25% Viking undead / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

章 2: Chapter 2

Five years have passed since my rebirth. Five long hard years. I did not lack food as my power made hunting stress free. What made this time hard was the lack of technology.

All we ever do is travel from one place to the next. For fucks sake, at least if I was born in the age of Vikings I'd have something to do.

During this time my power which at this point is obviously telepathy, honestly hasn't made any significant progress. I can read people's surface thoughts, if I want to go deeper for let's say memories I can do so.

But that's it, I can't control anybody, only animals, and that might be because they have weaker minds than humans.

Oh, looks like father just got back from gathering fruits and vegetables. "Welcome back father, good hunting?" I tease him.

"I don't see why you're so adamant about eating this stuff, and watch your tone boy. When I was in my prime I could wrestle bears and outrun wolves". I try to imagine this old man fighting a bear, no doubt he wouldn't last five seconds.

Or more realistically, he would just run for his life. "Sure father, of course you could, now bring it here so I can make dinner". I have changed the diet of my little tribe to balance it out and promote better health.

"Where's Ingun", "she's out back". Father had remarried, now at this time marriage isn't really a thing, so more like a mate. Now here's the thing, I love my old man, but I was close to killing him once.

There was this girl I liked, she is five years older than me. I thought I really had a chance too, then I was cock blocked by my own dad.

Then he proceeds to take the girl I liked as his wife. Yeah, fucked up right? I told my father to find a new woman as it was sad seeing him all depressed. But fuck me, if I knew he was going to steal away my first crush I would have told his lonely ass to leave well enough alone, or become some monk. Her name is Ingun and now she lives with us. Father and Ingun enter the tent, "foods ready" I say.

After dinner I had a talk with my father. "Father, I grow tired of moving from one place to another. I think we should pick a permanent place to stay".

"But we have always done this, why would you want to stay in one place?" I look him in the eye, "father, I hear voices in my head".

Now he's looking at me as if I'm crazy. "Don't look at me like that, I have been speaking with this other person for some time now. He says that we need to pick a place to settle down, so we can grow as a people". He crosses his arms and asks "and who is this person you are speaking with?" I can tell he is just mocking me, "father, his name is Odin, the all father".

Yeah I'm bored so I'm going to start the Norse mythology as no one seems to know about it. I mean I'm pretty sure this is Scandinavia, so might as well make myself Viking Jesus.

'The boy has gone mad, he's always been a bit odd but this is on another level. I knew there was something wrong with him as he's fifteen winters old now and has not claimed a female'.

After hearing my father's thoughts I wanted to punch him in the face, you stole the female I wanted jackass. No, stay calm, "I can prove it".

He just sighs and shakes his head, "son, I think you need to lay with a female, once you do I'm sure this childishness will pass".

Okay, my arm actually twitched at that, I had to fight myself to not just uppercut the shit out this old man. I explain to him of the Norse mythology and tell him how Odin has chosen me as his herald. That I'm to usher in a new age for our people. "Sounds like a load of shit to me, look son, maybe if you lay with a female you won't be lost in your own mind. What about Hallgerd, she is a fine choice".

This motherfucker must really want to die, Hallgerd is ten years older than me and is so goddamn fat. Which is quite the achievement since we travel like all the time, I'm talking miles at a time, yet she somehow never lost any weight.

"For the last time I don't want her, she is too fat and doesn't even have a nice personality to make me look past her unattractiveness".

"She has excellent birthing hips, and will keep you warm at night. Look son, you can be honest with me, your not one of tho-".

He didn't even get to finish that sentence as I punched him in the face, I'm not fucking gay. Wait, is that even a thing in this time period?

"What the fuck was that for you little shit, I was going to ask if your one of those men unable to use their cock".

Oh, so he thinks I have erectile dysfunction, "sorry father I don't know what came over me".

"See that aggression, if you had lay with a female you would be much calmer". I changed the subject back to the original topic and over time I managed to convince him. So with father's help and my display of supernatural abilities, I got the group to travel south to what I'm hoping would be modern day Oslo. With plenty of fresh water nearby for us to drink and an ocean to travel. Five years later, we managed to create a village. I taught them how to farm, how to build long houses, better weapons and so much more. The people took to the new religion well, but that mainly had to do with how good of a story teller I was.

To the point where everyone would gather with all the children before nightfall to hear another one of Thor's adventures. I even taught them the shield wall, and gave all the warriors a spartan like training regiment.

I'm twenty years old now and am the king of my people. Life was good but I wanted more people for our little community. As is human nature, others wanted what we had. Many times we have had to fight other groups since they saw how well off we were. Which is where I find myself now, another raid from a roaming group.

We numbered thirty warriors but it seems the groups are following our example and forming their own villages. Now we face forty men, "shield wall!" I shout and we form up. The enemy had no organization and just charged us, but we held strong. With the training I put them through they better be stronger than your average guy. I incorporated Roman battle tactics and we were slaughtering them.

Unfortunately I did not take into account how desperate these men were, and how cunning desperate people can be. Another force had made it to our rear.

"Shift! Shift! We must protect the rear!" I had to shit my men else we became sandwiched by the enemy. Things weren't looking good, the only option is a tactical retreat, my men were better conditioned and better warriors, but numbers and a tactical disadvantage can render all that useless. So we retreat so we can re engage.

They are now numbered seventy, I'm not concerned as they don't fight as a unit so as long as we are not encircled they stand no chance. After an hour on the run we halt, "what now son, do we go home, or do we continue the fight?"

"We continue the fight, send out scouts, we will employ guerrilla tactics as we know the terrain more than they do. We will wear them down with arrows and traps, lead them to the kill zone!" I shout to my men, the kill zone is an area I set up with all kinds of nasty traps that will make killing them much easier as I don't want to lose too many of my own men. We split into three man teams and got to work. Father and I were like two war gods, we came across four men, we moved without speaking.

I can't speak to him telepathically but I can read his thoughts. With this we came up with a fighting style where he dictates the pace and I cover his blind spot.

I took on two, before they could close in on me I rushed one of them shield first and knocked him over. I pivot and parry the strike of the other and stomping the side of the downed man's knee as he tries to stand. I hear a satisfying crunch as his knee brakes and I focus on the other.

I push him back with an onslaught of blows to create distance from the incapacitated man as he is out of the fight. He lunges for a stab but I use my shield and guide him past me with his forward momentum. As he passes me I slide my blade across his neck ending his life.

I look towards my father and see he has already killed one and is dealing with another. But in the cover of a tree another enemy we had not noticed was taking aim at father with his bow.

I was too late and I saw the arrow being released, "no!" I yelled as I reached my hand out in a vain attempt to reach out and grab it. However, to my and the archer's amazement the arrow came to a halt mid flight.

I refocus and charge the archer killing him while he is still trying to process what just happened. After that whole ordeal we find their village and burn it to the ground taking their people with us back home. Thus another two years pass.

Bigbaby Bigbaby

Y’all know what to do. Leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


