Villain's Upsurge Villain's Upsurge original

Villain's Upsurge

作者: Marckaroni

© WebNovel

章 1: The Final Artwork

Zeppelins and helicopters circled around the highest building of the city, broadcasting everything for the world to see. Cameras and reporters were present as this marks one of the most important milestones in mankind.

Fireworks erupted from the top of the building as the crowd below cheered for their heroes.

The city was in a joyous mood as they celebrated their victory over the monsters that plagued them for decades. The seven legendary heroes were now sitting at the top of the tallest tower, taking in the view.

Their faces shone brightly as they looked down upon all that they accomplished together. They had all made sacrifices and suffered greatly for the sake of humanity.

It was through their efforts that the world could breathe again. It is peaceful now and thus, their journey will end here. The heroes were no longer needed anymore. There was nowhere left for them to go.

The world has been saved and they have completed their mission. They can finally rest. But before they can vanish into the history books, they needed to make one final appearance.

They faced the camera with pride. They were no longer humans, but legends. A testament to the greatness that they achieved together.

The leader of their group, Seth, spoke out first. "Today is the end of our journey. We shall take our leave from the spotlight, knowing that we have done all that we could do." He gave a slight bow.

"This will be the beginning of a new era of mankind. One where the monsters are gone from the streets and the innocent people can live in peace." This was followed by nods of agreement from the others.

"It is time for us to pass on our legacy to the next generation. Our greatest desire is for you to continue fighting in order to keep this world safe. Do not let your guard down as there will always be evil lurking in the dark."

The crowd cheered even louder than before, giving their heroes farewell wishes.

Seth stood on top of the tower as he stared out at the distant horizon. His hair fluttered in the wind and the sun reflected off his gold armor.

His gaze was fixed on something far away. Something he once called home. Pain welled up inside him. All that remained was an empty land and scattered ashes.

He tried to block out the pain and focus on what lies ahead. Now he can finally build a family and enjoy the rest of his life in peace.

The others too felt the same way. Their days of bloodshed were over. No more fear of death as the enemy was gone. It was finally time to relax and enjoy their lives.

All except one.


His eyes were closed as he sat alone at the edge of the building. His head hung low as he silently gazed at the ground below. This is it. The moment he has awaited for many years but also dreaded. He took a deep breath and held it.

Leon felt a twinge of nostalgia looking at his friends. He had been with them since the day he first laid eyes on them. A fateful encounter that changed him forever.

They were like family to him, and it pained him to think that he would never see them again. But it needs to be done. The masterpiece will not be complete without their sacrifice.

The world must witness what true beauty means. What art truly is.

Opening his eyes, Leon slowly walked over to his comrades and into the spotlight. The cameras zoomed in as he stopped in front of them, giving them a smile.

Placing his hand on Seth's shoulder, Leon quickly glanced at his comrades, hoping that they will understand. He then turned towards the camera and looked straight at the lens. His voice echoed through the air.

"Have you ever seen art? Have you ever looked at something that invoked so many emotions in you that you needed weeks to comprehend it? Something that made you question what you thought you knew about the world? Something that lets your deepest and purest emotions flow in an endless stream?"

A chorus of murmurs went through the crowd as Leon continued speaking.

"From a very early age on, I had a vision. A vision about true art. That one day, I would create something that was so breathtakingly beautiful, that it would shock billions of people all at once. Something that would shatter their preconceived notions of what art truly is."

He paused as the crowd grew silent. With a look of determination on his face, he continued. "That day has come. Today, I will unveil my masterpiece to the world. My final work that I give to you to remember me by."

There was a sudden hush amongst the crowd as everyone waited in anticipation for what was to come. Confusion was mixed with excitement as no one knew what Leon was talking about. But since it is coming from one of the heroes, it has to be something special.

Even Seth and the others were greatly confused by his statement. This wasn't part of the plan.

Pulling out a dagger from his belt, Leon plunged it deep into Seth's back. Blood gushed from the wound as the world watched in horror.

Screams resounded through the air as Seth fell to the ground. Shock was evident on his face as he could not comprehend what just happened.

"This is part of the greater good, Seth. I'm sure you will understand." Whispered Leon into his ears as he pulled the dagger out. The blood flowed freely as the blade slid out with ease.

Seth's eyes widened in disbelief as he glared at Leon. His body began convulsing as he clutched his chest, unable to accept what had just happened.

"Why...you..." His voice was barely audible as he struggled to breathe. Anguish was written over his face.

"Rest in peace, my old friend. You will always be remembered by us all." Leon gave a small bow as Seth's lifeless body hit the floor.

As the crowd gasped in horror, Leon turned towards his other comrades. The last drops of blood dripped from his dagger as Leon unsheathed his other weapons.


The other 5 heroes could not believe their eyes, seeing their leader die right before them. The shock was evident on every one of their faces.

"No...no no no. What have you done Leon!? This was supposed to be a happy goodbye! You... you traitor!"

Mixed in their horror and panic was rage. Rage at the man who betrayed his companions and stabbed his own ally in the back.

Anger burned inside them, making them feel like they wanted to tear Leon limb from limb. They have been together for more than 10 years so how could he betray them that easily?

Leon smiled as he gripped his sword tightly. Without another word, he charged forward into battle. It's time to create perfection.

A brutal battle erupted as the crowd and spectators could only helplessly watch the heroes destroying themself. The people that were meant to be an inspiration to the whole world now tried to kill eachother and no one was there to stop them.

After hours of bitter combat, one by one, Leon's comrades slowly fell to the ground. The building was stained red with blood, and the cries of the dying echoed throughout the night.

The city suffered heavy damage as hundreds of houses were decimated. Countless people died in the mayhem as the Heroes fought without holding back. Chaos reigned supreme as the world saw its darkest hour.

In the end, Leon rammed his shattered sword through his last comrade standing. His wish to live together with his love, never to be fulfilled.

His soul was lost to the void as he collapsed onto the ground. All that was left was his bloodied body as it lay sprawled on the ground.

Kneeling on the ground, Leon, although heavily injured and exhausted, stared with euphoria at the magnificent sight that surrounded him. The city burned in a blaze of glory as the greatest humans alive all perished.

His heart filled with joy as he finally realized his dream. This is the sight that he wanted. The vision that would burn itself into the minds of those that witness it. The art that would invoke countless emotions.

It just needed one more thing before beeing complete. One last sacrifice.

Leaning closer to his dead comrades, Leon whispered one last time before he took his final breath.

"Goodbye friends...I'll see you again someday. Hopefully, you can forgive me."

Looking straight into the camera, Leon stabbed himself in the chest. Blood gushed from his wound, flowing down his body. With a smile on his face, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground next to Seth.

This is it. This is true art.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


