12.5% Vampire in Teen Wolf / Chapter 1: 1 A New Life
Vampire in Teen Wolf Vampire in Teen Wolf original

Vampire in Teen Wolf

作者: Hairy_jack

© WebNovel

章 1: 1 A New Life

(AN: this first chap is a bit long yall hope y'all enjoy)

The endless void. Every otaku dreams of waking up to find him or her self floating through the endless nothingness in hopes to have a chance at reincarnation into one of their favorite anime or show or book series.

I however wasn't expecting it in the slightest. I wasn't an otaku really, I did read fanfics and light novels but I was martial artist and worked for everything I had and when I died I just wanted the sweet release of nothing.

But, it appears fate had other plans for me.

I woke in the void, spent a countless amount of time floating through it eventually forgetting everything that made me, me. I know some of the TV shows I used to watch and I remember the countless books I read but I can't remember my name or if I had a family, I can't even remember what I did for a living. I remembered fighting and that I loved it but beyond that I remember nothing personal.

But back on task, I floated there for what felt like forever until there was a break in the monotony.

All of the sudden out of nowhere, a gorgeous white haired woman just appeared in front of me. Now unlike most of the stories I read where a god shows up and offers the protagonist choices, my goddess apparently wasn't about that life.

She informed me another goddess took it upon herself to change something in one of her realms so she searched the void for a soul to use to fix the issue. Hence her telling me where I'm going. Teen Wolf she said. Now I watched the first season so my knowledge about that place was only so so. Nevertheless that's where she was going to send me with only one wish to determine what supernatural being I would be but it couldn't break the world so nothing to terrible overpowered.

After deciding that I would be vampire she told me what needed fixing. Apparently some goddess made it to where Scott never got bit by Peter but Stiles did instead. While Stiles would be fine as a werewolf, Scott was supposed to be supernatural for the universe to flow correctly. Now my options were to get him bit as well that night so he could be a werewolf or bite him myself and make him part of my coven.

Then as an after thought she told me to imagine what I wanted to look like. I just imagined my old body but more good looking, then she snapped her fingers and I disappeared.


So that's what happened up till now…

Me just stuck in this fucking coffin or tomb or whatever the fuck this was.

"God damnit, couldn't just put me somewhere normal just had to be here of all places." I shouted in anger then punched the concrete lid to my impromptu prison.


With that punch the lid flew off and broke into rubble.

"*cough cough* I guess that works.." I muttered while pulling myself out of the tomb.

I look around at the mausoleum I'm in. I see the placard above my concrete coffin.

"Here lies Ray Thatch born 1835 died 1865. May he Rest In Peace." It read. Suddenly a rush of memories hit me like a freight train.

Apparently the owner of this body was raised a southern gentlemen from Texas but was fairly plain other than having a brilliant mind, until the age of 18 when he was accepted into West Point due to his excellent grades and his family's military background. He spent a year learning much until he was expelled due to participating in and underground fight club of sorts. When the instructors caught them he and a handful of others were expelled and shipped back their perspective homes. Along the journey home his caravan was ambushed by a supernatural being or beings. All he heard was the long howl before the carnage. As he lay there bleeding out and dying in the mud with long claw marks all over his chest, stomach, and back, someone strolled upon the incident. The person found that he was the only one alive if only barely, and offered him an opportunity. Become a monster and live for eternity surviving solely on the blood of others in secret or he can die in the mud in the middle of the night in Kentucky.

The choice was easy, he was 19 years young, he just wanted to live.

He was bitten on the neck, then the person broke his neck killing him anyways, he thought this was his end.

The next day he awoke in an abandoned covered wagon in the middle of nowhere. The only contents of the wagon was himself a change of clothes and a letter which read:


If you're reading this, then you survived the transformation. Congratulations, not everyone does. Things will be significantly different for you now and you must keep these events a secret, you must tell no one. You are now a vampire. But it's not like those bedtime stories you've probably heard where we burst into flames in the sunlight or repelled by the cross. Those are just tall tales to keep children in line. You can lead a fairly normal life. You'll be more tired and lethargic during the day and normal food tastes like garbage and you'll have to survive on the blood of others or animals. But other than that you can have a good life still.

But you will be different. You're now stronger and faster than any human or even the beasts that would have became your demise last night if I hadn't found you. They're werewolves and seems to be a feral pack but they won't be your problem now. Back to the gift, people will now find you more interesting and enticing. With some practice you'll be able to persuade others of whatever you wish, you could even make them forget they ever encountered you. I would wait to feed on humans until you've mastered this as you don't have to drain them dry and you can just make them forget it ever happened, until then I would drink from animals. While it's not as satisfying you can live off it. Also, your senses will be extremely heightened so you will have to take some time to adjust to things before you try to integrate fully back in to society.

Now other thing you should be aware of. If you bite someone on the neck and they die within 12 hours they will turn into one of us, and if you're near them when they wake up they will have an undying loyalty towards you. Most of our kind do this and create families of sorts called covens. We only feed through biting other areas of the body, the neck is the only way to turn someone. Just something to be aware of since I won't be there when you awaken. I could have made you loyal to me but decided to give you the chance to live your own way. If we ever meet again you'll probably feel a familial bond to me but you won't be loyal to me, this is my gift boy.

Best of luck,



Over the next few years he made his way south honing his new abilities but decided to never go back to his families home. He was a drifter. He spent time with civilized werewolf packs and other supernatural beings along his way just learning whatever he could, never regretting his decision to become what he is.

Then, the civil war started! He joined the ranks of the confederacy due to his southern heritage even though his family never owned slaves and didn't really care to, it was more about not being pushed around for him as it was something ingrained into his upbringing being from Texas.

The battles were bloody and even bloodier at night when he slipped away from his company and past enemy lines to decimate the opposition and satiate his bloodlust. He used them as a major way to train his abilities since he had no need to sleep anymore. The problem was he was slowly losing himself to the monster he was becoming.

When the war was coming to a close though, Ray had become sick of the bloodshed and came back to his senses. In his grief he had ordered a mausoleum built with his name so he could go into a deep sleep. Before the war a chance meeting with another of his kind, he had learned that he could hibernate for very long periods of time without blood and still live but it would appear to all that he had died. It was how vampires dealt with their long lives, they would just go to sleep for a few years or a few hundred years, wake up and discover the world a new.


And that's where I come in.

I hadn't expected the goddess to create this extremely detailed backstory for me but I am grateful since I now have the memories about how to use my abilities and some knowledge about the supernatural world here.

"Not bad. Now let's see, I need new clothes.." I said looking down at the rags that used to be very nice clothing. "I need to see when it is now and if there are anymore vampires roaming around this universe." I said thinking aloud. "I think I had read in my past life that vampires had gone extinct here according to the Argents. But knowing what I know, they're probably just sleeping or hiding in plain site."

I then pushed open the concrete door to my mausoleum and took my first breath of fresh air in a couple centuries in this new life.

It was night so my senses were dialed all the way up. I could hear the faint noises of civilization not too far away so I decided to make my way there.

It took only moments for me to come to the outskirts of the small town. I found a home only occupied by an middle aged woman. From the window I can see that she seems depressed and has several cats.

'I can work with this' I thought to myself before walking around to the back of the house. I made my way to the back door and slowly opened it. 'Gotta love country folks, so trusting never locking their doors at night' I mused as I silently made any way through the small home to the kitchen where she was washing a few dishes.

I came up right behind her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and forced her around to look into my eyes so I could use persuasion on her. It went off without a hitch and I could tell from the glazed over eyes that she would be putty in my hands.

"Tell me, what is today's date ma'am?" I asked/commanded.

"Today is November 6th 2010." She replied blankly.

"And what state and town are we in?"

"Red River, New Mexico"

'So I'm a few states away from Scott and the rest and a few months before Peter bites Stiles… okay.' I thought. "Tell me your story ma'am" I told the woman.

She went on to tell me everything about herself. Her name is Mary Ellen James. She grew up here in this small town then left to attend college in Colorado earning a degree in medicine. She was married and was a mother but her husband and daughter died in a car accident 12 years ago leaving her widowed and all alone. She decided to move back to her home town and work at the local clinic.

'A sad life to be sure….' I thought sadly. 'Since you're the first person I've come across and I rudely broke into your home and took hold of your mind let's see if I can make some things better for you..' I thought.

"Tell me Mary, honestly if you were given the opportunity, would you like to care for a young man such as myself?" I asked her.

"In what way do you mean?" She asked.

"*sigh* I have no family, and I know I cannot replace the one you lost but I find myself in need of one. As you can probably tell by this experience I'm not normal by any means and if you accept this opportunity you would become like me. Now I don't need a mother as I am hundreds of years older than you but I wouldn't be opposed to a motherly figure, someone I could care for and someone to care for me as well." I answered her. In truth I do need someone like I explained. This bodies memories are my own and I've accepted them and I am fully aware doing things alone in the past may have effected how I lost myself in the war not holding anyone dear to me. So to avoid that in the future I need this, and I get the feeling in my past life I was without family, since the idea of this is sorely wanted by something deep inside my soul.

"You could never replace my child.." the woman said blankly and I honestly understood. I won't lie and say it didn't sadden me a bit though. I was preparing to wipe her memory of this whole ordeal when she opened her mouth to continue. "But my John was always going on about wanting to adopt a child so our Susan could have a sibling. You are older than what we had planned on but… I think this could be good for me as I am aware of my own self destructive behavior since I lost them." She said bringing back a bit of happiness in my heart.

I steeled myself though, "You would have to become a vampire like me. Are sure you want this?" I asked.

"A vampire… like from the stories?" She asked still a bit blank since my persuasion is nullifying extreme emotions and only really persuading her to answer me truthfully.

"No not quite, we're a bit different although some of it is true." I answered scratching the back of my head.

"Will I have to kill people? I took an oath you know?" She asked and reminded me of the oath doctors and nurses take, never to harm and such.

"Mary, give me your wrist.." I told her and she complied even though she wasn't really compelled to do so. I felt my fangs descend and I sunk them into her wrist taking a long drink. I had drained a few squirrels and rabbits on my way to the town so I wasn't just dying of thirst but I'll admit her blood was divine in comparison. But I stopped myself and pulled away, licking the two small puncture marks and watched them heal in an instant. I looked back into Mary's eyes, "now tell me how you feel."

She thought for a moment. "A bit dizzy from the blood loss but other than that I feel fine, it didn't even hurt." She said in slight amazement even through the haze in her mind.

"This is my way. I drink a bit then wipe the memory of the person so to them it never happened. We can also drink animal blood although it's like surviving on tofu, doable but not as satisfying as a steak. Also it wasn't really accessible in my time but the only human food we can really still taste normally is chocolate, and before you ask I haven't the slightest idea why." I told her.

"Okay I understand." She said.

"So I'd like to give you more time but I need you to decide. Join me, or I can erase this all from your memories and you'll wake up tomorrow and continue your life like this never happened." I told her.

"… okay. I accept." She said with a bit of determination.

"Good now close your eyes Mary this won't exactly be pleasant." I told her and she complied. I walked around behind her and placed my hand on her chin giving me access to her neck and my other hand around her waist to catch her. 'No going back now, my first coven member! I'm nervous and excited!' I thought before sinking my fangs into her neck. I took another small sip before retracting my fangs then swiftly broke her neck and caught her limp body. I swept her up bridal style and carried her to her couch shooing off a few cats. "I'll be here when you wake up Mary.." I told her before sitting on the floor by the couch to make a few plans.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


