My body is still glistening with sweat, my breath still shallow from from the deed I'd just been engaged in not more than 5minutes ago. All I remember is that the guy was tall, broad shouldered, long blonde hair and a tattoo of some beast that stretched from his right shoulder to his lower back and grey eyes that captivated me for just a brief moment. He was good looking, that I can't deny him. Moreover he was good at what he'd come here for, I kinda enjoyed it. He was also quick which was a relief. All this detail makes it all seem like I was interested, oow well, I'm just detail oriented. The whole deed is the last thing I want to reminiscent about, I was actually relieved by his last groan as he rolled over, looked for his clothes, got dressed real fast, as if he was feeling guilty, maybe he was, I care the least to even engage in a pretense conversation as he is speed dressing. It takes him less than 3minutes to finish getting dressed and find his way to the door of my studio apartment.
The reason why I'm still sprawled on my bed and not in the shower as per my usual practice after providing services is because of this thought which sometimes is a vision and other times a dream. It's all so confusing. I'm trying to remember everything but everytime I do it willingly it comes back in just blurry bits. It's no better now. I give up trying and roll out of bed.
My body reminds me of what I'd just done. It's sore everywhere possible, but that guy, whose name I didn't bother to ask, was gentle in his going, maybe it's just protesting to all the things I'm making it go through.
I force myself to the shower, which is just a glass cubicle crafted into a corner. It's so tiny it can barely fit two but it's neat. I squeeze out my apple scented body which comes out in a gush, pressed it too hard. I've been getting distracted alot lately, life. I gently rub it on so as to not inflict more pain on the sore areas but also firmly to get rid of the blonde's scent. I go on to wash my hair with a like scented shampoo. I just love apples. As soon as I'm done with my hair I step out stark naked, it's just me anyway. I don't remember the last time I saw my family's faces. Anyway I don't want to worsen my already spoilt mood by thinking about them. I blow dry my hair, pull it into a tight high ponytail and as I go on to do my edges, it hits me.
Ocean blue eyes, auburn hair, silky pale skin, sirens, blinking red lights, screams. It abruptly comes to a stop as if someone had pulled off my VR cap. When it ends, my forehead is beaded with sweat and I'm out of sorts. It leaves me like that everytime.
I take a few deep breaths to recollect myself then continue getting dressed. I'm already running late but I still spread my bed, change my bed sheets and covers. I arrange my pink, peach and purple teddy bears over the continental pillows. I know the colors don't really match but each one of them carries a story I'm not ready to let go of yet. I've had the pink one since as far back as I can remember. I'm a clean freak, that's why I spread my bed despite being late. Another reason is how I hate having scents of strangers hanging in my room. I have too many rules, some of which are very silly they aren't even worth keeping but I do it anyway. I throw on a floral over the knee length dress, grab my drop bag, slip into my sandals, check my make-up, which I like to keep close to the natural shades, one last time before making a last over look on my house and heading out.
As I step out, I'm welcomed by the blazing hot October sun. I pull out my sun glasses and open my dial- a -cab App.Five minutes later, I gracefully step into the cab. I like the me I become when I'm outside. I live the life I wish I had, I could have had. As soon as I'm buckled up, I pull out my diary and tell the chauffeur my destination. I still use the pen and paper instead of entering on my iPad. I just prefer the feel of paper on my hands. It's a 20minute drive to the sky mall where I'm working as a part-timer. So I decide to use it to work on my English literature assignment. I love reading and my imagination is out of this world, that's why I'm studying lit. I'm done with it 10minutes into my drive. I look out the window and watch the city buildings whiz past, lost in my thoughts. At 19, I already live alone, juggle three jobs, one of which I'm not too proud of and school. It's alot for an average person but I'm managing just fine. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a rap on my window, from the cab driver letting me know that I'd reached my destination. I'm lucky I'm his loyal customer, otherwise I would have passed it. I grab my drop bag and head for the double glass doors to the sky mall.
I'm welcomed by the cool breeze from the AC which is a welcome relief considering the heat outside. I head to the gift booth on the second floor where I'll be stuck for the next three hours. I always earn glances and lingering looks from both gender. I don't understand the reason for it though. It's obviously envy from the ladies, because I'm sure I've spotted sneers, but why envy someone like me. If only they knew everything beyond what meets the eye.
I grab my apron as I step around the counter. "Hello sweetie", I greet my workmate, Susan who happens to be the closest person to me. I can't call her my friend yet though. "Hey cutie", she replies giving me a side hug. "How was the one you had last night, or was it two", she teases me with a full grin on. "Hey, you know not to ask me such, you know I don't really look at them or try to feel anything", I reply her going to the left row of shelves to arrange the assorted wrapped gifts. "Was any of them good-looking atleast", she says while cocking her perfectly lined eyebrows up and down. I side-step her to go and work on the other side without replying her and just roll my eyes. I change the topic instead," I haven't eaten a thing yet today and I'm starving", I know she's very sensitive to my needs. It's one of the best things about her. "Starving", she says, with a feigned pained look on her face. " No one is allowed to starve in this country of ours", she says with a giggle, " I'll go get you a soda and doughnuts, we can order Chinese food later". I take a seat on a low mukwa stool we snuck into the shop, well, we had to,we aren't allowed to seat during work hours. I sit there staring after Susan as she swings he braided hair from side to side with the energy of a small child who hasn't had a single failed dream yet and the confidence of someone who comes from a functional family. I wish I had her kind of everything. I know everyone who has seen me wouldn't understand what I'm saying because I carry myself around with an air of royalty and a touch of arrogance but it's all a facade. I wish it was the real me. I wish the confidence I portrayed came from a deep fountain within but alas it's just a wish. I'm whipped out from my wish world by Susan's voice and someone else's I didn't recognize. "Hey girlfriend", Susan says, with her cocky smile on, the one she reserves for her mischievous games only. She hands me a Baker'sCafé food bag which I immediately open to avoid talking to her visitor, good thing we don't have the boss around today. "Cinnamon twists", I scream with an unmuffled excitement, I grab one and take a bite. I lift my head with my mouth full, and I meet emerald green eyes staring down at me with a sparkle of amusement in them. I'm sure I'm beet red, so I immediately avert my gaze and hide my blush. I chew the mouthful of my favorite doughnut, grab a napkin and wipe my lips then throw Susan an accusing glance. She should have given me a heads up that our 'visitor' was still around and that too staring right at me. Susan let's out a giggle and says," Haz meet Two".
I'm a fan of a book that screams fantastic.....and this happens to be one of them. enjoy
"Reign, come down for breakfast", my mom calls from downstairs.At 23 I'm still living with my parents and still having my mom wake me up. I roll over to cancel the chime of my bedside alarm clock reading 07:30. I love gadgets, which is why I have the clock instead of just setting an alarm on my phone. I squint at the light streaming through the opening curtains. As soon as I cancel my alarm my digital assistant 'Joey' opens the curtains, adjusts my room heaters and turns off the air purifier. I get off the bed and head to the shower. I contempate filling the tub to the brim with steaming hot water and soaking my sore muscles but I decide against it and just go for a quick shower. The whole time I'm in there I'm streaming bits and pieces of the concert I played at last night. It was fireworks lit. The music lovers went crazy when I played my most recent song. They have good taste in music, I must give that to them. It's also my new favorite, I know listening to oneself is a bit cocky but I do it anyway. I step out of the shower, run a towel over my hair and throw on jogger pants and a Bob Marley and the wailers garment and head downstairs.
I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and fist bump my dad. The guy is in his 50s but still acts 20. I grab a pear from the fruit basket, and take a seat in front of my parents on the kitchen island. By the look on their faces I know I'm in for another lecture.
Dad clears his throat to draw my attention and looks me square in the eyes and says," Reign son, I know you like music,and you're good at it, but there's more to life than what music can bring. Can it afford you a house such as ours? Will you be able to maintain the car you're driving, maintain the standard of living you grew up in, maybe that's too much but will you even be able to pay your health insurance? " He says this with a cool tone and a controlled temper. It's a skill he acquired from his two decades of practicing as a civil litigation attorney and half a decade as a judge. I just sit there staring at him pretending to hear what he's saying. He's not fooled though. " Maria, talk to your son", he says in resignation. My mom has never wanted to involve herself with this drama of my career and future. She also generally hates arguments and heated conversations so she avoids them everytime she can. She surprises me when she says,"Ree, darling, your dad is right. You need to make a wise choice. I won't make the decision for you but I can atleast point you in the right direction." She says this with a serious face on but her eyes had the gentle glint they always have. I think being a neurosurgeon has given her that skill from dilevering the worst news with composure and compassion. I hate upsetting my mom so I say, " don't worry mom, I've got this. I pick a fork and dig into my pancakes. " These never fail to hit me with a different kind of deliciousness everytime I try them", I say cutting in for another bite." It's because I fill them with a different kind of love everyday", mom replies pinching my cheeks as if im still a five year old. My mom has always been busy as her job demands too much so I always wonder how she became such a perfect cook.
Dad finishes his breakfast first, kisses my mom goodbye, grabs the keys to his G-wagon and heads out. He's always been into cars which earn him attention wherever he drives to. He gives importance to creating and maintaining connections with the conglomerates and politicians, so maybe it's his need to fit in that has him doing what he does.
I also grab my car keys and kiss my mom as I head out. " Do you need my credit card?" She asks, " I made a few bucks from the concert, it should be enough", I reply her with a smirk. I played at the up and coming artists show concert last night and it pays large. She just smiles fondly and waves in reply. She's on her leave so she stays at home today.
I drive my Rolls-Royce ghost phantom into the city. It's crazy how I have to use such an attention phishing car. If only I had my own bank account. It's a several miles drive from our home to the city so I lose myself to my playlist compilation by Burna- boy.
I stop by my usual studying cafe, order an iced Americano and head to my reserved corner booth. I'm working on my software assignment, which is due today. I procrastinate alot sometimes it leaves me working under pressure.
I'm entering the system I've been working on when a blonde slips in besides me. She's pretty, pale skin and all. I continue with what I was doing pretending not to notice her there. She scoots closer and presses onto my side seductively. She smells nice, but I'm not interested. I push out of the booth and glare at her with the coldest look I could come up with. She slips out too and cowers away pouting. I've never been very interested in girls in general especially blondes. I can count my engagements with girls on my fingers. I just haven't found anyone who has interested me for more than 5 hours yet.
I head for the college campus and submit my assignment.
I call my buddy Sid, and we go on a drive. "There's this hottie I was with after the concert", he says. I give him a side glance and shake my head. All he ever talks about is girls. "What happened to you last night?",he asks. "I headed straight home after my performance", I reply reaching for the control screen to shuffle through my playlist. "Boring", Sid says rolling his eyes. I decide to prove to him that I'm just boring in his eyes only, so I tell him about the blonde. "OmG", he screeches, "then why are you here with me dude?" "She wasn't my type",I counter. We drive on the beach front just enjoying the seagulls sing. The bickering continues as usual.
I'm taking a shower on Tuesday morning when my phone rings. " Joey, answer the call" I shout. "Hello?" I answer. " Hello, Mr Richards?", the person on the other end of the line enquires. "Yes", I confirm. " I'm Miss Moleens, calling from the CUt college, can you report to the campus as soon as it's convenient for you", she says. " May I know what this is concerning?" I ask. " It's better we discuss it in person" ,Miss Moleens replies and ends the call.
I quickly get dressed and head out.
I reach the reception and enquire about the case. Miss Moleens introduces herself and leads me to the software engineering department head's office.
I take a seat and he delivers something that sounds like a rehearsed speech and tells me about my involvement in plagiarism. As soon as I hear it I understand why he is speaking the way he is. I'm a trust fund student obviously he'd be scared of my dad.
"We'll look further into the case Mr Richards". I'm out the door as soon as he finishes the sentence.
I know my dad will take care of everything but how did that even happen. I wonder. I don't remember taking any website notes, everything on that system is from my head. Could it have been that cafe blonde? But how,she didn't sit in that booth for long enough. I need to get off the edge. I drive to the city and find myself roaming around until I'm in front of this Sky mall. I decide to go to the Baker'sCafe and get myself some doughnuts and coffee, caffeine usually makes me feel better. A blonde bumps into me while I'm waiting in line to order and spills coffee on me. " Sorry, I'm really sorry", she frantically apologizes trying to wipe the coffee off my leather jacket. "It's ok, don't worry about it" I excuse her removing her hands from me.Her eyes meet mine then she quickly averts her gaze, blushing.
" Well, you can come up to the second floor with me, to clean up", she suggests having gained her composure. I agree just to make her feel less guilty. I'm met with a surprise as soon as I step out of the elevator into a gift shop the blonde led me into. A pair of ocean blue eyes briefly does a once over of me and avert. That's all it takes, I'm smitten. She pushes herself up my ideal girl list by her reaction to the doughnuts her friend jus brought. Pure excitement, unguarded reaction just purely natural. The way she takes a big bite as if she didn't have any company amused me. When she lifts her face, our eyes meet, mine still reflecting the amusement and hers embarrassment that takes an effect on the blue of her eyes.
It feels good to just get my mind's creativity out there....... enjoy