There I stood Derieri in my embrace standing before the three Arch Angel's. Sariel, Tarmiel, and finally Lucodiel.
Despite the massacres I've committed despite the thousands of angels that fell before me it was never enough. I failed Derieri, I failed Rajine, I failed Zeldris, I failed my Father and worst of all due to my failure I caused the imprisonment of every demon but the traitor. I will never again be able to hold Derieri in my arms again. I could trace the cause of all these events that have transpired it was my hesitation, the hesitation to do what was necessary. I could've sacrificed my six hearts and killed them all, I could've prevented further deaths yet I didn't want to hurt Derieri further. I was no better than my brother I chose love over my people. NO I am different I didn't betray my people I always fought for them, I always tried to save as many demon lives as I could... But I had the chance to save so many... Its all my fault....NO it isn't just my fault it's that traitors fault if only he didn't betray his people so many familes wouldn't have been separated. HE prevented me from killing the three before me he allowed Mael to nearly kill the one I love... He watched on as they massacred our people and did nothing he killed two of the commandments making an escape to be with that bitch... Why? why did this have to happen? why did you have to leave us Meliodas? Is that woman really worth that much to you?
These were my thoughts at the time I am repulsed by the notion that it was even my fault anymore. He didn't care about anyone but himself I realized that after the first million cycles. After all what happens next proves that to me now, all he cared about was his feelings and nobody else's he made millions suffer for one woman disregarding so many peoples well being. I hate you Meliodas I truly do.. I miss you so much Derieri I hope we can meet up again soon.. I hope you aren't going through what I am I would never wish this upon anyone.. My mistakes being replayed over and over again the happy moments being ripped away one by one... You did this Meliodas I fucking hate you, I'll make you suffer more than I have; I swear no matter what I will have revenge... I'm sorry my friends that I have caused you all to be imprisoned I should've killed the traitor and those Angel's regardless.. Maybe if I used that spell I could've but it doesn't matter now does it.
Each angel smirked at me I was wondering why and then as their bodies began to fade and glowing white chains wrapped around me and repulsed Derieri away I knew something was wrong my eyes turned crimson.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I snarled viciously I was neither calm , sophisticated or even had any semblance of civility.
"We're personally sealing you away, this is your punishment for your crimes against the other races. Never to see the one you love again unless it's in moments of distress. Every time you feel too much happiness your happy memories will shatter and be switched to one of pain, distress. Isn't it fitting for a monster like you."
"The best part is Meliodas will be the only able to unseal you, since hes the only one not being sealed away."
A look of shock came to my face fo just a moment.
"Mael came up with the idea saying this would make you adequately pay for your sins."
Each word that was uttered by these vile monstrosities that hide behind their masks and positive stigmas granted to them just for being angels yet they're more evil than almost every demon I know: their words simply added fuel to my seemingly endless contempt and anger towards those who've wronged my people. My eyes began to glow brighter than ever before millions of dark fiery chains erupted from my body and the ground snaking around the entrance to the coffin of darkness the seal that I was supposed to be going to. Instead I was being sealed in some kind of actual coffin.
The barbed spikes of the chains lashing out near the Angel's.
The Angel's all looked on in surprise by the fact I could still do anything after all they were sacrificing their bodies to seal me away.
Lucodiel has the most shocked expression.
" how can you still fight back."
All it was met with was my red eyes that were growing brighter and brighter as blood began to slowly ooze from my eyes I exhausted more and more mana to try and attack the Angel's who were fading away but all attempts kept getting repelled more Angel's swarmed the temple readying all of their archs. As more Angel's came I created more chains I struck at the angles impaling a few of the weaker ones yet it was seemingly futile as more Angel's would just replace the fallen ones.
But then even more chains of light wrapped around me and started dragging me into the coffin. I then commanded half of my chains to strike at the coffin over and over again but it did nothing. I kept struggling and struggling I didn't want to be separated from Derieri I did everything not to be. But the Angel's had a different fate in store for me as my chains disappeared and so to did the glow in my eyes I tried to speak one last word to Derieri.
"I love you."
I weakly spoke out to Derieri with tears in my eyes Derieri was crying ever so slightly and sobbingly said
"I love you too!" She shouted out I gave her a weak smile as I felt my magic being sucked away.
Today was the day I felt like I lost everything every time I felt such overwhelming anger. Meliodas could've freed me at any point and reunited me with my love yet he never did. It only showed me that he truly never cared about us. I remember the sobbing face of Derieri every time the pain she felt the sadness at the near certainty of never seeing me again. It drives me over the edge I wanted nothing more to see Meliodas despair I wanted him to lose everything he cares about one by one stripped away from him. And then I'll finally end his suffering I'm not as cruel as him to let someone live for so long and to suffer the loss of everything.
But then I felt a sudden pulling sensation something different something new. Something that hasn't happened yet.. Then I saw a blinding light after a few minutes it died down and I heard a voice familiar and a human? one with a beard that appeared buff in some kind of spiky armor.
"Thank the demon king that I found out how to unseal you sir Vessalius."
Disoriented I asked..
"How do you know my name?"
My brain still dizzy I couldn't think of any way to be unsealed after all only Meliodas could unseal me and everyone I knew was sealed long ago after me. Well I'm assuming it was long ago.
"Oh of course you wouldn't recognize me, I'm possessing this human right now. I am Fraudrin and I am deeply sorry for not being able to unseal you sooner."
My eyes widening I asked immediately.
"Is Derieri unsealed too where is she?"
"Miss Derieri is unfortunately still sealed, I cannot unseal here because the traitor is defending the only angel left."
"Wait I can be reunited with Derieri!?"
"Yes if we can.."
"Where is he! where is Meliodas I'll personally get what we need!" I instantly spoke out but as soon as I tried to stand I fell right back down.
"Sir Vessalius you need to rest for now, afterwards I will catch you up on everything later."
"You are right as always Fraudrin, I will make the traitor pay after I recover a bit."
"Thank you sir Vessalius, Derieri wanted me to prioritize your health."
"That sounds just like her, Thank you Fraudrin for everything you have been a go..o."
My mind went Dark my thoughts began to wane.
'I'll free you all.. soon after a short rest.'
Will be edited later....
And that wraps up the holy war for now, the one person who hates Meliodas more than anything has been unsealed and his chains are broken what will happen next. Who will die, who will suffer, will Vessalius go on a massacre will he not. Will he finally regain his calm again after everything that happened will he torture his victims like he used to who knows but I....
Well you to can find out if you continue to read...
I'll seeya later hopefully you all have a truly wonderful day or night wherever or whenever you are and I'll seeya later folks.
Seeya and make sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments down below of course I will have to respond with my original account Damian Segorski which has a titana boa as the profile picture. Since I haven't been able to comment for six days now on this account and it's starting to tick me off. I'm pretty sure I got reported or something for cussing would be my guess I do tend to do that when mad.
Anywho bye farewell dear readers here's my discord for anyone interested or may have question to ask there are also discord exclusive polls that have affects on stories what I write and such. For example the love interest was decided on my discord server since it in fact had a major effect on what I did plot wise and the Main characters motivations.
Alrighty now I go bye.