
Chapter 18

"The tracker malfunctioned and the signal source disappeared… What?... Security department?... The security department should have been wiped out." On the truck outside of Roples, the man in white sitting in the driver's seat was communicating with his superior while manipulating a tablet in his hand.

"That group of idiots thought they could knock down T-Lilith just by using a tranquilizer gun. Of course, that's impossible. Otherwise, why would we develop B.O.W.? That is the highest achievement of our biotechnology department after several years of research."

"Boss, we can no longer deploy conventional armed forces into Roples. The local armed forces have blocked the entire town, and BSAA will soon be involved. That's why I recommend activating the intelligent tracking system of Nemesis. This not only to avoids direct conflict with the local armed forces but also to collects practical data on T-Lilith."

"Don't worry, Nemesis will definitely defeat T-Lilith head-on. Although T-Lilith is also a B.O.W. from the Tyrant series, our functional development on T-Lilith is still not perfect. Currently, she cannot release her power like traditional models of Tyrants. Rest assured, we will let Nemesis break her limbs and then recover her."

"Don't worry, Boss. We will complete the recovery of T-Lilith before BSAA intervenes." The man in white hung up the phone and silently looked at the tablet.

The image that got sent back before Nemesis' exoskeleton armor got scrapped was displayed on the tablet. He enlarged the picture and saw T-Lilith hiding at the entrance of an alley in the image, as well as the Asian mercenaries and BSAA soldiers beside her.

"Although I don't know what you guys are up to, it doesn't matter," he said, tapping his fingers on the tablet. Soon, the powerful monster in Roples moved again.

"The power of B.O.W. is enough to crush everything!"


"BSAA's reinforcements have already set off. The team that just withdrew is also on their way back and will be the first batch of reinforcements to arrive. In addition to the BSAA personnel, the second batch of reinforcements will also include regular forces stationed by the United Nations near here, with a strength of over 100 people and equipped with armored vehicles and heavy firepower."

"What is this, going all out?" Li Yexing was a bit surprised by the size of the reinforcements.

"After I reported the appearance of Nemesis in Roples, BSAA headquarters attached great importance to it. They immediately contacted nearby UN forces for help. The army stationed locally directly went to Roples after receiving approval from their superiors. They are expected to merge with BSAA forces and enter Roples within an hour," Chris explained.

"There is very little information about Nemesis, so they attach great importance to Nemesis' sample. Retrieving a Nemesis specimen will help us gain a better understanding of this type of B.O.W., which will allow our team to avoid many unnecessary sacrifices when encountering similar B.O.W.s in future operations."

Looking at Chris's determined face, Li Yexing thought to himself, 'Is it really just the B.O.W. sample that he wants? The people on top sure talk in a grandiose manner, and what's even funnier is that this fool Chris actually believed them.'

Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders. He had no intention of judging Chris as a person, nor did he need to, because Li Yexing was well aware that in a few years, reality would mercilessly beat down this idealistic muscle man.

"Now, let's discuss our next move. Although we've made them lose our location, if I'm guessing correctly, that guy will find us again soon," Li Yexing said.

"Why?" Norman asked.

"No reason," Li Yexing replied, then thought to himself, 'How should I know? I also want to know how they were able to track down the surviving members of S.T.A.R.S. so accurately back in Raccoon City.'

"He's not wrong," the B.O.W. expert Kelly chimed in, "I've heard that other project teams in the tech department have tried to install a certain tracking system on it, which can roughly determine the direction of the prey by analyzing the surrounding traces. As long as it receives a new command, it won't take long for it to follow the trail and find its way here."

"So, what we need to do next is to avoid direct conflict with this guy as much as possible and hold out until the backup troops arrive, right?" Norman asked.

"Basically, yes, but we can also try to create obstacles for it," Chris said, "Roples has many ordinary civilians, and we need to protect them as much as possible."

"No need for that. There are no ordinary civilians in Roples," Li Yexing waved his hand, "But now, we no longer have the advantage of guerrilla warfare in the alleyways against Nemesis. We need to choose our own battlefield."

"Choose our own battlefield?" Chris looked at Li Yexing in confusion.

"That's right. I know of a good place where we can fight without affecting the surrounding people, even if we blow that dog's brains out," Li Yexing turned to look at Kelly with a wicked smile on his face, "Do you remember that warehouse we talked about for disposing of outsider corpses?"


Frederica Sawyer's sleep quality tonight was very poor. Since midnight, there had been constant gunfire outside the window, and it sounded like it was coming from Li Yexing's mad dog's office.

That mad dog must have offended someone again... Sawyer reached out and pulled the pillow over her head, but it wasn't long before the sound outside grew louder, accompanied by endless explosions.

What's actually happening outside? Did the military finally have a falling out with the Italians? Did they also bomb that mad dog's office? Just thinking about how many bodies she would have to deal with tomorrow morning made Sawyer very anxious.

Finally, after who knows how long, the sound of gunfire outside gradually died down. Just as Sawyer was about to drift off to sleep...

"Bang, bang, bang!" A rough knocking sound came from outside the door. Sawyer covered her head with the pillow and pulled the blanket over her head, not intending to pay any attention.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Sawyer tightened the pillow on her head.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Sawyer sat up, grabbed the collar at the head of the bed, and tied it around her neck, which had a scary scar on it. She got out of bed in her underwear, with messy hair and a blank expression, and walked to the door of her residence. She also picked up the chainsaw covered in unknown blood or rust stains in front of the bedroom door.

"No matter who comes to my door today, I will kill you bastard!"

Sawyer opened the locked iron gate angrily and was about to pick up the electric saw when a cold gun was pressed against her forehead.

"YOOOOOO~~~ Long time no see, little Frederica." Li Yexing held a Glock on her forehead and smiled at her.

Sawyer looked behind Li Yexing and saw a silver-haired girl, a muscular man, an intellectual beauty, and a bald man.

Sawyer turned off the electric saw in her hand, and Li Yexing also put down the gun pointing at her head.

"Why are you here so late? I'm already asleep," Sawyer's voice came out hoarsely from her collar.

"I want to borrow your warehouse for some business," Li Yexing said.

"What do you want to do in my warehouse?"

"Business secrets."

"I won't lend it to you, got it?"

"What do you say?" Li Yexing smiled happily, and his Glock seemed to have a tendency to go off.

The Chainsaw Girl looked at Li Yexing and the group behind him with a helpless expression on her pale face. She lifted the chainsaw onto her shoulder, and her collar emitted an emotionless voice, "Wait for me, I'll go get the key."

As soon as Sawyer, the Chainsaw Girl, returned to the house, Lilith immediately grabbed Li Yexing's clothes.

"Who is that woman?"

"She's a friend... I guess?" Li Yexing scratched his head, feeling a bit uncertain.

"Li Yexing, are you cheating?" Lilith asked. Although her beautiful little face was expressionless, Li Yexing always felt that her gem-like red eyes were full of the scent of catching a cheater.

"How could it be, Lilith? Please don't make such baseless assumptions." Li Yexing could swear that although he had been with many women before, he definitely hadn't really been with this Chainsaw Girl, Frederica Sawyer.

Soon, the Chainsaw Girl came back. She was wearing a black and purple Gothic Lolita dress that exuded a dark atmosphere. She was wearing small leather shoes, and black stockings, holding the key in her left hand, and the chainsaw in her right hand. Her black-ringed dead fish eyes stared at Li Yexing without blinking.

"Move aside." A hoarse and emotionless voice came from the girl's collar.

Li Yexing stepped aside for her, and the girl walked straight past him without even looking at him. Li Yexing didn't mind, as he knew what kind of person Sawyer was. It was instead Lilith who stared straight at Sawyer, looking like she was about to eat her.

Sawyer shivered, feeling the silver-haired girl following behind her, staring at her as if she could see through her.

"What's your relationship with that girl?" While Lilith wasn't paying attention, Kelly came over and quietly asked Li Yexing.

Chris wasn't interested in this topic, but Norman, with a cold face, couldn't help but walk closer.

"Why are you so nosy, you baldie?" Li Yexing shook his head and answered, "There's really no complicated relationship, just frequent interactions due to work. If you have to say it, let's just call her a friend."

Kelly was obviously not satisfied with this answer, but under Li Yexing's intimidating gaze, she didn't ask any more questions.

As for the girl Frederica Sawyer, Li Yexing didn't know much about her. She could be said to be the cleaner of this garbage town, whose job was to dispose of corpses or treat living people like corpses. There was a creepy scar around half of Soya's neck, which made her unable to speak.

She always wore a collar, partly to cover the scar, and partly because there was a miniature microphone installed on the collar. Soya used an artificial larynx to speak, and the microphone amplified her voice for communication.

Usually, when Li Yexing saw her, she was dressed in work clothes, with exaggerated big rubber shoes and a white coat, wearing a doctor's hat on her head and a medical mask on her mouth. But in private, she was a very gloomy gothic girl.

It had to be said that Sawyer poked Li Yexing's weak spot from his previous life, but the original owner of this body, the mercenary version of Li Yexing who was cold-blooded and heartless, didn't think this girl without a butt or a white bun had any development value or worth, so he didn't pay much attention to her.

Turning his head and looking at Lilith, who was staring at the back of Sawyer's head, Li Yexing felt a little amused for no reason.

"Let's speed up. We'll have plenty of time to talk about trivial matters later. Now is not the time to relax..." Chris, who was next to him, finally couldn't bear it and glared at Li Yexing.

"Don't forget, we're still being chased."


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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