7.14% WHEN Valerie WAS HERE / Chapter 1: RED UMBRELLA
WHEN Valerie WAS HERE WHEN Valerie WAS HERE original


作者: IamDANNYmosh15

© WebNovel



Corpse Sykky Veron Asher, the son of Harry Potha Kha and Jessy Tan Asher. I didn't got my dad's surname since they weren't married the year I was born. Fast forwardddd~~ My mom Jessy, also well known as "Jes." (The most common nickname for someone named by that) Is the cousin of my aunt, Maria Valerie Asher. The most famous Asher in the clan, you'll find out why.

I didn't heard much about her, my mom wouldn't want me to go through some old files and photos. Well except one album, my grandfather gave it to me when I was five. I kept on investigating about her, her disappearance was so bizzzarrr it was even featured on tv! Who wouldn't be curious about it? Gave us fame too, but most of it were rumours. Bad ones.

Me and my cousins got bullied bout how this rumor spreaded out at our village. Seven years ago right after the day my aunt disappeared kids started disappearing too, day by day. There wasn't a specific time, and the crime (?) was soooo clean the police can't even figure out what happened. I put a question mark cause no one knows if it was really a crime or these missing people ran away. But the question is WHY? WHO? And why is that they blame my aunt for it without solid proof?

Today, December 21st 2015 is when the police stopped and marked my aunts case as closed. They couldn't figure it out, my aunt's brothers and mom spent millions for the search. Her disappearing without a trace is good, too good to be true, too good. Everyone doesn't seem to care anymore, she was always like that my uncle said. Diappearing every year on November 1st every midnight. She'll be leaving with only three items, a map, flash light and her favorite umbrella.

JONAS: There she goesss~~ free like she said~~~

I think I need duck tape, the last thing u want to hear is hear him sing. And his singing lead him to this:

KEANNE: Shut the f*ck up! It's Valerie's fckng funeral. Don't you have any respect?!

Looks like I found myself a valid reason to leave early.

JONAS: Coming from the guy who pushed her in the middle of the road, almost killed cause she was fckng weird. All dressed in black with those silly black and yellow long socks, also that thing... what'd ya call it? Oh yeah! Fckng bloody umbrella.

JES: Here we go again. *sighs*

KIAN: Do you guys really have to make a scene??

RAYLEY: Shut up shut up, this is gonna be fun. Look how pathetic and corny these two argue.

Keanne stood up and punched him in the face, with no hesitation. Maybe she had enough with the singing or got pissed how childish Jonas was acting. I pulled out my earphones from my pockets and put them on. I'd rather watch pink guy than two adults acting like kids, they would just prolly laugh it off after.

CASPER: Hey, that's enough.

RAYLEY: Here he comes.

[most of the people stood up]

Everyone started whispering around. I looked at my dad.

CORPSE: What's with the—

HARRY: Just don't mind them. Don't come near him, your mother would probably kill both of us if u did.


I sighed. Both of them paused, they seated in sync. Almost all of them thought of Casper as THE BOSS, I don't know why but everytime I see this guy I get chills, but I have to be honest here... he's kinda suspicious from time to time. His moves looks odd, kinda like he's observing everyone and everything around him. He's a smart guy, he was a lawyer but then he quit before he can even got a case. No one knows why, he moved out a couple of years. Three maybe? After that they haven't got any news from him till yesterday.

I was also told that my aunt used to talk to him a lot. Not much, but it was a lot for my family and everyone who knows her. Rumours said him and Keanne were the last people aunt Valerie was with. But then again I don't wanna jump into conspirash*t other people have. I wanna know for my self, do some digging see what I find.

CASPER: Your Jes's kid?


CAPSER: You don't talk much, huh?

CORPSE: Not to strangers.

CASPER: But you replied.


CORPSE: Toché.

While we were talking grandma Rosé came in, everyone shared their sympathy. The one and only "Mother of The Lost." That's what the tv guy called her. She owned the name, and kinda lived with it. Seconds later Vast and Vost came in. Aunt Valerie's older twin brothers.

CASPER: Guess I have to go, see you next time kid.

He smiled, and as he walked pass by me my eyes followed him. His smile faded as soon as he walked closer near the twins. Uncle Vast puts his hand on his shoulder, he smiled at him genuinely. But his eyes has this strange look. As if the the kindest looking smile was fake. It seems like it is. To me... atleast.

Everyone turned around, why? My mom rushed in between them and whispered something in my uncle's ear. He let go of him, but right before he could step foot outside several tones started ringing.

Keanne, Rayley, Kain, Roshey and Casper's phone started ringing. Everyone stared at them, whispers filled the room. The athmosphere was weird.

KAIN: What the hell?

RAYLEY: Hello? ... Hello? No ones even picking up.

Casper smashed his phone on the ground. Everyone was startled bout the loud noise it made. I stared at Keanne, he was frozen. His eyes were wide open, his hands shaking and his face pale. Casper took his phone and looked at it, he smashed it as well.




CASPER: Then get a new one. No one answers the call!

Casper walked towards mom.

CASPER: We need to talk.

They both went outside, I followed them. I made sure no one noticed I wasn't inside. When I opened the door two police men were outside. Casper and mom stood infront of them. I closed the door as soon I saw, the other police man saw me. I rushed back and bumped into Kain.

KAIN: Can you show me Valerie's room?

CORPSE: What? Why?

KAIN: It's importa—

JES: Corpse, come here.

I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack after I heard mom called me. Did she saw me? Sh*t.

KAIN: Jes I need to see Val—

JES: This isn't the time for that.

HARRY: Honey, what's the police doing here?

Dad walked in. Mom's face looked like she was hiding something.

JES: It's nothing sweety. Go talk to Vast and Vost for me, I have to talk to Casper. It'll take a sec, hm?

HARRY: Alright.

Mom brushed her fingers on my hair, she leaned closer to my ear and whispered.

JES: Go for a walk outside, take the door bellow out the back. Don't ask, just go.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


