Ukyo, an ordinary young man who loves anime, manga, and enjoys boxing and going to the gym, finds his life turned upside down when he unintentionally gets drawn into the world of an NTR manga he despises. After reading the manga given by his friend, Ukyo vents his disgust by binge-gaming all night. However, his obsession leads to tragedy when he dies from extreme exhaustion.
Fate grants him a second chance, but in the most unexpected way. Upon opening his eyes, Ukyo finds himself trapped in the body of a rich second-generation man—the antagonist character of the manga he had just loathed. Surrounded by unfamiliar luxury and burdened with memories of a life that isn’t his, Ukyo must face this new reality.
"If you're looking for a main character who makes decisions with the 'brain in his pants,' you're in the wrong novel. Feel free to find another story that better fits your narrow fantasies."
"Oh, the heroine is pregnant, huh? Absolutely wonderful! Not only was she useless before, but now she’s officially a burden throughout the entire story. Truly a brilliant move to slow down the plot and make it even less interesting. Maybe we should just give her a comfy chair in the corner of the narrative and wait for the dramatic moment where she’s finally eliminated for the greater good. Can’t wait to see the protagonist grow… once she’s out of the way, of course!