19.07% Vampire Mafia Princess - Tales of Nocturnia / Chapter 29: Potions with Lyra

章 29: Potions with Lyra

Lyra arrived at her alchemy class, her mind still reeling from the discoveries she had made about battle alchemy. Before the lesson began, she approached the professor, eager to discuss the possibilities and potential applications of this new branch of study.

However, the professor's reaction was not what Lyra had expected. He looked taken aback, his brow furrowing with concern as he listened to her enthusiastic inquiries. "Lyra," he said, his voice grave, "battle alchemy is not something to be taken lightly. It's unpredictable, dangerous, and can have devastating consequences if not handled properly."

He went on to list a litany of reasons why battle alchemy was not a path to be pursued, from the volatile nature of the ingredients to the moral implications of using alchemy as a weapon. Lyra felt her excitement wane, replaced by a creeping sense of doubt and uncertainty.

Sensing her disappointment, the professor gently excused Lyra to her seat, just as he announced the start of another experiment. Lyra made her way to her workstation, her mind still grappling with the professor's warnings and the tantalizing possibilities of battle alchemy.

As she settled in, she found herself locking eyes with Elias, her alchemy partner and the boy who had become an increasingly important presence in her life. In that moment, she felt a surge of connection, a sense that they were more than just classmates or friends. They were alchemy buddies, bound by a shared passion and a deep, unspoken understanding.

Elias approached Lyra, a warm smile on his face. "Hey, you okay?" he asked gently, noticing her troubled expression.

Lyra nodded, forcing a smile. "Just... thinking about something the professor said."

Elias gave her a reassuring look. "Don't worry about it too much. Let's focus on this experiment, alright?"

As they began to work, Elias guided her through the experiment, his hand gently brushing against hers as he helped her pour the precise measurements of each ingredient into the flask. Lyra felt a flutter in her chest at the contact, hyper-aware of the way their legs touched beneath the workbench.

"So, what's on your mind?" Elias asked, keeping his voice low and soothing.

Lyra hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "The professor doesn't think battle alchemy is worth pursuing. He thinks it's too dangerous."

Elias raised an eyebrow. "Well, he's not entirely wrong. But if anyone can figure out how to use it safely, it's you."

Lyra smiled at his confidence in her. "Thanks, Elias. I appreciate that."

As they worked, Elias kept up a steady stream of conversation, his voice calming her nerves. But Lyra found herself only half-listening, her mind drifting to thoughts of battle alchemy and the incredible power it could unlock. She was so lost in her daydreams that she almost poured the wrong liquid into the mixture, a potentially disastrous mistake.

But Elias was there in an instant, his hand shooting out to catch her wrist and stop her from making the error. Lyra blushed, embarrassed by her carelessness and grateful for Elias's quick reflexes. She mumbled an apology, her cheeks burning as she realized how close they were, his face mere inches from hers.

"Careful," Elias whispered, his breath warm against her skin. "I can't let you blow up the lab."

Lyra laughed softly, her embarrassment fading. "Thanks for the save."

The moment was suddenly shattered by the teasing voice of one of their classmates. "Hey, lovebirds!" they called out, a smirk on their face. "Save the flirting for after class, will you? Some of us are trying to focus here."

Lyra and Elias sprang apart, both of them blushing furiously. They quickly returned to their work, their eyes fixed firmly on the task at hand, determined to push through the embarrassment and complete the experiment.

But even as they worked in silence, Lyra couldn't shake the feeling of Elias's touch, the way his presence made her feel both grounded and electrified. She knew that there was something special between them.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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