17.07% Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed) / Chapter 14: Impel Down

章 14: Impel Down

The next morning

Zeus was standing at the front of a marine ship, he had a suit with no suit jacket and his marine jacket draped over his shoulders, flowing in the wind. He looked like a real hero. He had one foot on the railing of the deck and was looking out at the sea, sure enough, the Merry appeared along with Bon clay's ship. He grinned excitedly, today was going to be a big show.

He picked up a microphone and said over a speaker snail "Halt dirty and sexy criminals!" the marines gave him weird looks and Zeus shouted "What are you single dogs looking at?!" the marines turned green and turned around.

Luffy and the crew looked over and saw the blockade, then they heard Zeus' voice and almost fell over. Usopp said "Sexy? I didn't know he had those kind of tastes.." Nami smacked him and snapped "It's obviously me!" Usopp chuckled and rubbed his head before shuffling away from Nami. Luffy grinned and Zoro smirked, Sanji was biting his apron, glaring at Zeus with hatred.

Zeus sneered "We can still bet if you want." Sanji almost lost it and Zeus chuckled before getting serious "Hand yourselves in and we might not have to take action today!" Luffy sneered and said "Sail to the coast!" the crew grinned and said "Aye, Captain!" Zeus watched as Luffy ignored him and grinned savagely "Fine! Attack!" The marines started shooting cannon balls at the Merry but they were easily dispatched by the crew, while Bon Clay's crew covered for them and drew fire.

Suddenly an iron spike was shot out and Zeus snapped "Which bastard loaded a spike! Do you believe I, your father, will turn you to dust?!" the marines shivered and kept silent. Zeus said over the speaker "Fine, you little bastards are so eager for military merits. I'll handle them myself!"

Zeus dropped the mic and grabbed the air, a red thunder spear appeared in his hands and he threw it 'at' the Merry. The spear flew through the air and over Usopp's head, smashing into a marine ship, blowing it to pieces. The crew was stunned and Zeus cursed over the speaker "I fucking missed! Don't worry ladies! I'll get 'em this time!" he threw another spear and it flew right in front of Luffy before blowing another marine ship to smithereens, opening a path for the Merry.

Zeus grinned under the mask but curses flowed from his mouth "Who the fuck told you cabin boys to occupy a ship in my target area! I can't believe this!" he threw another thunder spear and this time the marines jumped ship and swam away, sure enough, the thunder spear missed the Merry, hit two cannonballs and blow the empty marine ship straight to hell.

Zeus snapped his fingers and said "Damn! Almost! Maybe I should-" he got cut of from another speaker "Lieutenant please have mercy! Our ships can't handle this!" Zeus looked over and snapped "You challenging me deck swabber?! You believe this grandfather will blow you up?!" the marine jumped ship himself and swam away.

Smoker was stunned and shook his head, Zeus grinned and gathered a lightning ball in his hand. He reeled back and threw the ball shouting "Take my fastball!" the ball curved away from the Merry and hit another marine ship, Zeus screamed angrily "I said fastball, not curve ball!" he looked at the Merry and shook his fist as he screamed "I'll get you next time, you Straw Hat bastard!" he threw the speaker down and walked off angrily.

Smoker almost believed he was really angry that he couldn't get the Straw Hats. He looked over and saw that Hina captured Bon Clay. He let out a breath and muttered "At least we got something.." He looked at the wooden scraps in the sea and smiled wryly, nobody could say anything about it, because it looked like he was actually targeting the Straw Hats.

Smoker believed that if he didn't say anything the other marines would believe that Zeus was having a bad day. He shook his head and forgot about it, let 'em go, catch 'em later.

A while later

Smoker was sitting in front of a snail and gritting his teeth angrily while Zeus was laughing his head off. Hina sighed from the side as she watched "In regards to your achievements, your rank has been raised to Commodore. Your lieutenant has been raised to Captain and your officer has been raised to lieutenant."

Smoker snapped "How many times to I have to tell you! It was the Straw Hats that stopped Crocodile! Not me! We did nothing!" the voice repeated the same information and said "Report back to HQ to receive a medal of honor."

Smoker almost crushed the microphone, Zeus grinned savagely and said "You gonna do it?" Smoker smirked and said "Hey, can you send the 5 elders a message for me?" Hina ran over and said "Smoker-Kun! Don't!"

Smoker grinned and said "Go fuck yourselves" before hanging up. Zeus was blown away and clapped vigorously "Too fucking handsome! Almost as handsome as me!" Smoker gave him a look and Zeus sneered "I told Garp to bite me." Smoker sucked in a cold breath and said "Holy fuck!" Zeus raised his head proudly and said arrogantly "That old man has nothing on me! I'll put beat him into a retirement home!"

A voice sounded at this moment "Oh yeah?" Zeus jumped in fear and looked around before seeing the snail in Hina's hands. He pointed at Hina and had his mouth wide open before spitting out "You traitorous bitch! I'm dead! I'm dead!!" he slumped to the ground in despair mumbling that he was finished and Hina giggled evilly before saying sweetly "Hey Grampa Garp!"

Garp laughed loudly and said "How are you Hina?" Hina smiled and said "Hina is good, how is grampa?" Garp said "Great! Thanks for calling, it seems that brat has forgotten the fist of love!" Zeus shivered on the ground and Hina giggled before saying "Grampa can you do Hina a favor?"

Garp said "Sure, what is it?" Hina looked at Smoker and said "Smoker-kun told the Gorosei to go fuck themselves. Can you fix it for Hina?" Garp was silent before laughing loudly "BWAHAHAHA THAT BRAT HAS GUTS! Sure!" Hina smiled beautifully and said "Thanks Grampa!"

Garp laughed and said "No problem. Kurama, I can't wait to see you again, maybe we'll look for retirement homes together?" Zeus trembled on the ground and held his head "I'm ruined!" he looked up and seethed "Hina! Kurama is going to beat the shit out of you!" Hina gigled and Garp's voice sounded "Oh beating women now?"

Zeus mad a 180 and said sweetly "Kurama is kidding, Kurama just wants to have fun with AUNT Hina." Hina's face turned green and Garp laughed loudly before hanging up. Zeus quickly ran away from Smoker and Hina, who were both chasing after him.

A while later

Zeus was commanding a prisoner ship towards Impel Down, he naturally refused to go back to HQ. The only thing waiting for him there was a severe beating and he wasn't going to send himself to the mouth of the beast, so he offered to take Bon Clay, Crocodile, and Daz Bones to Impel Down, alone.

He sailed away from the marines and let the three out of their cells, they were stuff cuffed of course. He sat on the captain's chair and looked out to the sea, Crocodile and Daz Bones were sitting off to the side playing cards and Bon Clay was steering the ship.

Zeus was drinking leisurely and sighed in satisfaction as they sailed, he stood up and said "Bon-Chan! You're the best! Maybe you should be a professional navigator!" Bon Clay waved and said "Nah, I got a guy for that." Zeus chuckled and shook his head.

Because Zeus was going alone, they used a smaller and faster ship for transport and 1 day later they reached Impel Down. Zeus stood in front of the three and said "I can only do so much, bear with it." they nodded and wanted to see what Zeus meant by 'taking care' of them.

Zeus led the three through the gates and into the building. He was greeted by Hannyabal, Zeus looked at him and waved "Why are the jailers always so fucking weird!" Hannyabal choked and said "Excuse you!"

Zeus sneered "I prefer women jailors, tell Sadi to come to me." Hannyabal sneered and said "With pleasure 'Captain'" he emphasized Captain but Zeus didn't care, and Hannyabal walked away. Zeus watched him go and whispered "I hate that guy, so full of himself. I can one-shot him, what's so special?" Crocodile chuckled and soon enough, a woman wearing red latex with pumpkin orange hair covering her eyes appeared.

Zeus grinned and licked his lips, Sadi was about the same height as him, truthfully she looked a lot taller in the anime but whatever, he wasn't complaining. He said straightforwardly "Come with me." Sadi pouted and cracked her whip saying "Who are you to command me?"

Zeus flashed in front of her and pulled her close by her waist and said "Someone who can dominate you.." he leaned in close and whispered in her ear "How are the little marines I sent you, they better be getting punished or I might have to punish you myself." he chuckled and flashed back to his spot.

The surrounding marines had their mouths open wide, even Bon Clay, Crocodile and Dazbones were stunned. This.. This was too domineering right? Sadi blushed furiously and led the way through the jail, stunning the marines again.

Zeus looked behind him and flashed a thumbs up at the three prisoners, who showed wryly smiles. First stop was Bon Clay on the third floor, then Daz Bones on the 4th, somehow Mr. 3 was already in the prison, strangely enough. Zeus didn't question it but for some reason the words 'Lazy Author' came to his mind, he shook his head and continued down to the last floor.

Zeus brought Crocodile to his cell and said to Sadi "Can you give these three prisoners better treatment?" Sadi looked at Zeus and licked her lips saying "What do you mean by 'better'?" Zeus spanked her ass and said crazily "You're mine today Sadi. I mean less torture." the prisoners were stunned and Sadi blushed heavily while nodding weakly. Zeus grinned and said "Your office?" Sadi said "I have a room." Zeus grinned and the duo left.

Crocodile sat in the cell and dug his hand into his shirt before pulling out a book labeled 'Haki'. Crocodile grinned like a madman and started to practice, while thinking about the potential futures he had. He chuckled "Looks like life's going up for me."

Upstairs in Sadi's room

Zeus ripped Sadi's latex suit right off her body and pinched her nipples. He listened to her moans and felt like he was in heaven, he phased his clothes right off and kept his mask. Sadi looked down at his tool and gulped, he looked at her and said "Get to work." Sadi smiled sweetly "Yes Master~" as she got down on her knees and started stroking him.

Zeus felt like he was on cloud nine, listening to Sadi call him master and the feeling of her mouth was impeccable. Sadi swallowed his tool whole and bobbed her head while fondling his balls and stroking the rest.

Zeus couldn't hold back after a while and blasted his load in her mouth, Sadi pushed her head down and swallowed it all not wasting a drop. She looked up and kept stroking as she said "Do I get a reward master?" Zeus had a crazy look in his eye and picked her up, he threw her on the bed and brought her ass up before shoving his rod inside her.

Her eyes widened and she moaned loudly, her toes curled and she came right away. Zeus grinned, he was always pumping electricity in his body as he fucked her. He pistoned his hips back and forth and occasionally slapped her ass hard, getting lewd moans from Sadi in response.

Sadi was in heaven right now, the only thing on her mind was Zeus' tool that was destroying her insides. She screamed "Harder Master! Punish me!" those were the magic words and Zeus pumped faster, he bent over and grabbed her breasts from behind, he kneaded them roughly, pinching and pulling on her little cherries and getting moans in response.

After an hour

Zeus grunted and slammed his hips down hard, hitting Sadi's womb and making her arch her back in pleasure as he unloaded inside of her. He took his tool back and grinned at his masterpiece before getting dressed, leaving a box of pills, a note, and leaving Impel Down. Sadi was fun but it was only lust from the both of them, he knew and she did too. So he left Impel Down without regrets, a bit of unrestrained fun was a must right? Zeus thought so, and he didn't think he was being an asshole either, it wasn't her first time and it wasn't his, they just vented themselves.

With that thought he hopped on his cloud and followed his lightning tag, flying across the sea.

After 2 days of flying

He came across the Merry in the middle of the sea, he saw Blackbeard's ship and was about to say something when the sea bubbled. He was startled and immediately jumped down onto the deck, surprising everyone. He only got to say "Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times please" before the Merry shot into the sky. Zeus looked off the edge at Blackbeard's ship and threw a thunder spear, unfortunately he was moving so fast and he wasn't used to it, so he missed.

Just barely, but still making a big splash and sending some of his crew members over board. He chuckled to himself "Stupid fat fuck" before getting punched in the head, he turned around to see Nami staring at him angrily. He was stunned, what did he do? Before he even got to ask Nami snapped "Where have you been?!"

Zeus was really dumbfounded this time and looked around, everyone was looking away, apparently 'blind' to this situation. He realized how much of a bastard these guys really were at this moment, he looked at Nami and said "Orange listen, I had marine stuff. What do you want from me? I have to provide for you and the child."

The others were stunned, child?! Sanji collapsed, even Robin was stunned. She covered her mouth and gasped, Nami was dumbfounded at the moment, child? What child? How come she didn't know? She turned red and beat Zeus furiously screaming "You're the one with a child! You pervert! Bastard! Asshole!" Zeus laughed and cried in pain to appease her before saying "You need to sail or we'll fall." the crew looked over and saw that the Merry was currently suspended in mid-air.

Usopp rubbed his chin and said "I don't think that was supposed to happen." Zeus stood next to him and rubbed the bottom of his mask and said "No, not at all." Luffy rubbed his chin next to Zeus and said "This must be a mystery ship."

Nami slapped the three of them back to reality and started commanding them to use the sails. Zeus helped out and the crew made it through the cloud layer, they landed on the clouds and floated, just like they would in the sea. Zeus sat in a chair and sighed in satisfaction, Nami glared at him angrily, he slumped into the chair and said weakly "What did I do?"

Nami sniffed and said "Why do you smell like another woman." the whole ship turned dead silent and Zeus started to sweat before saying "It was Smokey's girlfriend. I had to beat her up! Some of her perfume got on me! What a bitch!" he immediately threw Hina under the bus, good thing he was wearing a mask, you couldn't see the sweat bullets dripping from his forehead.

Nami looked at him suspiciously before saying "Give me a massage!" Zeus jumped up and looked like an old servant as he rubbed his hands and said "Right away ma'am! Would you like to purchase our platinum package? It comes with a full body massage AND a happy ending!" Nami glared at him and snapped "Roll!" Zeus gave her a wry smile and massaged her shoulders.

Sanji and Zoro made a whip cracking sound and Zeus glared at them. Zeus' Sky Island adventure started off on a rough road..

(Author's Note)

The legendary 4 chapters in one day has been complete! Next stop! Skypeia! And boy do I have a surprise for you guys! Wait till next time HEHEHEHEHEH!

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


