100% Whims of Chaos / Chapter 16: OP C13 - Time Skip into Sabaody once more

章 16: OP C13 - Time Skip into Sabaody once more

Hiding that I could grow plants and food was no longer possible at the end of our stay in Alabasta. The whole country was covered in patches of green, its cities began thriving. Somehow, my moniker now followed the naming sense of my ship, and I was known as Green Saint or Doc Green.

For example, the 'City of Perfume' Katorea that smelled exceptionally nice was now covered in cactusses as tall as buildings. These thorny plants had meaty, fragrant flowers that were used by the citizens to make the perfumes.

Then, there was Yuba, a small town that wasn't very old and used to house the rebel army before Crocodile purposefully increased the sandstorms hitting the town to rile up the rebels even more in his favor. Before I arrived, Koza, the childhood friend of Vivi and current Environmental Minister, tried his best to repopulate the town with his dad.

Needless to say, a stealthy fox, meaning me, made that happen even faster because of the big palm trees I grew, giving the city some much needed shade.

And I didn't know there was a rice plant in OnePiece that could grow in salt water against all odds. Yeah, well - for some reason, it wasn't very widespread before I arrived. But honestly, that thing is a complete game changer. I grew the rice whenever or wherever I could. In a world covered in oceans, that plant was simply too good to be true.

In all these months on the island, my crew and I fully broke through to Vice Admiral level strength, even Marie. Hator and I were inching our way toward Admiral level strength based on my Hasshoken-style and haki alone.

Only Muret was left behind a little, but she developed into a sniper more than a front-line fighter and concentrated on soaking up as much knowledge from Kureha as she could since Sakura Island was pretty close. It wasn't a stretch to say that she was a doctor of my level, though we had different specialisations.

The Revolutionary Army continued busting slave traders that kept popping up in blue seas, giving our alibi even more credibility. Raki, Lope, and Sabo regularly visited the most prominent hot spots for slavers in the grand line. His nimbus cloud was simply too broken for this world. His zoan, in general, was in all fairness.

Sabo was now known to be the second strongest in the RA just behind Dragon. Though Sabo always hurried back to Fishman Island to check on Koala when they cracked down on another slaver ring in the middle of the night. Koala was left a little behind strength-wise. Don't let her hear that, though.

Blackbeard actually did try taking over the dwelling of the fish people, but he 'only' sent three giants, together with Sanjuan Wolf, and Vasco Shot, who was supposed to weaken the fishmen by drying them out with his fire breath.

Long story short, after losing two of the giants and Vasco Shot that day, Blackbeard stopped sending his crew on 'errands' like conquering other islands for a while. Especially since the Spade Pirates under the lead of Masked Deuce took the one-armed Shiryu prisoner and exchanged him with the marines.

Apparently, their fleet received a 'grace period' in return because Ace kept mum about the fact that his crew caught the ex-Head Jailer, allowing the marines some good press by pretending they did.

And while on the topic of press, Morgans finally dialed down on my own news coverage. I guess a good year of milking the charming medical saint was finally enough. Though, the occasional mention of my name did result in Alabasta becoming a veritable tourist attraction.

If King Cobra didn't like me before with the drastic increase in vegetation, he loved me because Alabasta increased its tax revenue by almost 800% - which wasn't really crazy because Crocodile was no longer holding the country by its throat economically... and figuratively speaking.

The increase in visitors, of course, increased the number of pirates trying their luck, but 'Hator the Hero' became a symbol of peace for the kingdom. Thanks to my strengthening and his own training, Hator wiped the floor with every pirate that dared cause a ruccus. He was connected well enough with the population that all mayors in the country had his den-den mushi on speed dial and informed my right-hand man about every pirate docking in their ports.

He also got quite chummy with Vivi, the country's princess and secret Strawhat pirate ally. Cobra tried to bind me to the kingdom by offering her hand in marriage, but as charming as she was, I wasn't really invested. Instead, I deflected that proposal and pushed the Alabasta native of my crew into the limelight. If I do die in a few years or less, I would at least rest easy knowing I didn't hoard all the women.

Encouraged by possibly landing the princess every young hotblooded man in Alabasta was interested in, Hator even managed to awaken his devil fruit. After that, whenever someone managed to land a hit with a metal sword on him, the weapon would simply visibly disintegrate - even armament haki was hard-pressed to fully shield the sword's edge since Hator's own haki was reaching ridiculous levels.

And the special part of the special paramecia also fully kicked in. Cuts no longer really bled. Instead, the wound turned into rust that simply flaked off slowly while leaving behind healthy flesh and skin. Which resulted in Hator healing from even deeper cuts stupidly fast - ancient zoan level fast.

Then, Hator even gained a sort of aura of decay. If you put him in the middle of two armies fighting each other with swords, eventually everyone would only hold a brittle sword handle in their hands instead of their original weapons.

Thankfully, my influence meant the Green Fortune barely had any iron nails because I simply grew parts together that needed to be together. So the one time he unleashed the aura on our ship, only Raki was pissed because all her cast iron pots and pans in the kitchen were destroyed.

Well, the aura still affected wood after the awakening, but I wished him good luck in destroying the Green Fortune with me on it. After a good two years on the sea with my floating hospital, I could confidently say only someone like Shanks and Mihawk could realistically cut the endlessly reinforced Treasure Tree Adam and Treasure Tree Eve wood.

The latter wood was slowly added after Sabo brought a sapling of the tree genus from Fishman Island. Not much was said about it in Oda's works as far as I was aware, but weaving the two woods together with my powers resulted in a sort of synergy effect.

The combined wood became even sturdier and ate my devil fruit powers even faster. Regular point blank cannon ball shots no longer even left a small dent in our hull - I still didn't figure out how Lope talked me into testing that.

Lope himself met a cute bear mink in Lindbergh's army that brought us a few wounded RA soldiers, but despite me trying my hardest to wingman for him, the cloud bear was too shy and didn't manage to say a single word in front of the lady mink. And I tried so hard, too! I didn't even laugh in her face once because her name was Teddy! A polar bear mink named Teddy!!! Well, Lope will have to figure out what else to do himself.

After our stunt in Alabasta was over, we left the island under the thunderous applause of the people of Nanohana, the port city we docked in most of the time. In case pirates thought that now that Hator was gone the island was easy pickings, I personally strengthened Vivi and a group of Kung-Fu Dugongs who became my disciples. The latter even managed to learn my Hasshoken-style in the months of our stay, which blew me away completely.

So anyone who did manage to terrorize the population would get their ship completely destroyed by well-placed punches of a small dugong. The 'vengeful ship-sinking spirit of Alabasta' quickly became a myth in the country everyone was aware of.

As the time-skip for the Strawhats started coming to an end, the New World was completely sunk into chaos. The 'War of the Six Emperors' was on its way. Kaido, Linlin, and Shanks were constantly trying to fight off the ever encroaching contenders Blackbeard and Douglas Bullet - all the while Ace tried his best to keep the position he inherited from Whitebeard.

The only reason he hadn't truly failed at that yet was the fact that Douglas Bullet either saved the son of his former captain for last or respected his captain enough to not touch him at all. Instead, Bullet repeatedly bullied Kaido's All-Stars and Big Mom's Sweet Commanders. He even killed one of the latter when the supernova 'Mad Monk' Urouge was fighting the now dead Charlotte Snack.

Urouge joined the man after Bullet killed the rest of the Mad Monk's crew, and the two mountainous men started another wave of terror in the New World together. Charlotte Linlin, in turn, started hunting the two, but to no success as of yet.

I was destined to meet another Sweet Commander soon in Sabaody: Charlotte Smoothie. I couldn't give Shiryu's sword to anyone from the RA without suspicion, but I could sell or trade the Meito 'Raiu' for something that I wanted.

And if the deal goes through, Muret will get two powerful ornate Walker revolvers and a rifle of the same make and model as Yasopp, Red Hair Shank's strongest sniper. Smoothie claimed over the den-den mushi that they had traded a 'Yasopp-crafted' rifle with the Red Hair Pirates for something else some time ago and the Big Mom pirates didn't have a sniper good enough to wield it.

Honestly, though, a woman who was twice as tall as me was perfect to wield a sword that is as tall as me. So I'd rather pat myself on the back for finding someone who would perfectly wield Shiryu's Raiu. I wasn't entirely sure how the Marines would like that, though. Too bad for them, however, because they made no effort to buy the named sword off of me.

Blackbeard mostly concentrated his efforts on Whitebeard's territory in the latter half of the grand line and - according to the RA's sources in the Underworld - started cooperating with Doflamingo.

That was just as worrying as the fact that Blackbeard managed to get a bunch of giants to join his crew. Doflamingo lost some influence after Acting Fleet Admiral's first order of business: correcting Sengoku's mistake of letting Vergo of the hook.

Vergo and Doflamingo thought that the masked man's allegations were perfectly countered by Vergo laying low.

But apparently, Sengoku simply saved this nugget of good press and immediate outstanding accomplishment for his successor, who turned out to be Admiral Akainu just like canon. It definitely helped Acting Fleet Admiral Sakazuki in gaining the good graces of his subordinates. As if it wasn't the masked me who 'found it all out' and brought it to light. Brainwashed idiots.

I learned that Sengoku even broke Vergo's bones for his involvement in the death of his nearly-adopted son, Rosinante. But ever the 'good guy', former Fleet Admiral Sengoku didn't kill him in his cell in Impel Down. And despite the ever-increasing evidence of Doflamingo's wrong-doings, Sengoku and the marines did nothing to sanction the man or retaliate. The disgraced former World Noble was still one of the seven warlords of the sea.

What a dog. Sengoku, I meant.

As promised, my crew picked up the young Yorki to meet up with Brook in Sabaody. Honestly, I wasn't really keen on going back there. Neither was Marie. Because we dreaded what we would do when we saw a World Noble. And while I still wanted to kill any Cipher Pol agent I came across, doing it so close to their home turf was simply stupid.

Unless, of course, I did it in my fox form while nobody would be any wiser. Or I simply said fuck it and became openly hostile to the World Government. As much as that was the original plan, I never found a satisfying opportunity to end my 'saint career'.

If it wasn't for Morgans' good press, I would have long been framed for something I bet. But that didn't happen, not even after refusing Hina in West Blue over a year ago.

"Sensei, did you remember to pack the tickets?"

"Yep, now stop bothering me!"

"Show them to me, I want to make sure~!"

"They are with Lope."

"So you didn't pack them, Lope did!"

"Yorki. Tell me something."

"What is it Sensei?"

"How often did I hit you outside of spars in the almost two years we've known each other?"

"Only once, Sensei!"

"Do you think I should do it more?"

Yorki hurriedly shook his head. The memory of the beating he got after he revealed to everyone the teachings of his sensei were still branded into his mind.

"Then why are you begging for a beating?"

The young tailoring apprentice paled as he finally got the point I was trying to make.

"Good. Now go bother Lope. Or ask Hator to spar with you."

"Can you tell me who you're making such a super long dress for first?"

I was currently making a dress for Charlotte Smoothie, a dress that could highlight the long, toned legs of a four and a half meter tall lady with legs longer than I was tall. As god - or Adam or whatever - was my witness, I'd try getting into that woman's pants.

All my lovers in this world so far were far shorter than my less than impressive 2.3m by OnePiece standards I reached after all my training. Russian, my shortest sexual partner so far, for example was barely 1.6m while my tallest 'conquests' were Marie and Ahiru of the Revolutionary Army at around 1.88m, close to 1.9m.

Truthfully, my first casual sexual encounter in this life with Ahiru was very weird. I would also forever wonder why she sought me out for that one-night stand during my time at Baltigo, the RA HQ. I could attest that her lady bits were still very much flesh and blood so her pretending to make mechanical sounds instead of moaning was a very unique experience. It felt like she lost a bet or something when I made her reach an orgasm sometime that night. Definitely very weird.

In any case, I was hoping to at least bed one lady taller than me before I died and despite my fame my choices were limited if I wanted my partner to be exceptionally good looking AND powerful.

Smoothie was a choice merely out of convenience since I was about to meet her, but my first choice was sadly unavailable to me. I met Vice-Admiral Gion once and she didn't seem to like me very much. The almost 3m tall marine saw me in East Blue over a year ago when I treated people at Loguetown.

I'd like to think she was about to introduce herself but instead kept her distance with an icy expression as I treated even the less reputable clientele one would find at the port in Loguetown. Not sure why that was, I would have pegged her as someone in the 'moral justice' camp.

"What are you thinking about? Our next sister wife?"

While I was thinking about my sex life that would have left any other life of mine completely jealous already, Raki hugged me from behind and pressed my head into her bountiful rack.

"Is that what you call yourselves?"

"Marie said that as a joke once and drank on it with Russian," Raki said with a shrug I could clearly feel through the pillowy sensation on the back of my head.

"Ugh, those two are the ones that want to play house the most..."

"Yep, so where's my reward for keeping them in line?"

"You kept them 'in line'? How? What did you do?"

Raki started massaging my shoulder as I still moved the small wooden needle to finish the dress and explained, "It wasn't easy, but whenever they lost themselves in their delusions, I reminded them of your personality."


"Yeah, you behave like we're the most important people in the world. Yet even in bed, you talk to us like we're casual acquaintances you met at the market."

"You guys talk about that and compare?"

"Of course we do. After all, none of us can claim you. Even poor Marie is held at an arm's length at all times. Sometimes, I think you only invited that Nojiko woman in East Blue to remind Marie of her place in your life. Didn't you see last year that her smile always held a bit of resignation? Well, she got over it eventually."

"So you girls are no longer comfortable with our arrangement?"

"Oh, on the contrary. I still haven't found anyone I'd rather do in the blue seas, Muret would rather try out more kinky stuff than stop and Marie, same as Russian simply came to accept that they cannot play house with you. Of course, I'd love to say Russian drew the shorter end of the stick, but..."

"What's up with her anyway? On our last visits, she only saw me once and dragged me into a bath completely drunk to do me, and she didn't speak a single word."

"Ask her, I'm not gonna tell," Raki answered with a mischievous grin.

"Well, I just hope that if she slipped up with the contraceptive potion that she wold tell me and not hide it," I said with shrug to which Raki looked at me with a calculating expression as she sat down on my lap instead of staying behind me.


She shook her head, "Just wondering how you thought of that."

"Well, she stopped talking to me face-to-face for several months during that whole Kuma rescue fiasco and conveniently didn't see me when we came back from East Blue. But my devil fruit powers are good for finding pregnancies, and when we left her in Little Garden before that, I didn't see anything..."

Raki grinned her mischievous grin but didn't say anything... should I Moonwalk over to Little Garden unannounced and check? Fuck! Let's do it like my fathers in my third and fourth lives and pretend nothing happened. Schrödinger's Offspring, so to speak.

The child exists and doesn't as long as I wouldn't check. I should send the next busted devil fruit or valuable sword I find back to Little Garden and instruct Russian to give it to whoever she thought both me and her would think deserved the reward the most. And if her response isn't that it should go to our child, I'd pretend there isn't one despite the signs.

Yeah. Totally. FUCK! I'd have to find out for sure, didn't I?

"How long until Sabaody? And do we have time to go to Cottonspring first?"

"Why in the seven graces would you ask me? Do I look like our navigator?"

I looked at Raki with a sigh, pinched her ass and shoved her off of my lap.

"The shit was that for, you animal?"

"Tone done your sass or no sex for you. This is serious."

Raki looked at me with an incredulous expression, "Did you just threaten me with a dry spell?"

"Yeah, neat, right? Never thought a man would kick you off of his bed, eh? That's the beauty of having so many beauties," I responded with a wink as I left her there on the floor to go talk to Hator.

It turned out we did have time to Cottonspring Island, my 'home island', so to speak. I once more refreshed all the blessings I spread over that island by regrowing their food. Then I went to my mom's old house and dug out my mom's 'treasure': a baby's blanket. It was mine, and she had created it with great care and intricate needlework for many plants and cute animals.

If it turned out I had a child, let it have this. I entrusted the blanket to Lope - or well, I told him of its significance and where I put it on the ship. Just to be extra sure.

After that, we finally reached Sabaody Archipelago.

Well, almost. There was a pirate ship trying to raid us a good hour away from the closest port. The fact that our ship didn't take a bit of damage from their cannon balls or the fact that my crew was pretty infamous for hunting pirates didn't deter them.

When I allowed them to board the ship instead of blasting them to smithereens, I stood protectively infront of Yorki, Muret, and Kalifa, who by now had her hair dyed white with a different glasses frame. I still didn't strengthen her at all, but her own training while teaching the six Marine Styles to Marie wasn't for naught.

I was pretty close to actually believing that the woman changed, but this island would be the tipping point in trusting her fully or not. I learned a few days ago that CP9 had another long-term mission going on here after the Marine HQ moved to the New World while the old HQ was turned into the G-1 base.

"Who might you be?" I casually asked as a man that looked like he didn't shower for months and smelled even worse jumped to my ship.

Quickly following him was a tall, fat man with green hair that just rubbed me the wrong way. He looked around, all nervous with his stupid shovel over his shoulder, but I think I hated his hair color even more. It was too close to mine and my mother's.

"A celebrity! Just nice. We can sell those pretty bitches, while I make that Wine Goddess my woman and we force that baby-faced doctor to become the ship's doctor! Nobody can stop us in the New World then," the man with the greasy wet hair explained grandly with a wicked smile as he gestured around wildly with the way too long sleeves on his hand.

"Yorki," I said as I turned around to my apprentice. "Not only did he ignore me, which is just rude, he also called the beautiful ladies on this ship the B-word. I told you the only two B-words you can call a woman, right?"

"Yes, sensei! Beautiful and bountiful!"

I could see Raki grinning in approval, feel Marie's exasperation and hear Muret and Kalifa's groan at my antics.

"Always remember that. Now, by your ugly mug I already know that you must be 'Wet Hair' Caribou. And I gotta say, what a stupid moniker. Advertising to the whole world that you have terrible hygiene and all that. But you got on the wrong ship to be assholes," I monologued as I gave Hator the all-clear with a handsign.

The Alabastan's fame as a bounty hunter had exceeded even Raki's by this point because she didn't seek fame, only money and fun. So it was just right that he should deal with these two.

As my navigator walked forward, Caribou sent him a disdainful glare, shoved his brother forward and ordered, "You deal with the rabble as I make sure our merchandise stays alive."

Coribou swung his shovel with all his nervous might, clearly showcasing that he knew armament haki if the sudden black sheen was anything to go by, and aimed for Hator's head. Who in turn merely held his hand forward and used his devil fruit powers to reduce the shovel into reddened dust, despite the pitiful haki of the younger pirate brother.

Before Caribou could see what happened or Coribou could react to losing his beloved shovel, Hator had punched out a Hasshoken-style punch into the big belly of his enemy. The impact barely made any sound as it connected too fast for Coribou to react.

Yet, even without sound, Coribou could see his life flashing before his eyes. His shirt blasted into scraps at the back and blood began to raise to his throat. The pirate suddenly felt a piercing pain in his entire torso before numbness engulfed him.

In the last moments of his life, Coribou was probably glad for this numbness that took away the pain. The last thing he saw with a slight turn of his head were the countless ripples coming from the ship he was on.


Caribou looked at Hator who moved faster than even he could see and his brother who was rapidly losing his life. In anger, he 'forgot' to even flee and charged at Hator with his arms slowly turning into rancid, wet mud.

Despite his brother knowing armament haki and Hator clearly knowing it, too, Caribou seemingly ignored it all and charged at my left-hand man at full speed. Before they could clash, however, the pirate changed his direction and jumped back to his ship, screaming at his men to start rowing to get away as fast as possible.

Hator stood there with his outstretched fist and was confused, "Wait, wait. What?"

"Come on, man. He's getting away. That man loves killing people by burying them alive and selling women on the slave market. If you're not going, I'll go," I chided Hator who could have clearly gone after Caribou directly with his Observation Haki but paused for comedic effect... or whatever.

"Ah, no need to look so disappointed. You're not my mom, that look won't work," Hator scoffed as he began Moonwalk-ing over to Caribou's quickly accelerating boat.

The fight between Hator and Caribou with his crew didn't take long. We were clearly on a whole other level than a random 210 million belli pirate that got to where he was by being a scheming logia fruit user.

"You ran into trouble?" I heard as I entered my cabin after making Yorki help Raki in the kitchen because good food was a good way to win a woman's affection.

Nico Robin sat at my desk with an amused smile on her face and a book resting on her crossed legs.

Sabo had dropped her off after we left Cottonspring because Robin needed a lift to Sabaody to reunite with her crew. She apparently convinced Sabo quite easily to leave her with us so that he can rush back to his Koala. I bet there was non-stop teasing involved that made Sabo agree.

"Barely. Some idiot who thought a logia fruit was the pinnacle of the world," I answered as I shrugged. "We're a little less than an hour away. Will you stay on this ship or try lodging with Shakki in Grove 13? Lope and Hator will probably go to Grove 66 first to turn in the bounties with the marines, but we won't dock anywhere close to there."

"Won't you accompany Marie first?"

I sighed. I would do just that. It's what a friend should do. But going to Grove 25 to pay my respects to Judy, Marie's late fiance that died the day we met was hard for many reasons. Least of all that the two of us were casual sex partners now.

It felt cheap. But not going was not an option either. Marie's mental health was on the line.

"I will. I grew a little memorial where I laid his body to rest by feeding it to the tree that makes up the grove. That's where I'll take her," I explained with a complicated expression.

Robin closed the book and walked over to me. True to the 'big sister energy' she had going on, she gently caressed my hair with a warm smile.

"You're a good friend that takes great care of those dear to him. You'd be an even better friend if you would let others help you instead of keeping your heart closed off," Robin said.

I grew solemn, my mind going back to my life in this world so far. Until it reached that day where Kureha visited me with an old colleague during my stay in Alabasta. Crocus, one of the greatest doctors on this planet. As well as Gol D. Roger's physician.

Together, the three of us diagnosed me with something that to me sounded a lot like leukemia if I would type all my symptoms into webMD in my other life. Random fainting spells, red spots appearing randomly on my skin. My lymph nodes didn't swell, but they felt tender in bad weather. My muscles and joints started hurting more and more after my regular training sessions.

Though, only the length of me feeling it and the quantity of the pain increased, I felt. It was more thorough and impacted more and more of my body? It was hard to put into words.

At least the pain itself became much more manageable with my ever-increasing strength. When before I would hiss in pain, by now it was just uncomfortable to touch my thighs after a good Tempest Kick and Moonwalk work-out.

When Crocus told me I had the same thing Roger did, I finally started cursing Adam again. At least, since I was younger than Roger, he gave me a good 5-10 more years, depending on how I manage my health.

None of my crew knew. When the two visited my ship, I kicked everyone out of the boat - even Muret the other fellow doctor. All the progress my mental health had made in the past year and a half at that point was shattered. Belo Betty and Dragon. Only those two knew apart from my doctors.

I shook my head. There was someone I could tell right in front of me. Making it a solid 5 people sounded like a good deal. Or I could deflect and flirt with the beautiful girl in front of me. Yeah, how about I went with that?

"Well, there's something I would open for you," I answered her with a suggestive pump of my eyebrows.

next chapter
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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


