100% Wench of Nirn / Chapter 29: Petal to the Metal

章 29: Petal to the Metal

She rifled through Gerda's wares, her fingers dancing over jars and vials. The shelves were filled with ingredients - some common, others rare and exotic. She couldn't help but grin as she snagged handfuls of vibrant blue mountain flowers, their delicate petals crushed slightly in her grip.

Next came the wheat, its golden stalks rustling softly as she bundled them up. Blisterwort mushrooms, their caps an angry red, joined the haul. Lavender's soothing scent filled her nostrils as she gathered generous sprigs. Dragon's tongue flowers, aptly named for their flame-like appearance, were carefully plucked from their stems.

Snowberries, still frosted despite the shop's warmth, clinked together as she put them in her inventory. Pungent garlic cloves and sweet juniper berries followed suit. Alexa hesitated briefly before grabbing fistfuls of nightshade and deathbell.

Salt piles, essential for so many recipes, were scooped up greedily. Jazbay grapes, their skins a deep purple, joined the collection. Thistle branches pricked at her fingers as she gathered them, but she ignored the discomfort. A final sweep netted her some vibrant red mountain flowers to round out her botanical bounty.

While she pilfered, Alexa kept a wary eye on her inventory's weight limit. She knew that being overburdened could spell disaster in a tight spot. When she hit 310.3 out of 345.1, she forced herself to stop, leaving just enough wiggle room for emergencies and a couple of more potions

With her inventory bulging with stolen herbs, Alexa turned her attention to Gerda's potion stock. She'd already bought the most powerful potions earlier, but there was still value in the lesser brews. Thirteen vials of Minor Healing joined her haul, their contents sloshing gently. Nine doses of Minor Stamina followed, along with an even dozen Minor Magicka potions. Every little bit helped, after all.

Satisfied with her plunder, Alexa cast one last look around the shop. Her gaze fell on the metal brazier she'd used to incinerate Gerda's corpse. Grimacing, she lifted the heavy object and returned it to its rightful place. No sense leaving obvious signs of foul play.

A faint trail of blood and... other fluids still marred the floor, leading up the stairs. Alexa pursed her lips in annoyance at her own carelessness. She traced the path with a delicate stream of flames from her fingertips, careful not to scorch the wood beneath. The evidence sizzled away, leaving only a faint smoky scent behind.

Now came the tricky part - escape. Alexa's hand hovered over the front door's latch, but her fingers trembled slightly as she hesitated. What if a crowd had gathered outside? Or worse, what if Yvariel was lurking nearby, still searching for her lost property? The thought sent a chill down Alexa's spine.

She prowled the shop's first floor, searching for an alternate exit, but found nothing promising. Frustration mounting, she ascended to the second story. Her eyes lit up as she spotted another door, this one likely leading to a balcony or service entrance.

Cracking it open, Alexa peered out cautiously. The alley below was mercifully empty, shadowed by the surrounding buildings. It wasn't an ideal drop, but it beat facing whatever awaited out front. Taking a deep breath, she called upon Nightwalk.

Mist poured from her body, spilling down to pool in the alley below. In the blink of an eye, Alexa vanished from the balcony, reappearing where the mist had gathered. She pressed herself against the cool stone wall, listening intently for any signs of discovery.

Silence reigned, broken only by distant voices and the occasional cry of an eagle. Alexa weighed her options. Sneaking might draw more attention in broad daylight than simply walking confidently. But first, a change of attire was in order.

With a thought, her crimson leather armor melted away, replaced by a flowing blue silk outfit. A transparent veil settled over her face, obscuring her features. To any passerby, she'd look like just another enslaved wench out on an errand - a common enough sight to avoid undue scrutiny.

She slipped out of the alley, her silken veil fluttering in the breeze. She tried to walk with purpose, but her eyes darted nervously, scanning for any sign of trouble. The streets were busier than she'd hoped, filled with the rush of a market day in Nimalta.

She'd barely made it a block when a group of children spotted her, their eyes lighting up with mischievous glee. They charged towards her, whooping and hollering.

"Look at the fancy lady!" a freckled boy called out, pointing at Alexa's revealing outfit.

A girl with pigtails giggled. "Bet she's going to dance for coins!"

"No way," chimed in an older boy. "She's too pretty. Probably some rich man's special friend!"

Alexa tried to ignore them, quickening her pace, but the children matched her stride, skipping around her like pesky puppies.

"Please," Alexa said softly, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'm just trying to get home. Leave me be."

The freckled boy laughed. "Ooh, listen to her talk all fancy! Think you're better than us?"

"I bet she gets lots of sweetrolls for being so pretty," the pigtailed girl said with a cheeky grin.

Alexa felt her cheeks burning beneath the veil. "That's enough," she said, more firmly this time. "Go play somewhere else."

The older boy stepped in front of her, blocking her path. "Make us! Or are you gonna tell on us to your fancy friends?"

Alexa's patience wore thin. She raised one hand, conjuring a flickering flame. The fire danced between her fingers, casting eerie shadows across her veiled face.

"I said," she growled, her voice low and quiet, "go play somewhere else."

The children's taunts turned to gasps of shock. They scattered like startled birds, their bravado vanishing in an instant.

"She's magic!" the freckled boy yelled as he fled. "Run!"

Alexa extinguished the flame in her palm. She'd avoided one problem, but potentially created another. Quickening her pace, she ducked down side streets and alleyways, hoping to reach the town walls before any angry parents came looking for the "magic lady" who'd scared their little troublemakers.

She turned a corner and stumbled upon a shady deal going down - two burly smugglers exchanging skooma in the shadows.

"Shit..." she cursed under her breath, quickly turning to retreat the way she came. But it was too late.

"Oy, what've we got here then?" one of the smugglers growled, dropping the skooma pouch as he lumbered towards Alexa. She knew straight away that she didn't want to make too much noise, so she pretended to freeze like a startled deer.

The other smuggler blocked the alley's exit, cutting off her escape. "Fancy little wench out for a stroll? Lost your way, did you?"

Feigning a helpless damsel facade, she widened her eyes and shrank back against the wall. "P-Please sirs...I mean no trouble..."

The first smuggler ripped away her veil, exposing her beautiful face. "Well no trouble at all, pet. We'll just be havin' a bit of fun." His calloused hands seized her, forcing her down onto the filthy ground.

His companion undid his breeches, licking his lips. "Aye, and a pretty little thing like you don't need payin' in a place like this." He pinned Alexa's arms over her head while the other smuggler wrenched her legs apart, bunching up her silk skirt.

"Please..." Alexa whimpered, feigning helplessness. "I'll do anything, just don't hurt me..."

The smugglers laughed coarsely at her plea. The one atop her shifted his hips, his rigid cock forcing its way between Alexa's thighs. She gasped at the sudden intrusion, trying to seem overwhelmed.

Beneath her, the other smuggler laid back, guiding her down until she was fully impaled on his thick length. Alexa bit back a moan as they began rocking against her in tandem, using her like a plaything.

"Such a sweet little wench," the first smuggler growled, groping her breasts roughly. He forced two fingers into her mouth. "Get 'em nice and wet for me."

Alexa obediently parted her lips, swirling her tongue along the digits as if liking the flavor of a man's touch. All the while, her eyes stayed wide and innocent, luring the brutes into a false sense of control.

"Shit, this bitch is good," one grunted, increasing his pace. "Must be plenty experienced at takin' cock."

The other laughed, giving Alexa's hair a sharp tug that made her whimper. "Maybe, but she's tighter than a virgin!"

They grunted like rutting animals, sweat beading on their brows as they used Alexa's body for their pleasure. She could feel them swelling, their cocks twitching erratically as they neared their peaks.

With a guttural groan, the first smuggler threw his head back, his cock pulsing as he flooded Alexa's pussy with cum. The other followed suit, cursing as he emptied himself into her ass.

As they lay there, basking in the afterglow and groping her body, Alexa tensed. A steel dagger appeared in her hand as if from thin air. She twisted her wrist and slashed the throat of the man atop her, then whipped the blade down, burying it in the other smuggler's eye with a sickening crunch.

Sneak increased to 29

The smugglers barely had time to register the blinding agony before the light faded from their eyes. Alexa shoved them off unceremoniously, wiping the dagger clean as their blood seeped into the filthy alley ground.

Red flames danced across Alexa's fingertips as she touched them to the smugglers' corpses, watching impassively as the hungry fire consumed flesh and bone alike. Thick, acrid smoke billowed through the alley as she incinerated the evidence of her crime.

Once nothing remained but ash and cinders, Alexa smoothed her wrinkled silks and readjusted her veil, hoping to restore some sense of decorum to her appearance after her... tactical rape.

Keeping to the shadowed backstreets, Alexa hurried towards Nimalta's outer wall. Even though she didn't need to as a vampire, habit caused her to pant with each corner turned, half-expecting city guards or an angry mob to appear. But the streets remained blissfully empty.

At last, the stone ramparts came into view, the foul reek of the nearby tanneries assaulting her nostrils. Alexa flattened herself against the crumbling facade of a derelict building, peering around to ensure no watchful eyes lingered. Satisfied she was alone, she focused her vampiric powers.

Thick, inky black mist began seeping from her pores, condensing into a roiling cloud that hugged the ground at her feet. The unnatural fog flowed like liquid shadow, creeping up the weathered stones of the wall. It spilled over the other side, then descended in an ominous plume.

In an instant, Alexa's physical form seemed to dissolve into nothingness as she teleported to the other side of the Nimalta's wall, the inky mist of her Nightwalk dissipating around her. She took a deep breath as the stench of tanneries faded and a gentle breeze carried the scent of pine and wildflowers.

A shrill whistle pierced the air, and her chestnut stallion burst from behind a nearby rock formation. Alexa swung herself onto its back, relishing the familiar feel of smooth leather beneath her thighs. With a gentle nudge, they set off towards the distant shimmer of the White River.

They rode east along the riverbank, and the rhythmic thud of hooves was suddenly drowned out by the unmistakable sounds of combat. This was probably a good opportunity to get her bearings, so she steered her mount towards the commotion.

Alexa's eyes widened as she took in the chaotic scene before her. Khajiit of all shapes and sizes were locked in a fierce battle with two massive bears, fur and blood flying through the air. The diversity among the cat-folk was staggering - from jaguar-faced warriors to lithe, housecat-like figures darting between legs. A huge, maned Khajiit that looked more lion than man roared orders in a gravelly voice that sent shivers down her spine.

While she watched, one of the bears reared up, ready to bring its massive paw down on a smaller Khajiit. Without thinking, Alexa nocked an arrow and let it fly from horseback. The shaft whistled through the air, burying itself deep in the bear's eye socket with a sickening squelch in a lucky shot. The beast toppled backwards with a final, gurgling roar.

Archery increased to 20

Archery increased to 21

Many of the Khajiit turned toward her then, eyes wide with surprised gratitude. As the dust settled, a tiger-striped cat-folk approached, whiskers twitching curiously.

"This one thanks you, strange warrior," he purred, voice rich with an exotic accent. "Your aim is true, yes? What brings one such as you to our humble caravan?"

Alexa slid from her horse, trying not to stare too openly at the feline forms around her. "I'm glad I could help," she said, clearing her throat. "Actually, I was hoping for some directions. Do you know where I might find the Ritual Stone?"

The Khajiit's ears flattened slightly. "Ahh, the cursed place where the dead walk? This one wonders why a pretty thing like you seeks such danger."

Alexa shrugged, aiming for nonchalance. "I'm an adventurer. Thought I might clean the place up a bit, you know?"

The Khajiit's whiskers twitched in amusement. "Brave words! The stone lies northeast, perhaps twenty minutes by horse. But come! You have saved Khajiit lives this day. Join us at our camp, share meat and mead before your journey."

Alexa hesitated, then nodded. As they walked, she couldn't help but look at the variety of Khajiit around her. Some were barely distinguishable from humans save for a light dusting of fur, while others padded on all fours, looking more like housecats than people. The air was thick with the scent of spices and strange perfumes, along with the earthier smell of fur and leather.

At the camp, Alexa found herself seated on a colorful rug, surrounded by curious Khajiit. A steaming bowl of rich stew was pressed into her hands. Despite her vampiric nature, the aroma made her mouth water.

"Thanks..." she murmured, glancing around the lively camp.

A tiger-striped Khajiit settled across from her, whiskers twitching curiously. "J'darri is glad to see you accepted our hospitality, friend. Your aim was most impressive against that bear."

Alexa nodded, taking an experimental sip of the stew. Warmth bloomed across her tongue from the blend of spices. "You're too kind. I'm just glad I could help."

J'darri's tail swayed lazily. "Still, not all would come to the defense of strangers so readily. This one is curious what brings a pretty thing like yourself out adventuring?"

Before Alexa could respond, a deep rumbling voice cut through the camp. "Perhaps she fancies herself a mighty warrior, despite being a Wench-Born?"

She followed the sound to the largest Khajiit she'd ever seen - a massive, maned beast easily twice her height, stalking on all fours like a lion. Alexa's eyes widened as she watched him mount a moaning, big-breasted Khajiit female from behind, his thick shaft disappearing between her thighs.

J'darri chuckled at her shock. "Be at ease, friend. Dro'razhul merely engages in the Customs. He means no offense."

"The... Customs?" Alexa managed, unable to tear her gaze away from the rutting pair. She wondered if this counted as bestiality, even though the "lion" was clearly sapient.

"In Elsweyr, we have no shame in pursuing pleasure," J'darri purred. "It is as natural as breathing, no? Though I admit, even for us, Dro'razhul takes things to extremes at times." He grinned toothily. "This one suspects you are no stranger to such acts yourself, wench."

Alexa shook her head as the other Khajiit laughed. She reached into her cleavage and retrieved her golden Wench Token, allowing it to dangle between the swell of her breasts.

"You're not wrong," she admitted. "But I aim to be more than just a pretty plaything to be fucked at will. That's why I took up adventuring - to prove my worth through deeds, not just my body."

The laughter died down, replaced by a respectful silence. J'darri inclined his head. "Then you are a woman of rare courage and principle, friend. J'darri admires such fire."

Alexa smiled faintly, warmed by the praise despite herself. "I appreciate that. And if you don't mind me asking… what is Elsweyr like?"

A rumbling purr emanated from J'darri's broad chest. "It is a land of two faces, like the Moons themselves. The arid badlands and savannas of the north are harsh, unforgiving. The very soil is baked into dust that stings the eyes."

He licked his chops, amber eyes glinting. "Yet even there, life persists. Tenacious palm groves offer shade to wandering caravans. Lush oases appear without warning, beckoning the parched traveler."

"And the south?" Alexa prompted, enthralled by his descriptive words. She could almost see the arid landscapes he described.

"Ah..." J'darri's voice took on a wistful tone. "The southern jungles and rainforests are a verdant paradise, choked with life. The canopy is so dense that the sun is but a faded memory on the forest floor. Great vines, thicker than an elephant's trunk, hang like tangled ropes from the towering trees."

He leaned back, basking in the memory. "The very air is thick with the perfume of a thousand exotic blossoms. Strange, jewel-bright birds flit between the branches while tree frogs and tiny lizards scurry underfoot. The cries of monkeys and greater beasts echo through the endless green..."

Alexa found herself holding her breath, utterly transfixed. "It sounds amazing," she murmured. "And... dangerous?"

The Khajiit laughed, his voice rich and rolling. "This one has not even mentioned the dangers! Yes, friend, Elsweyr's beauty is wild and untamed. Jaguars, larger than the fiercest bears of this land, stalk the rainforest floor in search of prey."

J'darri's eyes gleamed as he leaned in closer, his voice a low purr. "Ah, but the jungle tribes... they're something else entirely. Picture this: you're trekking through the undergrowth, sweat dripping down your back, when suddenly - pffft!" He mimicked a blowgun sound. "A tiny dart, no bigger than your claw, hits your neck. Before you can blink, your legs give out and the world goes dark."

Alexa shivered, both thrilled and unnerved by the vivid description. "That's... terrifying. How does anyone survive there?"

The Khajiit's whiskers twitched in amusement. "We are Khajiit, friend. We adapt, we learn, we thrive. The jungle is our home as much as the sands."

While J'darri spoke, Alexa noticed the camp growing quieter. The excited chatter from earlier had died down to soft murmurs and purrs. Even Dro'razhul's enthusiastic mating had concluded, the massive Khajiit now sprawled lazily in the shade, his partner curled contentedly against his side.

Alexa set down her empty bowl, realizing with a start how much time had passed. The sun was noticeably lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the camp. She stretched, her muscles protesting after sitting for so long.

"I can't thank you enough for your hospitality," she said, rising to her feet. "And the stories - I feel like I've traveled to Elsweyr without leaving Skyrim. But I should really be on my way if I want to reach the Ritual Stone before nightfall."

J'darri stood as well, inclining his head respectfully. "This one understands. The road calls, and a true adventurer must answer, no?" His amber eyes twinkled with warmth. "Know that you will always find welcome among our caravan, friend. May your path be lined with warm sands."

Other Khajiit called out farewells as Alexa retrieved her horse. She waved, genuinely touched by their kindness. As she swung into the saddle, J'darri approached one last time.

"Be cautious at the stone, yes?" he said, his tone serious. "The dead do not rest easy there. This one would hate to see such a skilled archer join their ranks."

Alexa nodded. "I'll be careful, I promise. Maybe I'll stop by on my way back, share some stories of my own."

She bid farewell to her newfound Khajiit friends, their warm words lingering in her mind as she urged her horse northeast. The rhythmic thud of hooves against packed earth soon lulled her into a contemplative trance. As promised, within twenty minutes a stone structure loomed on the horizon, perched atop a gently sloping hill. The Ritual Stone - it had to be.

She reined in her mount, eyes narrowing as she scouted the area. Even from this distance, something felt... off. An unnatural stillness hung in the air, broken only by the occasional caw of a raven. Alexa's hand instinctively went to her bow as she dismounted, her feet barely making a sound as they touched the ground.

She nocked an arrow and crept forward, using the sparse vegetation for cover. The White River gurgled nearby, providing a soothing counterpoint to the eerie silence surrounding the stone structure. As she drew closer, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

There - movement. Alexa froze, feeling thankful that she didn't need to breathe as she peered through a gap in the foliage. Two figures in midnight-black robes stood near the apex of the structure, their hands waving in the air. But it was their companions that made her vampiric blood run cold.

Skeletons. At least a half-dozen of them, their bones bleached white by sun and wind, stood motionless around the robed figures. And prowling between them... Alexa had to stifle a gasp. Two bloody bone wolves, their eye sockets glowing with an unholy light, patrolled the perimeter.

She watched, transfixed, as the necromancers - for what else could they be? - continued their gestures. Suddenly, the air crackled with energy. The standing stone at the center of the structure pulsed with an sickly green light. To Alexa's horror, she saw movement from a nearby corpse she hadn't even noticed. It twitched, then slowly, jerkily, pushed itself to its feet.

This was far beyond what she'd anticipated. A frontal assault would be suicide, even with her vampiric abilities. No, she needed a different approach. Glancing at the sky, she noted the sun's position. Night wasn't far off.

She stayed in the underbrush, watching the Ritual Stone intensely. Twilight soon deepened into true night, and Alexa felt her stamina regenerating once more.

The necromancers had retreated below, their animated minions standing eerily still. Alexa's fingers twitched, itching for action. A steel dagger appeared in her hand and inky mist poured from her skin as she activated Nightwalk. Once, twice, three times she blinked across the landscape, each jump bringing her closer to her prey. The last teleport left her mere feet behind a motionless skeleton.

Alexa hesitated, studying the construct. Its empty eye sockets stared blankly ahead. How to dispatch it silently? Beheading seemed messy, impractical. She shook her head, mist swirling around her as she made one final jump.

Sneak increased to 30

Now inside the structure itself, Alexa's heightened senses picked up the slow, steady breathing of a sleeping necromancer. Creeping forward, she peered into a small, carved chamber. One black-robed figure lay sprawled on a crude bed. Of the second necromancer, there was no sign.

She silently walked towards her victim, and her fangs extended as she bent over the sleeping form to sink them into his exposed throat. Hot blood flooded her mouth as she drained him dry in seconds to trigger Kiss of Death.

Health, Magicka and Stamina permanently increased by 0.1

The moment his heart stopped, chaos erupted. Bones clattered to the ground as the animated skeletons collapsed, strings cut. Alexa froze, ears straining. Footsteps echoed from across the structure – the second necromancer, alerted by the noise.

Mist erupted from Alexa's pores. She used it to scout ahead, then teleported behind a stone pillar outside. Her Nordic bow appeared in her hands as she nocked an arrow, muscles taut with anticipation.

The remaining undead scrambled about in frenzied confusion. Alexa remained perfectly still, a statue in the darkness. Then, the surviving necromancer appeared, squinting uselessly into the gloom.

The arrow whistled through the night, finding its mark with a sickening thud. The necromancer stumbled, a strangled gasp escaping his lips as he clutched at the shaft protruding from his chest. He dropped to one knee, dark robes pooling around him like spilled ink.

Chaos erupted. Skeletal minions lurched forward, bones clattering as they charged blindly towards the unseen attacker. Their hollow eye sockets glowed with an eerie, unnatural light.

But Alexa was already in motion. Inky mist poured from her skin, flowing like water across the cold stone. A skeleton's rusty blade sliced through the air where she had been just moments before, meeting nothing but empty night.

She emerged behind the wounded necromancer in a swirl of darkness. Moonlight glinted off her dagger as she struck, the blade leaving a crimson arc across his exposed throat. Warm blood spilled over her fingers, steaming in the chill air.

Sneak increased to 31

One-Handed increased to 34

Level increased to 13

The effect was instantaneous. As the necromancer's life ebbed away, his control over the undead shattered. Skeletons collapsed mid-stride, bones scattering across the ground with a sound like deathly wind chimes. The few reanimated corpses crumbled to ash, carried away on the night breeze.

Alexa stood motionless as silence reclaimed the night. The metallic scent of blood mixed with the earthy smell of decay. She wiped her blade clean on the necromancer's robes, her eyes scanning the shadows for any remaining threat.

"That went well", she whispered as she turned her attention to the Ritual Stone at the top of the structure.

next chapter
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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


