/ Book&Literature / Wizardry System

Wizardry System オリジナル

Wizardry System

Book&Literature 89 章 3.2M ビュー
作者: JeffreyDO

4.04 (55 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


Chris Kim was a Potterhead. While he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 15th time, he felt the force sucking him inside the book. He realized he was in the Harry Potter World with the Wizardry System. How will he change the Harry Potter world with his knowledge?

P_atreon: pat_reon.com/jeffreytown (without the _ of course).
Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/jeffdo

General Audiences
  1. Khargol
    Khargol 貢献した 9
  2. Zachplayz_23
    Zachplayz_23 貢献した 6
  3. Inner_goddess
    Inner_goddess 貢献した 6


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Typical good start and then ****ed up. The Author tried to add mystery and excitement to break up the usual story line (going to NY to find an artifact) and ruined the story after ca. 20 chapters. His original characters are to weak to cary the story, which does not matter that much if you work with cannon characters or events, but is critical to new scenes. I know writing is hard work, but this is cruel to the readers. I am simply disappointed. Maybe fewer chapters would have been a lot better. Tip** for the Author: 1. Fanfiction by deffinition revolves around known characters. Use them to flesh out your story and cover your weaknesses. 2. Reincarnated/Transmigated MCs have an inherent knowledge advantage, use it(ROR, CoS, MMap, Kitchen, secret passages). 3. Rich powerfull MC makes for politics (MC's Dad buying broms without rich/powerfull rivals interfering? No aliances? Duel Club without MC's Dad or Lucius M. interference?) On of the best parts of the HP universe are the political undercurrents. 4. If writing about social situations is not your strong point, copy from the original, that is why it os fanfiction. 5. Strong MC needs his own antagonist/problems unique to him. Thanks for reading, good luck to the author.

10 の返信を表示する

trash the mc is on the side of light who can't kill an enemy who uses killing curse on them, only use non lethal spell on enemy that's trying to kill them

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The beginning has too much info dumping about the MC's system. Then the MC has an unhealthy interest in getting to know the main cast. It got boring after that and nothing really exciting happens besides fix-it moments. Not a bad story, but not a very interesting one.

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Wasted my time reading to chapter 30. MC is suppose ******** fan of HP but is unable to see the true happenings a reasons for cannon HP. I especially got frustrated when it got to the point of author writing that the professors are choosing the brightest/capable/trustworthy students to teach dueling just to have the next chapter include F*cking Ron and Harry. Such force plot. HP and Ron are so mediocre!! Especially Ron!! Ron is below average and is accusing, jealous and lazy, slow witted. This FanFiction is too vanilla and forced. Author try’s to come up with ideas but is so force that it’s contradictory to the original characters the ones he/she is making. WASTE OF TIME!!!!

1 の返信を表示する

I almost quit reading half through then I realized that it's getting interesting when you add some unexpected events. And its a good thing that your keeping the story in it's original plot.

3 の返信を表示する

Well there is something I wanna share,author no offense.....well I don't care 1)system sucks it is limiting the growth of mc and mc feel he is getting stronger Well he got pretty much good memory if mc word hard he'll get much power without the help of fucking system 2)author spends 50+ch repeating the same story of 1st yr Hogwarts 20% deviation 3)if only space time power is given to harmione than she will be much more overpowered from the fucking mc 4)I read whole ch+ hoping for something new & all I read mc begging for quest

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LV 11 Badge

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Honestly I did not have much expectations but this writing turned out to be really well done and got me hooked on the story and this story is also a system novel which is what I love ❤️!

3 の返信を表示する

I loved this novel. I simply didn't want to put it down at all. The system was well done and I think you did pretty well on the characters. I don't know when you upload so I'll be checking out your channel to finish up the story.

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Ggshdhdhdhhdhshdhshdhhdhshsggshsgdhdhsgehshdhdhdhshhdhudhdhdhdhdhjfjdhdjhsdhhdhfhdhddjdifjudhhdhhdhdhhdhddvvdbdhdgegrgehehehehrhrhr i love this keep ye ok ok you understand pls

0 の返信を表示する

Sorry this story is so bad.. My head hurt read all this.. What with all this Prometheus and founders test. The MC is to realied to the system.

0 の返信を表示する

read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!read this!!!!!!!!!

0 の返信を表示する

If you like Hp novels this is the novel for you!!!!!!If you like Hp novels this is the novel for you!!!!!!If you like Hp novels this is the novel for you!!!!!!If you like Hp novels this is the novel for you!!!!!!

2 の返信を表示する

i personally dislike the harry potter world as one to read, but this read made it not only possible to have a good tie reading it, i had a genuine great time reading this. its worth the read so try it out.

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Mc is Hermione's famboy. [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

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this was an interesting concept. It is a shame that it was dropped as the story was starting to gain some traction. I hope whatever you are going through turned out alright.

0 の返信を表示する

Well, it's have a path to harem but maybe max is 5 heroine, it's also quite good, but not OP, more likely Weak to Strong and Moderate Paced, 🤔🤔, last chapter the author dropping all his work, he has talent for this but If this not fun for him, well that's doesn't good either, so all his reason is appropriate. Thanks for this fanfiction Author 🙏🙏🙏

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Aku membaca tulisan ini sebelumnya, lalu menjatuhkannya karena penulis tidak memperbaharui lagi. Hari ini aku membacanya lagi dengan harapan penulis akan melanjutkannya seperti penulis lain. Tapi ternya tidak. Kecewa, pasti. Tapi sekali lagi aku berharap penulis akan melanjutkan cerita ini, walaupun karakter Chris tidak sempurna, tapi sangat menarik ketika kita mengikutinya.

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la historia es interesante sobretodo lo que esconde el libro

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LV 3 Badge


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作者 JeffreyDO