100% Tiger Avatar In MCU / Chapter 13: The Bifröst

章 13: The Bifröst

"Hey Fury it's me Tora, just letting you know about the money your agent promised me for helping save the world. Anyway call me back when you wanna pay" Kieran exhaled that was kinda nerve wracking. He's probably lucky the call went to voicemail and wasn't answered by Fury.

He shook his head and kept walking home, it had been a week since the aliens had attacked New York, it had been chaotic. His home had nearly been broken into almost 20 times already.

The amount of homeless people in New York had increased drastically, and they all seemed to love his abandoned building and were trying to get in all the time.

He's lucky that last year he had cleared the whole building and locked and barricaded all the doors and windows to make sure it's just him in there.

He jumped as his phone suddenly rang, he fumbled with it as he pulled it out his pocket. It was a new phone Stark gave him out of pity. He answered the phone quickly, putting it against his ear.

"Yo who's this" Kieran said as he used one arm to climb into his bathroom.

"Hey, it's stark I want you to come to the tower, it's an emergency" His voice was serious, Kieran's eyes narrowed as he quickly changed clothes, he changed into his more practical gear quickly before he picked the phone back up.

"I'll be there" He hung up and ran to Stark Tower. Panic in his eyes, Loki may have escaped like in the endgame timeline, or the butterfly effect might have fucked him.


He climbed Stark tower, he dug his fingers into the wall and threw himself up. He repeated this until he was at Stark's balcony panting as he walked into his penthouse.

Only to see the whole team look at him in shock "what the fuck" Stark muttered.

"What's happened!" He said his voice croase, he started to observe what was going on, seeing wine bottles opened, random horns of alcohol? He even saw pizza and burgers.

"You said there was an emergency!" Kieran shouted at Stark as he saw everyone just sat around a table drinking and eating "I thought Loki may have escaped or something" he said as he glanced at Loki in the far corner of the room still in chains and gagged.

"I said it was an emergency meeting, not a real emergency" Tony said back deadpan, as he observed Tora "I didn't say you had to frantically climb my tower like a super ape" he said as he offered Kieran a drink.

Kieran's eyes still wide as he slowly, robotically took the drink.

"Ah anyway let's just get to drinking and this meeting huh" He clapped his hands as he sat and invited Kieran over.

"Okay! We have Loki over there in the corner" Stark gave Loki a tiny wave "No waves back huh, anyway. We have Loki and we will be sending him back to Asgard tomorrow" Tony sat back and started to drink.

"Now the meeting is over! Time to get some drinks and some food. Party time for us, we did save the world after all" Stark said with a shrug as everyone started to eat and drink Thor in particular.

Kieran watched in slight fascination as Thor seemed to inhale a whole Large Pizza in seconds. Kieran sat back next to Natasha and grabbed a slice of pizza before slowly savouring it.

Pizza doesn't deliver near him and no good ones are too close by so he doesn't usually have any, it's always a treat when he does.

He closed his eyes savouring the taste, and as he opened then he saw Steve and Tony in subdued conversation, Thor engaging Banner in conversation, on Thor's end he was loud and gesturing wildly while Banner just slowly nodded along.

He looked to his right seeing Hawkeye and Natasha both talking about Budapest? 'I feel like that's familiar for some reason' he thought, thinking about a mission or something in the MCU about Budapest.

He just leaned back enjoying the atmosphere as he slowly ate some delicious pizza and drank whatever he got his hands on.

As the night continued the weight on his shoulders started to lift, he had friends. He could trust these people; they were heroes.

And as his smile grew and laughs became more and more common he remembered red, a lot of red. He felt himself get dragged somewhere, while he was stumbling over his own feet.

His night got quite blurry after that.


"It is 10:30 and time to wake up" a voice said into his aching head, he slowly began to wake.

His mind still clouded and aching he tried to grab the bottle of water he usually leaves by his bed but couldn't find it, and as he stretched blindly to find this bottle he awkwardly started to slide off the bed.

He groaned as his shins were still on the bed and the rest of his body against the floor he closed his eyes before pulling himself off the bed, the carpeted floor extremely comfortable…

He let himself rest on the comfortable floor before coming to a realisation!

'Wait what! My bedroom has a disgusting floor' he thought as he quickly stood before looking around the unfamiliar room he found himself in. Quickly noticing a voice that had started speaking.

"Hello, I am JARVIS and I have been told to tell you that Tony wants you and Miss Romanoff to meet him on the Balcony, Loki and Thor are going back home." Jarvis said with his robotic but somewhat human voice.

He started to dress still sleepy as he almost stepped on a bra, his mind came to a screeching halt. 'What, I, I didn't start raiding someone's drawers last night did I? I didn't know I got that drunk' he thought with a sigh as his mind stayed transfixed on the black bra on the floor.

He heard a cleared throat and turned quickly, as he stopped he saw Natasha? A shirtless Natasha without a bra. "Uh, what are you doing here?" Kieran asked, his voice now confused.

She gave him a deadpan look and walked over to him before grabbing the bra he was staring at. 'oh okay thank god I didn't do anything stupid last night- wait what' he thought to himself as he came to the conclusion of what may have occurred last night.

Now it would be rude to call Kieran slow, but it wouldn't be incorrect so as he slowly came to the realisation of what happened last night his eyes widened and he tried to go through his memories and couldn't find anything.

"That's your bra?" He said to Natasha who had already put the bra on and was seemingly about to leave.

She turned as she was about to leave and sighed "Alright listen, we can talk about this all later. Let's get ready and send Loki back to Asgard, and then we can talk about whatever this was" She said, her tone showing how tired she was as she left.

As she was walking away she internally complained about Thor's mead, she would have never slept with a teammate of all people without being absolutely completely drunk.

Back in Kieran's room however all he could think about was that he slept with the Black Widow and didn't even remember it. He dropped his head into his hands 'fuck sake'.


They were all there waiting for Thor to take Loki back home, Thor gave Kieran a grin and a pat on the shoulder "Ha! Good on you Tiger Avatar!" He said with a shout. "Ah one request Tiger Avatar may I see the tigers once more, I wish to see the glory of them before I leave!" He whisper shouted his tone holding respect.

Kieran summoned his tigers letting Thor pet them before he walked back over to his brother "Ah stay a bit further back Tiger you don't want to get caught in the Bifröst" Kieran obligingly took 2 steps back.

Kieran in wonder watched as the Bifröst appeared in all its glory, his tigers watching and getting excited at the sight of it. He didn't notice however as both of the tigers quickly gained a third eye on their foreheads.

He also didn't notice when they only kept the third new eye open as it seemed to release an odd energy. He did however notice as they both jumped at him pushing him into the Bifröst.

He half turned, seeing the reactions of the Avengers, Tony's and Steve's rushing towards him, with their eyes wide. Clint's slightly disbelieving stare and Natasha's confused one with her eyes on the tigers.

He felt himself sucked into the rainbow bridge as he started to fly upwards with no control over his movement, he looked up seeing Thor look down with a wide eyed stare.

He felt himself crashing into the walls of the Bifröst, he could feel the speed they were moving at, and how much it hurt when he was smashing back and forth.

He didn't know this but people were trained for use in the Bifröst, it took months on Asgard of practice to even use the Bifröst. Most of the failed ones go missing into the depths of space.

And as Kieran felt himself start to spin uncontrollably, his tiger's disappeared and as he grabbed the rainbow bridges walls in panic and tried to stabilise himself but he went right through the walls into the void of space.

next chapter
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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


