/ Fantasy / Chaos Hero: Void Master

Chaos Hero: Void Master オリジナル

Chaos Hero: Void Master

Fantasy 79 章 75.7K ビュー
作者: Nekoman


詳細 目次


"Wh-what? My element is... void?"

In a world filled with sorceries, miracles, and knights, Young Hubert found himself immersed in struggle, trauma, and tragedy after joining the watchman. Deemed as a deserter turned slave, he tried to survive by learning from the greatest teachers, friends, and experiences.

Fighting corruption from internal conflicts of nobles and politics inside the kingdom of Creopia or the threatening dangers of the northern barbarians, indigenous tribes of the southern kingdom, pirates of the east, and the mysterious creatures of the western mountain range. Where even the helmsman of fate has corrupted. He soon realized his greater duty in the world was to protect it.

Empathy And Wrath

General Audiences
  1. Nekoman
    Nekoman 貢献した 50
  2. Myles_Parker
    Myles_Parker 貢献した 35
  3. YourAverage_Reader
    YourAverage_Reader 貢献した 32


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット



    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景


    LV 11 Badge

    The characters' interactions are very good, and the book has a lot of potential, so try it out! .......................................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    If you want to read a dark fantasy with a pretty grim setup from the start, where the MC had to undergo a lot of emotional trauma, downfall to downfall, then you may enjoy this novel. The strongest point is the MC itself, the turns of his life and it let you wondering about how he would cope and do in the future, to escape both from himself and his very own nature.

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    I really liked this book this review may be biased since I’m a friend of the author but please try it out!!!

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    LV 14 Badge

    Review time! The author has a strong voice throughout the story, and the protagonist definitely comes across as having a troubled past. Plot-wise, starting in the middle allowed for opening up to some pretty intense action, and sets up a nice and deep exploration of the main character. I think there's great potential for a character-driven exploration of the themes and politics that put the protagonist in such a terrible situation. On the technical side, there are mostly some issues with tense-case and a few misspellings, but nothing a good round of editing won't fix. Some of the dialogue can get a little confusing without indicators of who is speaking, and the extra space could be used to add little actions, facial expressions, etc. Overall I would say that the character interactions are great, but the dialogue can be a little anime-esque in terms of sudden dramatic increase. A solid start, and I'm sure once Nekoman finds his feet, it'll be off to the races.

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    Neko neko neko neko neko neko neko nekomaan

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    neko neko neko neko neko neko neko neko nekoman

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    Neko Neko Neko Neko Neko Neko Neko Nekomaaaaaan

    1 の返信を表示する

    5 chapters in this is what I can say. Absolutely incredible, the way the emotions are proudly written with elegance, the way the environments are described with perfection, everything is just perfect. I'll continue reading this for the foreseeable future, and I cannot wait for new chapters to come out! TL;DR GREAT NOVEL, MUST READ!

    0 の返信を表示する

    It’s a slow climb from the bottom but the pay off will feel all the more earned. The characters and world go hard. Churches and heavenly holy women. Good stuffs. If you’re into charcaters who are willing to grind their way to the top, this for you.

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    作者 Nekoman