3.12% Undercover 1 (BakuDeku) / Chapter 1: 1
Undercover 1 (BakuDeku) Undercover 1 (BakuDeku) original

Undercover 1 (BakuDeku)

作者: Kilanna2016

© WebNovel

章 1: 1

3rd POV

It was a normal day just like any other. The class of 21 students roaming through the class A dorms as if everything was perfectly normal. Everyone's phone dinged but 2; the one that sent the message and the one who kept their phone on silent. 

Midoriya chuckled and pulled out his phone anyway knowing it was probably something in the group chat. Most everyone used their hero name as their username, well everyone but Bakugo. He used his first choice for a hero name, the one that was rejected. 

King Murder Explotion: Oi Nerd. It's time...

Deku could feel his heart drop. Of course it was time. He knew it was coming all week having packed all of his things and sent them home, claiming he was wanting to paint his dorm room... It was time. 

Deku: I'm ready...

A few of their classmates groaned expecting them to fight again but several just looked at the green haired boy confused when nothing else was sent. 

"That's odd, he didn't send that in all caps or use any profanity at all." Iida muttered to himself, but several of their classmates, confused, pulled their phones out again to check for themselves. 

"Maybe he is half asleep?" Kirishima asked while shrugging, and got a few mutters of agreement, everyone knew Bakugo went to bed by 8 every night.

Deku heard what they were saying but chose to ignore it. None of them understood, but then again how could they? It's not like either Kacchan or himself ever told anyone. It would be a disaster if they ever did. 

Instead he quietly made his way to the elevator and pushed the button for his floor, he walked into his room and set out the letter by his bed in his room. Kacchan's room was equally bare but he used the excuse that he was tired of his shit getting destroyed every time a villain attacked so he sent it all back home. 

He checked his room one last time putting a small package in his pocket before closing the door one last time. 

He felt his phone vibrate again and pulled it out. 

King Explosion Murder: Nerd you don't have to come, you know that?

Deku could hear the frantic voices of his classmates downstairs and saw the now full text forum asking if Bakugo was sick or hit by some kind of personality changing quirk. But both boys ignored their friends' concerns. 

Deku: I know, but I want to. You can't stop me from following you. Not now, not ever.

Again the chat filled with comments from their classmates but again they went ignored. 

King Explosion Murder: ... Okay...

The chat froze, No one knew what to say to that. Katsuki Bakugo was talking, not screaming or cursing, to the boy he claimed to hate with every fiber of his being. Now that they thought about it he seemed to be being nice about it too. Several minutes pass by with the same question on their classmates minds; what is going on? 

Deku: I'm here, let's get set up before we share the link with everyone. 

More silence but now the students looked at one another in shock. By now they had all taken a seat in the common room either on couches or chairs, they were chatting happily and goofing off but all of a sudden they each had a chill run down their spines; dread.

Ingenium: @Eraserhead ...

This was followed by the rest of the class doing the same thing with the exception of the two boys that everyone was so concerned about. 

Eraserhead: What now problem children?

Ingenium: Sir, please back read.

The class A common room could not have been more silent, as everyone stared at their screens, the minutes ticking by.

Eraserhead: @KingExplosionMurder @Deku what is the meaning of this?

Again several minutes passed by but there was no answer until finally there was a notification and everyone's jaws dropped. 

Deku: Hello everyone sorry it took us so long, we were busy. Please click the following link and you will all understand.

King Explosion Murder: Facetimefakesite@ua.edu 

Without hesitation every single classmate as well as their teachers clicked on the link. 19 students including Shinso who was now in their class as well as their teachers Eraserhead, All Might, Present Mic, Midnight and Nezu. Eraserhead had added the principle so that he could see what the problem children did this time. Something was wrong, they could all feel it. But no one knew what and as time went on more and more dread filled them. 

They all sat in silence as the live stream of the two boys appeared. It looked like they were outside but you could kind of see tree tops in the background so maybe they were on the roof? No one could really know for sure but it didn't look like it. At least not here at the school. When did they leave? It wasn't all that long ago that they saw Midoriya, was it?

The boys were dressed in regular street clothes Bakugo in a black hoodie with a white skull on it and a pair of dark jeans. While Midoriya was in a regular dark green hoodie and camo cargo pants. The boys sat against a low brick wall as they waited, they were silent only occasionally looking up at each other before letting out a sigh and looking back at the camera. Once the notification light turned green, signaling that everyone they wanted to see the video was online. 

Deku and Bakugo stood up and Deku smiled at the camera while Bakugo continued to look angry and away from both Deku and the camera. 

Eraserhead: Where are you?

Neither boy showed any sign of reading the message. "Hey everyone, as you have probably guessed, Kacchan and I wanted to tell you all something." Deku's smile faltered and he tried to hide it but it was too late, the comments section was filling up with questions asking if he was alright. Deku just shook his head and tried to laugh but choked instead. 

"Tck, Nerd don't force yourself." Bakugo put a hand on Deku's shoulder and the comments section froze again. Bakugo was being nice and trying to comfort everyone's favorite cinnamon roll. They have never seen that before and didn't know how to react.

Eraserhead: Problem children what is going on?

It was the only comment that showed up after that and Bakugo just closed his eyes trying to blink, but it was too late. Everyone watched as a tear slid down his face before he angrily wiped it away and looked away from the camera again. 

"Kacchan and I need to do something and we are pretty sure that none of you will agree with us." Midoriya spoke quietly, his voice was so soft, it was hard to hear but at the same time he must have been wearing a clip on mic because it was still crystal clear. Time seemed to pass by so slowly as everyone started to panic not knowing why they were being so, so, well so serious. 

"Izuku, why are we doing this? None of them will understand," the comments section again froze. It had been getting filled up again with the concerns from their classmates and teachers but no one had ever heard Bakugo use Midoriya's first name before, for that matter no one had ever heard him say anything to the boy without screaming before. 

"We have to tell them or none of them will understand, Kacchan it's okay they are our friends." Deku gently scolded the blond. 

"Your friends, tch." Bakugo tried to huff but was losing the war with himself. 

"Kacchan, at least this once, be honest with yourself and them. Please. We don't have long," Deku looked up at him with big watery eyes and that did it. Something in the blond just snapped. 

"Why?" He looked at the camera now addressing everyone watching them now. "After everything I did and said to all of you, why would you ever call ME a friend? I've done nothing but push you all away. For fuck's sake I even used my quirk on shitty hair's face. For that matter I have never used any of your actual fucking names before, so just why?" Another tear streamed down the blond's face and Deku hugged him trying to help soothe him. 

Everyone watched expecting the blond to explode like normal but instead he just turned into the greenette's chest and cried. If anyone would have looked into the common room of the class A dorm they would see each and every student's jaw open in shocked surprise. 

"Kacchan, you need to tell them. I can't do it for you. They would never believe me anyway," Deku patted him on the back when he seemed to calm down a bit. The blond nodded, wiping his tears away. 

"Fucking tears, why do they have to hurt so goddamn much?" He grumbled before taking a deep breath and turning to the camera again, his eyes were red and swollen. This was not the first time he had cried recently, that was evident to everyone watching. But when and where? Sure he wasn't social but no one had seen any signs of crying before now.

"Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero; I just want to say I have never had any actual friends who were willing to put up with my nasty ass attitude, besides Izuku and well, he actually knows why. So yeah, I said it. You are my friends." The four in question started filling the comments typing about how manly he was or how they always knew they would break through to him. 

"Damn extra's are so full of love it's sickening. But fuck it all, I love you too. Just not in a weird way." Bakugo sniffed again before turning and smiling at Deku. "Your turn nerd."

"Hey guys I just wanted to add that I have always loved you guys. You were my first friends. Kacchan and I didn't have any before UA so we really needed you all to understand that." He let out more than a few tears himself. 

"You see, we have a secret. It's why we set this video up in the first place. To let you all finally know." Deku smiled sadly, and Bakugo pulled him into a hug. Again time seemed to drag on as everyone just watched the two rivals seem to comfort each other. This was a hallucination right? This wasn't actually happening... Was it? 

"We found out who the UA traitor is," Bakugo stated bluntly. Causing the teachers to flood the forum now along with the students. But he just shook his head. "We found out on accident one day and we have no proof." The chat froze again, where was this going?

"But we figured out a way to stop them, that's what the secret is. Well we didn't know our secret had anything to do with it until recently but the fact remains that it does."

Eraserhead: Will you two stop beating around the bush and just tell us already?

Both boys smiled and laughed at the comment and Bakugo hit a button on his phone and soft music started playing in the background not so loud you wouldn't hear what they said but not quiet enough to ignore it. It was "Where is the Love" by Black Eyed Peas. 

"As you wish Eraserhead Sensei," Bakugo dipped his head slightly as if to bow politely to him, which only served to make all the teacher's blood run cold. 

"Our secret is that we have been tortured for the last ten years by a villain, before we entered UA, that is. Everyday of our lives." Deku took a deep breath calming himself before continuing, "When the dorm system was established we thought that maybe, just maybe we were saved. We didn't know. Honest," his hands tried to wipe away his tears even while he talked but it just didn't help.

"We thought maybe we were finally safe. If we just didn't identify them, we thought we could finally be free. At least so long as we were here." Bakugo added. "But then we found it. It was so small I thought it was a mole or skin tag or some shit..." Bakugo added, but he just looked so defeated he slouched, draping his arms around Deku's shoulders. Was he actually hiding behind Midoriya? 

"It turned out to be a mic implanted in his chest," Deku finished for the now silently crying boy. "We looked into it and found out it was connected to Kacchan's heart. So long as his heart beats it will record and transmit everything." 

Several minutes passed and the comment section didn't even budge. Midoriya gave Bakugo a big hug and tugged on his hand making the other look up. 

"It's time." Deku whispered to him. 

Bakugo was just letting the tears roll down his face, having given up on wiping them away. He looked at the camera and took a deep breath. "We love you all, so we can't let any of you get hurt for no other reason than us being alive..." He blinked slowly as everyone started to understand and watched in frozen horror. Teachers and students alike shout at their screens; not to do it, as if the boys could somehow hear them. 

"Izuku Midoriya you don't have to do this." He turned to the other boy who watched him with those big eyes, just like every day they grew up, he watched with love and admiration. 

"You know that I do, don't try to stop me. I will follow either way. Let me come with you." 

"I love you, Izuku." Bakugo cried, his hands gently caressing the slightly shorter boy's face. 

"I love you Katsuki," Deku answered, pulling him in for a light kiss on the lips. 

"Fucking figures I finally get the nerve to confess to you and it's right before we die." Bakugo choked on a sad laugh. 

"I have always known and I have always felt the same." Deku tried to tuck a piece of loose hair behind the blond's ear. They held hands now forgetting all about the camera as they stepped up onto the ledge using something unseen as a step, the wall that they had only been using to lean against such a short time ago. 

"Don't worry, I'll use my quirk so that we won't land near anyone," Deku whispered, his mic completely forgotten, as the two boys turned and faced each other, wrapping their arms around each other. 

"Do you think we can die kissing? I know it's dumb and sappy, but... I liked it." Bakugo asked him, only to get a quick nod in return. 

Everyone watched as their screens showed the two boys were lightly covered in the green electricity that was Deku's quirk and they jumped. They jumped high into the air and the force of the air knocked the camera over so it was now laying on the ground. There was what looked like a small explosion far off in the distance.

"De-ku..." Bakugo started, gasping for air now. 

"I'm sorry Kacchan, but I can't let you live for even a second thinking that you killed me. So I stopped your heart first." They heard Deku whisper. "But looks like I was right, you are going to explode. That means I don't have to live in a world without you for even a moment." Midoriya laughed. 

"I love..." Bakugo couldn't make another sound but the camera showed a huge explosion in the distance even above the brick wall that it couldn't see past. 

The mic stopped working and everyone sat there stunned in their seats. Even from this distance they had all heard the explosion from outside. It sounded like it was several kilometers away...

"No!" No one could tell who the first to scream and break down was but it didn't really matter. They held each other trying hard to hold each other together. 

Roughly two minutes passed and they all heard Bakugo's angry voice again and they jumped, grabbing at their phones praying they heard correctly. 

They watched the screen as it flipped over to a recorded video of Bakugo in his room, he looked so calm and at peace with himself no one would believe he would ever commit suicide. Not ever. 

"Hey extra's," he gave them his usual smirk before letting it drop. "My friends, if you are watching this it means I failed. I tried so hard to be strong for you all. To protect you from her, my villain. But if you're watching this, that means I failed."

Sobs filled the air as they realized none of this was a sick joke. They all watched mesmerized by the blond sitting so calmly at his desk chair talking into the camera. The song "Where is the Love?" still playing in the background. 

"Please know that I tried absolutely everything in my power to protect you. I know, I'm an ass but for some fucking reason none of you gave up on me." Bakugo laughed bitterly before taking a deep slow breath. "I can already hear Iida yelling 'Language!' At the video. Wait, I guess I won't hear that at all considering I'll be dead, huh?" 

He shook his head both confused and amused by his thoughts. "Well I'll start with Izuku, I love you. I always have. There is no one in this world I would rather spend my days with and grow old with, than you. You probably never thought about romance. Your head in the clouds dreaming of being a hero." He laughed again this time genuine mirth radiated off of him. 

"How many people don't get their quirks until they are 15 and still dream of being a hero? Just you is my bet. I will always love you, even in death." He went on and addressed every single classmate giving them advice or tips on how to be better heroes, he didn't forget anyone. Not even Shinso. 

"I love you all, you're my first friends. My first actual friends that is. Not the ones the villain forced me to hang out with, but true friends. I wish I could have shown you how I actually felt all this time. How much I really liked Kirishima calling me bro as if nothing in the world could separate us. Or how Ashido would always find a reason to jump onto my back celebrating something or another. Or how Kaminari and Sero would try to... But I just couldn't. She could have been watching. She could have hurt you so much. And it would have been all my fault." Bakugo sighed slowly, everyone watched as a tear escaped sliding down his cheek but he just ignored it. "This is goodbye and I am so sorry." The screen went black but the music kept playing it was like it was on repeat, how many times has it played through? No one could have begun to even guess.

Suddenly the screen lit up again, this time showing Midoriya's bright and smiling face. "Hey everyone!" He talked as if he were the happiest person on earth, but how can that be, when he just died?

"I saw Kacchan's video. I knew this day was coming." Midoriya's smile dropped and an expression no one had ever seen before replaced it, rage. 

"I will be following Kacchan, I'm sure everyone knows that I can't live on without him. At this point you probably already know about our villain." Horror coated everyone's faces as Midoriya's quirk started going off, almost out of control from his anger. Eventually he got control of himself again somehow before he broke anything either himself or his surroundings but it was a close call on both fronts.

He looked at the camera and sadly whispered, "I'm so sorry All Might. I know that you wanted me to be the next symbol of peace and I really wanted to be. You have no idea what it meant to me, but I can't. I am so sorry I let you down." At this the greenette started breaking down into tears. Nothing at all like the tears he would usually shed. Those came freely and without restraint, these however were the kind that would break even the coldest of hearts. It took a couple minutes this time for him to gain control of himself again. 

"In about 6 months you will meet someone that I chose. Maybe sooner, maybe later but he will come to you. You can of course decide if I chose correctly or not. He will do whatever you ask. Whether that's giving it up or living up to our dreams. That's all up to you." He smiled sadly at the camera as his tears continued to leak from his eyes.

Suddenly everyone heard Iida's voice in the background, "Midoriya, will you be joining us for our Friday night bonding activity?" 

Midoriya coughed as if to clear his throat and in his happiest, most cheerful voice called out that he would be down in just a minute, he was tidying up his room first. Everyone watched, realizing that this video was only recorded earlier today just after dinner. 

He looked at the camera again and frowned, "I'm sorry everyone, I have to go. If I don't she will come for me too. I can't risk any of you. Not to her. The villain she!..." He stopped as if thinking better of it. "I am so sorry." He reached out and turned off the camera and the song finally ended. 

This time the screen stays black and silent. Everyone couldn't help but stare praying beyond hope that this was all just a nasty nightmare but soon enough the news popped up on all of their phones and the headlines read; Huge explosion from an unknown source left a crater the size of a sports field at a park near the UA high school!

'Thankfully no one has been found to be hurt but there have been reports that large amounts of blood, hair and shredded clothing were found on the scene by first responders." The woman announced to the still silent dorms through the multiple speakers. 

"What's that?" The woman turned, pressing on an earpiece to hear more easily. "I see," she turned back to the camera, shock and horror evident on her face that was now whiter than paper. "It has been reported that the heros in training; Izuku Midoriya also known as Deku and a Katsuku Bakugo also known as Dynamight have committed suicide together. Reports are showing that the explosion was caused when Dynamight's heart stopped beating, his quirk..." her voice droned on explaining the incident to the viewers. 

But not a single person that had clicked on the video link could utter a word nor could they hear what all was said until days after the fact. 

The heroes Dynamight and Deku were dead, fighting a villain no one knew the name of. But they were still dead. 

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


