14.81% Winter's Promise / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Wolf Lord

章 8: Chapter 8: Wolf Lord

1st Month of 298 A.C. Winterfell

Lord Eddard Stark

Recently Ned had been finding himself wondering where all the time had gone. His children were all grown, or close to becoming men and women grown. Robb was to be married soon, and Jon, well Jon was looking more and more like a man Ned had only heard of in stories. Sansa was a maiden flowered, and she looked beautiful, truly beautiful, Ned had been receiving offers for her hand since the moment she had turned ten, and yet he knew there was only ever going to be one man he could willingly give her to. Bran, named for Ned's older brother was ten and two namedays old, he was curious and inquisitive, and he was wild as well, there was a part of Ned that saw Brandon in his son, and worried for what that could mean. He looked at Arya, and he saw the same thing in her, Lyanna was in her, looking at him whenever she chose to, and he found himself worrying over what fate might bring. Then there was little Rickon another fierce child. Their wolves seemed to match their personalities as well, Ned knew there had been some surprise that he allowed them to keep the wolves, but he had a feeling they would come in hand when the time came.

Fourteen years since he had ordered the deaths of Barbrey Dustin and her child, the north had grown prosperous, the canal had seen a lot of trade coming in from the free cities as well as from the other parts of the seven kingdoms. Enough trade had come in that Ned had felt secure in having a port town built on the western coast, and giving it to Theon Blackwolf, the second son of the chief of the Black Wolves who remained in Lorath guarding something he would not speak of. The deaths of Barbrey and her child haunted Ned somewhat, but he had largely managed to force those thoughts from his mind, he had done what was necessary to protect the north and his own family from Barbrey's hubris. Her brothers' par Roose were all dead, and Roose Ryswell was dying himself, Benjen's wife Donella was heir to the Rills, and when Roose died, Ned would confirm his brother as Lord of the Rills, just as he had confirmed Benjen as Lord of Barrowton following Ronnel Stout's untimely death. The fostering of the lords of the north's heirs within Winterfell, Ned felt had ensured that the lords of the north would be loyal to him and his son when the time came. Bolton most certainly had remained loyal not doing anything that might disrupt the natural order of things, even delivering the head of his bastard son when the boy had threatened to become an issue. For all that though there was a part of Ned that wondered if he was doing the right thing.

And now word had come from King's Landing, Jon Arryn was dead. Ned did not know what to make of that, there was a part of Ned that had always wondered if his foster father had done what he had done deliberately, some things he had learned during his time travelling the north had made him wonder. But of course, the larger part of him, wanted to find out what was behind Jon's death. His own spies within King's Landing had reported that Jon had been fighting fit, until around two moons ago, and then it had been a rapid decline. Cat's sister Lysa had written speaking of the Lannisters and how they had had Jon killed, and yet both Ned and his wife were doubtful of that. Lysa was not the most sensible of people, and from what his spies within the capital had told him, it seemed the miscarriages and her closeness to Baelish had altered her mind. Baelish, the thought of that man was more than enough to make Ned want to hurl, and yet Jon's death was an issue and one he knew would need to be looked into.

That was why he had called a meeting of his most trusted advisors, Cat was there of course, as was Benjen, Luwin was present and finally Martyn Cassel, the old reliable warhorse of a attendant was there. Ned looks at them all and then says. "As I am sure you know, Jon Arryn is dead. Lys Arryn claims her husband was murdered, but there are reasons to doubt that. She claims that the Lannisters had a hand in her husband's death, and considering what we know of the Lannisters perhaps that is not completely surprising, but then once more one does need to consider whether she can be relied on." Ned looks at his wife who takes up the thread of the conversation then.

"Whilst, I do not like saying this, I do think some thought does need to be made as to the state Lysa is in. She has lost her husband, and she never was the strongest of people. I do think there might be some truth in what she says, but the reasoning I am not completely sure of." Cat says.

Ned continues. "The Lannisters have been steadily increasing their influence over the court during the preceding years, and Robert has not done anything to stop this. Indeed he has done more to alienate his brothers than one might consider worthwhile. Stannis, has been forced into a position that does not suit him, whilst Renly, well from what I know of the boy, he is more of a Tyrell puppet than a man."

Benjen speaks then. "So what reason would they have for killing Jon Arryn? The Lannisters I mean? For all we know he could have been the one preventing the Baratheon brothers from furthering their power and throwing the realm into further disrepute."

Ned nods acknowledging what his brother says. "That is true, and yet one must think on what the Lannisters are. They are known for being ruthless, it is possible that Jon Arryn might well have begun the process of removing their advisors and nobles from court. And that is something Tywin Lannister would not like."

Cat speaks then. "Tywin Lannister was once the most powerful man in the realm as hand to Aerys Targaryen. And then he gets what he finally wants in having his daughter as queen, and he does not come to court, or actively participate in court life? I do not think that is something that one can consider reasonable. I think that there might well be more of his hand in this than we might think."

Ned looks at his wife curiously and asks. "What are you suggesting?"

His wife takes a moment to get her thoughts in order, and as she does, Ned finds himself wondering not for the first time how he ever managed to have a wife such as his. Eventually she speaks. "I think that whilst the Queen might consider herself somewhat smart at playing the game, it is her father who the Lannister members at court answer to. And I think that he might well have been acting through them this whole time. Just think on what we know. The reform act that was passed the year Bran was born, that act is far more favourable to Tywin Lannister than anyone else. The tariff act passed the year Arya was born, same thing there. Even more recently, the number of laws passed by the king that favour the Lannisters and the Westerlands, and all of them coming from members of the court Jon Arryn and Robert listen to."

"They would have to be few and far between, Robert is not known to listen to anyone who was not in his bed." Ned says grimly. And then it hits him. "Martyn, did you not say Robert had taken up with a woman with blond hair, who was some relation to the Queen?"

The man nods. "Yes, it seems the woman became his long term mistress around the time following the Greyjoy rebellion. And as such has remained as such even to this day. I think she was a cousin of the Queen."

Ned considers this and then says. "The mere fact that this woman is still alive, to me suggests that she has protection from a source that the Queen does not feel comfortable threatening, and there is only one person the Queen fears, and that is her father."

His wife speaks then. "And so, would it make sense for Tywin Lannister to use this woman's influence over the king to make sure that the Lannister influence and power at court remained? After all, the queen might well have sown herself as incompetent in her father's eyes, as she has not managed to stem the insults he deals to House Lannister. And there was that whole business with Delena Florent as well."

Ned grimaces then. Delena Florent was a part of the past that has Ned wondering just what Robert was thinking. "Aye, that might well be something that might force Tywin's hand if indeed, he was behind it. He seems to want to keep his blood on the throne no matter what, and if the Queen was shown as being too incompetent then perhaps he would act through Robert's mistress."

"So then, if the Lannisters did have Jon Arryn killed to further their own presence in court, how are we going to prove that? King Robert is known for turning a blind eye to things he does not want to see. Just see how he handled the whole episode with Lord Hoster." Benjen says.

Ned looks at his brother, and sees the instant regret on his brother's face. Robert had gravely insulted Hoster during an episode some years ago. And well, safe to say that the Riverlords had never truly forgiven the king for that. Cat speaks then her voice calm. "And of course, Robert does not like turning things over on themselves. In fact he is well known for keeping things the same." his wife looks at him then and asks. "Did he not say during the rebellion that he meant to make a huge change to the system in King's Landing?"

Ned nods. "Yes, he said he would change the system, and that the things that had plagued the Targaryens reigns would not plague his. And yet he has not changed a thing, there is just as much corruption and scandal within his court as there ever was during a Targaryen reign."

Maester Luwin speaks then. "So, it would make some sense that perhaps this was something that they would do my lord, as it would benefit them most greatly. But the manner seems suspicious, it seems too sudden and too drastic to be the work of Tywin Lannister."

Ned can see where the maester is coming from, if it were the work of Tywin Lannister, no doubt the change would be more slow in coming, less direct. He ponders this and then says aloud. "Then who could it be? Who would work in this manner to make Jon Arryn's death seem natural?"

He looks at his wife then, and at the same time they say. "Pycelle." smiling at his wife, he turns to the room at large and says. "The man is a dithering old food. It would make sense he would take something like this and work in a manner that might well ruin Tywin's plans."

Silence falls then, as they all consider this, Ned wonders if this is the right path that they are walking down and then Benjen breaks the silence saying. "There is one person we did not consider."

"Who?" Ned asks looking at his brother curiously.

His brother swallows nervously. "Jon Arryn's wife. Lysa."

"Why would she do that?" Cat protests immediately.

Ned thinks he understands where his brother is coming from but he remains silent, wanting to see how Benjen defends his position. "We all know Lysa did not like Jon Arryn. Hated him even, that is common knowledge throughout court, what would it take for her to remove him from her path?"

Cat looks as if she cannot believe what she is hearing. "But why would she do that? Why would she kill her own husband and make her son be without a father? Why would she make herself a widow? That does not make sense."

Benjen holds firm. "Forgive me, my lady. But it might not make sense to you, because you are her sister. But from what we know from the spies in the south, it makes sense to me. Lysa and Jon Arryn never got along, only shared a bed on the occasion Arryn felt he needed an heir, nothing more nothing less. And then there is Baelish."

"But what does Petyr have to do with this?" Cat asks, her voice sounding small.

For a brief moment, Ned feels a flash of anger flow through him. And yet he remains silent, Benjen speaks then. "He and your sister are close my lady, very close. Is it possible he might have influenced her into doing this?"

He can tell Cat wants to deny this, wants to say that what Benjen says is not true, but he can see on her face that she knows, or rather worries that what he says might be. Her shoulders slump in defeat then. "I suppose so, but then why?" She looks so sad that Ned has to pull her toward him.

With his wife standing at his side, Ned takes a deep breath and then speaks. "I think it would seem quite obvious why. Baelish has gained much and more by using Lysa to his advantage, and well, it would seem as though he might well be doing the same here. Jon Arryn was a thorn in his side, and well perhaps he wants control, complete and utter control."

"Of what though? Lysa?" Cat asks her voice sounding worried.

"I do not know, perhaps her, perhaps her son, perhaps the Vale itself. Something that will give him more power at court." Ned responds.

There is a long silence, and then Benjen asks. "What do you think Ned? Who do you think was more likely to have had a hand in Jon Arryn's death?"

Ned sighs then. "I do not know, truly I do not, and I wish to the old gods that I did. But I do think that perhaps it might be a combination both, with both sides wanting to remove Arryn to suit their own goals, I will need to think more on this. Martyn has there been any word from our sources there?"

Martyn is silent for a long moment and then he responds. "There has just been one slither of information my lord. Stannis and his brother the king argued before the king sent his letter. It seems they were discussing his decision to come north."

"And do we know just what was said?" Ned asks curiously.

"It seems that Stannis Baratheon wanted to know why his brother was content to go north, when he could name a hand in the south. The king gave his response and his brother stormed off." Martyn replies.

Ned thinks over this and then says softly. "Robert, Robert, Robert, he is driving his brother away, more and more. Doing the thing that he should not have done. Stannis Baratheon no doubt is hurting about this. And what of the younger Baratheon?"

"It seems he is remaining in King's Landing whilst the king ventures north my lord." Cassel says.

Ned thinks over this and then says. "No doubt Robert is coming north to name me his hand. He will not expect anything other than my consent to such a thing. And I suppose in a way that is not such a burden, as one might think. I am not so ill prepared as to think that this could not happen. And yet, I have my own doubts over it."

"Will you accept his offer, my lord?" Cat asks. "Knowing what you do about the truth, will you approach things as if there is nothing changed?"

Ned knows his wife refers to the letter, but he considers what she says and then says. "The surest way to achieve what we want is to accept Robert's offer. Already he might well wonder why I have remained silent since the Greyjoy rebellion. It would not do to give him more cause for concern."

"And what of Jon? You know he develops more and more into a man whose attributes are more noticeable. The hair and his eyes most noticeably." Cat says.

Ned ponders this and then says. "I will not send Jon away when the king is here. And besides, Robert never looks for things he is not curious about. I do think Jon will be safe here, the people of Winterfell will not allow the Baratheons to harm him."

"What about Bolton? Will you have him watched? After all his own father is beginning to act somewhat suspiciously, if the word we have been receiving is any indication." Cat asks.

Ned thinks over this. "Bolton will remain silent for the time being, he is on thin ground after the execution of his bastard son. As for Domeric, Domeric is bewitched by our family, he shall remain loyal that much I know."

"What of Sansa and Arya? No doubt Robert will want one of them to be betrothed to his son, has he not always wanted a marriage between our two families?" Catelyn asks.

Ned thinks on this, and though he knows his own opinion on the matter, he knows his wife needs to be soothed. "Robert will be too busy reminiscing to be thinking about any such marriages. I promise you that my love."

"And if he is not?" his wife asks.

Ned takes her hand then and responds. "Then we shall deal with it accordingly."

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If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com

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