33.33% TWD: NEW HOPE / Chapter 3: Chapter 2. The End Of Humanity

章 3: Chapter 2. The End Of Humanity

3 weeks have passed. The situation currently is the way that I expected 3 weeks ago, the government won't last long resulting in the downfall of them. In the military also, there are not many survivors left. All of them have become the 'Dead' and I've never met a person since 3 weeks ago.

3 weeks ago, I have been looting quite a lot of supplies enough for me, but now it's starting to decrease. Right now I'm watching from the rooftop of the abandoned apartment. Watching the street with my binoculars, there's a lot of the Dead in the middle of the city. Quite far from here so I guess it will be safe for me, there are only a few of the Dead around my apartment since I've been killing most of them.

'I've been alone for 3 weeks and I ran out of supplies, I need to find people or a group to maintain my supplies, besides... I'm feeling quite lonely recently.

I prepared all of my supplies and weapon and was ready to get going.

When I'm in the street, I headed to a clothes store to try to find a few clothes for me. There are a few of the Dead inside the store, but I killed them all with my knife silently. After looking around and finding the best clothes for me, I change immediately. I took a black casual jacket, black jeans, and black gloves. I know all of them are black... I've been use these kinda clothes for work so I think this one is suitable for me at this current time.

I walked outside and open up my map.

"Hmm where should I go"

While I'm thinking, I notice someone approaching me from the left. I took out my gun real quick with one hand pointed at him.

"Don't shoot!"

What I saw is a young man, around 16 or 17 with a casual shirt and short black hair. He raised his hand as I pointed my gun at him.

"Are you alone?" I asked him still pointing my gun.

"No... I am with my brother sir. Sir, please help my brother he's hurt he needs medicine" the boy said nervously.

I keep watching it in silence, his gesture, his facial expression, there's also some scar around his body but it doesn't seem it got bitten by the Dead. Many possibilities appeared in my head as I think how should I deal with this boy... Alright, guess I just give it a try.

"Where is your brother?" I ask, putting back my gun in my pocket.

"Come on follow me sir" he said and rush in a hurry.

I follow him from behind, but my instinct tells me something it's not right. My instinct never fails me so... I think few possibilities that might happen and how to solve them.

'Alright everything ready, I need to be alert anytime'

As I followed him for a few minutes, we arrived at the abandoned factory. Quite far from the city. I gaze around trying to get as much information as I can

'Hmm, there's quite a lot of footstep around the factory, each of them has different shoes. Hm... He said he's with his brother huh'

As I think that, the boy opens up the gate of the factory, we get in all I see is nothing, except to my left and right someone is approaching, pointing a gun at my head.

"Good job kid, you did a good job"

The man from my right said to the boy with a grin and with a lustful look toward me

"I can eat right, and you promise to give me a proper bed to sleep in if I get him," the boy said with fear and nervousness.

" Not until we got something good from him boy," said the voice behind the boy.

I can see three men approaching, each of them holding a gun on them.

'so it's six people now huh... I think I need to play along with them for a while.

" What up man in black, what's up with that clothes you don't have a style don't you" the big guy in front of me said, causing everyone to laugh.

" I think he is John, but look at his gun. Looks like someone can take care himself"

The man on my right said, grab my gun from my backpack.

"Looks like you bring us quite a lot of supplies boy" the big man said looking at my backpack.

We went silent for a second, the man looking at me with menacing eyes.

" Are you alone kid?"

The man asked, but I don't answer it.

"How many of you kid?"

Again, he got no answer from me as I watched them in silence one by one. There's no fear coming out from me like how it is supposed to be.


The man on my right said it loud while pointing his gun at my head, I just watched him silently. Meeting my gaze, he gulps his saliva.

" Dammit John let's just make this fast"

As he said that, I noticed a pipe has been swinging toward my head.

' So this is how it's gonna be huh, alright let's play along'.

In the next second, my consciousness went black.


(Third person POV)

It's late at night since the scene happened. The man in black has been tied up and lost consciousness. Six people gathering not far from him

They could be seen making a bonfire while eating some meat.

" So what we're gonna do with him John"

The man asks the man's name called John, while gazing at the boy. The man called John not answer him for a while, still eating his meat.

" Heh, we can cut him into pieces for our food supplies. I'm sure he will taste good"

The bald man besides John said while licking his mouth.

" Fuck you Bob, I'm not a cannibal like you"

" Well that's unfortunate, you don't know how good the human body is"

Bob said while still licking his lip with his tongue.

" We can use him as bait for those Dead people, while the Dead focus to eat him. We can find more supplies with ease and get away from this city" John said while he finishing his meat.

"Oh really John, I want to cut him into piece," Bob said

" Enough Bob, I don't care about what you need. You can cut our next target, but this one we need to make use of it" John reply

" Arghh fine....."

They continue to eat after the discussion.

Half a minute has passed, and they finish eating their meat.

" Hey, Bob go check on the man, in case he's already awake" command John.

" Hehe yes sir...."

Bob walks to where the boy is.

"Hehe sorry bro, I can't taste your body that's unfortunate for today" Bob said while making his way slowly toward the boy.

Bob finally arrives at the place but...

" Hey, bro you awake..."

Bob couldn't finish his word because the man who is supposed to be tied up is gone leaving a rope on the ground.

" What the fuck, HEY JOH...."

Just as he was about to shout, a hand grabbed his mouth. Taking him to the dark side with such speed, after a while there's no sound of him anymore.

"Hey did you hear Bob calling my name?" John ask

"Huh... No, I didn't hear anything"

John has a bad feeling. Just when he's about to get up, an unknown object hit the bond fire, making the fire fade its light. The factory turned dark, making it less light from the bonfire.




Everyone is panicking, they grab their gun nervously. But from the corner, a black shadow moves at a high speed to one of the men. The man saw the shadow appear but couldn't react fast enough. The black shadow holding a knife sliced the man's throat and stab his heart. The man falls. Everyone notice this, but they couldn't do anything as the black shadow appear again in each one of them, slicing their throat with a high speed that they couldn't react In just a few seconds, four people died on the ground. Holding their throat and slowly die. Leaving John alone in shock, he got no gun because everything happened so fast that he didn't even have a chance to prepare.

The black shadow who finally stopped his killing, stands in front of John. Making his walk slowly to him while still holding a knife.

" W-wh-what the fuck are you huh!"

John shouted as he fall his ass down to the ground. Fear is the only thing that could describe in the man's eyes.

" Don't kill me... P- pl-please"

John starts to cry, peeing himself.

The black shadow finally arrived right in front of John. John could see the face, the face of the man that he catch this afternoon.

He can see his face, the cold and sharp eyes looking at him. A little bit of blood on his face made the young man's face much more terrifying.

"Y-You, What are yo---"

John couldn't finish his word when a knife slice his throat. After that, he slowly dies eyes still open with fear. The man is just unbothered by that scene, looking at the man with a cold gaze. The boy approaches the last member which is the little boy who pretends to be asleep, it can be seen that his eyes are full of fear, and sweat full all over his body.

" I know you're not sleep so stop pretending" the man in black said.

The fearful boy started to wake up and look at him, and start to cry.

" P-please don't kill me"

The man in black just watching him, with cold eyes. Seeing how fearful the boy in front of him was, he remember the last job that he did. Memory starts to bother him again.

"Sigh..... Alright I spare you, boy"

The man in black starts to walk away slowly.

"T-thank you," said the boy.

But the scene after that is shocking, the boy grabs something under the pillow, which is a gun. He pointed the gun at the man in black, but as he was about to pull the trigger. A knife with a high speed flew directly at his throat, and after that, the boy fall to the ground and die slowly.

The man in black looked at his corpse, closing his eyes, and sighing.

"I am sorry" said the man in black.

The sky outside start to shine, giving a sign that the morning will come. Seeing that, the boy in black start to take his supplies, gun, and the man's supplies. When everything is ready, the boy in black begins to head to the outside world again.


In the morning, At the Harisson Memorial Hospital in King County. A white man suddenly wakes up in the hospital bed with a patient gown. His condition is weak, he looks around the room and starts to call up a nurse.

"Nurse... Nu-nurse"

His voice is not clear caused by his dehydration. He tried to get up from the bed, but because of his weak body. He starts to fell fast to the ground.


He slowly manages to get on his foot, realizing his thirst. He rushed to the bathroom, and start to drink the water from the sink.

As he finishes, he starts to open the door. The door has been blocked by the hospital bed. The white man finally got outside. But what he sees is a mess, there's no person outside not even one. The lamp broke, everything just messed up.

The white man looks at the scene confused about where the hell the people have gone.

He starts to walk through the corridor, but he suddenly stops in front of the door. He looks through its glass as he notice a corpse lying on the ground. The white man was terrified by the scene as the corpse start moving.

He walks away fast through another corridor. When he arrives in front of the locked door, with the word "DON'T OPEN THE DEAD INSIDE" written on it.

The man looks terrified again because there's a hand leak out of the door.

The man starts to walk away faster toward the exit door, as he opens the exit door there's no light. He takes out a lighter from his pocket and starts to walk down the stairs.

Finally arrives at the exit door, he opens up the door, and the bright light strike into his sight. He walks out slowly to the outside and sees a lot of corpses lying on the ground, covered up by white cloth.

"What the hell is happened"

The man asks no one, as he is still in shock. He walks away faster. Outside the hospital, there's a tank all over the place.

His gaze falls on the bicycle near the tank.

He took the bicycle and start to drive away.

He drove away for a few minutes when he suddenly saw the Dead on the ground, seeing that he fell to the ground near the Dead. He looks terrified, the Dead start to crawl toward him and open up his mouth ready to eat him.

Suddenly a gunshot sounded behind the man as the bullet hit directly the Dead head.

The man's gaze turn around to see who was shooting. When he turned around, he saw a man. Dressing in all black. He has a backpack and is holding a silver handgun with a silencer.

The man's face is quite young, around 19 or 20 years old. With a perfect face and poker face.

He stands in front of the man's gaze.

"Are you alright sir?"


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


