Sitting on this desk infront of so many new faces, I can feel my nerves jumping.
My fight and flight are telling me to just bail and run away, like I usually do but I can't. I promised Julie that I would face it head on.
I took deep breaths and stood up adjusting my glasses.
"Hey! How was it? How do you feel?"
"It was actually better than I thought it would be. I was nervous but it went on smoothly" I replied.
"Lou lou I knew you could do it. You just needed some motivation."
"Yes I guess. I almost puked but after seeing his arrogant face I just wanted to prove that I am not anything like what he thinks I am."
"Haha! Your boss did something good for once." Julie couldn't stop laughing.
"You are right! He just makes me so mad. You know before the meeting he told me to just pack my stuff because he said I know you'll mess up this deal for us so just pack your stuff and leave before you humiliate everyone and loose us business.
I almost hit his head then and there but Chairman Anders came and scolded his good for nothing son and told me to go and get prepared."
"Wow that jerk! I just wonder how such a sweet person like Chairman Anders could have a son with such a nasty temper."
"I would've never worked for that Nasty Nathan if my father didn't promise Chairman Anders that I would work for them after I graduated from business school."
"Ah yes! Your father has been his friend for such a long time. Our friendship will be like that you know. I'm never letting you leave me. You're stuck with me forever" Julie smiled while showing her pearly whites and winked mischievously.
"Haha yes. I won't let you away either. You'll be listening to my complaints till the day I die." I send her a flying kiss.
We both chatted some more about the happenings of the day. Julie told me about the new intern that she hired to look after the animals in her clinic. It's been 3 years since she completed her studies and opened up a Vet shop. Her love for animals is really amazing. I love the sparkle in her eyes when she talks about them. I guess it was a good day for every animal because when something bad happens to either one of them, she gets really sad. Although she doesn't show it but I can sense it. We've been friends since I started to even walk.
The new intern is a college guy. He aspires to be a vet like her soon. She said he's hardworking and intelligent too. She's happy about his performance.
After chatting for about a hour, we went back to our respective houses. I am no longer on my nerves. I feel better after venting my heart out with my best friend.
"Lou lou honey! sit with me and have some cake."
"Dad I'm really not hungry but I'll have a bite since its strawberry flavoured and you begged me to eat" I giggled and shined my teeth.
"Haha very funny. Honey have as much as you want Chairman Anders sent it. He also said you gave a wonderful presentation today. The investors were really impressed."
My dad handed me the small plate of cake and signaled me to sit besides him on the sofa.
"It was alright. I made a few mistakes in the beginning but I also think I did well. I still need to learn a lot from him." Taking a bite from that delicious cake I told him.
"I told you it would be worth working under him. He's an excellent businessman and a wonderful judge of characters. He thinks you have great potential."
"I guess. I know he's wonderful. It's just his son. He's really annoying. I try not to butt heads with him but he always interferes."
"Lou honey. You're just being too harsh on him. Be a little open minded. He's been handling his father's business for 5 years now. You can learn so much if you let go of your biasness."
"Yayaya. I've heard this so many times. Nobody is telling him to not be annoying but everyone wants me to understand him. I don't want to talk about him dad. I'm tired and you need to take your meds and go to sleep."
"My precious lou lou I know." chuckling he replied.
"Goodnight dad" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Goodnight honey."
We left the study and went to our rooms to rest.
I took a quick bath and changed into night dress.
I looked at the time and it was 9 pm I still have sometime to kill and was feeling much better so I decided to watch a short movie.
It was 9:45 pm when my movie was interrupted as there was a phone call from my BOSS.
I was shocked while looking at the name on my phone and confirmed the time.
The headache that just left not so long ago came back and I pinched the space between my eyebrows.
I picked up the phone and put it to my ears.
Hey! I'm just trying to give an outlet to my idea by writing this story. I hope that as I go along (I really hope I continue hehe) the story would get better. I have never really written something as long as this so cheers to this new adventure.