/ TV / Westeros Reimagined: The Scientist's Resurgence

Westeros Reimagined: The Scientist's Resurgence オリジナル

Westeros Reimagined: The Scientist's Resurgence

TV 43 章 258.7K ビュー


詳細 目次


In a world where the boundaries of life and death are blurred, an ordinary scientist from our world, Mark, is reborn into the body of Jon Snow, a character from the Game of Thrones universe. With his advanced knowledge of biology and a unique cultivation technique, Mark begins his journey in the unforgiving land of Westeros.

Upon realizing his newfound abilities and the presence of innate qi within him, Mark faces the challenges of survival in a barbaric world plagued by political intrigue and supernatural threats. His journey is filled with adventures, romance, and suspense as he navigates the dangerous terrain of Westeros.

Mark's cultivation abilities, honed in secret, grant him power and influence, but they also attract the attention of those who seek to control him. As he forms alliances with familiar characters such as Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, and Daenerys Targaryen, Mark must confront the White Walkers and other supernatural forces threatening Westeros.

Throughout the novel, Mark's actions are marked by his intelligence, innovation, and a drive to bring modern technology to this medieval world. He introduces advanced concepts like aquaponics and aeroponics, reshaping agriculture and food production in the North.

As the story unfolds, Mark faces internal and external conflicts, from political rivalries to battles with the supernatural. The fate of Westeros hinges on his choices and the alliances he forges, and the novel explores themes of rebirth, redemption, and the enduring legacy of the past.

With a richly detailed world, complex characters, and a blend of fantasy and science fiction elements, A Song of Rebirth and Redemption offers a fresh take on the Game of Thrones universe, combining the allure of Westeros with the ingenuity of a modern mind.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. GrumpyFishy
    GrumpyFishy 貢献した 5
  2. Aniket_Sharma_7677
    Aniket_Sharma_7677 貢献した 3
  3. Caique_Santos_6940
    Caique_Santos_6940 貢献した 1


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



I really wanted to be kind with this fic but I can't, what a bad fic, the writing style is already complicated to understand and the author doesn't explain anything,I read up to chapter 5 and it was already full of plot holes, there are repeated chapters, MC is not presented properly, we don't know anything about him

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Where's the plot, in the first three chapters he goes from reincarnating to a baby then 18 and nothing happens. Then the next 10 chapters is his roaming around Westeros where nothing still happens. This was a chore to read.

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LV 14 Badge

what is this? Each Chapter is just a simple summery or a diary. And one thing... what the f*** is wrong with you? He is being born and then suddenly skips all the events wandering around Westeros...

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Plot holes. Everywhere. What grown man makes a 6 yo aware of all political doings, or growing fueds. How about the most basic trope of falling into a crypt and finding hidden knowledge from ancient times. This is less a story and more a fever dream.

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This whole thing is like a badly written Synopsis

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This fic DREADFUL AF!!! the plot is all messed up and the pace is fast af, also bunch of events that makes no sense at all like if the author just write for the sake of stockpiling new chapters even if plot has no sense at all

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Lalalalalalalal lalalalalalalal lalalalalalalal

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No voy a mentir, tenía muchas esperanzas cuando leí la sinopsis. Pero se fueron, tan rápido como llegaron..........................................................

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