1.75% THE YULETIDE BET / Chapter 1: Chapter One


作者: snarkydove

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter One

Since the existence of the universe, there existed two powerful forces influencing its actions. The strong powerful and opposing forces battle over the control of a section of the universe known as the earth, where living creatures roam its world.

The creatures are divided into intelligent beings and the basic ones. The intelligent beings known as humans are the source of the feud between these two forces, and their fight has existed since the creation of the earth.

Most of the humans lived in blissful ignorant of these forces, believing that all their actions are of their own making, only but few are giving the perceptive awareness of these forces.

The two forces have battled against each other in different ways, including setting up bets against each other with the humans being the target of this bet. They throw obstacles their way and judge their actions and choices to determine which side wins and which side loses. It has been a very serious battle with each side accumulating wins and losses and each side striving to convince more humans to their side.

Among the bets set by both parties, there is one that is most popular and revered among both parties and is the YULETIDE BET. This bet takes place on the last night of the year. The two parties involved from both parties are the tempter demon Asmodeus, the second prince of hell. The demon that tempts humans into giving into their wantonness, and Jegudiel, an arch angel, rewarder of good deeds.

The bet involves one of the two parties picking individuals who have made resolutions for the upcoming year in line with their side and they are watched over the year to see if they remain steadfast in their resolution or derail off them. At the end of the year if the number of those who remained steadfast is in the favor of the challenger he wins if not the opposing party wins.

A golden chalice of priceless quality forged by the creator himself is the price. And the rule is that both parties are forbidden to interfere with the life of the chosen ones. They make their decisions, choices, and actions on their own.

Over the years since the beginning of the bet, the forces of evil have been triumphant over the good side because the humans find it extremely difficult to remain resolute in their good intentions, often losing the battle to their basal instinct and falling to their weaknesses.

These accumulated losses had brought shame to Jegudiel who have lost the respect of most of his fellow angels and had become the pariah, the loser in his kingdom. They mock him every time he loses to Asmodeus and this had made the annoying arrogant demon more arrogant and sufferable that he lords over his victory every time they meet for this gathering.

Another new year is approaching and Jegudiel is dreading the upcoming bet. This year have not been very good to the humans with all the disease and setbacks they had to battle. He and his other host of angels have tried to help where they can, encouraging those willing to listen to keep on believing and not lose hope, but is unfortunate that they lost most to the other side, who deviated from their morality in order to survive, and this was the source of his fear. With all the hardship that the humans were facing he was scared that he might not find individuals willing to take good resolutions, talk more of sticking to them.

It was his turn to choose the chosen ones this year, so he is the challenger. The challenger is alternated every year, with the challenging party picking individuals that made resolutions based on the criteria aligning with their side.

Jegudiel had just come in from rewarding a family who had helped another family make it pass the night by sharing their meal with them. He had allowed the father of the family to get promoted in the job, a promotion he had been seeking for many months. He was about to go into his quarters when one of the angels serving under him came to inform him, that the Creator summons him.

Jegudiel released a sigh of weariness before making his way toward the throne, he had an inkling of the reason why the Creator wanted to see him, and he has been dreading this summon. He had always seen the disappointment in the creator's face whenever he loses the bet, and that has always thrown a blow to his heart.

The angel's thrives on the Creator's love and not having it is likened to being in the darkness, and that has been what Jegudiel has been feeling for a while. It hasn't always been so. In the early years when there existed not so many distractions like the internet, the phones all those gadgets that humans believe make their lives easy, but Jegudiel thinks is just weapons created by Asomedus and his cohorts to help them in the bets, the humans have been more resolute sticking to their good intentions and filling them at the end of the year. Those times he had barked in the creator's favor, had been revered among his peers, seen as the favorite, but those things are no more and it hurts his heart.

"Father," he said portraying on his knees unable to withstand the eerie brightness surrounding the creator.

"Arise my created one," the creator's voice boomed across the throne.

Jegudiel arose on his feet, with his eyes still cast to the floor, in his heart he felt not worthy to behold the Creator's face.

The Creators was saddened by the dark thought swirling through the mind of his child, He knew that his child has been burdened by the numerous losses he had faced during the bet and that he feels that he has disappointed him but that is not so. He can never be disappointed by the actions of his creations, even the fallen, though their actions had displeased him greatly it was their unrepentance that caused him to cast them away.

"Look at me, my child," the Creator boomed softly, causing him to look up and he was staring at the pure glassy pearls of the angel's eyes, its light slightly diminished by the troubling thoughts roaming behind them.

Jegudiel was reluctant to raise his face to his creator, frightened by what he will see, but the soft cajoling voice of the Creator caused him to take a chance, and the love and tenderness he saw in the glowing orbs brought him to his knees, as his face crowded into one of remorse.

Reading into his creations mind, "you have nothing to be sorry about. I still have hope in humans and believe that we are going to wins this year's bet."

Jegudiel couldn't help the doubt that clouded his mind, he has been out to the world severally this year and what he had witnessed was not feeling him with hope.

The creator smiled at the doubtful look in his creation's eyes. "Don't worry only believe," he admonished the angel gently.

Jegudiel nodded his head at his Father's words before turning on his heels to leave, his mind still troubled by the upcoming bet, despite his Fathers words.

In the underworld, Asmodeus was in his palace, his table filled with assorted foods and drinks all served in golden plates and silver choices forged in the heat that the earth has never seen. The angel was in midst of merriments with so many lower female demons surrounding him, touching one area of his skin or the other. His quarters were filled with merriments and laughter as he enjoyed with the male demons under his command each one with a female or two. There was no concern for him at the upcoming bet, as he always trusted in the human's weakness to grant him victory.

His victory over the righteous Jegudiel has brought him acknowledgment from his king, with prestige and honor to go with it. He was ranked second in his kingdom.

His door banged open and Belphegor the sixth prince of hell, the demon of gluttony, made his way into his brother's chambers. Without being invited unseated one of Asmodeus high ranking officers and took the seat for himself where he went to regard his brother with a malicious smirk on his face.

There has always existed hatred and rivalry between the two brothers as they fought for their leader's favor, and right now the favor is in Asmodeus's side with all his victory in the bets to Belphegor rancor, and his brother has never failed to rub it in his nose.

"Brother to what do I owe your honorable presence?" Asmodeus asked his brother in a mocking tone, a sly grin gracing his handsome features, as his eyes glared daggers at him.

"Can't a brother come to see his brother again," Belphegor replied in the same fake sweetness while they eyed each other assessing and weighing each other out?

In terms of strength, they are equal but with Asmodeus riding in their leader's favor, he holds all the cards.

Losing all the traces of smile in his face Asmodeus regarded his brother and in all seriousness inquired why he was here. His mood for merriment varnishing with his annoying brother's presence.

"I came to remind you that this year bet is upon us, and to wish you luck, and also to remind you what the emperor will do to you if you fail, " Belphegor said, his lips still stretched out in its false grin as he looked on his brother who faces has aligned into a worrying frown before it disappeared to be replaced by a cocky smirk.

"I am not worried," Asmodeus told his brother confidently, "the humans are weak and left to their devices have no chance against the evil vices in the world, so I am sure I will win as I have always won."

Belphegor saw the truth in his brother's words and that rubbed him the wrong as he wished that his brother will fail. He stood up, his irritation clear in his stance, "everyone's luck runs out one day," he said using one of the human slangs before stumping his way out, his brothers mocking laughter ringing in his ears.

Asmodeus regarded the other occupants of the room who had witnessed the interaction between him and Belphegor, hotly his eyes glowing red as the rage of his brother's visit flowed through him. "Out all of you," he screamed, his loud voice resounding through the walls of his chambers.

All the demons quickly stood up clearing out the room as quickly as possible having all witnessed the prince rages.

"Not you," Asmodeus growled holding the hand of one of the females before she could make her escape.

The other females threw her a sympathetic look as they all knew what was coming.

The prince was known for the amount of pleasure he can bring to his bed partners but also the amount of pain he can inflict, and when he is one of his moods it mostly pain.

Asmodeus closed the door of his chambers and regarded the little female demon watching him with fear clouding those red eyes. Asmodeus stalked towards her as she shuffled back till she hit the wall behind her with nowhere to hide, and with an evil smirk picked her up walking towards his large bed where he flung the woman on it before pouncing on her.

next chapter
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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


