34.61% To The Outside / Chapter 3: Something missing

章 3: Something missing

Due to a change in planning I will write more chapters this week



: 'Talking' (when in 3rd POV or in another's POV)



*****side note*****

- effects -





Avery speaking out loud : What was that ?

?????? speaking telepathically: "Isn't this something, .....



3rd POV:

"Isn't this something, ... " ?????? said telepathically

Avery: 'Ahhh, Motherf*****.' Successfully cutting off whatever spooked Avery with a curse word. Since he knew that he is very much supposed to be alone in this hole.

Avery thought to himself: "I should really stop swearing."

??????: "Indeed you should young man. Now where was I ah yes. What are doing here young anomaly you shouldn't be here you know it could get quite dangerous .... for normal people. Now speak, before I boot you." "Damn troublemakers". thought ?????? to itself while starting to exude pressure around itself.

Avery turns around: 'What in the ... a white looking horse with add-ons.' now fully looking at the being in front of him "Sorry not a horse a pony." thinking out loud.

??????: "Hahahaha, well I got three three things to say. First, rude I take offense to that. Second, really a pony out of everything, I am Arceus not some pony. And third, answer my question before i decide to turn you into a horseshoe." while looking at Avery.

Avery: 'Well ..., Arceus ... , no that feels weird, I'm calling you pony and my name is Avery. Oh and for your actual question I am here to .... to .... what am I here for? Sorry, I don't even know myself.' "What am I here for. Why am I here." thought Avery while having an emotional breakdown.

Before speaking aloud again: 'I don't know ... Mrs. ... Mr. ... Pony ... I don't know, h*** I didn't even know what I wanted even before I got here. I was just thrown here wherever here is, then told to have an adventure, followed by having the scariest jump scare of my life to now. So what is it that you want to know exactly cause I got no idea about anything anymore nor do I know what I want for myself either.' Avery's tone getting louder and louder as he realized something about himself, something important or rather fundamental.

Arceus: "How about this .... Let's make a deal." in an inquisitive tone

Avery: 'What? What are you going on about?'

Arceus: "Well it seems to me that you aren't a bad person, just rude. You just need time really to get yourself more or less figured out ... you know like what it is that you really want. Plus, I confirmed everything about what happened to you after looking at you're memories."

Avery: 'Not a bad person ... my memories ... wait you looked at my memories, got to ask you see anything about my parents? Maybe them talking about adoption or something cause I don't look like a speck like them, so they got me doubting? Well Mr. Pony.' Avery asked in a confused tone.

Arceus: "Really, that's what you want to ask out of everything, aren't you mad I looked at you're memories and no I didn't. Also do you or do you not what to make a deal cause I can just boot you're annoying ass now if you want, I promise you it isn't a bad one girly." asked Arceus in a flabbergasted tone of mental voice as well as annoyed.

Avery: 'Well for you're first question there is nothing in my memories that could possibly help you in anything not to mention you would have probably done it anyway even if I asked you not to so I just took advantage of that to check if you found anything about me as a person. As for you're deal lets hear it first, Pony. And one more thing I not a girl I'm a boy.' looking at Arceus with a raised eyebrow.

Arceus: "No comment, girly girl, no comment. Anyways, here's my proposal for you, I want you to live your life." Smirking at Avery as Avery's went for pissed to confused.

Avery: 'What kind of deal is that? That can barely be called a deal.' looking Arceus like he was speaking Chinese. 

***NOTE: the MC is American he doesn't understand Chinese (I am not American=author)*** 

Arceus: "I will let you live here on the condition that you live your life and, once you're done finding yourself call me I want to know what you found and in exchange I will tell those under me not to kill you on site, girly." looking at Avery in a inquisitive manner.

Avery: '... .... ... Why, just why would you give me such an advantageous deal? I did nothing to warrant such a thing. In fact if I were you I would have killed me by now. So why, Arceus?' looking at Arceus with tears in his eyes.

Arceus: "Who knows maybe you will find out if you just live your life they way you want to? Now will you take the deal or not, girly." giving Avery a gentle look.

Avery: '...' '...' '...' '...' '...'

Avery: '... All right.' with tears in his eyes. Before yelling 'And I am Boy you damn Pony.'

Arceus: "I know kid, I know" thinking to himself.

Before telepathically saying: "Here you go, an azure flute, to finalize our deal, it will help you contact me you found yourself. This is how you play it, (Cornfield Chase - Hans Zimmer)" while taking the time to show Avery how to properly play the azure flute .

-Hours passed-

-A melody played and was heard all over the region under the full moon-

-one hour till midnight -

Arceus: "Well it's time for me to go now." while getting ready to teleport "See you then young Avery. And remember our deal."

Avery: 'I will try .... but what should I do if I forget how to play the flute you gave me'

Arceus: "Now that would be a problem wouldn't it .... but for some reason I don't think you will." proceeds to teleport silently in the dark of midnight.

Avery: 'Bye Mr. Pony, see you then.' screaming out into the dark.

Arceus: 'Bye, Girly.' said seemingly out of nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

Avery: "F***in damn it, thought you left" seemingly talking to no one as no one answered back.


****Note: Outro (this small thing doesn't affect the story)****

(Still Here - League of Legends/2WEI/Forts/Tiffany Arris) Can't be heard by the Characters


Avery POV:

'F***in damn it, I thought you left.' Damn Pony is listening. You know what, he can listen all he wants I will insult him till he either kills me or just stops. Damn annoying pony. 


What a stressful day, I should get some sleep. Screw the gacha for now, my beauty sleep needs me. Achou. Someone's has to talking about me. Well not like it matters I cant even talk to that person even if i knew who it was I'll just lie down and sle.... To sleepy to even notice the blanket with a pony on it that seemed to come out of nowhere as well as the ding.


-Hours pass and it is now 11 in the morning-


I shouldn't have slept on the ground like that. Damn it, my backs sore.


Arceus POV:

"Bye Girly." 

-Avery just fell asleep-


That fool fell asleep on the cold ground doesn't he know he could catch a cold. Plus doesn't he have that home thingy. How could that dumbass forget.

There that's better at least he won't catch a cold. But he's most definitely going to have a backache when he wakes up.


(Still Here - League of Legends/2WEI/Forts/Tiffany Arris) Can't be heard by the Characters

The song takes the front.




As stated at the top of the Chapter there was a change in planning for my week so i will be making chapters to release during the week around 10 to 15 should suffice.

This chapter was around 1 300 words.

If anyone reading this has an idea on the direction this should go then, comment here.

If you have something to suggest for any of the Gacha spins then it would be much appreciated. (ability/skills/pokemon items or just normal items)

This chapter wasn't supposed to turn out like this so I tweaked it and it completely changed. It was already around 7 when i started.

If someone has a better song that fits the situation then comment it when you do or if you do then put both the song name and from who it's from to avoid copywrite. Not taking chances. 

I will be adding an auxiliary chapter with the characters, items, map and other miscellaneous things.

By the way the azure flute of Pokémon is an ocarina and not a flute. It's just called a flute.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


