53.84% The100 / Chapter 7: Contents Under Pressure

章 7: Contents Under Pressure

Shadow's POV

The wind began to get out of control. "Hold it down!" A guy called out as the rain came down from the sky even harder. "I got it!" Another guy shouted over the loud thunder. "This is Raven Reyes calling Ark station...Come in Ark station" Raven repeated as Clarke walked over to me. "You ready?" She asked, grabbing a needle and some thread. I nodded and she leaned forward, sticking the needle in my arm. The pain was unbearable as I let out a loud scream. "AHHH!" I screamed louder with each stab to the skin. Clarke tied the thread and was done. "There...all done" Clarke stated. Tears rolled down my cheek as I began feeling dizzy. "Lay back...." Clarke whispered. "You! Go get Shadow some water" Clarke ordered a guy who was standing around. "This is Raven Reyes calling Ark station, please come in," Raven says over the radio as Clarke approached her. "Please can anyone hear me?" Raven asked. "Are you sure you have the right frequency?" Monroe asked her. "Yeah! I'm sure" Raven snapped at Monroe. "Raven? you can do this" Clarke tells her. "Calling Ark station..." Raven began again. "Ark station, please come in" Raven begged. "I'm on the ground with the hundred...We need you" Raven's voice broke a little. I felt her fear, losing the person she loved the most. "This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Please Identify yourself" The man's voice comes back through the radio, causing us all to stop talking and moving. "This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mech station. I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin" Raven begged him. "Dr. Abby Griffin now!" Raven ordered. "Hold on Raven! We're trying to boost your signal" Another man's voice says. "Raven? Are you there?" A woman's voice then comes on moments later. Clarke spoke this time "Mom?" She says. "Mom it's me," Clarke said. "Clarke?" Abby's voice came through, her tone sounding broken. "Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder" Clarke explained. "Clarke this is the chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" I hear Well's father come in, reminding me of Wells. "Yes. The earth is survival. We're not alone" Clarke informed him. "Mom...he's dying. The knife's still in his chest" Clarke explained. "Clarke...is my son with you?" The Chancellor asked. Clarke looked over her shoulder at me and my heart sank. Beside Jasper Wells was my first friend on the ground. "I'm so sorry...Well is...Wells is dead" Clarke says. My eyes begin to feel heavy so everything began to spin "I'm tired..." I sighed, touching Izzy on the arm. "I'm gonna sleep" I whispered. Izzy gave me a look of concern. "I'm fine...go and help Clarke save Finn" I smiled, everything then going out.

I opened my eyes and the bright light almost blinds me, causing me to raise my hand in my face. The bright white light dims and I realized I'm in my old house on the Ark. I noticed the old blue wallpaper and the dark tile under my feet. I looked over to see the awful green sofa my mother loved so much with the small TV in front of it. I knit my brows together, wondering how I had gotten back on the Ark. "Sweetie..." I hear the familiar voice say. I whipped around to see my mother and father standing over in the kitchen. "Mom? Dad?" My voice is weak and barely audible. "Shadow..." My father says. I rushed up to them both, wrapping my arms around them and squeezing them tight. Tears formed at my water line as I inhale my mother's honey scent. "Oh! I missed you both so much" I cry, shutting my eyes. My father hugged me tight as my mom does too. "We've missed you too honey" My mother stated. "Let me have a look at you," My father says. I stepped back, wiping my tears from my eyes. "Wow...Look how grown-up you are" My father pointed out. "How old are you now?" My mother asked. "Izzy and I will be 18 in a month" I informed them both. "Almost adults..." My father chuckled. My bottom lips quivered uncontrollably. "You've missed so much...." I put my head into my hands and begin to cry. "Don't cry sweetie, We've been with you both the whole entire way" My mother rubbed my arm softly. "You have?" I asked, lifting my head. "Of course we have" She smiled. I looked at them both, staring into their eyes. "Is this real? Or is it just happening inside my head?" I asked them. "Of course it's happening inside your head honey" My father chuckled. I sighed, walking over to the kitchen table and sitting down. "What am I doing here?" I asked them as they sat across from me. "Well...we wanted to talk to you," My mother says. "About what?" I knit my brows together. "Where you go from here," My mother says.

Izzy POV

"I'm gonna talk you through it" Abby's voice kept coming in and out. A loud bang makes me jump before I looked over at my sister as she slept peacefully. "Clarke, just five to get to medical.." The radio began to cut out. "What?" Clarke asked. "Raven, what's wrong?" Clarke asked Raven, my best friend I had on the Ark. "It's not the radio. It's the damn storm!" Raven shouted. The wind howled as Octavia entered the dropship. Clarke rushed over to her, grabbing the things from her hand. She opened the tin and sniffed "Ow...Monty's moonshine?" Clarke asked. "Pretty sure no germ can survive it" Octavia slightly joked. Bang! "The storm's getting worse" Clarke stated. "Monroe, close the doors" Clarke instructed her. "We still have people out there" Monroe pointed out. "Monty and Jasper still aren't back yet" Monroe added. "Neither is Bellamy" Octavia added. "Here! One clean needle" Raven says, giving Clarke another needle. Clarke cleans her hands and lets out a sigh. "Tell me you can do this" Raven says to Clarke. "Hey, they're back!" Someone called out. Bellamy and two other guys come in a grounder. "What the hell are you doing?!" Octavia asked. "It's time we get some answers" Bellamy stated as I walked over to them. "Oh, you mean revenge?" Octavia asked. "No, I mean Intel" Bellamy pointed out. "Get him upstairs" He ordered the two other guys. "Bellamy, she's right" I informed him. "Clarke honey, we're ready. Can you hear me?" Abby comes on the radio. "Look...this is not who we are," Clarke tells Bellamy. "Clarke?" Abby called out again. Thunder crashes outside "It is now" Bellamy simply says before going up the latter. "The knife is in an upward angle" Clarke explained. "How deep?" Abby asked her. "I can't tell how deep it goes' Clarke pointed out as I cleaned my hands. "That's okay. Just don't remove the knife yet" Abby tells her. "Do you see any fluid?" Abby asked. "Hey watch it!" Someone screamed. "Damn it!" Clarke sighed before turning to Raven. "Clear the room" Clarke ordered. "Everyone! Upstairs!" Raven shouted, getting them to the second floor. "He feels a little warm" Clarke stated. "Okay, that's all right. Fever sometimes accompanies trauma" Abby stated and I looked over to Shadow and remembered she's running a fever too. "Clarke I need you to tell me if there is any fluid leaking from the wound" Abby repeated. "Uh...no" She answered. "That's good. Actually, that's really good he got lucky" Abby informed her. "Okay Clarke, a firm grip on the knife, you're going to need to angle it upward and then to the left very slightly to the left as it exits the rib cage" Abby explained. "How very slightly?" Clarke asked. "Three Mil...Clarke?" The radio begins to go out again. "What was that?" Clarke asked. "Clarke three millimeters, got that?" Abby asked again. "Yeah, got it" Clarke answered her. "Here it goes" Clarke sighed. "Steady hand Clarke. You've assisted me on trickier procedures than this" Abby tells her daughter. Bang! The drop ship shakes as things outside rumbled. "Alright, extracting now" Clarke informed her mother as she bent down and gripped onto the knife. "Ahh!" Finn screamed, waking up. "Hold him still!" Clarke yelled. I leaned forward as Raven helped me hold him down. "Finn, I'm gonna get that knife out okay?" Clarke asked. "Good plan" Finn whispered. Clarke began pulling the knife out but when she almost got it out the whole dropship shook, something slamming into it as everyone fell back. I turned my head to see Shadow on the ground "Oh my god..." I whispered. "Clarke, can you hear me? What's going on?" Abby asked. "It's out...she did it" Raven sighed. I walked over to Shadow, kneeling down and shaking her a little. "Shadow? Wake up..." I whispered to her. I placed my hand on her forehead to notice she burning up like crazy. Clarke sowed Finn up "Come on Doe...wake up" I shake her again. "Clarke!" I shouted after she gets into a fight with her mom and hangs up on her. Clarke walked over to me "I can't wake Shadow" I said. Clarke comes over, touching her neck. "Her pulse is quick..." Clarke says. "Hey...Shadow wake up" Clarke lightly tapped her face. "What's wrong with her?" I asked Clarke. "I don't know...Someone get a table now!" Clarke shouted. "Elizabeth, help me lift her" Clarke ordered. I picked my sister up off the floor and helped Clarke put her on a make-shift table someone quickly sets up. Clarke unzipped her jacket before taking out her arm. "It doesn't look infected..." She sighed. "She's probably just...really tired, keep an eye on her alright?" Clarke suggested, walking up the latter. I grabbed my sister's hand, softly rubbing it. "Please be alright Shadow..." I sighed, looking at her face. It was like looking into a mirror but the reflection you see is prettier and stronger than yourself. Shadow's hand begins to tremble before her whole body begins shaking. "Doe? Doe!!!" I screamed. "Clarke!" I screamed. I looked over to see Finn is seizing too. "They're both seizing!" Raven screamed, looking over at me in terror. "I'm coming!" Clarke yelled back before coming down. "Both of them?" She asked. "Get my mother on the radio now!" Clarke shouted at Raven. "The radio's dead!" She shouted back as I tried getting Shadow to stop. "Clarke! What do we do?!" I shouted, tears rolling down my cheeks. This was it, Shadow was going to die and there's nothing I can do about it. "Get her on her side!" Clarke called out. I grabbed a hold of my sister and rolled her on her side as she began to calm down. I realized something, Finn and Shadow were both hit by the same knife. "It's poison!" I shouted to Clarke. "The knife..." I added, laying Doe back down. Clarke grabbed the knife "Stay here and watch them" Clarke tells her as we both climbed the ladder. We got to the second floor "Clarke! They locked the hatch" Octavia explained. We climbed to the hatch, banging on it hard. "Hey! Open the door!" Clarke screamed. Miller opened the door "Out of my way Miller" Clarke shouted. I followed her up and over to the grounder. "What's on this?" Clarke asked him. "What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked. "He poisoned the blade!" I hissed. "All this time, you knew Finn and Shadow were gonna die no matter what we did" Clarke added. "What is it!?" I shouted at the grounder, getting upset with him. "Is there an antidote?" Clarke asked him. "Clarke, he doesn't understand you" Octavia called out. "Vials..." Bellamy whispered. "It's gotta be here" Bellamy says as Clarke tossed the knife aside. "You'd have to be stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote" Clarke stated. "Which one?" Clarke asked the grounder. "Answer the question!" Bellamy ordered him. "Show one..please" Octavia begged him. "Please! Our friends are dying down there and you can stop it!" Clarke shouted. He doesn't answer "I'll get him to talk" Bellamy stated as he brought up his fist. "Bellamy no!" Octavia screamed. "He wants Shadow and Finn to die, why can't you see that?!" Bellamy shouted at his sister. "Do you want them to live?" Bellamy asked, looking between Clarke and me. "Do it" I hissed. "Clarke! You said this isn't who we are...He was protecting me. he saved my life" Octavia begged her. "We're talking about Shadow and Finn's life!" Bellamy screamed at her. "Do it" Clarke agreed. Bellamy walked around the grounder, cutting off his shirt. "Just tell us!" Octavia shouted at the grounder as Bellamy ripped off the strap to the seat belts. "You're gonna show us the antidote or you're gonna wish you had," Bellamy tells the grounder. He has tattoo's all over his chest and arms and neck. He walked back over to Clarke and I, causing us both to nod. "Bellamy no..." Octavia whispered as he got ready to swing the belt at the grounder. He hit the grounder hard with the metal piece, causing Clarke to flinch. She turned away before Bellamy swung again. Clarke darted to the ground in front of the man, placing the vials down. "please which one? Which one is the antidote?" Clarke begged. "Just tell them" Octavia says. Nothing... "Clarke..." Bellamy sighed as she got up and walked back over to me. Bellamy hit him again and then again and again. "Enough!" Octavia screamed. "Clarke! They're both seizing again!" Raven shouted. "We're running out of time" Clarke stated, getting back on the ground in front of the grounder. "Which one is it?" Clarke asked him. "If you tell us he'll stop" Clarke offered him. He stumbled a little but didn't say a word. Bellamy tossed the belt across the dropship. "If that doesn't work, maybe this will" Bellamy picked up an ice pick. "Clarke, Elizabeth you don't have to be here for this" Bellamy pointed out. "I'm not leaving without that antidote" I hissed. Bellamy approached him "Last chance..." he offered. But nothing again. Bellamy stabbed him in the hand, blood rushing out of it. "What's taking so long?" Raven comes up the latter. "Shadow stopped breathing" Raven announce. "What?" I asked, whipping around to her. "She started again but she won't next time" Raven pointed out to me. "He wont tell us anything" Clarke pointed out. I get angry "Wanna bet?" I asked, walking over to the side of the grounder and pulling out the wires. "What are you doing?" Bellamy asked me. "Showing him something new," I say, rubbing the wires together to create a spark before placing them both on his skin. "Which one is it!?" I shouted. "Come on!" I screamed at him, pressing the wire back into his skin. The lights begin to flicker but I didn't care. "She's all I have!" I screamed, shocking him again. "No more!" Octavia screamed. I whipped around "He's letting my sister and Finn die!" I screamed at her. Octavia suddenly sliced her wrist with the knife. "Octavia no!" Bellamy shouted, but it was too late. "He won't let me die" Octavia whispered. "What the hell did you--" She shoved Bellamy away, getting on the floor and tapping one vial. "This one?" She asked him. "What about this one?" She asked, moving to the next vial. He moved his head to the last one, Octavia picked it up, handing it to Clarke. "Thank you Octavia!" I sighed, rushing down the latter with Clarke.

Shadows POV

I stand from the table. "What do you mean to go from here?" I asked my mother and father. They look at one another before both sighing "What is this?" I asked them both. "You're dying Doe" My father informed me. "W-what?" I whispered. "You were stabbed" My mother explained. "It was just a scratch! Clarke fixed it" I pointed out. "Honey...the knife had poison on it" She walked over to me, grabbing my arms. "The poison is running through your body right now..." She explained. I shake my head "I...Izzy?" I asked, knitting my brows together. "She will be alright, You've done your part," My father says, walking over to me. I shake my head "No....I've barely even lived!" I began to sob. "I...I haven't even fallen in love or slept with someone because of a drunken night! I haven't gone skinny dipping and later regret it because the poison ivy was around...I haven't...I-I" I can't finish, sinking to my knees and sobbing harder. "This isn't fair!" I shouted. My father and mother get closer to me, kneeling down and pulling me into a hug. "We know honey...None of this is fair, the lives you've had to live...hiding away and then us dying and then being locked up just to have it end like this" My mother whispered. "But you have survived so much already, do you really want to keep going on like this?" She asked me. It was true, I've lost everything and I had felt so alone locked up on the Ark for four years. "You're right...." I sighed, sniffling. "But...I can't leave Izzy" I scooted away. "What?" My father asked. "I can't leave her alone...not like how I thought I was alone, I wanna find someone to love...a soulmate that will last a lifetime" I explained. "Even if I don't.....I'm leaving Izzy alone, I won't'" I shake my head. My mother begins to cry. "See, I knew she wouldn't take the offer." "I'm sorry...." I sighed. "No..." She pulled me into a hug. "Don't ever be sorry for wanting to live baby...Don't ever be sorry for wanting a life" She tells me. My father then pulled me into a hug "You have grown up into a beautiful woman" He tells me. I wrapped my arms around them again. "I'm going to miss you both so much...forever" I sighed. "We miss you both so much too" My mother sighed before they had both stepped back. "Give Izzy a hug and kiss for us?" My mother suggested. "I will" I smiled, everything getting really bright again. A tear rolled down my cheek as they disappeared before me.

My eyes opened, adjusting to the dim light. I see that I'm in my tent, I turned my head to see my sister "Oh my god! You're awake" Izzy smiled, hugging me tightly. "Hi..." I slightly giggle, beginning to sit up. "Was I hit with a ton of bricks?" I asked, laughing a little. "What happened?" I asked her. She gulped down "Did I die?" I asked her. "Almost...." She sighed. "Don't you ever do that again, I swear Doe I will kill you myself if you ever die on me again" She stated, causing me to smile. There's a long moment of silence between us. Bellamy then walked into the tent, stopping to a halt. I smiled "Bellamy..." He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably. Izzy stood to her feet "I'm gonna help everyone else clean up camp" She says before leaving the tent. Bellamy walked over to my bedside as I sat up. "How's everything?" I asked him. "Better...now that I know you're a live" He says. "Please, minor scratch" I joked. "Did you really think a knife to the arm could put me down? You'll have to try harder than that Bell" I smirked, causing him to chuckle. "You up for a walk?" Bellamy asked me. I nodded and pulled my blanket off my body as he helped me up. "I'm fine...I got it" I laughed, giving him a soft push back. We walked out of the tent and I see everyone cleaning up and resetting tents back up. "So what happened while I was dying?" I asked him, causing him to sigh. "We don't have to talk about that right now" Bellamy shook his head. I stopped him, grabbing his warm hand. "Bellamy? What did you do?" I asked. He sighed "We caught the grounder and brought him back but it was the only way to save you and Finn" He stated. "Show me..." I ordered him, walking into the dropship. I see Raven coming out. "Hey...how's Finn?" I asked. "Come see for yourself" She smiled, walking inside with me. I see Finn sitting laying on the table. "Hey there" He smiled to me. I felt anger towards him and maybe even a little relief. "Thank you for saving me Finn," I say, touching his bare arm softly. "No problem..." He smirked. I then smacked his arm hard "Ow!" He shouted. "That's for getting hurt!" I hissed a little as he laughed. "Seriously Finn...don't ever do something like that again" I shake my head. "Does this mean we're friends?" He asked me. I scoffed "Please, I still can't stand you" I joked, causing us both to laugh. "Shadow?" Bellamy called out to me. "I'm coming..." I say as he climbed the latter. "You hang in there" I informed Finn. I followed Bellamy all the way up to the top floor to see the same grounder who almost killed Finn and me. "You don't have to do this..." Bellamy says. "No...I need to" I sighed, Bellamy, helping me up to the floor. I see the beaten and bloody grounder. "Bellamy? Geez!" I sighed, walking over to the grounder. "It was the only way--" I put up my hand. "And what? You're just going to leave him here? Locked up forever?" I asked. "If we let him go he'll be back and I grantee it won't be alone" Bellamy pointed out. I knit my brows together as I looked at the grounder. I tilt my head to the side, walking around him before letting out a sigh. "Sucks being in charge, doesn't it?" Bellamy asked me.

next chapter
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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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