel was talking."

"I would lose out, whether I want to accept Lucy or not."

Airi's face at what she heard left her speechless and even supportive.

"That's horrible, can't the palace do that to you!"

"Of course they can, Lucy is more important than a duke's daughter, that's why I don't want Lucy to be with Rudel, my position would be not only snatched away, it could also hurt you as they would see it wrong to have a commoner by their side."

"S-Something like that is..."

"I'm sorry if I sound cruel, I don't want to lose either of you two. Even if Rudel hates me or tries to discard me, I'll still stand tall, as the duke's daughter that I am."

"I guess... I'm tired."

"Good night, Airi."

"Good night Alisa."

The two slept after that.


Alisa was in the royal palace of the kingdom.

She was showing her greetings to the person who came to give a report in this dark room.

She was the Queen, Lecia von Altfode, a beautiful woman with soft wavy ash blonde hair, navy blue eyes and a youthful face.

Lecia was surrounded by guards, she approached Alisa and took her by the shoulders.

"Lecia-sama, is something wrong?"

"Alisa, listen to me carefully."

Alisa was silenced by Lecia's unusual coldness.

"The royal palace has officially decided to end your engagement to the count. I'm sorry."

"... Huh──?"

Alisa's expression froze at that dropped bombshell.

Lecia continued.

"I heard that you rejected Aster's priestess as the count's concubine, that mistake made even your own family turn their backs on you, why did you do that?"

"I... I didn't want Rudel to have a lover."

With tears in her eyes, Alisa expelled her true feelings.

"My child, a lover doesn't affect your life or your husband's, but what you did, damaged you so much that only your friend was treated as a concubine and you lost even that option."

"...N-No... please don't..."

She felt her temperature cooling rapidly. Alisa felt the strength of both her legs receding.

Lecia hugged her and comforted her as she collapsed. Alisa asked Lecia in a trembling voice.

"Why!? Did I do something wrong, I-I'll fix it right away, just give me time!"

"I'm afraid it's official now, there's a ship leaving straight for Aster right now."

Alisa's expression was becoming more and more distorted, her bright eyes darkening.

"I've worked so hard to be worthy of a hero. I've worked hard every day to become a worthy wife. Just because I won't accept her as a concubine they do this to me? I-It's okay, she'll be the concubine, no, the legal wife, okay? So there's no reason to break off the engagement anymore, is there?"

Alisa gave a forced smile to Lecia, who stood up.

The queen proceeded to head for the exit.

Alisa tried to follow, but the female knights stopped her.

"Please wait, Lecia-sama! It was just a mistake! Just a mistake!"

"You can't take away the happiness I got! I'm only a year away from marrying Rudel!"

"I beg you! I take it back, I will no longer try to deny Rudel lovers!"

"Either Eleonora or Alicia or any other woman can be his mistress! But please don't cancel our engagement!"

Alisa understood with the following words that her life and feelings are worthless to the political marriage.

"In adult world, feelings don't exist, I taught you that, didn't I? Alisa, if you had kept quiet, none of this would have happened."

Lecia walked away, leaving only a confused and vulnerable Alisa, who writhed in pain on the floor.



Alisa broke down in a sea of tears and screamed until her voice trailed off.




Alisa got up from the bed in a hurry, her breathing was very fast, her face was covered by her hair which stuck to her body because of the sweat.

She observed the whole place, it was her room in which Airi was next to her.

Seeing her, he rushed to hug her.

"Alisa, what's wrong?"

Airi stood up after seeing Alisa trembling collapsed on top of her.

She was mumbling something, which she didn't understand.

"It was a dream, it was just a dream. No, it was a nightmare, a very horrendous nightmare."

Alisa after a while of waiting to relax, proceeded to tell Airi what happened.

"That certainly is horrible."

"It is."

Alisa was in Airi's lap, both were holding hands.

"What will you do?"

"I made a decision and I want you to support me, too, I want to go see Rudel."

"Alisa, I support you unconditionally, I trust you."

(That's not what they thought of me.)

"Come on, Airi."


"What do you mean no water and no gas?"

"None of those utilities have been paid for months now, did you think the embassy officials would do it?"

"They can only do it at Erselica's mansion and only because Liam is the crown prince."

"Guh, nothing goes right for me today, I wanted to have a wonderful breakfast prepared for them."

"Cheer up Rudel, we can still use other things, there are plenty of unheated food dishes in Aster."

Alisa and Airi arrived a short while ago, Felicia opened the door for them.

She led them into the kitchen where she found Rudel struggling with ingredients and Ixion next to him with a small flamethrower.

Lucy was helping him, she was still in the same clothes she wore yesterday, Rudel the same.

Alisa touched the wall and all three became aware of her presence.

With his face covered in cream, Rudel said with his best smile.

"G-Good morning, you're early."

"Rudel we need to talk about something, it will be short. Lucy, you come too."

Seeing Alisa so serious, Rudel wiped his face and they walked to the living room.

Where Alisa and Airi sat on the same couch while Rudel and Lucy on the opposite one.

The atmosphere was very heavy as they were both serious.

Alisa spoke up so as not to waste any more time.

"Rudel, do you love Lucy?"

Rudel was surprised by the sudden question, then he looked at Lucy, who had a wet look in her eyes, took her hand and said.

"I love Lucy as I love you two, there is no order or place for my love to you three."

Lucy wanted to cry, she unwillingly hugged Rudel, both Alisa and Airi squeezed her hands tightly.

Then Alisa asked Lucy the same question.

"Lucy, do you love Rudel?"

Unlike Rudel, Lucy didn't hesitate for a second.

"I love him with every fiber of my being, I want to be with him forever, I don't care if I live in the Kingdom or in Aster. Not even being in a faraway place, just being close to him like you girls are."

Alisa took a deep breath and then said.

"Well Lucy, I welcome you as Rudel's second concubine, congratulations, you will be able to love each other freely."

Lucy hearing that she can be with Rudel without any problems, jumped on him.

Her big breasts pressed against his face, Rudel looked happy despite wanting to hide it.

Airi squeezed Alisa's hand tightly, while she forced to keep her smile.

On that ordinary day, Rudel finally established his harem.

Siegburn Siegburn

Finally, we come to the moment everyone wanted to see, the moment where the hammer of justice will strike Rudel for being so dense and cowardly.

The moment where the harem is born has arrived.

Remember that this volume will be "similar" to Razel's so expect those surprises.

Have a freshly baked meme: https://mega.nz/file/a9QDHKgC#kZvvpycVEXWKTofGJcGSypVLbK_-BhNU_R8xsKIGPWw

next chapter
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