60.23% Uchiha Giyu / Chapter 102: Chapter 102 Slugs, Snakes and Immortality (End)

章 102: Chapter 102 Slugs, Snakes and Immortality (End)

Chapter 102 Slugs, Snakes and Immortality (End)

Manda has been in a bad mood recently.

The cunning Orochimaru Summoned him to the Kingdom of Water a few days ago and gave him an inexplicable mission - to destroy the surrounding villages, except for those imps with special chakra reactions, which are suspected of possessing the bloodline limit, leaving no other humans behind.

Orochimaru also said that if there are ninjas stationed by Kirigakure in those villages, they will be treated as rewards for Manda's action, and they can satisfy his hunger.

Manda is the top carnivore in the food chain. To him, a ninja with chakra is like a rich delicacy.

However, the Ryūchi Cave where he lives is located deep in the interior and is rarely visited by ninjas. It is rare that Orochimaru calls him out, and he wants to take advantage of Orochimaru to eat.

But he never expected that the only ones with chakra in these villages were the brats who were named and spared by Orochimaru.

Although ordinary humans can also satisfy his hunger, for Manda, humans without chakra are like white water to humans. He can't even taste them, and they don't help in the slightest to increase his strength.

Manda soon realized that he had been deceived.

He was so angry that he wanted to eat those brats too and destroy Orochimaru's plan.

But he also knew that by doing this, Orochimaru would never call him out again.

Moreover, after not seeing each other for so many years, Orochimaru gave him a very dangerous feeling, and he was probably no match for him.

Snakes' survival instincts are ahead of most other creatures. Manda thought about it carefully and decided to finish the work first and go back to find Orochimaru's laboratory. Anyway, that guy's laboratory was full of all kinds of experimental subjects, and there were always some unused ones that needed to be dealt with.

But what makes Manda even more depressed is that the matter of seeking reward from Orochimaru has just begun when he is Summoned again. This time When he was Summoned and he couldn't even refuse.

The one who summoned him was the real leader of Ryūchi Cave, the White Snake Sage.

"Smelly old woman, what do you want from me? I'm very busy!"

Manda muttered to himself, but he was still as rude as ever. The White Snake Sage wouldn't care anyway.

"Long time no see, you are still like this useless."

The White Snake Sage, who had transformed into a human form, lay lazily on the couch, slowly puffing on her pipe. She looked like just an ordinary old lady who had a high chance of getting lung cancer.

"I saw that you had horns at first, so I favored you and promoted you to be the leader of the Summoning snake clan. But insects are insects, and dragons are dragons. Tagorihime, who joined the Ryūchi Cave with you, has become a sage, but you have wasted your time and made no progress at all. You really lack the necessary talent. If you continue like this, you will become old in a few hundred years, and before you die, you will be used as nourishment by the younger ones. "

"Manda, there won't be much time left for you. "

"What do you want to say in the end? "

I didn't get the delicious food, and my parents called me back to ridicule and even curse me. Manda was even more unhappy.

"Even if I don't know jutsu, I'm still the strongest among the Summoning snakes just because of my size!"

"Garaga and Aoda are still growing up, and you won't be anymore soon. "

The old lady mentioned two names casually, and Manda was afraid and closed his mouth.

"However, as a link between humans, you helped Orochimaru gain a reputation, which made the ambitious people to come here, which Increased the number of people who came here to die. In the end there is still some merit. I decided to give you a chance. "

"What chance?" Manda waited gloomily for the next step.

The old lady blew out a string of smoke rings, "When I was dozing off before, I felt a huge life force leaving the land from the Kingdom of Yu and entering the ocean. The direction of leaving happened to be the Kingdom of Water. However, after the other party left the land, it was beyond my sensing range. Since Orochimaru happened to tell you to go there, you might be able to look for it."

"Huge vitality? How huge? "

Manda knows that the White Snake Sage has been absorbing natural energy from the earth for thousands of years. Her true body has long been integrated with the earth, and she can vaguely perceive the strength of life on this continent. Even she used the word "huge" to describe another lifeforce, then the other person is definitely not an ordinary character.

"Not sure, but it is enough to buy you another thousand years."

"A thousand years? Are you sure it's not those toads? "

Manda spit out the words excitedly.

A thousand years is equivalent to doubling his life span. By then, even a pig will have to learn to master the sage art.

But, can he deal with such a character?

"Maybe, maybe not, the other party has left the land, I can't know better. You return to the Kingdom of Water and activate the sea snakes there to search along the sea route from Yugakure to the Kingdom of Water. You should get results. The other party's vitality was very strong, but it gave me a very weak feeling, maybe he was seriously injured.

Seeing that Manda seemed to be hesitant, White Snake Sage added: "If you are worried, I can wake Garaga up and go with you. Of course, the distribution of the spoils..."

"No need. "

Manda snorted and disappeared immediately. He planned to eat alone.

After using a series of complex Summoning-counter-Summoning beasts to return to the Kingdom of Water, it immediately mobilized the local snakes, also known as sea snakes, to help him search the sea route.

After getting the result, Manda asked the three strongest sea snakes to intercept the ship first, and he, the mastermind behind the scenes who was not familiar with water, rushed over to prevent it from dealing with a troublesome character.

Then Manda saw the scene in front of him.

The dark snake blood dyed the entire sea red, and the guy who did all this was standing unscathed on top of a snake corpse.

The kid looked only ten years old, looking at Manda's eyes There was no fear, no provocation, not even the joy of just defeating the three giant snakes, only an indifferent gaze, as if it was an insignificant insect. As for the tens of thousands of snakes and descendants that gradually surrounded him, It didn't bother him at all.

Manda regretted it.

Judging from the other party's performance in handling these three sea snakes, he should have called Garaga and Aoda.

[This kid has the smell of sage chakra. Is he the huge being that the old woman said? ]

[If you are a human who has learned the Sage art, you may be qualified to be evaluated like this. But this kid is far from weak...]

Manda stared at Giyu, his dark green vertical pupils shining with greed, but there was also a strong sense of vigilance in them.

[If you can eat him, you might be able to learn sage art directly...]

But having said that, Manda is confident that he will not be killed, but he is not confident that he can defeat the opponent.

[However, what the old woman said should be someone else. ]

It looked at the sailboat parked more than 500 meters away. There were two imps and a fox on the boat, who should be this guy's companions.

The purple-haired kid being held in his arms seemed to fit the adjective "weak".

Could it be him?

[You can only know if you get close! ]

The muscles all over Manda's body gradually retracted, and cold light shot out from his eyes. He has set his goals.


There was no unnecessary conversation, and the battle broke out instantly.

Following his command, tens of thousands of sea snakes of different sizes launched a siege on Giyu.

The smallest snake was not as long as one of his arms, and the largest one was only a circle smaller than the three heads just now.

But no matter which size they have, their sharp teeth contain poison that can cause suffocation and paralysis.

As long as one successfully bites Giyu and slows down his reaction, then Giyu will be bitten continuously until he can't move at all!

The sea snakes either dived into the water and took a circuitous route, or leaped into the air and struck like sharp arrows, or glided across the water and opened their huge mouths, trying to swallow up Giyu.

If someone looks down from a high altitude, they will see a group of snakes attacking, like a bright red chrysanthemum suddenly tightening!

Hozuki Suigetsu in the distance saw this scene and said to himself anxiously: "It's as if the teacher is drowning! What should I do now!"

But Kyuubi noticed that Giyu was in the stamens. There was no intention of even moving to dodge.

He was as calm as a piece of ice, and all he did was to raise the blue-light chakra sword above his head as he did during Hozuki Suigetsu's practice, and spit out a ball of hot steam from his mouth and nose.

At the same time, the feet on the snake's head were slightly apart, as stable as the base of the Eiffel Tower.

"Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin!"

When the fangs of the first sea snake were still thirty centimeters away from Giyu's neck, the blue sword light fell like lightning, and the tip of the sword touched the water, causing ripples and splashing, but didn't cut anything off.

From the snakes' excellent dynamic vision, Giyu seemed to have accidentally swung his sword away due to nervousness, while they were in sight of victory.

But just 0.1 seconds later, the extremely fast rippling water waves suddenly spread out and turned into rolling and roaring waves, and the terrifying sound and roar drowned everything.

The splash of water was just the opening, followed closely by a thin sharp water curtain, rising suddenly like an upside-down severed head.

Then, the second, third, and fourth water curtains grew out of the water with Giyu as the center, more and more, faster and faster, like a wide, transparent and deadly blade!

The water curtain in the innermost circle is the shortest and thinnest. Every time it goes outward, it doubles in height and becomes thicker. When it reaches the outermost circle, the rising water curtain can already be called a reverse waterfall, as if it is about to rush in at once.

All sea snakes within two hundred meters of Giyu, whether they were in the water, in the air, or on the water, were without exception thrown into the sky by the water curtain, their bodies cut off, and they became fragmented.

When these snake bodies are thrown to the highest point, time on the sea seems to freeze for a moment.

Manda, who took the opportunity to rush towards the sailboat, saw this scene with his peripheral vision and almost felt his liver and gallbladder burst. He couldn't imagine the feeling of being hit directly on the head by this blow!

On the sailboat, Hozuki Suigetsu, who was unsteady due to the aftermath, clung to the side of the boat and forgot to breathe as if he was enjoying the unparalleled beauty.

At this moment, all the sword masters and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen that he admired in the past have been thrown into the trash can in his mind.

The faint jealousy towards Giyu in my heart has been completely replaced by admiration. There is only this huge flower blooming on the sea in front of me.

The Kyuubi on his shoulder had complicated eyes.

This was the first time Kyuubi saw Giyu attack with all his strength.

This facially paralyzed kid who often "feels ashamed" in front of Kyojuro, like the former, has the ability to independently defeat any other tailed beast.

But he is still far from reaching his peak age.

[Is it another character like Madara Uchiha? ]

Fortunately, they are not enemies.

Immediately afterwards, the flow of time returned to normal, and the rising water curtain was still translucent pink, but when it fell back, it completely turned into crimson rain, and the already bloody sea surface became even more intolerable.

Only then did Giyu realize that the giant snake covered in scales did not take the opportunity to attack him, but instead targeted the unprotected sailing ship!

Although Manda is huge in size, his speed of gliding on the water is not slow at all, running quickly as if running for his life.

"Water Blinking Technique."

Giyu's body disappeared from the spot and appeared fifty meters away in less than a second.

Then, he kept copying the operation just now, and continuously exchanged positions with the farthest body of water. Finally, before Manda crashed into the sailboat, he suddenly appeared on the opponent's path.

"Damn it!"

[This kid is so fast! ]

Although Giyu has been seen appearing, Manda's huge inertia prevents him from stopping immediately. He can only charge forward without hesitation, hoping to simply kill the opponent.

"Since you won't hide away, then let's smash your body to pieces!"

Such a collision of speed and weight would cause serious injuries to even a toad of the same size, let alone a mere human being. He was almost unstoppable.

"Water release·Water Formation Wall."

When he saw a wide and tall water wall rising, Manda didn't pay any attention.

It is possible to use the water formation wall to resist fire release ninjutsu, but water is water after all and does not have enough density. How can it resist such a degree of impact?

[Is it a desperate move because you can't think of a solution? There is a lot of chakra...but you are too naive! ]

Manda thought maliciously.

He was getting closer and closer to the tall water wall, and when he was about to penetrate the other side unstoppably, the transparent and clear water wall suddenly became turbid, as if something sticky had been mixed in, and gradually turned pure white.

The next moment, a result no one expected happened!

Manda's hill-like head hit the wall of the water formation with a loud bang, without breaking or penetrating it.

On the other hand, the wall of water that suddenly turned into a piece of milky white actually had layers of ripples, as if the terrifying force had been removed. Instead, Manda was knocked to the side with stars in his eyes and fell to the side in a daze.

"How is that possible?"

This was not only the thought of Manda, but also the thought of two people and one fox on the boat behind Giyu.

Why is this wall of water stronger than a mountain? What is the principle?

"Teacher, what is this?!"

Hozuki Suigetsu asked loudly.

"This is the water formation wall that was improved by the Second Hokage."

Giyu walked towards the incapacitated Manda and answered his doubts, "Using the changes in chakra properties, a large amount of starch was added to the water. The stronger the impact that matter or water endures, the harder it will become."


Although Hozuki Suigetsu didn't understand, he was greatly shocked and strengthened his determination to follow the teacher.

If he were an Earthling, he would know that the water formation wall improved by the Second Hokage is actually an application of "non-Newtonian fluid".

The faster Manda hits the water formation wall, the stronger the water formation wall's defense becomes. The final result was equivalent to the giant snake hitting itself...

One of the strongest Summoning beasts in the world lost its most basic mobility.

Giyu drew out his chakra sword again and slowly approached the snake head lying on the water, his eyes full of scrutiny.

Due to the concussion, Manda's eyes were originally blurry, but when he realized the danger was approaching, he forcibly regained his clarity, but his control over his body had not yet been restored.

[Damn! I can only escape! ]

"Summoning Technique·Explanation!"

This is why he still dares to take the risk and attack even though he knows that he may not be Giyu's opponent.

As a Summoning beast, he can disappear at any time! No need to worry about being forcibly killed!

But something unexpected happened - his Summoning spell was not successfully lifted!

A second after activating the technique, he was still in place, and the dangerous young man stopped and looked at the top of his head, as if his attention was drawn away by something else.

[What happened? What happened?! Why did it failed! ]

Manda was so anxious that he began to curse the White Snake Sage who tempted him here. He didn't understand why things were like this?

Until Giyu's voice sounded: "Who are you?"

Manda thought that Giyu was talking to him, and decided to delay the time and continue trying to remove the Summoning spell.

Just as he was about to answer, he heard a soft and waxy voice that preceded him.

"Nice to meet you! I'm a Katsuyu."

The numbness subsided, and the sticky feeling on top of the head rushed into Manda's brain receptors, making it even more panicked.

[Why is she here? ]

The Great Slug Sage can eat snakes!

Giyu saw a small blue-white mollusk slowly sliding down from Manda's head and stopping between Manda's eyes. It was only the size of a fingertip and its body was slowly expanding.

He could see clearly with his transparent world that the giant snake was gathering chakra in his brain just now, as if he was preparing some ninjutsu, but it was completely absorbed by the mollusk, which is why its body became larger.

"You can call me by my name directly, or you can call me Great Slug Sage."

Katsuyu said in a lively tone, which seemed very harmless. "Judging from the smell on your body, you should be a ninja of Konoha, right?"

"I am not a ninja."

Giyu emphasized, and then remembered something, "You are Doctor Tsunade's..."

Tsunade's Summoning beast is a blue and white slug, which is written in the history textbook of the Ninja School.

"Someone actually remembers me. Tsunade-sama obviously hasn't called me out for a long time!"

The slug's tentacles trembled, as if to express her excitement at being remembered.

"Sorry! I haven't seen a stranger for so long, I'm a little excited! Let me explain a little, this is not far from my home, so a lot of my clones are scattered here. Because I feel sage chakra, I came here to check, I didn't expect to meet Manda."

"Do you know it?"

Giyu pointed his sword at Manda, who kept gathering chakra, but kept failing. The snake's heart was beating violently, and it was obviously extremely frightened.

On the other hand, this slug has grown bigger and bigger because it absorbed more chakra, and is now as long as a baby.

No wonder I hadn't noticed it before. When the slug sticks to the snake, it should only be a small one.

"Of course, he is Orochimaru's Summoning beast, one of the Legendary Sannin with Tsunade-sama."

Katsuyu gave the answer, "He and I should be regarded as enemies."

After saying that, venom oozed from its sticky body surface, and the thick scales of Manda immediately made a hissing sound.

When Giyu heard the words Orochimaru, his eyes suddenly changed.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C102
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


