Lu Tian stares at his wife's smiling face and his entire being softened. Her smile was always pure and genuine like she can take away all the bad feelings in life.
He is glad that she is fine, and no harm came to her or their child.
Stopping in front of her, he could feel that uneasy weight lifted from his shoulders. Without a care about whether anyone is looking, his right hand gently caress her cheek.
"I'm glad nothing happened to the both of you."
Feeling the coldness of his palm touch her skin, it sent a faint electric shock to Yue Ling's heart. However, she does not move away from him, but tilt her head to feel his hand more.
Her bluish green eyes met his for a brief second before slowly closing them. Her left-hand place over his and she sighs a smile.
"We're also glad nothing happened to you."
Lu Tian stares down at her before his left-hand wraps around her waist and pulls her into his embrace.
Thank you all for reading!