Wei Shin heard it loud and clear.
The Prince, Zi Yuzuo, was asking him if he wanted to drink his blood.
Long time ago, the people of the Rosalia Kingdom made a pact between the bond of Homocus and humans, especially the ones with the royal bloodlines.
Homocus are the ones who can supply the royals with yin energy while in return, they needed to drink their master's blood to strengthen their bonds, the royal seal was given to them so that they can only drink from their masters.
Wei Shin jolted in surprise "H-How c-c-could I d-do that to master!" he exclaimed
Zi Yuzuo let go the male's cheeks "You need my blood to survive" he said "If you don't want to bite me I can give you blood by slitting my skin" then without a second he pick up the small knife from the table and slit his arms a little.
Wei Shin was a little bit shocked but the moment he saw the flowing blood, he was instantly mesmerized. There was this sweet scent coming from it that's luring him to take it. He didn't even realize that he aggressively pulled Zi Yuzuo's arms towards him and quickly drank his blood.
As a homocus, it tastes sweet and delicious.
"Are you done?" Zi Yuzuo asked after finally pulling his arms back from his slave's grasp. He picked up one table napkin to wipe the excess bloods then he returned to his seat.
Wei Shin couldn't even speak, he didn't know that this is how homocus behave when lured by it's master's blood. He remained silent until Zi Yuzuo started eating.
[ I feel so embarrassed]
DICCU: Have you noticed something?
[Notice what?]
DICCU: Your ears and tails are gone
Wei Shin sprang up from what he heard, he immediately grabbed his hair and checked his butt. His ears and tail are indeed gone.
"Have you noticed?" Zi Yuzuo asked, delivering another spoon of meat to his lips
Wei Shin paused and realized his manners so he quickly sat back and bowed his head "I-I'm s-sorry, master!!" he apologized
"I ordered Qi Feng to tell you everything but it seems like you're still ignorant to your body changes" Zi Yuzuo said with a straight face
Wei Shin's mind instantly played different scenarios like hanging Qi Feng, throwing him to the dens of lions or torturing him because he neglected to tell the Prince's order.
"M-Master, it's n-not like that!! It's because this slave never asks General Qi Feng!" he tried to do an excuse
Zi Yuzuo just glanced at him before drinking his cup of favorite tea "Then I will let this slip away" he said
"Thank you, master"
[Thank God!! I thought that he will kill Qi Feng this instant]
DICCU: Maybe he is in a good mood today
Zi Yuzuo isn't really going to do that, he just wants to tease Wei Shin because he's cute when his cheeks are confused and red. Qi Feng was devoted to him for a very long time, they almost shared the same battles in the past so it was impossible for him to cut their ties.
"You must be very happy"
Wei Shin made a half smile "I-It is my honor, your majesty" he said as he lowered his head
'...How did I end up here?? Xiao Zhen showed up from nowhere after our morning breakfast and asked Zi Yuzuo to take me with him for a little morning walk..I don't really know about him but I didn't like the way he acts towards me, it's kinda annoying me…'
Jinli was so busy throwing her tantrums inside her thoughts right now. It's true that she doesn't feel comfortable around Xiao Zhen but the Prince quickly gave this male a permission to bring her.
[The Prince must spoiling him so much ]
"I'm sorry if I asked you to come with me so suddenly, I almost interrupted your time with Prince Yuzuo" Xiao Zhen said as he covered his lips with his floral fan. Showing a pitiful face towards the male.
"Your grace, this slave followed the Prince so I have no right to decide on my own"
Xiao Zhen seemed happy from the male's reaction as he made a smile "Do you like it here?" he asked
Wei Shin nodded in return, he roamed his eyes around to the flowing water beside their royal boat. The second prince wanted to talk to him while riding the royal boat down the palace river, there are no worries because there are two more boats with palace guards watching them.
[Okay, I will just let myself enjoy the red lilies in the water]
Wei Shin reached out his hand, he was enchanted by the red lilies around them. Red lilies are rare and he didn't know that it was a kind of sea beast, it will attract anyone to touch it and pull them deep down by sucking their energy to death.
"It seems like you have taken an interest in the red lilies, it's beautiful,isn't it?" Xiao Zhen commented as he chuckled
Wei Shin was delighted because he didn't know that Xiao Zhen will get to this extent to ask his likes "I-It's pretty, your majesty!!" he exclaimed with beaming eyes
Xiao Zhen made a slight smirk. He watched how Wei Shin adore the red lilies so much "If you like, you can take one and bring it back to the Palace" he commented "It's adorable, you can grow one"
[Wow!! Really?!! I can take one?!!]
"Your highness, Isn't it too much for a mere slave like me?" Wei Shin asked with still a pleading eyes
Xiao Zhen giggled "No, It's under my command so it's okay" he said
In so much excitement, Wei Shin quickly reached out his hand on the water after choosing what to pick. He couldn't control the excitement he was into after pulling a very beautiful red lily. "I got it!" he exclaimed to himself
Wei Shin tried to pull it up but suddenly a green slimy vine from underwater grabbed his arms, the boat shake in distress. The vines crawled up to him pulling him down to the water.
Wei Shin fell helplessly, the red lilies he was adoring a while ago turned into a monstruos vines wrapping itself all over his body.
He gasped as he tried to raise his other arm for help. Xiao Zhen was with him so maybe he can call the palace guards to help him. He was almost out of breath and drowning so hard.
All of his system froze after seeing Xiao Zhen's face looking down on him with a devilish smile.
It was the last thing he saw before losing his consciousness.
Oh my!! What happened?!!