/ Urban / VIRGIN PRINCESS AND THE BILLIONAIRE: friends with benefits
'Oh, don't worry, ' Massimo said, with a disdainful curl of his lips.
'I haven't come here for sex. '
'Oh? Then why have you come here?'
Toyin tilted her chin in a defiant gesture and suddenly Massimo wondered how he could have been so dense. Of course she was someone.... A diamond in the rough ~ that had been his initial reaction on seeing her, and he had been right.
And when he stopped to think about it her high-born status had been apparent in every gesture she made. It had been there in the way she moved and the way she walked. In her flawless skin and heart-shaped face and in the thick, lustrous bounce of her hair.
She was a princess. A runaway virgin princess who had chosen him as her first lover.
' I'm still trying to get my head around what happened last night, ' he said.