A classic tale of destiny and comradery, Winter’s Heir follows Cedric, The Knight of Darkness as he follows his heart in hopes that it will lead him into the loving arms of Petal Dancer, the Queen of Spring Meadows. However, a deadly darkness looms in every shadow and its patience in its host is wearing thin. Da’nu will sink below the fog if nothing is done, and the runaway warrior may be the one thing that can save it. A story told over four generations, Guardians of Da’nu begins here, with a newly formed world in crisis, and leads you through a story of hate, greed, fear, anger, jealousy… and love.
Winter's Heir is created by K.S. Stone, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.
I love it when an author is so descriptive with her story world. I found myself drawn into it. It’s amazing how writers think up make-believe worlds. That’s the beauty of reading fantasy. Keep it up, KS! 🥰🌹