/ Urban / Unserious Beast Tamer

Unserious Beast Tamer

Unserious Beast Tamer

Urban 21 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは--章/週です。 615 章 1.2M ビュー

作者: The book shortage forced me to write


3.6 (16 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Good news: I've time traveled, and I have a system.
Bad news: This system is far from serious!
Xu Ran watched his pet beasts, which trembled and made bizarre noises after being given a washing and protection, became disoriented and howled all night after being fed, and behaved more and more oddly after training. He fell into deep thought.
How was he supposed to explain to these pet beasts' Beast Masters that he was indeed a serious person?!

  1. Bubba_bones1129
    Bubba_bones1129 貢献した 29621
  2. adisastar
    adisastar 貢献した 16808
  3. Robert_George_7425
    Robert_George_7425 貢献した 16190


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Stops on chapter 10 before locking? why would I read this? That's not enough chapters to even decide if I want to read it or not, never mind actually spending something to unlock more chapters of I don't know.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Report this book for junk. All it is , is AI generated garbage. It probably wont even finish and just stop uploading one day. Those who have been arojnd webnovel long enough , know that this is just a fake book.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Y is this book even out?? its just like other books that have the same thing writen in them its stupid and shouldnt be in here amd should be taken down!!

    0 の返信を表示する

    Not sure why everyone hating, especially for the most random reasons. It’s nothing special and can get repetitive, but the characters are fleshed out, translation is good, plot seems to have been planned out decently and it doesn’t have those edgy/cringey Chinese tropes. Overall a chill relaxing read with occasional action to spice it up. The chapters here get locked super early, but u can find more online

    0 の返信を表示する

    I really wish I could give a lower rating but I loved the world building and the characterization of the pet beast. To be honest I actually enjoyed reading this until the content kept repeating and the story had obvious gaps in it. I can't even read the next chapter because almost the entire chapter I just read is a repeat of the previous one and it was a conversation that ended on a cliff hanger. Now I have no idea what they spoke about and what the first few sentences of the next chapter mean. None of my reports on the major problems I found have been answered either so far to my knowledge. I'm glad I didn't spend as much on this story as others since I was able to binge read a portion using free reading and use discounts for coins. But it was still weeks worth of fast passes and coins are hard to earn and cases like this make it hard to justify buying them. I would rather suffer through a bad mtl than let a seemingly careless TL profit. And even though the author sometimes liked repeating descriptions I still enjoyed it while I could and would love to continue reading if a better TL and good editor could be found for this story. I wish I was able to endure until Twelve was "rescued" and complete her evolution or until one of the others evolved into an emperor beast.

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    I like this book. the world seems well thought out and it is a fun and engaging read

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    anyone can khow the _RAW_ PLEASE SEND ME

    1 の返信を表示する

    Some chapters are starting to repeat for some reason

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    Read 498 chapters. Very interesting premise. It's an actual good read. I'm very surprised that I liked it. CONS- later chapters, the author repeats the same paragraphs to make up for the word count. Which does not justify the coins/tickets I used to unlock these. Therefore, I will be dropping this book.

    0 の返信を表示する

    nothing super special, but a decent read with regular uploads, a little while after chapter 500 chapters keep on repeating some content and missing others, there are even sections where chapters are missing because of repeats which makes it difficult to read. Though the story is decent, it's not good enough for me to keep reading through that, paragraph repeats I can take, whole chapter repeats and missing chapters I can't.

    0 の返信を表示する

    unfortunately as good as the book is the chapters 580-583 are copy and pasted with the same content and now at chapter 584 I have no idea whats happened please fix this 😢

    0 の返信を表示する

    It is a good book if you are really on for a good adventure and loves pets and creatures. HOWEVER, the repeated chapters are really annoying. I hope it was just an error because whenever there is a repeated part, a part of the plot is missing. It's like the story was copy pasted twice and forgot to check if it transfered the right part or a repeated one.

    0 の返信を表示する

    At the beginning, i was thinking it was a very bad novel. After some chapter, i was surprised to continue and now i like it. It's not the best novel but it's refreshing. It seems to be a balance between low paced for the global story developpement and fast paced for the store developpement (i'm not at the end). The MC and pets are sometime really dumb and sometime smart, in a good way. It's the refreshing part. I don't like the "too much coincidential" in general. "Oh we can't xxx, if Y have a skill like this in the futur", next chapter "oh you got the skill" (same things with informations etc). But it's not so inconvenient like other novel because the system is powerfull and sometime a troll, the "unserious". In fact, the beginning was too much, not really well developped but with great joke but many may think like me. Later, it's more balanced but too standard by moment. I hope for more Epic moment (really lack this for the moment) but with some standard shonen situation and dumb situation. If you search for a novel, give it a try, this one is a little unmature but we can see the author progress and it's more hard to do a balanced novel with more aspects than one with "i'm the best at this stage, i kill all ennemy and move to the next arc" and repeat that x time.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    Its good story with classic system trope, Its have some comedy and by luck there is no young master slaping or smash them all ,but quite relaxing reading I enjoy. Now I regretfully need write same bad things like after chapter 420+- there are sometimes repeating text and next chapter not conecting so missing context and then some whole repeating chapters which continue up to where i drop this novel at chapter 590. You are warned so its up to you give it chance.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I read the description of this book and honestly it looks like it sucks and looks like its stupid!! I even looked at the chapter names and they look stupid!! Honestly i definitely wont read this and waste my time!!

    1 の返信を表示する

    Unorthodox Beast Control ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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    作者 The book shortage forced me to write