
章 9: Chapter 9

"I hate you." Koneko said, fire burning in her eyes so intensely that one had to wonder if she'd be able to spontaneously cremate her target with just a glare.

"Oh, come now. You sound so cute when you try." Ace said, an infuriating smile on his face as Koneko tried again to go and punch him in the mug, only to fail.

On the side was Rias who had a weird smile on her face. On one side she has already seen the power of the symphogear that Koneko was using after she activated the gear, the physical power increase was of at least thirty times over with Koneko having just activated the gear. That power made Rias remind herself of her cousin, Sairaorg, and that gave Rias a lot more confidence in her chances of winning the game against Riser.

On the other hand, Koneko was painfully unable to draw forth the full potential of this gear due to Koneko refusing to sing. Yes, singing was an indispensable part of using the Symphogear as the resonance created through singing, what Ace called Phonic Gain, is what truly made the gear able to generate feats of power that were truly amazing.

It was quite troublesome for Rias as she never wanted to push her dear family members (as that is what they were in Rias's mind) to do things they were not comfortable with. However, Koneko was clearly able to sing if she wanted and her refusal was exclusive because of shines.

Thankfully, Rias did not need to scold Koneko into doing it, Ace is more than willing to help train Koneko in how to draw forth the gear's powers... for a price, of course.

"So, Kaichou, are you sure that this is fine?" Akeno questioned as Ace kept avoiding Koneko's strikes, the experience of a hashira who was used to face demons who were much more capable and experienced in combat than anyone else within this city could claim to be, as well as stronger in many ways, mixed seamlessly into Ace's movements and let him escape Koneko's attacks very easily.

It was almost disturbing how Ace could avoid her attacks despite clearly being slower than Koneko. Disturbing, and also extremely desirable for Rias who still wanted him in her peerage as her flaming chicken problem was still present.

Rias turned her eyes to her queen and just shrugged at Akeno's question.

"It wouldn't be an issue, Akeno. I still intend to have him join us and, even if not for that, it is just some jewels that I got as gifts in the past. They don't mean anything much for me, I'd throw them and every other riches I have all away if it means helping any of you improve and be stronger." Rias said easily, meaning absolutely every word, and Akeno smiled softly at that as she knew that to be the truth of her king who simply cared for them more than anyone else.

There was a good reason for Rias's entire peerage to be so dedicated for her. Despite her flaws, Rias truly cared for each of them the best way she can or knew how to, and it showed clearly for all of them.

"We know, and that is why we follow you." Akeno said softly, just loud enough for the red head to hear.

Rias smiled back at her queen, enjoying their friendship and the mutual trust they had cultivated over the years, as they turned away from Koneko's failing to hit the extremely smug expression of Ace who was counting the money he has obtained from this transaction in his mind.

For Ace, this was a highly lucrative time. He only had to help Koneko use her new gear to get enough jewels and gold to open the third world for trade. Rias might not be Phenex rich, few were really, but she was still extremely rich.

In all honesty, using a Symphogear was a relatively simple and intuitive process as it only needed imagination, some control, and power to fuel it. As a devil, the imagination and control parts were almost second nature to Koneko, and the power simply needed her to stop being so embarrassed and sing. If only she were to actually go ahead and sing...

"Come on, you just need to use those cute pouty lips of yours to do something besides devouring some sweets." Ace said with a teasing smile, making Koneko blush a bit from either shame, embarrassment, or anger. Even she likely couldn't tell which.

The fight continued for a good twenty more minutes before, finally, Koneko's magic energy that was forcefully sustaining the gear couldn't hold on any further and she fell down.

Ace caught her before she actually fell to the floor. Putting her gently on the floor he said.

"... You are a stubborn little pipsqueak, huh." Ace said with a chuckle. "You just had to sing a little bit, it is not like it would be that hard and with your pretty voice it would certainly sound nice."

"I am not a pipsqueak. I am still growing." Koneko said, trying her best to shoot a glare at Ace while still being too tired to move.

"Sure you are growing, perhaps someday we will all notice you growing somewhat." Ace said with such a mocking tone that Koneko was almost able to jump up and strike him just to remove that expression from his face. "Just a tip, if you want to grow into a great beauty like you clearly can, considering your pretty face and cute expression, you should eat more than just sweets. A balanced diet is key for a healthy life." Ace said with a nod to himself.

Koneko looked offended at the suggestion that her diet of 60% candies was anything but healthy, but Ace did not give a single fuck about it before turning to Rias who turned away from him for a moment, her talking on the phone for a bit.

"Yes, yes I understand... Okay, I get it... Do I really have to say that? ... Fine, see you soon onii-tama. Also, you are spending way too much time with Leviathan-sama if you want me to call you that." Rias said on the phone before ending the call and exasperatedly sighing. "Really, one headache after another."

"Is everything okay?" Ace questioned, figuring this must have been Sirzechs calling from the Underworld.

"Yes, it was just some problems. It seems like there was some trouble with the fallen when a part of their members that were stationed illegally in town and were supposed to return to base a few hours ago didn't show up. The Grigory sent a scout and didn't find anyone so some of the more militant members of the fallen have shown up in devil territory to complain. Me, Sona, Ravel, and our peerages, or lack there off, will have to go there to explain we are not involved, it is all politics and whatnot." Rias said tiredly as she turned her eyes to the sprawled on the floor Koneko who hasn't moved yet. "Is she fine?"

"She is just tired and needs to rest." Ace said easily, not showing any sign that he was the one who had either killed or just enslaved those fallen angels.

Thankfully he could sell all the corpses so there was no physical evidence of the deaths besides the building being further ruined.

In truth, hearing how this might blow in his face, Ace was starting to regret leaving one behind if it could link him to it. And yet, what is done is done and he would not risk going back on his word after a deal was struck. The cost of doing so is far too high.

Changing topics, Ace continued.

"Also, please make sure she follows through with her homework."

"Homework?" Rias questioned amused.

"Yes, make sure she watches all anime possible about idols to get used to that. Also watch movies about martial arts, even to a lesser extent. Visualization is key for that weapon and those movies should help her visualize better what she wants to do, and the anime is to give her some ideas about songs. I want at least three anime seasons of anime and five movies watched before the weekend." Ace said seriously and Rias nodded.

Rias looked like the perfect picture of someone taking this seriously, however inside she was wondering if she should 'accompany' Koneko while binge watching... of course, it was only due to moral support and not because she wanted to have a good excuse to buy the deluxe edition Bluray of Love Live! School Idol Project.

Ace then went to Koneko's ears and spoke.

"Do your homework well and I will get you the Deluxe chocolate cookies."

Koneko's whole body twitched as she turned her face to him and said.


"Of course, good work demands their right rewards and if you do well of course I would get you good payment." Ace said to which Koneko gave a sage-like nod.

It almost made Ace laugh at her actions, during the previous year while Ace was pretending to be just a normal person he and Koneko had become somewhat friends as the catgirl couldn't resist Ace... or to be more exact the deserts he carried with him.

Who'd have thought that the world of Symphogear had so many unique sweets that were not sold in the DxD world? Koneko's sweet tooth couldn't resist the temptation so she and Ace created something of a friendship as she'd accompany him whenever they met or had the time as she wanted to get those sweets from him.

Saying his goodbyes to Rias Ace left the school premises. It was already very late at night and he wanted to be well disposed enough to be able to do well in the fight tomorrow against Riser. His possible salary was on the line and, if he could, he wanted as much cash as possible.


On the way home, Ace decided to stop at a public park in the way. It was the same one where the original Issei was killed, but the reason why Ace stopped there was much simpler than thinking about what-ifs or what this place represents.

This was where he unlocked the world of Symphogear while the world of Demon Slayer was unlocked in his home. Between the two the world of Symphogear has much greater prospects for him moving forward so he figured that this location might be a lucky one.

It was superstition, but it was better than nothing and he wanted to get something good this time as to improve his strength.

He has gotten just enough jewels to trade them away with his essence for the money to open the third world. Perhaps he could find other ways to sell the jewels for more, but needs must and he didn't want to waste his time doing such unnecessary work. Without hesitation he activated the Essence, trading away the several elaborate jewels as to open the third world.

'System Open; Opening shop in new server; Selecting, Selecting, Selecting, Selection succeeded.

Congratulations to host for opening a shop in the world [Soul Eater]. Timeline, pre-CANON.'

Seeing this information Ace's eyes widened. The world of 'Soul Eater' can be said to be a low power world, but it can also be said to be a strong world depending on how one sees it.

The reason for this was rather simple, the soul power that they use and soul resonance depends entirely on the person itself to decide how strong it can be.

Not only that, this world also had some interesting, as well as EXTREMELY dangerous, items available. What Ace could get from there would be risky, but with some luck, he could gather things there that could make him incredibly more powerful.

Thinking on what he could get and how to get it, Ace took a good while before reaching a decision. A slightly nasty smile on his face as he hoped it would work, and knew it would completely fuck over the plans of a certain few people in that world.

What should pass as CANON would go to shit then and there, that is for sure.

Looking at the clock he saw he still had around four hours until sunrise and the time he should go to class. It was more than enough for what he intended as he started the trade.

"Open chat function, world of Soul Eater, target [Crona]."

As Ace said this his view changed. Instead of the room, he was in before he now was now in an old dilapidated building. Looking on Ace saw a small human figure of a girl (maybe a boy, Ace wasn't sure) curled on a corner. She had messy short pink hair and was wearing a black dress, she looked to be talking with herself and was clearly malnourished from the looks of it.

"Sheesh, Medusa does deserve a price for top 10 shittiest parents in the multiverse, huh." Ace muttered to himself.

Crona was raised as a weapon by Medusa who wanted to make a Kishin for, truthfully, no fucking reason. She just wanted to do that to prove she can, or some other equally stupid motivation. Honestly, Ace did not care less what sort of reason that woman had to do what she did, she was stupid and the world would be better of with her dead and gone.

"Y-You? Who are you? Mother didn't say there would be someone else here." Crona said, pointing to Ace who stayed a safe distance from her.

"I came here not because of your mother, but because of you." Ace said before giving her his best disarming smile. "What do you say we talk a bit? I have a proposal for you."

Before Crona could answer a black sludge-like thing emerged from her back, Ragnarok taking shape as it stood above Crona.

"Hey, Crona you dimwit. Stop wasting time with this idiot, let's go do something better!" Ragnarok said loudly.

"But mother said that we should wait he-" Crona tried to say, but was interrupted as Ragnarok started hitting him in the head.

"I didn't ask your opinion, let us do something cooler!"

"Stop hitting me, I don't know how to deal with you hitting me like that." Crona said as Ragnarok kept hitting her in the head.

Ace just raised a brow before turning to Ragnarok.

"Tell me, do you like being with Crona?"

Ragnarok turned his 'eyes' to Ace and spoke.

"Not really, he is too meek but he does make a good punching bag."

"Eh, we are always together and you don't like me?" Crona asked and Ragnarok punched her head again.

"I was speaking to him, idiot."

Seeing this interaction Ace wondered how good this idea was, but the fact remains that this was one of the best deals he could get in this world.

"Then, how about changing users?" Ace asked, making both Crona and Ragnarok stop their interaction entirely. "I have a way to safely and without pain do as I said, Crona would no longer have the Black Blood that makes her mentally unstable and be a target for the Meisters, while Ragnarok would have a, no offense, stronger person that would be able to draw forth much more of its power than it currently can."

Crona and Ragnarok looked at one another, thinking how life would be like if they weren't always with one another. Crona thought of maybe having friends and not being hit every few minutes. Ragnarok thought of having a stronger meister that wouldn't be swallowed up by his madness and maybe, just maybe, not have a Meister that can scare it shitless sometimes.

Ragnarok knew he was insane, but Crona was worse than him to the point it feared being swallowed by Crona's madness sometimes.

Seeing their expressions Ace smiled and spoke.

"Crona, how about this. I will present you with someone that can become your friend and, in exchange, you will exchange your blood for mine."

Ace knew that this would mean he would be losing the hint of dragon bloodline he got from Freed, but it was a small price to pay for such a prize.

"I, I don't know if I should ta-"

"How can we trust you?" Ragnarok questioned, not trusting Ace just like that.

"Then, how about an experiment then?" Ace proposed. "We trade with each other five percent of our blood, including the body compatibility that this blood demands of the body as to not cause any damage or have a chance of adverse effect, and, in exchange, I will help you once. Also, I will bring you something tasty to eat within 24 hours?"

"Bring us some good candy and he agrees." Ragnarok said and Crona looked at him with wide eyes

"I do? But I didn't say I agree. This is so complicated, I don't know how to deal with it."

"Just shut up and agree, I want some good food for once instead of having to jump in the dumpsters of restaurants for lunch." Ragnarok said and Ace decided to bring some extra good ones from the world of Symphogear. That, and a good amount of decent food.

Ace might love money, but he doesn't mind extending a little extra helping hand for his business partners.

"Fine, I agree." Crona said.

With the deal settled Crona felt his blood changing as some of it left his body. The black blood formed a bubble in front of him and just as Crona felt a bit weaker he saw Ace's own blood leaving his body just as well, the two bubbles trading places and being absorbed by their new owners.

The new blood made Crona open his eyes wide as he felt the madness inside him lessen a bit as a new energy seemed to combat and balance it just a little bit. It wasn't a game-changer, but Crona felt that this new blood seemed to make him calmer.

Ragnarok was also surprised as the new blood carried the slightest traces of some new energy he knew not, the power of dragon making him stronger even if there was a bit less of him now. In time Ragnarok was sure he would absorb this new blood entirely, and he would be stronger with it. Not only that, he felt the connection that he once had with Kishin in the distance become weaker, the dragon energy changing it slightly but this change is enough to make their resonance weaker and, hopefully, make Crona and himself be less influenced by the Kishin.

As for Ace, he felt like he had led inside his veins. His thoughts got a bit messier as the new blood was adapted to his body just as Crona was adapted to it. It was a hard process, but after a bit Ace felt his mind clearer as he managed to keep his thoughts straight and he was not swallowed by the madness inside the black blood.

Ace had gotten the compatibility for black blood that Crona had, but, unlike Crona, Ace had a much stronger mind and his sense of self was too strong, the black blood not being able to change Ace for now and even if it could influence Ace it would not be nearly in as large a fashion as with Crona.

Turning to Crona, Ace gave a sympathetic smile. Feeling how the black blood tried to influence him while only having a small amount of it in his body, Ace could only admire Crona for being able to survive while having some sense of identity when having all of his body being Black Blood and under the 'tender care' of Medusa.

Moving to Crona, Ace did not hesitate to give her a hug.

"You did well living until now." Ace said. "Don't worry, good things are still coming for you."

Seeing Crona's agitation Ace no longer hesitated and left the place, disappearing and returning to his own world just as Crona lashed out due to stress. Crona was a highly unstable individual after all, one had to be careful while dealing with her.


Back to DxD world Ace was fuming at Medusa. The witch clearly was mad if she did what she did to her own blood, something Ace did not appreciate since family was too important in his eyes. Thinking thus, Ace decided that yes, he would screw over her plans right then and now.

"Open chat function, world of Soul Eater, target [Death]."

With that Ace moved again, appearing inside the director's office of the Meister institute.

Before he could open his mouth, however, a suffocating pressure fell upon him.

"Gah." Ace gasped as he went to his knees, the pressure he was put under the moment he appeared was so heavy that he could not even move as the figure in front of him moved.

"To think a Kishin candidate would actually appear in front of me. Did you get the help of some witch to send you here, little one?" Death said. His skull looked 'cute' and his figure mostly comic, but the pressure he exuded was anything but in Ace's perspective.

That level of power was several dozens of orders of magnitude above anything he had experienced until now. Truly, he was the ACTUAL God of this entire world.

If not for him being so old he was needing a replacement Ace doubted people like Medusa or the Kishin would have been able to get away with what they did.

Death, seeing Ace's state, stopped his pressure as to at least get some answers from him. However Ace didn't feel that much more confident as Spirit Albarn has come in a hurry. The man was Death's very own personal weapon and while his own fighting abilities were questionable, him being around just made the God in front of Ace all the scarier.

"... Thanks for stopping with the pressure. Phew, that was NOT pleasant. Anyway, nice to meet you mister Death God, I am Ace, a merchant." Ace said, making Death tilt his head to the side before answering.

"Hello Ace the merchant, I am Death. Why did you decide to show up here? Is it to give yourself in for the crime of being a Kishin candidate?" Death asked and Ace just waved it off.

"Nah, I am not a Kishin candidate. I mean, sure maybe if you REAAALLYYY stretch it I could be considered what you said, but I only got some of the black blood from the actual candidate as that blood is very useful for me." Ace explained and Death felt confused about what he was saying but picked the important parts.

"So there IS a Kishin candidate. That is worrying news, we cannot allow for the birth of another Kishin." Death said with worry.

A Kishin is an individual who fused with a Demon Weapon, meaning someone that has Black Blood, and that devourers enough souls. After a certain level madness would surge as the souls keep being devoured and in time a Kishin is born.

Kishin is a being whose mere presence causes chaos and madness to spread as if an infection across the lands, it is a far too dangerous a being as it spreads chaos and feeds off it, becoming as strong as the Death God, if not more so.

So, yeah, having one born is a situation that should be avoided.

"Well, it is not as worrying as the plan to release the kishin downstairs from his seal." Ace said and, with those words, the pressure came back and this time it was doubled.

Ace could feel his bones straining under the pressure, it was just that heavy. If not for him wanting to complete his deal, he would have already left and never again try to get here.

"Can you explain?" Death said coldly, the voice such that even Spirit beside him felt a shiver down his spine.

"F-For a price." Ace said and Death stayed pressuring him for a few more seconds before relenting.

If there was a plan to release the original kishin then there was no time to lose and Ace was his best way to get the jump on this plan.

"What you want?" Death questioned.

"I want the power of one of the seven Adola users of the past that you took soon after you were created."

Death froze at those words before he spoke.

"You, how do you know this?"

"I come from another world. I was born able to make deals with other worlds' people and have a general understanding of the history of the worlds I am visiting." Ace said and Death scratched his head.

"That makes sense, your soul feels weird to me and didn't seem to be touched by the laws I put in this world after I was created." Death said before shrugging. "If you want that power I am fine with it. I just took it because it would be too strong for humans in this world, but if you want to take it to another world then I won't mind. It is not like other worlds are my jurisdiction anyway and those things were only accumulating dust." Death said as he summoned forward seven lights before picking one and throwing it at Ace.

Ace took it directly and he felt like something changed, but he'd likely need time to explore the changes and figure out what exactly he got.

Feeling satisfied, Ace explained all the details he knew of the plan of Medusa to revive the Kishin. By the time he ended the explanation Death felt cold sweat on his back as such a plan could likely succeed and it would be a true disaster to the world if it worked.

"Now, before I leave, how about a second deal?" Ace proposed before Death went to capture Medusa that was still posing as the school's nurse.


"The current location of the actual kishin candidate that gave me some of his blood." Ace said. "My terms are two, first is that you unlock the Soul Wavelength power used in this world for me as well as give me the knowledge needed to be a first-rate Meister. Second, when you go capture the candidate you must avoid harming her and make sure she is brought in safe and sound before giving her a chance to become a better person. Crona is inherently a kind soul but as she is now she is merely a pupet of Medusa. Anyone deserves better than that."

"Fine by me, I will make this Crona one of my students. It would be a waste to let a good seedling go, and from what you mentioned she just needs a good chance." Death said and Ace nodded before describing the location he saw Crona last.

This was the 'help' Ace promised Crona, he was helping her get away from Medusa's clutches for good as well as getting her somewhere where she can hopefully make friends.

With the deals done Ace felt Death transferring his knowledge of Meister arts, which was quite expansive and with many forms of using soul skills, as well as making Ace be capable of becoming a Meister and use Soul Wavelength in the first place. With that Ace's powers grew another notch, or several depending on how you see it.

All in all, a very productive time.

Feeling satisfied with his gains here, Ace returned to his home. There were other possible trades he might have managed, but he lacked items that could be used and did not want to mess with that world any further right away.

He thought about going home, but gave up on that. These last few hours, let him start his training to try and figure out his Adola powers.

With ANY of the Adola powers, he'd be able to beat Riser handily, without a single shred of a doubt.

Ace was determined to win, a cushy job with high pay was at stake after all.

Sure, he would need to make sure that his 'king' was safe, but she was nowhere close to being as much of a target as Rias or Sona and she was able to regenerate anyway so as long as he paid attention to attacks that were too dangerous or holy attacks, he would be just fine.

If it was for money of course he should do his best, he was a merchant after all.

Stretching a bit Ace started to move away when he felt it.

It was a weird smell completely unlike that of normal humans and slightly different from that of normal devils.

"Perhaps some strays showed up. Oh well, the devils can take care of thaaa... Fuck." Ace said, remembering that Rias mentioned that she and the rest of the devils would be out of town for the time being due to Ace's own actions.

That means that there was no one else to take care of any stray problem that may show up, and anyone who dies would be on Ace's conscience for now.

Feeling very annoyed by this Ace decided to use his soul wavelength to increase his body's speed. It was still an entirely too amateur work made trying to blindly follow the instructions Death left in his brain, but was still better than nothing and it did make Ace's body three times stronger than before which was saying a lot.

This sort of improvement by an amateur DID explain why Maka, a genius could show such feats of strength despite being so thin and physically unimpressive. Soul Wavelength was simply another body enhancement method for now, but it was clearly a very useful and nearly passive form of improvement, which fit Ace's battle style just fine.

Besides, the increase in speed was needed as Ace further accelerated under the effect of his already quite tyrannical physique (for a human) and his Sun Breathing. His speed was faster than the average Knight in a devil peerage by several points as he moved to the source of the smell, hoping not to be too late as to save whoever is being attacked... or with time to get out before the police showed up and he got involved with them.

Ace may be going to help others, but he had his own priorities which did not include the possibility of needing to fear dropping the soap.



So, a good power up for Ace and we will see how things go from here. Taking the Black Blood was a great power up... but what it entails may not yet have fully registered in Ace's mind.

Black Blood is not such a simple power, and taking it in will make some changes. The ones who know Soul Eater, especially in the manga, know how Black Blood is dangerous. At least Ace got smart enough to get his hands on the souls meister skills from Soul Eater and unlocked that power.

As for the Adola Burst, it comes from Fire Force and if you don't understand how these two are connected, well, I apologize for spoiler. Now, which Adola Burst it will be, we will have to wait and see lol.

Regardless, until next time and keep safe everyone. Don't forget to review, it makes me happy to see those and answer questions.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


