12.12% Twins of the Sea / Chapter 4: Becoming a Marine

章 4: Becoming a Marine

7 years passed since Zeus started his training. In Garp's house a 14 year old young man who was 5'6 in height and had a slim just muscular body with wavey white hair that reached his shoulders, was sitting down reading a book about clouds. Why clouds you ask? Well since Zeus has started training the only things hes ever been taught by Garp was close combat and body training Zeus kept pestering him to learn Haki and the Six Powers but Garp was adamant about body training and using his fists and legs as weapons first. Zeus eventually began to master the close combat style that Garp taught him and again requested that Garp teach him Haki and the Six Powers, however Garp again denied his request and said "The next step is to learn about your devil fruit and control the power you have" and that's what Zeus did, he started practicing with his devil fruit while continuing his body training as it had become a habit,as time passed he became increasingly adept at his powers and start naming his moves and started to try coming up with new ones. Coming full circle to the present Zeus is trying to figure out if he can control thunder clouds so he could fly around, hence the book on clouds.

"AH This is dumb i should just try it again." Zeus walked out of the house with his mask back on, as he sent lightning up into the sky trying to communicate with a cloud, if anybody else knew of him or saw this they would no doubt laugh their asses off and call him a madman, but nobody did because of a simple fact, nobody knew who he was Garp secluded Zeus' training so nobody would see him, in fact, he hadn't even gone for the Marine exam yet so technically he wasn't even a chore boy.

As Zeus was practicing with his devil fruit abilities Garp came up from behind him and Knocked him right on the head. "OUCHS GRAMPS WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Zeus cried as he rubbed his bump cursing the old man for being so big but so sneaky. "Brat did you forget what day it is today? Everyone waiting for you to get going to the exam venue!" Zeus finally remembered that his marine exam was today and scrambled as he went to shower before running out the door with his t-shirt that said 'Marines' on it with a pair of blue swimming shorts and straw sandals, and his trademark kitsune mask which was still white with red details but had a long scratch mark right over the left eye from the training against animals Garp put him through, without the mask Zeus would've lost his left eye. Zeus used his lightning powers to dash to where the boat of trainees was docked before jumping and landing in front of the trainee crowd.

On the boat, a man with a lieutenant jacket standing there with 2 cigars in his mouth waiting for all the recruits. His name was Smoker, he was in charge of the today and he was getting pretty pissed off that he had to wait for one last recruit, he was about to leave before he was a flash of blue light right in front of him revealing a young man with a mask. "You're late brat." Smoker said as he looked at the kid with the kitsune mask. Zeus looked at Smoker as he gave a sheepish grin and scratched the back of his head "Eh, sorry Smokey lost track of time shishishi" Smoker looked at the masked boy before growling " It's Lieutenant Smoker and GET IN LINE!" Smoker then turned and said "Let's go set sail NOW!" The crew in charge of navigator and sailing all started scrambling around in fear as they tried to get the boat to sail.

Eventually the ship was in the middle of the ocean on track to one of the training islands where the exam would take place, as Zeus sat on the railing of the ship with his feet dangling of the edge he was humming a tune completely oblivious to the looks of disgust from those around him.

"Why does that kid have a mask on? Is he ugly?"

"I don't know maybe he's not human?"

"Yea he must be, also why is he sitting on the railing is he going to jump off?"

"I don't know but he looks pretty stupid to me."

Zeus heard all there conversations and stopped humming, he was starting to get angry. "I'm not ugly, you're ugly, you're whole family is ugly.." he mumbled under his breath, he was about to turn around when he heard footsteps coming towards him and all the conversations stopped Zeus turned his head to the side and gave a thumbs up "Hey Smokey lookin good today shishsishishi" Smoker looked at him as a tick mark appeared on his forehead "OI BRAT IT'S SMOKER!" Zeus laughed again "Yeah Yeah Smokey, whatever shishishishishi" Smoker was fuming so close to punching the kid right in his face when he heard Zeus speak again "Anyway Smokey I think you're a pretty good guy wanna be friends?" Zeus held out his hand to Smoker with a big smile that was noticeable even with the mask on, Smoker looked at Zeus and his hand before smacking it away and saying "Listen brat my name is Smoker and you will call me that you understand, RECRUIT?" Zeus shook his head and sighed "Alright Smokey you win.. this time." as he got off the railing and walked back to his bedroom he stopped before the door and chuckled "I'll make you my friend Smokey you can count on it." then he stepped into the door and vanished. Smoker looked at where he disappeared and mumbled "tsk didn't even introduce himself.." and walked towards the captains cabin leaving behind the other dumbfounded recruits.

A couple days later

"ALRIGHT RECRUITS! LISTEN UP WE'RE AT THE TESTING GROUNDS! LOOK ALIVE!" Smoker yelled across the boat, startling Zeus who was sitting on the railing again and almost fell over. Zeus yelled back "Fuck me Smokey i almost went over board can you cool it with the yelling? At least give me a fucking warning!" then he got off the railing and headed towards the front of the boat still grumbling about how he almost died via drowning, Smoker chuckled and said "Well if it isn't our resident jackass. Can't handle a bit of screaming?" Zeus looked at Smoker and chuckled as well "Well Smokey you got a bit of a raspy voice I thought you croaked from all the yelling just worried about ya shishishi" Smoker got a tick mark on his forehead and was about to punch him then and there when one of the crew members said "Lieutenant we're ready to land." as he saluted and walked back to the other crew members to help out. Smoker growled at bit at Zeus and then turned to the recruits "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! You're being tested based on points, I'm gonna be on the ship monitoring all of you while you're in the jungle hunting monsters or animals the bigger the monster on this island the harder they hit. You get more points based on the stronger the monster is. Good luck" He turned to walk back to the cabin while most of the recruits were panicking until Zeus caught up to him and whispered "Hey Smokey um I'm like you so what am i supposed to do? none of the monsters can hit me do i have to wear seastone cuffs or something?" Smoker looked at Zeus and said "Logia?" Zeus nodded "Well i don't know brat this is my first time doing this and when i took the exam i didn't have my fruit yet so if you want a challenge wear the cuffs." he was about to walk away when Zeus spoke again "Hey smokey wanna make a bet with me?" Smoker turned to him "Shoot kid" Zeus chuckled "If i get first place out of all these clowns with the cuffs on" he pointed a thumb over his shoulder at the panicking recruits "Then when you become a captain you take me with you on your ship how about that?" Smoker took a good look into Zeus' eyes and finally nodded "You do that and ill make you my lieutenant" Zeus laughed and stuck out his hand and Smoker shook it "Shishishishi you shook on it Smokey cant't take it back now" then Zeus turned around and yelled at the crew members "HEY YOU! GET ME SOME SEASTONE CUFFS AND CUT THE CHAIN!" he turned to Smoker "shishishi see ya Smokey" and ran off. Smoker just shook his head and got a bit irritated as he mumbled "Still didn't fucking tell me his name." and walked to the monitor room.

Zeus jumped off the boat and landed on the ground, thanks to his body training he could still move his body but it felt like there was a huge weight on his back. Zeus thought about trying to swim but shook his head, he never heard of a devil fruit that can swim and he wasn't about to take his chances just because he could more like a normal person with seastone cuffs on. "Better to be safe than sorry" he mumbled as he walked into the forest to start his exam.

Zeus kept walking and meeting different animals but no big ones he could knock them unconscious just fine and wondered when he would meet a big one, there was no fear in his eyes only excitement. He stumbled over a bush and saw a recruit sitting on the floor paralyzed in fear looking at a huge gorilla almost 2 times the size of him he jumped off his feet and kicked the gorilla away and was now standing in front of the female recruit, he turned to her and said " Are you okay little lady?" she looked at him and the seastone cuffs and nodded with shock and amazement on her face "How did you do that?" she asked, just Zeus chuckled and said "Well you see my grandpa hits me harder than any of these animals ever could and the cuffs just make me a bit weaker than i actually am so really its no big deal" she gulped and said "Thank you um im Mina what's your name?" Zeus thought a bit, its been 7 years since he had to use his fake name, he clicked his tongue and said "My name is Kurama nice to meet you, now if you'll excuse me i have a bet with Smokey i gotta win bye!" and with that he ran off. Mina stared in the direction he left in before picking up her sword and saying to herself "Come on Mina you gotta be a marine you can do it!" and ran off in a different direction with her goal set.

Zeus had been fighting animals and monsters for almost 3 hours now, and was waiting for Smoker to sound a horn or something to end the exam when the ground started shaking. "Huh?" Zeus looked around and didn't see anything 'must've been my imagination' he thought as he relaxed, but just as he did so he felt the ground shake again "I know I'm not crazy what the fuck was that" Zeus said to himself before walking in the direction he heard a sound coming from. That's when he saw it a huge crocodile it was longer than 3 of him standing on top of each other and across from said crocodile was a giant gorilla it was tall than 3 of him also. The 2 monsters stopped fighting for a second and looked at Zeus before growling at him a clear warning sign but Zeus was just excited "SHISHISHI LET'S FIGHT" Zeus jumped up and kicked the gorilla in the head making it stumble away before twisting his body in the air to dodge the crocodiles jaws, he dropped from the sky pointing his elbow down right onto the crocodile's head, then ran down the crocodile's back and grabbed its tail before spinning it around and throwing it right at the gorilla who just recovered from the shock of getting kicked in the face.


The crocodile smashed into the gorilla sending them both flying, smashing into trees. The gorilla was truly enraged as he threw the crocodile, who was still conscious, away and dashed towards Zeus with his arms stretched out in an attempt to grab him, Zeus dodged the gorillas arms and fell back on his hands before shooting his legs up and pushing of the ground, flying into the air feet first smashing into the jaw of the gorilla who went flying and smashed down to the ground on his back completely unconscious. Zeus took a deep breath, it might've looked easy but it was definitely not, adding the cuffs on his wrists and it was the most tiring thing hes ever done "Maybe i should ask smokey to give me the cuffs and keys so i can use em for training later" Zeus said to himself as he turned to find a place to rest but before he could he heard shuffling from behind him and barely dodging out of the way getting his shirt torn off him in the process "You stupid fucking crocodile i only had one of those!" as he jumped in the air and smashed his heel down on the crocodiles head.

"Dragon Drill!"

The crocodile smashed head first into the ground before Zeus land and launched himself at it again thrusting out both his arms.

"Dragon Thrust!"

The crocodile was sent flying before going through 7 trees head first finally falling unconscious. Zeus collapsed to the ground and started breathing heavy, exhausted from the vigorous activity that had just happened, finally ready to take a break when he heard the horn blow from the marine ship and chuckled as he got up and dragged his exhausted body towards the ship.

On the ship all the recruits were there and there were a total of 50 of them. Smoker looked at the recruits and spoke "Listen up! the results are in my hands and only the top 30 get into the marines the rest of you will have to try again next time!" Smoker went on to call out names starting from the bottom and worked his way up.

"Now for those who made it starting at 30th place with 27 points Mina." The girl in question jumped for joy before looking down at the ground with a red face, embarrassed that she had just done that in front of so many people, Zeus just looked at her and chuckled.

Smoker kept going before looking at Zeus "And for first place with 235 points Kurama" Zeus just chuckled and shook his head at the disparity between recruits, not surprised, because who else was trained by Garp 'The Hero' personally? Zeus looked at Smoker and shook his wrists "OI Smokey you got the keys for these?" Smoker looked at him and smirked "Think I lost 'em actually." before turning to the recruits ignoring Zeus, who collapsed to the ground in defeat, and said "Alright get on the ship were going back to HQ" and walking back onto the ship with Zeus running after him pestering his about the cuffs keys.

Days later they were back at HQ and Zeus was out of his cuffs but still had them in his jacket pocket as he walked back home to get some well needed rest. He walked into the house to be greeted by Garp holding a congratulations cake, Zeus laughed and took off his mask and hugged his grandpa "Thanks gramps! Can you teach me the Six powers now?" Garp looked at his grandson, who was giving him a puppy dog face and sighed "Fine brat, only because you've been working so hard we'll start tomorrow" Zeus threw his hands in the air and cheered Garp laughed and said "And im also doubling your training again" Zeus threw his hands and head down and wept getting another reaction out of Garp "BWAHAHAHAHAHA BRAT! YOU WANT ME TO TRIPLE IT AGAIN?!" Zeus immediately stood up straight as an arrow and shook his head like a rattle drum, Garp just laughed and walked away. Zeus watched him and sighed as he dragged his feet to his room to get some sleep before the hellish Garp approved training begins again. 'What a tough life' Zeus thought as he immediately fell asleep.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Hey! Super long chapter almost 3k words actually. LMK whatcha think! Also ahem* NEXT TIME ON TWINS OF THE SEA another timeskip and jumping into main timeline a.k.a start of the story. if everybody else agrees then im just gonna skip the crew's tragic backstories because honestly if youre ready this book youve definetly read their back stories maybe a hundred times and blah blah blah and if you havent well im sorry to say but you must live under a rock how are you reading this do you even know what one piece is sir? anyway Start of strawhats next chapter

Leave a review and uhhh well Zeus will steal LT fullbodys girl.

Zeus: EW shes a gold digging slut i dont want her

Come on any pussy is good pussy

Zeus: what about alvidia before her fruit

... Point proven

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


