87.14% Traveling in the anime multiverse with a system / Chapter 122: Chapter 123 - Graduation

章 122: Chapter 123 - Graduation

It has been 7 months since Zeno and Soma had gotten back from the training camp, and both of them ranked in the top 10 out of the 100 students who participated. After they came back Zeno was hanging out with Soma in the dormitory where they had a small battle, a couple months later Jōichirō came by to check on Soma and ultimately, both Soma and Jōichirō had their own battle with Soma losing. A couple weeks after that Zeno had challenged one of the top students in the school to a competition, and unbeknown to him, when the student lost they were kicked out of the school, Zeno didn't find out until a few days later when the students friend came and confronted him.

[Why did you get my friend kicked out of the school!?]: student

Zeno was surprised to be confronted in the middle of the halls so he couldn't help but ask the student what he was talking about.

[What do you mean?... What student did I get kicked out?]: zeno

The student was infuriated when Zeno said he didn't know who he was talking about so he started shouting.

[You bastard! My friend Jake… You challenged him to a cook off and he lost. Because he was a year above you and lost, and because he wasn't part of the Elite Ten they decided to kick him out of school!... Do you remember him now?]: student

Zeno thought back to a few days ago when he challenged a guy who was talking shit about Soma, Zeno then decided to challenge the guy to a battle, Zeno had not fully memorized the guys name, but Jake sounded right. Zeno then started to retell the encounter to the student who decided to confront him, after Zeno explained the situation, along with him not knowing that beating him would get him expelled, the student became even more angry when he heard this and started shouting.

[So because Jake decided to talk shit to some poor boy, you took it upon yourself to challenge him and beat him?... What the fuck is wrong with you poor people. You can't take criticism so you decide to fight your way through it… Why did Jake have to lose to some dumbass who doesn't even know the rules]: student

Zeno was tired of listening to the screaming buffoon, he then turned to walk away, once the student saw that Zeno didn't care and went to walk away he took it onto himself to fight Zeno, not in cooking, but in a physical fight, the student then charged towards Zeno with his fists raised and shouting.

[Take this you bastard!... RAAAHHHHGGG!]: student

Zeno heard the boy that was rushing towards him along with his rapid footsteps, Zeno then turned at lightning speeds to face the student while dodging the fist that was flying towards him, but as Zeno dodged, the student tripped and started falling towards the floor. The student didn't want to be the only one to look like a fool, so as he fell, he grabbed hold of Zeno's pants, and because Zeno couldn't wear belts due to his tail, the pants started to come down, as the pants fell Zeno's face showed one of worry. As the student was falling he saw that the pants were coming down with him and started smiling, but the smile quickly turned to one of fear as Zeno's tail popped out of his pants, the student then hit the floor as Zeno quickly pulled up his pants to hide his tail, and as Zeno turned to look at the student he could see the mark of fear on his face.

[W-what a-are y-y-you!?]: student

[Did you see?]: zeno

[Y-yes… W-what the hell are you!... You eat like a beast, and you have a t-t-tai-]: student

Zeno then covered the students mouth as there were some students right around the corner. After the students left, Zeno released the students mouth and started speaking.

[You will not tell a single soul about today… This secret will go with you to your grave… Do you understand?]: zeno

As the student heard Zeno his fear disappeared as he came up with an idea to get rid of Zeno.

[Y-you want to keep this a secret right?... Then you need to quit this school, otherwise you can forget me keeping your secret, I will tell everyone]: student

Zeno's face then became dead as he heard the threat, Zeno then came closer to the student, as the student saw this he began to back up, as the student hit against a wall Zeno got close enough to put his hands on the students collar. Zeno then looked into the students eyes with his own, the student watched as Zeno's eyes changed from the Obsidian color they were, into a deep Red color with 3 tomes rotating around them, the student began to feel fear once more as he asked.

[W-what kind of m-monster are y-you!?]: student

Zeno ignored his question and started speaking while activating a Genjutsu on the student.

[You will forget about me, and the encounter with me today… You will then leave this school and never come back]: zeno

Zeno then watched as the students' eyes became lifeless, Zeno then dropped the student and began to walk away. The student then got up and walked back to his room, packed his stuff and left Tōtsuki Academy, after Zeno made sure that his Genjutsu was working properly he went back to his dormitory to hang out with Soma. And with that, a few years passed, Zeno and Soma were graduating this year, both with positions on the Elite Ten, Zeno held the first seat with Soma holding seat 2, even though both Zeno and Soma's skills were almost equal, Zeno had a slight advantage which gave him the first seat. Over the couple years their ties began to pile up with Zeno sitting at 2465 Wins, 2463 Losses, with 5679 Ties, Soma had the exact opposite as he stood with 2463 Wins, 2465 Losses, and 5679 Ties. On graduation day Zeno had invited everyone from his family, Soren, Zenith, Misha, Hancock, Killua, and Gon, Haku came with them as he was technically part of the main family, but in this world he had to act as just a family pet, Soma had invited his dad along with some store owners that were nice to him as he was growing up.

[Congrats Soma and Zeno!... we knew you guys could do it!]: soren & misha

[Yeah! Good job brother!... While you were gone dad had taught me some stuff in cooking too!]: zenith

When Zeno heard Zenith learned some cooking methods he was happy, he had started to feel like an asshole for leaving his brother all alone with nobody to play with, but he had some friends he could hang out with, along with their family, so Zeno felt that it was fine, but now he had to make up for the 4 years that they were apart.

[Thanks Dad! Zenith!... Soma and I had lots of fun here, but it wasn't as fun as the time I spent with you guys… Where is Mom, Uncle Killua, and Uncle Gon?]: zeno

[Hancock is eating the food that the school provided… Killua saw a hot mom and went to introduce himself… As for Gon, he is running a little late, he had to close up the shop. He should be here in a few minutes]: soren

Zeno thanked Soren for telling him where Hancock was and went to look for her, Soma was off looking for Jōichirō and his family friends. Soon after, Gon arrived to the party, he found Soren and went over to him, a bit after that a voice came over the loudspeakers and began to speak.

[Good afternoon family and friends of this year's Graduates… I am the Principal of Tōtsuki Academy. My name is Senzaemon Nakiri… I am proud to introduce this year's Elite Ten; First Seat: Zeno Zoldyck… Young Zeno, please come to the mic and give your speech that you prepared]: senzaemon

Zeno then came up to the mic and began reading off a small set of cards he prepared beforehand.

[Greetings to Friends and Families… I am Zeno Zoldyck. These 4 years were some of the best years of my life, but the road was not an easy one… The challenges I faced… The friends I made, and the enemies… They all are the stepping stones that helped me reach where I stand today. Even though they were stepping stones, they will never be forgotten… To my dear friends, and my closest enemies… I thank you! You all made my stay here at Tōtsuki some of the best moments… I plan to make big things happen in my life, thank you for giving me the tools to do so]: zeno

Zeno finished his speech and walked off the stage as Senzaemon took the mic back. Senzaemon then began to have the teachers stand on stage in a line, then he started calling up students in Alphabetical order, the students walked up while shaking hands with the teachers, after the students got down to Senzaemon, they shook his hand and he handed them Diplomas and a slick Black finished wooden case.

[Congratulations... Take this and go to the next table to receive your Chef's knife and hat]: senzaemon

After all the students were called, Senzaemon took the mic and began the closing speech.

[This year's graduates are some of the finest that I have seen come through the doors of Tōtsuki… I do hope to see their kids come through those doors and surprise the world as they have… I would like to thank all the parents, friends, and teachers who took the time to come out today, please enjoy the rest of the food before you leave]: senzaemon

Senzaemon left the stage and everyone began to leave with who they came with, or with the newly graduates that they sent here. Soren went to the food tables and began to stuff a bag with all the food he could, while secretly putting it into the inventory where it wouldn't get crushed or parish, after he felt he grabbed enough Soren went back to his group to see everyone giving Zeno graduation gifts.

[Congrats Zeno!... This is a gift from both me and Gon]: killua

Killua took out a wrapped box and handed it to Zeno. As Zeno opened it, a smile appeared on his face, because what Zeno pulled out was a costume made outfit that was physically sturdy enough to stop bullets and knives like they were crayons trying to pierce him. Killua had gotten this as a reward for a quest he completed back in Hunter x Hunter, Killua thought it would be useful for something, so he kept it just in case.

[This is awesome! Thank you Uncle Killua, and Uncle Gon]: zeno

Next both Misha and Hancock came up and handed Zeno their present.

[This is from both of us, hope you like it]: hancock

Zeno opened the box and saw a book of all the worlds recipes, Zeno then gave a quick flip through the book before putting it back and shooting both Hancock and Misha with a big smile.

[This is one of the best gifts I have received, Thank you mom and Misha]: zeno

Zenith then walked up to Zeno and gave him a long box.

[This is from me… I did some stuff in "You know what" to get enough "Stuff" to get this for you]: zenith

Zeno opened up the box to see an exquisitely crafted Samurai Sword. Zeno held it in his hands and gave it a quick swing before sheathing it and placing it back in the box while saying.

[This is the best present I could ever get… I can see you worked a lot to get this present for me, and that shows how much you love me brother… I will be sure to get you something just as awesome]: zeno

When Soren overheard Zenith say he did quests in this world he looked on the quest board and saw that there were only 3 quests.


1): Daily Training: Reward: 100 system points (Repeatable)

2): Help the Elderly: Reward: 100 system points (Repeatable)

3): Help the Homeless: Reward: 100 system points (Repeatable)

Soren saw that the 3 quests were relatively easy, but they had a time limit before they could be completed again, they could only be completed once a day. Soren then scanned the sword given to Zeno by Zenith and saw that he could buy it on the store for 30,000 system points, Soren then did some quick calculations and found out that Zenith spent at least 100 days collecting these points. Soren then walked up to the group and started speaking towards Zeno.

[I have a gift for you as well, but I can't give it to you here… We need to reach the "New" place… So do you want to say your goodbyes to anyone? We can always come back in a few years]: soren

Zeno thought about it for a bit before he turned to see Soma trying to challenge Jōichirō to a battle, Zeno then spoke up answering Soren's question.

[I will say bye to Soma only]: zeno

[Take your time son… We will wait here then]: soren

Zeno then walked over to Soma and sparked a quick conversation.

[Hey… I will be leaving the country for quite a while, and where I'm going letters will be a hard thing to do, let alone phones… I just wanted to tell you before I left]: zeno

Soma looked towards Zeno while Jōichirō saw his chance to escape, Soma then spoke up to cheer up Zeno.

[Don't worry about it… There is also no need to lie… I want you to know that I know you aren't human]: soma

Zeno was shocked to hear Soma and quickly shouted before calming himself and asking.

[How long have you known… Why don't you look at me differently?]: zeno

[Hmmm… Let's see… We became best friends when we were 5, I started spending a lot of time over at your house when we were 8… I knew you were not normal when I saw you taking a bath on accident when we were 9, but after I looked it up one day I found out that it wasn't ever recorded to have a hairy tail on your butt… The reason I don't look at you differently is because even with a tail, you will still be you… I just want to know… Are you like an Alien or something?]: soma

Zeno was surprised hearing Soma and started to chuckle as what he said was true, Zeno then started to answer Soma's question.

[I don't actually know… My dad has a tail, he said it's due to some kind of blood trait… As far as I know we came here from a different planet, so I guess I am an Alien]: zeno

Zeno decided to tell Soma a half truth, and when Soma heard Zeno he was super excited to know that there were other civilizations other than theirs out in space. Soma then gave his goodbyes to Zeno and ran back to Jōichirō and left, Zeno came back over towards his family and Soren spoke.

[I heard everything…]: soren

[Please let him keep his memory dad, please!]: zeno

Soren thought for a moment before he spoke.

[I don't mind him knowing as we won't be here for much longer… I also trust Soma, let's go then]: soren

Soren and his group went back to their mansion before packing everything inside their inventories, after leaving the house Soren used his magic to destroy it and make the plot of land flat once more, Soren then gathered everyone around and spoke to Sakura.

'The Next World… Dragon Ball!... Here we come!': soren

Soren and his family then stepped into the portal that opened up and disappeared. A few hours later Soma came running up the path to look for Zeno but only came across an empty lot where a house used to be.

[I guess I will never see him again…]: soma

Soma then had some tears appear in his eyes as he ran back home.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C122
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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