85.9% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 189: CHAPTER {261-263}

章 189: CHAPTER {261-263}


"I don't-I don't know what's in there-" The woman paused as she glanced toward the syringe floating in the air. "-but it supposedly knocks out a person for at least 4 hours. There-There is an antidote, but I don't have it with me" The woman finished explaining with a small stutter.

"See, it wasn't that hard, was it?" Harry asked with a smile as he placed the syringe down on the table.

"Ple-Please, plea-please, no more" The woman started to beg as huge ugly tears started to roll out of her eyes. Right now, the woman was a bloody mess. Blood could be seen dripping out of her mouth as Harry had pulled out a few of her teeth and all of her fingers were missing. That wasn't all though, her body was sporting burn marks all over.

"Shh. Shhh. Shhh" Harry placed a finger on her lips and he shushed her. "There is no need for that. I promised you that I am not going to hurt you anymore, didn't I? You simply need to keep answering my questions and that is it" Harry spoke with a small smile on his face and even though the woman continued to sob, she nodded her head in understanding.

"Alright. Let's move on" Harry clapped his hands and Conjured a glass of water. "Here, have a drink" Harry held the glass for her and the woman hungrily took a few gulps, sating her raw throat. "Now, what were you planning to do with my Godfather?" Harry asked as he placed the glass on the nearby table.

"I was supposed to knock him out and take it to the team waiting outside. That was my mission" The woman answered after taking a few long breaths. "I swear I don't know what they were planning to do to him!" The woman added hysterically, afraid that Harry might hurt her again since she didn't know what they were planning to do with Sirius Black.

"Don't worry, I believe you" Harry assured her. "The team waiting for you, are they still out there?" Harry asked with a hint of interest in her voice.

"I-I don't know" The woman answered honestly, but this time she wasn't as afraid as before for not knowing an answer. Instead of saying anything, Harry simply turned toward Sirius and the man immediately understood what his Godson was trying to say.

"Will you need some help?" Tonks asked when Sirius started to leave.

"Don't worry, I will return after taking a look. I don't plan to attack them or anything" Sirius waved his hand dismissively as he walked out of the room.

"What can you tell me about the other attacks? Did you know about them?" Harry asked.

"I can give-give you the names" The woman offered and Harry nodded his head in understanding. He had already caught the ones who attacked Himera, now he simply needed to catch the people who had attacked and kidnapped Theodore Tonks.

"Good, we will come to that later" Harry nodded his head with a satisfied look on his face before he turned toward the door as Sirius returned to the room. "Did you see anyone?" Harry asked.

"No, there is no one outside there" Sirius answered with a disappointed look on his face.

"We-We are ordered to cut-cut our losses if a mission goes sideways" The woman added on her own, but there was a clear look of betrayal in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I am going to get them too. Now, who do you work for?" Harry asked. This was something he was dying to know, but he knew that he needed to take his time. The woman was extremely loyal to whoever she worked for. He needed to chip away at her loyalty before this question.

The woman seemed to hesitate at the question and Harry started to wonder if he needed to remind her what would happen if she didn't answer her question, but before Harry could decide on the next course of action, the woman started to speak. "...I work for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or S.H.I.E.L.D for short" The woman answered in a hollow tone.

"Wow!" Harry whistled, looking impressed. "That is quite an impressive name. So, what did I ever do to become their enemy?" Harry asked, looking curious. He knew that he had done an awful lot of stuff, a lot of immoral stuff, but he wanted to know why this S.H.I.E.L.D was coming after him. The reason might help him understand their motivations.

"I don't know! I swear I don't know! I am basically a grunt. They simply give me the orders and I carry them out" The woman denied vehemently, earning a bland look from Harry. "Please, I swear I don't know. You have to believe me!" The woman begged as once again her eyes started to fill up with tears.

"Alright. Alright, I believe you. No need to overexert yourself" Harry smoothly assured her. Since she was already playing ball with him, there was no reason to go hard on her. "By the way, what can you tell me about the Wizard and Witches working with you?" Harry asked. He decided not to use the term Wixen since there was a chance that she may not know it.

Once again, after hesitating for a bit, she started to speak. "I-I think, I should know who they are, but I don't know…" The woman trailed off with a blank look on her face and from that, Harry knew that Magic was at play, so instead of wasting any more time, he simply entered her mind, and just like he expected, there was Magic at play.

While it was a complicated piece of Magic, it wasn't much. He easily unraveled the Magic and the woman seemed to blink in realization. "I remember now! They are called Royal Mages, but I don't know why" The woman answered instantly.

"I see" Harry nodded his head in understanding. "By the way, where is your base?" Harry asked and the woman started to explain where their base was…



"So, what now?" Sirius asked with a grimace as he glanced at the lifeless body of the woman. The same woman who had tried to kidnap him and failed… If he was being honest, he didn't want her to die, but he could understand why she had to die. However, that didn't mean he had to like it.

"Now…" Harry trailed off with a vicious glint in his eyes before a smile bloomed on his face. "I am planning to pay them a visit" Harry admitted with a smirk on his face.

"Ok. Do you want me to grab the others?" Tonks asked. Harry was worried that she might not be able to handle the sight of someone getting tortured and killed by her own lover right in front of her, but he was proven wrong. While he didn't know what was exactly going on inside that mind of hers, she didn't seem to be too bothered by it.

"No, I will be going alone" Harry answered with a wave of his hand.

"What? Why? Let us come" Sirius blurted out hurriedly, looking both worried and concerned. His Godson was unfathomably strong. He was aware of that, but that didn't mean that he wanted him to face a couple hundred of enemies on his own even though he had already proved that he could do it.

Sirius knew it was stupid of him, but he was worried all the same…

"Your concern is misplaced. I will be fine. I know how to handle myself" Once again, Harry waved off his concerns. At first, it looked like Sirius wanted to argue, but soon he gave up and accepted Harry's words. "By the way, do you want me to get rid of her?" Harry asked as he dismissively pointed at the dead body.

"No, I will take care of it myself" Sirius accepted the responsibility with a sigh.

"Well, then I will go and check on my dad" Tonks muttered with a thoughtful look on her face as she reached out to Harry. Harry knew what she wanted so he mentally prepared himself for some teasing before he shared a brief kiss with Tonks, and after that, Tonks quickly scurried out of the room before Sirius could make a jab.

"Wow, you work fast. I am proud of you!!" Sirius exclaimed with a proud look on his face as he patted Harry's back. "By the way, has anyone given you the 'TALK' yet? I don't want you to become a father this young" Sirius asked with a loony grin on his face as he wiggled his brows at Harry.

Harry gave him an annoyed look. "I already had the 'TALK', thank you very much and you are the last person I would want the 'TALK' from" Harry griped unhappily and Sirius placed both of his hands over his chest with a mock hurt look on his face.

"So cruel" Sirius gasped out with a fake hurt look on his face, making Harry roll his eyes.

"Alright, Sirius. Since you don't have anything important to say, I will be on my way" Harry said with a huff as he started to open a Portal, leading to some frozen mountain-top as he wanted his arrival to be completely silent. Before attacking the base, he wanted to deal with the sentries. He wanted to give them a proper surprise, so he couldn't allow the sentries to alert the base.

"Wait!" Sirius called out before Harry could step through. Harry slowly turned to face Sirius wondering if his Godfather had accidentally raised a flag. "Be careful out there" Sirius said with a hesitant tone and after giving his Godfather a nod, Harry stepped through the portal,

|That was most definitely a flag| Harry decided inside his mind as he shivered in the cold. He was dressed for cold weather, but he wasn't dressed to tread in snow.

|Just be careful, alright| Lily spoke up before going silent again. Harry simply gave her an equivalent of a nod before casting a Warming Charm on himself. He was still feeling a bit cold since he didn't want to numb himself too much to his surroundings and the cold he was feeling right now was nothing he couldn't handle.

The next moment, Harry rolled his shoulders and started to rise in the air and after a few seconds, he was comfortably floating above the mountain top. The base was already in his sight and he could see groups of Muggles and Wixen patrolling the premises, but before heading there, he needed to take care of the sentries.

A small portal opened beside him and after a moment, Harry shoved his hand inside the portal and pulled out a Magically modded M24 with a customized scope. This was the first time he was going to use a gun in actual combat, so he was really excited. He slowly raised the gun and looked through the scope. The scope was equipped with an infrared sensor and a heartbeat monitor. The last bit was a special touch from Harry.

It didn't take him long to notice his first target. It was a couple of snipers keeping an eye on the dirt track leading to the warehouse. He nodded his head in satisfaction as he started to channel his Magic through the rifle. There was a bit of a draft, but at this range, it wasn't going to matter, especially with his customizations.

"Night-night, motherfucker" Harry mumbled with a grin and pulled back the trigger and a projectile shot out of the muzzle at the speed of 3950 m/s, which was five times the muzzle velocity of a typical M24. Harry could have made it a bit faster, but he didn't want the gun to explode in his hands. After all, a piece of metal could only be strengthened so much before its structural integrity failed.

The man didn't even feel anything before his head exploded like a watermelon. Harry pulled back the lever to load another bullet into the chamber. The magazine was the gun was riddled with runes, which would keep Conjuring bullets along with gunpowder as long as Magic was channeled into the rifle. It was an ingenious piece of Magic, but unfortunately, Harry was the only one who could make it work.

As it was supposedly impossible to Conjure gunpowder according to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfigurations, but Harry had a habit of ignoring those pesky laws…

And even though Harry could have Conjured bullets straight into the chamber with his Magic, he liked the bolt action, so he decided to Conjure the bullets inside the magazine. He pulled the trigger for the second time and the second sniper's head exploded just like the first one's before he could alert anyone.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, he started to look for more targets and after a few more shots, all the sentries were dealt with and he could finally drop by at the base to say hello and give them the surprise of their lifetime…



~~Unknown Warehouse~~

Rachel Node nursed the drink in her hand with a grim look on her face. She was mature enough to understand that a mission could go sideways anytime, but watching one of her subordinates being dismembered while unable to do anything was a different pill to swallow altogether.

However, that wasn't the end of her concerns… The problem was that the rest of her subordinates weren't killed, they were captured. Yes, the Oaths would ensure that they wouldn't be able to reveal any information regarding their organization to the enemies, but she wasn't sure whether that was going to be enough or not.

After all, SHIELD Agents, who were working alongside her organization were also captured by the enemies. Unknown to the SHIELD Agents, she had used a nifty piece of Magic on them, which would muddle their minds and stop them from revealing their secrets to the enemy, but Harry Potter and Gellert Grindelwald were anything but simple enemies.

There was a good chance that either of them might be able to undo the Magic she had used on them with given time…

That was the crux of her problems. If Potter or Grindelwald decided to be petty and reveal their existence to the ICW, then a simple War was going to be the least of their issues. A War between Muggles and the Wixen would become an inevitability… That was not something she could allow to happen, but at the same time, all of her cards were already on the table.

Rachel chugged down the rest of the drink in her glass before grimacing at the bitter taste of her drink… 'I think it is about time I cut my losses' Rachel mused as she started to nurse the empty glass in her hands. Previously, she had said that Harry Potter was a threat to the Royal Bloodline, but that was a complete lie.

The only reason she was here was because she was ordered by the Queen to help MI6 and SHIELD get rid of a troublesome element and the reason she lied was because she didn't want to reveal the fact that the Queen had her own personal army when she was only a Constitutional Monarchy.

'I think that's the only way we can avoid the catastrophe' Rachel mused internally as she finally placed down the glass on the table. While usually, she was oath-bound to carry out the orders given to her by the Queen, there were ways she could go around them or completely disregard them in some instances.

For example, if the said order could lead to a War or the said order to expose their existence to the wider world… Currently, both of those outcomes are quite plausible. While she didn't like disregarding the Queen or her orders, she was sure that the Queen would be able to see the bigger picture.

So, with a heavy heart, she decided to reach out to Potter and cut a deal… Yes, the mission was a catastrophic failure and she lost a few of her subordinates, but it was not an unsalvageable loss… This wasn't the first time the Royal Mages were going to make a deal with the devil. If it meant their continued survival, then there was nothing Rachel wouldn't do…

The protection of the Royal Bloodline was their priority… Everything else was secondary…

With a determined look on her face, she stood up to grab a parchment and a quill, but then all of a sudden, the whole building shook and when she finally managed to regain her bearings, she paled… The Wards, they were gone only to be replaced by someone else's Anti-Portkey and Anti-Apparition Wards. They were under attack and there was only one person who came to her mind.

Rachel immediately lunged toward the alarm and pressed the button… Alarms started to blare, but it was already too late. Another explosion shook the whole warehouse and moments later, Rachel was already rushing toward the command center…

It didn't even take her a minute to arrive at the command center only to find that Peggy and Derrick were already there. "We are under attack. We need to get out!" Rachel screamed hurriedly, trying to convey the urgency.

"We know" Peggy admitted as she pointed at the screen. Harry Potter was standing at the edge of their camera range and he was casually flicking Spells at the warehouse and killing anyone who tried to stop him. From the looks of it, he didn't seem to be in any kind of hurry.

"Then what the hell are you doing?! We need to leave right now!" Rachel screamed with a look of panic on her face.

"And what? Miss the chance to kill him? We have at least a hundred operatives in here even if we exclude your Mages" Derrick scoffed at her before Peggy could say anything. Just before Rachel arrived, Peggy and Derrick were arguing if they should evacuate or if they should try to kill Harry Potter.

Rachel blinked in bewilderment before she stared at Peggy and Derrick. "Are you two fucking serious?" Rachel asked with a growl. "He had subdued a hundred Wixen in one go without even trying, and you think a hundred operatives can take him on?" Rachel asked incredulously. While Peggy seemed to completely agree with the younger woman, Derrick seemed to be ready to argue, but the two of them were saved from saying anything as Harry finally started to speak.

"SHIELD, MI6, and Royal Mages… Such an interesting crowd. Honestly, I didn't know that I was already so famous around the world" Harry paused. Even though they were inside the warehouse everyone could clearly hear his voice. It felt like he was standing right in front of them even though he wasn't… It was extremely confusing for all the Muggles and some of the Wixen.

"However, you people have done something you shouldn't have and now, you are going to face the consequences" Harry trailed off in a casual tone, but from the Magic he was releasing, his inner feelings were anything but casual.

"So, this is what's going to happen. I am going to attack your base and all of you are going to try to escape. Let the hunt begin!" Harry exclaimed cheerfully before blasting a hole in the side of the warehouse…


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C189
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


