82.27% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 181: CHAPTER {237-239}

章 181: CHAPTER {237-239}


Harry liked the fear on Voldemort's face, and while Voldemort was most certainly listening to him, most of his mind was occupied with pain. No… That wouldn't do. He wanted Voldemort to be clear-headed for the next part. He wanted Voldemort to understand his situation and drown in true despair.

"You are afraid… That's good" Harry said with a nod of his head and the wooden spike inside Voldemort's shoulder finally stopped expanding. Harry even lifted his foot from Voldemort's arm to relieve him from the extra pain, and as soon as he did that, Voldemort tried to Disapparate, but much to his horror, he failed.

"Did you really think that I would confront you half-cooked?" Harry asked with an amused grin. He even tried to activate the Portkey he was hiding in his pocket, but that too failed, leaving him estranged on hostile grounds.

"Are you done gloating?" Amelia decided to interrupt in a bland tone.

"No, not really? Do you need a hand there old lady?" Harry asked innocently and the next moment, he moved his head to the side to dodge a painful Hex. "Calm down, let me deal with him first" Harry said as he jerked his head toward Voldemort, who was obviously planning something nefarious.

Amelia stared at the man for a few moments with pure hatred in her eyes before she huffed and decided to tend to her wounds… She wasn't a Healer by any means, but she could get by. Nodding his head in satisfaction, Harry turned toward Voldemort and that was when someone tried to attack the Protego Diabolica barrier.

The flames lashed out at the attacker, but Harry forcefully held them back from killing anyone. He didn't want to kill any of them, at least, not yet. So, he decided to let them go with some minor burns. They were going to die, eventually… "Avada Kedavra!" Someone snarled from outside and Harry was forced to pull Amelia aside to move her out of the way.

|These dumbasses can't even aim correctly| Harry seethed internally.

|Or maybe, he was aiming for Amelia in the first place| Lily helpfully pointed out.

"Crucio!" "Avada Kedavra!" "Imperio!"

Voices rang out from outside the flaming ring and before Amelia could start mouthing off, Harry started to move her again through the air. It seems that the Spells were once again coincidentally aimed at her… Maybe they have realized that Harry was trying to protect Amelia, so they decided to attack her in an attempt to distract her.

|Maybe, you have a point…| Harry trailed off with a growl. |Fuck them!| Harry snarled inside him and stopped holding back the flames. The Death Eaters were probably getting ideas because they were getting off rather easily. Another scream rang out from outside the ring, but this time, the scream was filled with anguish.

A Death Eater was turned into ash followed by a few more and only after that, the Death Eaters started to run away… Well, nobody ever said that Death Eaters were loyal. Maybe, Voldemort would learn a lesson not to trust his sycophants. Harry could practically feel his rage emanating from him from where he stood.

When Harry was certain that the Death Eaters were gone, he decided to lower Amelia to the ground… The woman looked around before deciding to thank him. "Thank you" Amelia said in a grateful tone, While she hated being handled like that, she hated dying even more.

"No problem" Harry simply waved her off before staring at Voldemort with a grin tugging his lips. "Looks like your dogs ran away? Now, what are you going to do, Tommy?" Harry asked in a mocking tone, but Voldemort simply glared at him, but there was a hint of fear and concern in his eyes.

"What no witty comeback?" Harry asked, looking sullen.

"Do your worst, just remember, I will do worse to you" Voldemort vowed, trying to look strong.

"Believe me, I intend to… By the time, I am done with you, you will be begging to die" Harry promised in return before he tucked away his Wand, but Voldemort didn't lower his guard. The next moment, Harry's hand started to glow with a green aura, and before Voldemort could react, Harry rushed at him and slammed down his glowing hand on his chest.

Voldemort immediately started to scream like his whole body was on fire… Harry slowly backed away with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What did you do to him?" Amelia asked, looking curious.

"Wait a bit" Harry answered and simply decided to wait… Voldemort continued to scream and thrash around for the next few moments before he finally slumped down on the ground… "What did you do to me?" Voldemort hissed out with some difficulties. While there was some anger on his face, fear and anguish were the most prominent.

"Nothing much, I simply placed a brand on your Soul… Now, no matter where you go, I will be able to track you. Even if you lose this body, and make a new one, the brand will stay… There will be no place for you to hide, you won't get any reprise and you will be looking over your shoulder all the time" Harry revealed with a cruel grin on his face.

Voldemort's eyes grew wide in fear… What Harry didn't reveal was the fact that he also sneaked a Sigil of the Lost onto Voldemort and through that mark, he would be taking a look inside his mind. After all, Harry needed to locate the Horcruxes. Harry was certain that Voldemort would be moving them as soon as he could, but at the end of the day, it wouldn't matter since Harry would pick the new location from his mind.

"That's perfect!" Amelia exclaimed, looking really giddy. While she didn't like Harry too much, she hated Voldemort more and it was really hard to keep hating Harry, especially when he was such a nice boy.

"I know, right?" Harry asked with a grin before grinning at the horrified-looking Voldemort. "Now, let's see what you are going to do, Tommy?" Harry asked in a mocking tone before opening a portal right under Voldemort. "Goodbye" Harry waved at the man as he slipped into the portal.

Meanwhile, Voldemort found himself falling inside a shit pit… Voldemort started to flail around and scream, but he started to choke when something went into his mouth…



~~Bones Manor~~ (An hour later)

"So, what can you tell us about the attack?" John Dawlish asked with a subtle sneer on his face. The sneer was barely noticeable, but anyone with good eyes could easily spot it. He wasn't happy that some of his friends were killed in the attack, so some of his other friends wanted him to make sure to get Amelia Bones into trouble.

"After I finished dinner, I felt someone trigger my alarm Wards, but before I could do anything I felt Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey Wards go up, and for whatever reason, even my Floo stopped working… I knew what was coming, so I quickly set up a barricade before activating all the traps inside my manor" Amelia was about to continue, but she was cut off by John.

"You had such deadly traps inside your manor?" John asked with a frown.

"Why, yes, of course… Why wouldn't I have traps inside the house?" Amelia asked with an innocent look on her face, making Dawlish narrow his eyes at her. After all, Amelia wasn't a fool, she knew that John Dawlish was a Pureblood Sympathizer and that was the reason why he was assigned to the Minister's security detail, but now that the Minister and his Undersecretary are gone, he was recalled into the Department.

"The last time I checked, it is completely legal to set traps inside my house and I didn't use anything illegal" Amelia added after a few moments, only to rub salt in his wounds. Dawlish internally hissed at the woman, but outwardly, he simply ended up giving her a bland look. To be honest, he knew he couldn't push the issue anymore with the traps, so he decided to try another front.

"Alright… So, when did Harry Potter arrive to help you?" John asked, making Amelia narrow her eyes at him.

"He didn't come to help me. He was probably watching me get my arse kicked" Amelia snapped at Dawlish, but he didn't look convinced in the slightest.

"Hmm…" Dawlish muttered unconvincingly before he decided to move on to the next question. "According to your statement, he had his back facing toward you, why didn't you try to take him down?" Dawlish asked while giving Amelia a suspicious look. Instead of outright answering him, she simply gaped at the man. She realized that if he was ready to play that card, it meant he was really desperate.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Try to take him down? Pfft… First of all, I was in no condition to fight him, but even if I was, then he would have kicked my arse into the next century… Secondly, he was fighting the man who was trying to kill me only a few moments ago. I would be a fool to attack him in that situation" Amelia explained with a scoff.

"Those only sound like excuses to me… Are you already working with him? Is that why he allowed you to live?" Dawlish asked in an accusatory tone, making Amelia fume, but she decided to hold her tongue, after all, unknowingly, Dawlish hit right on the mark. After fuming for a few moments on the inside, she finally started to calm down before she smirked at him.

"Even if I am, what are you going to do about it?" Amelia asked slyly, making Dawlish's eyes grow wide in shock. He was almost certain that Amelia wasn't working with her… He was simply trying to find an excuse to get her into trouble or find a loophole in her story, but he realized Amelia was right. Even if Amelia was now in Harry Potter's corner, nobody was going to believe him.

Amelia Bones was known for fairness and impartiality… She was a hard bitch, but she was a Light Witch through and through… So even if he claimed Amelia Bones joined Harry Potter, nobody was going to believe him. After all, Harry Potter was a known murderer and a Dark Lord. Dawlish growled in anger and frustration before he closed the file and started to walk away.

"Yeah, I thought so…" Amelia mumbled before she sagged in her seat. She looked around only to grimace. Her family manor was in ruins and investigators were still milling around. After drawing a long breath, she started to wonder what she was going to tell her niece and if Harry was willing to lend her a house… She wasn't poor by any means, but she didn't have the gold to fix the manor or buy a new one right now.

"You know, you are free to crash in my apartment" Amelia almost jumped out of her skin when someone spoke to her.

"Fuuuck" Amelia cursed as she ran her fingers through her hair. "You almost gave me a heart attack, girl" Amelia huffed while glaring at Connie, who simply smirked. "I thought you were not on duty" Amelia pointed out, only for Connie to nod her head in agreement.

"Yeah, I am off duty, but that doesn't mean I can't visit my friend and offer her some support" Connie said with a smirk before she plopped down on the couch or whatever was left of it. "So, Susan wasn't here…" Connie trailed off curiously.

"Yes… I was expecting something like this, so I decided to send her over to the Abbotts" Amelia answered with a nod of her head. "Thanks for the offer though, I really need a place to crash" Amelia thanked her friend gratefully. "So, how is the Department? Is everything falling apart yet?" Amelia asked and Connie grimaced before nodding her head.

"People are quitting left and right… With both Harry and old No Nose prowling around, nobody wants to risk it… Potter may not be as bad as You-Know-Who, but he is still a murderhobo" Connie pointed out helpfully. "Then there are some who are trying to use this situation to their advantage and rise in ranks and some like Scrimgeour and Dawlish are simply trying to further their own agenda" Connie sighed in disappointment.

"Right now, the Department is divided into three Factions in total… The ones who are supporting Scrimgeour, then the ones who are supporting Dawlish, they are mostly Pureblood Fanatics, but he does have a lot of support so it counts and then, there are the rest of us" Connie finished before rubbing her temples.

"I see…" Amelia muttered as she realized Harry was right… The whole system was fucked and the system itself was festering the disease known as Pureblood Supremacy…


****ENEMY-NO-MORE (I)****

~~Timeskip~~ (Two days)

Two days passed away in the blink of an eye while Harry rummaged through Voldemort's memories. He could have done it faster, but Voldemort might have noticed. In the meantime, Amelia was elected as the temporary Minister of Magic and after getting elected, the first thing she did was to declare that they were in a state of war, much to the chagrin of the Dark Faction.

While Voldemort was obviously unhappy and furious at the development, he was more worried about his own image and forces… After all, he had lost right in front of his Death Eaters and he would have silenced them if they were only a few, but by the time he returned to the Nott Manor, after getting cleaned, the news of his defeat at the hands of his enemy was already out.

The Death Eaters obviously didn't dare to say anything to his face, but Voldemort knew what they were thinking…

Meanwhile, Harry, who was rummaging through his mind, was pretty amused… After all, Harry wanted to take everything away from Voldemort, just like Voldemort tried to do the same to him. His reputation was just the start, and by the time Harry was done with him, Voldemort was going to be nothing but a mass of flesh, just wanting to die. Killing a person was easy, he wanted to destroy Voldemort…

"Alef?" Harry called out and the said house elf appeared with a pop.

"What can Alef bes doing for Master Hadrian?" The elf asked respectfully, Alef was nothing like Dobby or Norton. While he considered Norton one of his best friends, Norton had his own quirks and Dobby was practically a zealot.

"Can you bring me junk food, enough for three people?" Harry requested politely.

"Of course, master Hadrian" The elf nodded his head before popping away. Harry leaned back and started to ponder what he was going to do next. The Death Eaters were no longer a threat… With Voldemort thoroughly trounced, they weren't going to do anything reckless for the time being, and Voldemort was going to hide in his hidey-hole until he could find something to use against Harry.

|You know you can always take over the world…| Lily suggested helpfully in a hopeful tone. While Lily wasn't insane, she wasn't completely sane… She wanted her son to achieve greatness, so obviously she wanted him to take over the world.

|Too much work, mom… With how incompetent the Death Eaters truly are, I can understand why Voldemort never managed to take over Britain| Harry sighed tiredly. |Thankfully, I have Gellert and Kate to manage my own followers| Harry mused internally with a smirk on his face.

|Then how about you go and meet Charles Xavier?| Lily suggested and Harry perked up at her suggestion.

|A good idea, but before that, I will need to deal with the Guild and build a base…| Harry agreed with the idea, but there were some things he needed to deal with before paying the head invader a visit. While the Guild was not a direct enemy, he was planning to remove them from the board and take their place, but unlike them, the Lost Garden was going to take the missions, instead of posting missions.

|Yeah… The Guild. I kind of forgot about them with everything going on| Lily admitted and then someone finally knocked on the door.

"So… You wanted to talk?" Tonks asked unsurely from the doorway and as soon as she finished speaking, Alef appeared with a plate filled with junk food and Tonks' eyes started to shine. "Are those for me?" Tonks asked excitedly as she waltzed into the room. Harry chuckled at her antics… Tonks was a silly girl, but he liked her the way she was.

"Of course" Harry answered, but he was too late. Tonks was already digging in…

"Soooo… gooood" Tonks moaned as she took a bite of burger. "So, what did you wanted to talk about? Are you trying to butter me or something?" Tonks asked. 'You don't need to butter me for anything…' Tonks left that part unsaid as she imagined doing some very steamy and sweaty stuff with Harry.

"There is something I wanted your help with" Harry revealed before producing a picture of Bellatrix Lestrange, making Tonks freeze. Did Harry want her to turn into Bellatrix? For what? She internally grimaced when she realized that Harry might be into her mad aunt.

"There is something I want from her vault. It is very important that I grab it as soon as I can" Harry revealed and Tonks sighed in relief… Thankfully, Harry wasn't into her mad aunt.

"Umm… Won't the goblins notice anything?" Tonks asked as she licked her lips worriedly. Tonks didn't like goblins, so she obviously liked the idea of fooling them, but she had heard enough horror stories about them to know what happens to the people who tried to cheat them or something.

"No. They won't…" Harry assured her with a smile. While Harry could have done it himself, he lacked the Black blood in his veins… Yes, he was blood-adopted by Sirius into the Family, but his blood was still not enough to fool the vault doors. Even the blood in Tonks' veins wasn't enough to fool the vault door, but her blood was close enough.

After all, Andi was Bellatrix's sister and Tonks got her blood from her mother… Though Harry knew a way to make sure that the vault doors weren't going to cause a problem, but for that to happen, he needed her help.

"Alright, so when are we doing this?" Tonks asked curiously as she continued to mow down the junk food in front of her. She had to admit, Harry knew exactly how to please a woman.

"Tonight… After all, Bellatrix isn't going to visit Gringotts in broad daylight, but before that, take this" Harry said before he passed her small capsule. "I want you to crush that as soon as you pass through the Thief's Downfall" Harry explained and Tonks stared at the capsule for a moment before she decided to place it inside one of her pockets…


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