7.79% Winter's (GOT) Nothing on Me / Chapter 6: Wintery Wrath #6

章 6: Wintery Wrath #6

Auhtor's note: Gimme your power stones, and also your money. My p-word page is 14 chapters ahead of WN as of now, but I'm posting double updates there almost every day, and I will keep doing that until we're at least 20 chaps ahead. 


As the young man lunged at the Thenn warrior, his obsidian dagger poised for a strike, the Thenn acted swiftly. With a sudden twist of his body, he pivoted and turned, successfully intercepting the young man's attack. He raised his arms, gripping the young man's wrist tightly, preventing the dagger from making contact with his torso.

"You little... shit..." the Thenn warrior growled through clenched teeth, his face contorted with effort as he strained to keep the young man's dagger at bay.

"Just die already... you creep," the young man shot back, his own muscles straining as he exerted every ounce of strength in an attempt to overpower the Thenn.

Despite his advantageous position, the young man lacked the combat experience of the Thenn warrior. Realizing this, the Thenn swiftly assessed the situation and devised a solution. 

He pushed himself slightly forward with his leg, causing the young man's center of gravity to shift. With perfect timing, the Thenn raised his leg and delivered a powerful kick that sent the young man tumbling away.

The force of the kick had knocked the wind out of the young man, leaving him gasping for breath as he lay on his back. Coughing and struggling to regain his composure, he found himself in a perilous situation as the Thenn warrior quickly recovered and retrieved his short sword. The Thenn wasted no time, immediately lunging at the young man.

With the tables now turned, the young man desperately gripped the Thenn warrior's wrist, attempting to push him away. However, the Thenn was a seasoned fighter and knew how to maintain an advantageous position once he had seized it.

"I'll cut off that impudent tongue of yours once you're dead... maybe roast it over a fire..." the Thenn warrior hissed, his lips curling into a savage grin. His short blade inched closer and closer to the young man's eyes, the threat of imminent danger looming ominously.

The young man's world had narrowed down to a desperate struggle for survival. He found himself unable to form any coherent words or even a defiant retort, his mind entirely consumed by the impending threat of the Thenn warrior's blade. Every ounce of his energy was poured into resisting the lethal intrusion.

Despite his efforts, the outcome was only partially in his favor. He managed to divert the blade's tip by mere inches, preventing it from piercing his eye directly. However, the sharp edge still grazed the skin just below his left eye, eliciting a guttural scream of agony from him.

The Thenn warrior relished in the pain he was inflicting, savoring the young man's suffering. He pressed the blade forward, slashing across the young man's brow, despite the desperate and frantic struggles. 

"Squeel for me, little piggy!" The Thenn's malicious grin remained, his enjoyment clear in his sadistic words. "I'll take my time with you... make sure you never forget my face-- even when you're dead..." He warrior taunted, relishing every moment of the young man's torment.

"The more you squeal, the more you struggle-- the more savory your flesh--" The Thenn warrior's words dripped with sadistic pleasure, promising a slow and painful death. However, his speech was abruptly cut short as he noticed a bizarre transformation overtaking the young man.

Dark blue veins began to snake across the young man's face, his icy blue eyes now glowing with an eerie light that pierced through the blood trickling down his brow. 

The pale tone of his skin turned even more ghostly, sending a shiver down the Thenn warrior's spine. A sudden, unnatural chill filled the air, unlike anything he had ever experienced in his life beyond the Wall.

Alarmed, the Thenn warrior tried to force the blade further into the young man's face, but to his horror, it refused to budge. Despite his frantic efforts, the sword's tip remained frozen in place, a hair's breadth away from the young man's eye. 

The Thenn warrior gazed into the young man's eyes, his heart pounding as he witnessed the transformation. Panic, anguish, and pain vanished from the young man's eyes, replaced by an eerie calm that preceded a storm of darkness. 

As if to underline this transformation, the young man's grip on the Thenn warrior's wrist tightened, producing a horrifying snap of breaking bones. An anguished scream erupted from the warrior, a testament to the excruciating pain coursing through him.

With a methodical slowness, the young man lifted himself to his feet, effortlessly raising the Thenn warrior along with him. He held the Thenn's broken wrist firmly, showing no empathy for the suffering warrior. 

The young man's gaze, though once filled with terror, now seemed indifferent to everything, including the fleeting life of his foes. He stared at the warrior, unfazed by the screams and the garbled, incoherent words that poured from the warrior's trembling lips.

The young man, his eyes devoid of emotion, tried to speak, yet only an eerie, cracking sound, reminiscent of ice fracturing, emanated from his mouth. It was as though a wintry chill had descended upon the scene. 

Slowly, ice began to snake its way through the Thenn warrior's body, gradually encasing him in a frosty shroud.

As the transformation continued, the young man's interest waned. He nonchalantly discarded the frozen warrior, flinging him aside like a discarded ragdoll. 

The Thenn's body collided with a nearby tree, the impact shattering him into thousands of gruesome, bloody ice shards, leaving behind a morbid tableau of death and destruction.

The young man shifted his gaze towards the ongoing battle between Benjen and the last two surviving Thenn warriors. A frigid gust of wind, emanating from his direction, cut through the air, causing all three of them to halt in their tracks and turn their horrified eyes toward him.

Ignoring their reactions entirely, the young man extended his hand, and with a mere gesture, he enveloped the remaining Thenn warriors in a crystalline cocoon of ice. The sculptures shattered into icy fragments, leaving no trace of the warriors but a haunting memory.

As the frozen remnants of the Thenns scattered across the ground, Benjen squinted through the eerie display. 

He called out to the young man, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "Lad? Are you still in there?" Gripping his sword tightly, he pointed it cautiously at the young man, who attempted to respond but once again produced only the sound of cracking ice.

Benjen moved closer to the young man, his brow furrowed in concern. "If you can hear me, please, give me a sign—" 

He was interrupted mid-sentence as the young man's eyes dimmed, the ominous glow fading away. The dark blue veins receded from his face, and his pallid skin regained its normal hue. 

Weakened, the young man toppled to the ground, prompting Benjen to rush to his side.

Through his hazy consciousness, the young man could perceive Benjen's face, his expression fraught with concern as he urgently checked for signs of life. The young man's breaths came in ragged gasps, his body convulsing with shivers, and he felt an unrelenting chill that penetrated to his very core.

"I feel... so cold..." he managed to murmur, the words strained and punctuated by painful grunts. 

He summoned a feeble smile, attempting to bring some levity to the situation. "Is the offer to burn my body... still standing...?" he inquired, his voice a mere whisper as the icy sensation seemed to seep into his very veins.

Benjen offered a weary smile in response. "Not if you're still well enough to tell jokes..." he quipped, his worry not completely concealed. 

"Hang on. I'll drag you to the fire..." Determined to warm the young man, he gently slid his hands beneath the young man's arms and began to drag him back towards the campfire.

As the young man parted his lips, intending to express his gratitude, his fragile consciousness slipped away like a wisp of smoke, and darkness overwhelmed his vision.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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