65.62% Undercover 1 (BakuDeku) / Chapter 21: 21

章 21: 21

One's POV

After we left we went back to our room to install the lock only to find that there was already a socket thing on the door and frame that we could just slide the lock into. It took two seconds to finish and try it out just to be safe.

Then after so many people saw us messing with our door like that we had to actually 'test' it. Most of the time there being so many people in the hideout it was a bother, not so much at the moment. We locked the door and relieved some of our excess tension through our more creative means before taking another shower. Once we were clean again we snuck into the air vent and made our way to the control room and waited.

We had no idea where the fuck we were supposed to find Chupika and our best bet for intel was the control room but not for no reason. He was the one in charge of everything that happened in this room. It's a good thing Molly informed her Uncle's friend that she wouldn't make it home tonight.

Our focus was on the room in front of us when alarms started going off and Blob's face appeared on a monitor. "There are intruders at the south gate but they seem to be civilians. I am going to make contact now," We waited, his picture stayed on the monitor for several seconds as silence rang throughout the room. "All clear, it was just Webb and Smiles, they lost their badges while they were on their last patrol." Two and I look at each other, this isn't good. Wasn't their last patrol the one that we, for lack of a better way to put it, kidnapped them? We were not the only ones to come to that conclusion either.

"Isn't that when One and Two, uh, defended themselves?" The voice was low and deep, sending shivers through my spine. But I don't recognize who it is.

"No sir, the last time they were on patrol not guard duty," Blob corrected and Two and I looked at each other relieved.

"So it has taken how many days before they reported this to anyone?" The deep voice asked and suddenly I felt very sorry for them.

"They reported it immediately sir, the report should be on your desk, it was a few days ago," Blob answered and the few people in the room seemed to let out a sigh of relief when the owner of the voice laughed.

"Very well, make sure they report directly to you everyday until their badges are located."

"Yes, sir!" Blob answered with relief echoing in his voice as well.

"Oh and Blob?" The voice asked lightly. He waited a moment before continuing, "I hear that One and Two have some amazing skills as interrogators, is that true?" My blood seemed to run cold at his words. How would anyone know that? We specifically created that method to make the target forget all about what we were asking them. How would it have gotten around?

"I-I-I don't really know sir," Blob squeaked through the connection.

"Were you not one of the people that they 'defended' themselves from?" I am trying desperately to find the owner of the voice but I just can't see him.

"I think they were just trying to prank me sir or give me a warning of some kind.They tend to leave a signature of sorts on those that have threatened them," Blob's voice was starting to shake but he wasn't stuttering yet.


"They stitch them back up with red and green surgical thread sir. They leave a smiling face with large X's for eyes, one red eye and one green eye on those who have actually offended them. I do not hold such a mark," His words were starting to run together the faster he talked and it didn't seem like he could say the words fast enough.

"I see, Blob?"

"Yes sir?"

"Threaten them," there was a long pause after the deep voice spoke the words and a chair swiveled around exposing a little girl with curly, golden hair and brown eyes. She opened her mouth to speak and a deep low voice came out. "I want to see what all they do in their defence."

"...'' There were choked sobs but if he said anything at all it didn't come through. It took several minutes before there was a whisper of "Yes sir," and the call ended when the little girl hit a button before happily jumping down, Blob's picture disappearing as she did.

"Chupika!" The girl called and the man we were looking for came running up before kneeling in front of the young girl. "I want you to watch what happens from start to finish, don't let anyone know you are there, do you understand?"

"Yes Lucy, sir," Chupika answered, bowing his head to the floor. Whoever this person was had to be very powerful to make grown ass men jump like that. At least we have a name. I will have to add her but I have a feeling I should keep a separate notebook just for Lucy. Maybe.

Two and I make our way back to our room and shut the vent, sealing it again so that there wouldn't be any sound leaking through there.

I look at Two and it's not long before we hear a knock on our door. It didn't take a genius to figure out who in the hell it was going to be. We stripped our clothes, we might as well make this into one of the few times we get 'caught' while we are at it. I checked to make sure the lock was in place and turned on the shower, our clothes thrown all over the room and I saw the lock slowly turn just before we climbed into the already steamy hot shower leaving the door to the bathroom open as we did.

"Fuck it, One what do you do to me?" Two growled his voice echoing in the small bathroom as I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist growling as I did. Even with everything going on it's not difficult to get hard with Two's bare body right in front of me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" His words were growled out and he let out a breathtaking moan when I answered with a sharp bite to his neck. I purred, before reaching over to turn off the water our hair completely drenched now completing the illusion that we had just taken a shower together.

We wrap a towel around our waist and use another to dry our hair, giggling as Two leads the way to the bedroom. He continues to dry his hair and I bite my lip more than tempted to tease him before giving in while Two was drying his hair, his face covered.

I lean in and lick his nipple making him jump back a little and I let loose a purr when he looks back at me accusingly dropping his towel from his head to around his shoulders.

"Evil little minx," he growled before I used my hands to push him back on the bed behind him nipping at his other nipple in the process. "Where do you get all your fucking energy from? I'm going to die from too much sex and your just going to be left alone and wanting," he teased me and I let out a growl between my purrs letting him know that I didn't find that the least bit funny before sinking my teeth gently but firmly into his neck, leaving a nice impression behind as I do.

I know we are being watched but that is going to be par for the course for the next several weeks, maybe longer, so I'm going to have to get over it because this is a part of the mission. At least if we wanted to live through the mission.

His moans had me so turned on it was almost laughable if not for the massive hard on I was currently trying to rub against our towels. I started whimpering as I did, getting his attention. If Blob doesn't want to actually fucking die he better wait until I'm finished.

"I'm yours, do anything you want." Two moaned before I captured his lips in mine. I break away only long enough to reach for the bottle of lube on the nightstand only to hit something in the process. I jumped, forgetting for a moment that we weren't alone and Two jumped up our towels thankfully staying put, but they didn't do anything to hide just how large and hard we were from our unwelcome guest.

I growl and Two grabs the intruder and floods his system with his quirk and he passes out letting us see Blob now laying on the floor. Blob had a very unsettling quirk, he could kind of melt into a gelatin like substance and squeeze through anywhere and to make it worse he could also turn himself, while in that state, nearly invisible. But only while he was like that, another drawback to the quirk is that it is super slow. Like a snail or something.

I growl at the now unconscious middle aged man and Two lets out a string of curses. We get up and get dressed, our boners still painfully evident before Two picks up the man. We both know that he is only doing it under orders from Lucy but who exactly is she that he needed to do her commands as soon as she uttered them?

I open the now unlocked door, I have a feeling he didn't come in alone. And we walked out of our room, everyone making way for us as we headed to our 'base' of operations. Most people here at the hideout didn't want anything to do with us on a normal basis because we were horny all the fucking time. But that was nothing to compare to when we were pissed. They were literally jumping out of the way just so that we might not look at them. It's not the place we usually do our 'interrogations' but why would we let them see that? We knew this day would come but we thought we would just have to switch bases instead. So this works out a lot better.

I open the door using my key and lift the latch letting us in. I watched as Two walked in carrying the knocked out man to the table and I cuffed his legs while he cuffed his wrist, erasure cuffs. Then I dumped a bucket of cold water on the man who woke up spitting and sputtering.

"What the FU-" He started and I pressed one of my many knives inside of his mouth and flat against his tongue, immediately stopping his outburst. He seemed to realize where he was and fear was blanketing him as he started to shake and shiver even though his mind couldn't actually understand why. Different place, exact same layout.

"So sneaking into our room. I have to say I'm disappointed," Two grumbled, his voice low as he talked. Honestly he sounded really calm and I could follow his voice to the ends of the earth. I pull the blade from his tongue but leave it laying against his lower lip. Blob has been more than on my nerves and after finding out about his crimes, well I am not entirely against what we are about to do to him.

I watch as Two turns on an old time solar battery and picks up what looked like clamps with teeth. He let them get close enough to create a small arc and pulled them away again satisfied with the results.

"You see I thought we had already vetted you, making sure you didn't work for the fucking good for nothing, bull shit heroes. After all, if you were going to be in charge of when and where we worked we needed to make sure we could trust you." He let out a sigh as if he was truly disappointed with the man. "I have never had a man lie to me during vetting before," he looked at him with such an evil glare I gulped a little not even realizing that my boner that had gone away on the walk was now back in full force.

I whimper, getting his attention and he turns, a smile on his face as he looks at me until he sees why I'm whimpering. "Hush now One, we have work to do first." I nod, biting my lower lip before going to my place and cutting Blob's shirt off of him.

The man was in tears before we even started, we didn't bother to ask questions not at first, that didn't stop him from screaming out answers as I cut into him or when Two shocked him. I reopened his cuts from last time cooing as I did waiting for the inhuman screeching that followed.

"Please I didn't know, I swear I thought I was in Maxine's room!" Blob screamed as I ripped another fingernail off. We were waiting for the truth to come out but since he was insisting on lying to us anyway... I let a blade drop haphazardly and it dug into the meat of his arm making him scream even more. He was panicking so hard his blood was just spurting out of him rather than flowing or dripping down his arm.

"Did I say I thought I was in Heat Vision's room?" He bawled for all that he was worth and I growled in response. Both girls were still young and considering his record of rape it didn't leave much to the imagination on what he would have wanted with them. But I also knew that both girls were on patrol and he would have known that better than anyone. He was reaching for any name at all to try and get away from us and our wrath.

Two let the clamps zap again before pressing them against him, his body convulsing against the hard metal table as he did. When Two pulled them away Blob was sobbing, unable to think of any more lies at the moment. Just a little longer now.

I start to slit his wrist, not deep enough to make him bleed out and die but more than enough to make him freak out at the contact. I waited but he still didn't offer a real reason for why he was in our room so I started cutting his pants off. They were made of a thin material and it really didn't take any effort at all but the fact remained.

He felt the pressure of the blade against his leg and tried desperately to get away but only managed to cut his thigh in the process instead. I clicked my tongue at his silliness as the man continued to bawl begging for mercy as he did.

"Please I'll tell you anything at all, just stop please!" He begged his voice giving out multiple times throughout and I looked at Two and let out a low but sweet purr.

"Finally a bit of truth! I was starting to think you were going to die lying to us," Two smiled letting out a small chuckle before playing with the clamps in his hands.

"Honestly it didn't take all that long, at least not as long as last time, mind you, but that could just be your body remembering the hell it went through even if you can't remember it yourself." Two chuckles some more as he let the two clamps get close enough to create the arc and Blob jumped every single time they zapped.

I let out a sweet coo and when he looked at me I licked my lips before I started biting on my lower lip.

"Lucky you Blob! One is feeling forgiving today, we usually don't start asking questions until after we start using our quirks on you," Two growled before smiling again. He reached down and turned off the battery and started cleaning it before then putting it away. I did the same with all but two of my knives and hummed happily as I did. Blob was just starting to relax when he saw Two put the battery away until he saw me bring out a whole set of surgical knives and pick up the two knives I left out after cleaning and putting away the others.

"Wait! I thought you said he was feeling forgiving?" His voice broke and his bloody sweaty body tried to struggle against his restraints but he was losing what little strength he had with each drop of blood that oozed out. He didn't really have enough for his body to just spurt out anymore and we had let him either heal enough or cauterize the wounds ourselves that were creating the most mess.

"Oh yes he is feeling forgiving. Otherwise we would have kept going for another hour or so. Well he is either feeling forgiving or just too horny to be patient. Either way is a win for you," I smiled, biting my lip at his words. "Hah! Well horny it is but don't feel too bad. We could have just knocked you out, fucked in the next room and started over again."

I purred at that and he let out a low growl making me whimper a little. I had to fix my pants before taking up my knives again and waited for Two to start.

"So some ground rules before we start," Two clasped his hands and stood up so that Blob could see him easier. "Rule 1: One is always right. You see we have learned that he can spot a lie with such a degree of ease as you or I breathe." We watched as Blob tried to swallow but instead he choked on his own blood. He must have bit either a lip or his tongue at some point.

"Rule 2, I really don't like to repeat myself. If I have to ask the same question twice, One will get to stab at any part of your body he so wishes." He stepped to the side nodding happily to himself as he did.

"And finally rule 3: Do not make us angrier." Two let the smile drop from his face before going on. "Usually it's; Do not make us angry, but I think we all know that it's too late for that. Now don't we?" He glanced at Blob who quickly nodded terrified at the dangerous undertones in his voice.

"Good, let's start with the easy stuff shall we?" Again a quick nod from Blob before Two continued. "What is your full legal name?"

"Shoto Uzumaki!" His response was quick but not correct. I hooked the knife into his arm before reaching to the side, ignoring his screams, and pulling out an old rusty hook about the size of my hand that I then used to dig into his arm. The other end of the hook was firmly attached to a wheel that I could turn later.

"Tisk tisk, lying already? Surely you don't want me to repeat myself on the first question?" Two asked the now gasping and shuddering man on the table

"No, no I'm so sorry!" He sobbed and when he finally answered correctly. "My full legal name is Shoza Uzijani. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to lie."

I let out a sweet purr and Two smiled, "See? That wasn't so hard now was it? Now surely we won't have any repeats now will we?" He laughed and took a seat ready for the real show to begin. They always lie at least once and those who lie during the first question will always lie at least once more thinking that we were faking or just assuming that they would lie on the first question.

"Now let's get down to the real meat of the questions shall we?" He leaned forward glaring at Blob who was violently shaking at this point. "Why were you in our room?"

Blob started sobbing even more, "I can't, I can't answer that. She'll kill me!" Two nods at me and turns away, I take a serrated knife and stab between his legs missing his, let's say weapons? By only a hair but I did cut off a small chunk of his inner thigh thanks to all of his squirming. I walk away as Two turns back around smiling again like he had taken a breath of fresh air and not just listened to a grown man's screams for mercy.

I took the chunk and threw it into a bucket that I then dragged back to the table with me. "Where was I? Oh right! Your first real question. Silly me for some reason I thought I already asked it. That would be terrible for you now wouldn't it?" Two laughed giddy from his 'joke' before turning back to Blob.

"So why were you in our room?" His voice was dangerously low and I couldn't help drawing a little of my own blood biting on my lip so hard. I let out a small whimper and he turned and smiled back at me. "Let him answer the questions first. Then we'll let him have a short break. Okay?" I nodded happily and turned my eyes excitedly back to Blob.

"This turns you on?" He asked more than horrified at the thought.

"I believe that I get to ask the questions here. Not you," Two answered smiling again and I let out a seductive purr gaining his attention again. I watch as Two shifts uncomfortably trying to ignore his growing boner.

"I was trying to piss you off, threaten you somehow," Blob answered, unable to take in much more. Good now we'll just knock him out for a little while. Usually we would discuss what we learned but considering we had an unwelcome guest watching, we couldn't do that.

We lost our virginity less than a week ago and now here we are trying to pretend that we are turned on by each other even with someone laying here bleeding in front of us? Adding to that now we actually had to have sex otherwise our said guest would see that we are faking. Why do we have to let Blob rest? Because if we don't he will go into shock and could die before we get the answers that we wanted.

Two puts a hand on Blob's arm and he slumps back now unconscious. We work quickly to bandage him, I even cauterize a few more cuts including the inside of his leg before turning away to clean myself off. Two and I walk over to an old biohazard shower and clothes and all step under it before pulling the chain and cleaning ourselves. We had several changes of clothes here just like at the other bases so it didn't take long for us to step out soaked but clean of blood.

This was the reason our skin and hair stains couldn't come out without sugar. We required too many showers throughout the mission to be reapplying our disguises. We shed our wet clothes, hanging them up to dry before getting under the shower head again, this time cleaning ourselves thoroughly going so far as to wash each other's backs.

I let out a gasp when he bit down on my neck and he licked and kissed on it. "I'm sorry I know these showers are cold water only but..." He grabbed my hand and placed it behind me and on his growing erection. I let out a purr, I want to top him right now.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


