Inside the private ward, Grandfather Ji held his granddaughter's hand as he stares at the empty seat on the other side of the bed.
After Lu Tian left to discuss some things with his subordinates, the boy had returned, but only for a few minutes. He asked Grandfather Ji to look after Yue Ling until he comes back.
Where he left to, he did not say.
However, Grandfather Ji knows that it must have something to do with the person who mobilized the incident that happened.
He sounds a sniffle as he squeezes Yue Ling's hand a little. Glancing at her sleeping face, he trembles a smile.
"Ah Ling…"
His free hand stretch forward to gently stroke her head, but he was very careful as her head was still wrapped with a gauze.
"I hope that when you wake up, you will remain strong. Lu boy is nearing a dead end... I hope that the both of you will continue to support each other through this crisis."
Thank you all for reading!
Next chapter coming soon!