
Mercenary of Chaos:The Hunt begins.

Truly an interesting place,but i don't think i will be staying here for that long, even though i came her cipher is all alone.

"Well then Akido, this place seems like an interesting place for ghosts or psychopaths, but i am pretty sure there is more people here, so i might not meet them am i right"

Akido stared but she sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Well then i am going to hang out with lost silver,so peace" The green else said as he floated away. staying here for a bit doesn't sound half bad.

"So i'm going, you explore yourself" Akido walked away as she left me in the halls, well since i was giving full reign to explore lets embark.

[Ritsuka:…So this place is filled with psychopaths and other monsters…why does this feel normal.]

[Serafall:That just sounds like Azazels group]

The two commented, this place is actually dark but not that much, walking through the halls was not that hard speaking of somethings like that i went out the back door and then saw a graveyard, slenders victims i would assume.

"hahahhahaha,hello there who might you be, i am Laughing jack a clown that spreads happiness and joy to all children" A clown with a carrot black and white nose said, it's eyes pitch black,its teeth were sharp as he smiled.

"i highly doubt that, anyways, i have things to do little clown, so if you don't mind,i shall take my leave" As fun as it was being here, i think it's time for me to return home.

After saying my goodbyes to the creepypasta family, i returned home,the boy died…well that's sad,his head was three metres away from the hut,his body is gone…well i did tell him to stay inside.

"How sad…oh well,Life is feeble and so am i" i buried his remains.

[ Serafall:….Do you need a minute.

Ritsuka:…I think he doesn't really give much of a thought]

"Hello there girl, what do you want" I smell the scent of sin, one of zalgos children maybe.

"Zalgo came here with a request, he says investigate some interference…with some humans" She sad with scorn, she gave me the name of the people and left….

"Secure,Contain and protect…How troublesome, The SCP Foundation" Looks like this world isn't just creepypasta. What a suitable and thrilling world…i can't wait to experience more of it and share with the rest of my viewers. But i do wonder which branch of the foundation it is, is it the chinese branch or is it a fusion of both.

"I have nothing to do now, Do you guys want me to go hunting or just carve wood" i asked my viewers.


Ritsuka:What is the SCP Foundation]

"Well hunting it is then, Ritsuka,the SCP Foundation is an organization that deals with lets say, Keeping humanity away from the abnormal" Ah, i remember the old days where i watched scp videos and read on a lot of them. hahah, I think i remember almost a hundred of them.

As i walked through the trail zalgos little offspring left, i saw the beautiful figure of a korean woman.

"Hello~, You don't seem to be human~" The woman said,i got closer to only see,nine tails behind her and a red fox ear.

"hmmm,Could say the same to you little fox, but you do know there are things in this forest that can easily kill you right" i said conversing with the nine tails.

[Serafall:Wait is she a yokai?!!

Ritsuka:Damm, she looks hot though Ngl]

"Oh i would like to see them try" She said her claws widening a bit.

"Indeed, but you do not understand, at this moment, I am the hunter and you my friend are the prey" the words came out if my mouth in a demonic and oppressive way,my bloodlust flared, she didn't feel it from me,infact she felt nothing. of course that is why i am NULL.

I took a step forward, my feet made no sound as i did so, the hunters knife was on my hand and my eyes glowed brightly as it basked in the moonlight.

Do i fear this supernatural being? of course not, i can smell the blood of the boy in her hands, so in my case she has Committed Sin.

"Oh i would like to see that happen, do you think you can do that" she grinned showing her sharp fangs.

in the night the darkness is me and i am it, i am nothing, i cannot be defined by everything, and i can not be perceived by anyone.

"Nothing like that…but i would advise you to leave here, you aren't my targett" Ah yes,the scp foundation are in here, slenderman may have already taken care of them but it's not too late to try seeing it.

"So who are you exactly" i asked as the fox followed behind me.

"…You can call me Nine tails, Who are you?" She asked with a bit of caution.

"I am Null, a Human." I said, i could feel the presence of people in front of me, they seem afraid l? how cute.

it was some men with black military clothes and a logo, they were holding guns and what seems to be a scanner. The fox disappeared.

"Well…May i wonder what a group of soldiers are doing in my forest" my voice was heard and them they pointed their guns at me.

One of the soldiers seemed to lower their guns for a bit. "….Who are you?"

"Me?, i am just a hunter looking for prey" i said as i played with my dagger leaning onto a tree.

"…A criminal escaped and we are looking for them,she is a woman" The soldier said.

"Oh that fox girl,She just disappeared a few moments ago,now i will tell you this,leave my forest or…Become prey" My eyes shined brightly and my dagger floated as it towards them, hovering menacingly.

The soldiers exchanged uneasy glances. Their leader, a grizzled man with a stern expression, took a step forward, trying to assert some authority. "Listen, we have no quarrel with you. We're just doing our job. But if you can help us find this… creature, we could avoid any unnecessary conflict."

I smirked, my grip on the dagger loosening just enough to let it drop and embed itself into the ground, the point sinking in without a sound. "I'll consider it. But know this: you tread on thin ice. This forest answers to me."

The fox-woman reappeared, this time more cautious, her eyes narrowing as she observed the soldiers. "You think you can capture me? Humans are so arrogant."

I turned to her, my expression unreadable. "Run, little fox. The hunt has only just begun, and I'd hate to see it end so soon."

Without another word, she vanished into the darkness, her form blending seamlessly with the shadows.

"A hunter has eyes everywhere in the forest and little fox…Your sins will be my eyes" The soldiers remained tense, their weapons still trained on me. "So, will you help us or not?" the leader asked, his voice barely masking his fear.

I chuckled softly. "I'll deal with her my way. You can either stay and become part of my hunt or leave now and live another day."

Reluctantly, the soldiers lowered their guns. The leader nodded slowly. "We'll retreat for now. But this isn't over."

As they backed away, I watched them disappear into the forest, their footsteps fading into the night. The fox-woman was still out there, but for now, she wasn't my immediate concern.

[Ritsuka:You were acting mysterious.

Serafall:heh, not bad]

Now then let's go incapitate a fox,maybe cut off a few of her tails.

I ventured deeper into the forest, the moon casting an eerie glow on the trees. My senses heightened, picking up every rustle and whisper in the dark. This hunt was personal now—she had taken an innocent life and her arrogance demanded retribution.

[Ritsuka: Be careful, Null. She's probably not alone.]

[Serafall: Yeah, fox spirits can be tricky. Don't underestimate her.]

"Thanks for the concern, but I know what I'm doing," I murmured, eyes scanning the surroundings. The scent of her sins led me like a trail of breadcrumbs. I moved silently, my dagger at the ready.

Suddenly, the air grew colder, and I felt a presence nearby. She was close. I slowed my pace, every step deliberate and quiet.

Then, she appeared, standing in a small clearing, her nine tails swaying behind her. "You've found me," she said, her voice dripping with amusement. "Do you really think you can defeat me, human?"

"I don't think," I replied, my voice calm and steady. "I know."

With a sudden burst of speed, I lunged at her, my dagger slicing through the air. She dodged gracefully, her claws flashing as she retaliated. We moved in a deadly dance, each of us striking and dodging in perfect rhythm.

[Serafall: This is intense! Go Null!]

[Ritsuka: Watch out for her tails!]

As we fought, I could see her growing more cautious, realizing that I was not an easy opponent. She leapt back, trying to put distance between us, but I was relentless, closing the gap with ease.

"Why do you protect them?" she snarled, her eyes blazing with fury. "These humans are weak, pathetic!"

"Hahah,protect oh you must be quite mistaken fox, i am just a mercenary finishing his job and a hunter taking its prey

Her eyes narrowed, a mixture of confusion and anger crossing her features. "A mercenary? Then who hired you to kill me?"

I smirked, not breaking my stride. "No one. But your sins caught my attention. The boy you killed was an innocent. That makes you my business."

Her expression shifted to one of cold fury, and with a guttural growl, she launched herself at me, her claws outstretched. I parried her attack, our movements becoming a blur of strikes and counters. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the only sounds our rapid breaths and the clash of claws against steel.

[Serafall: This is insane! You've got this, Null!]

[Ritsuka: She's fast, but you're faster!]

I could feel her frustration growing as she realized I wasn't an easy target. With a swift maneuver, I managed to cut through another one of her tails. She howled in pain, but there was a flicker of fear in her eyes now.

"Yield," I demanded, my voice echoing with authority. "Or face the consequences."

Her eyes darted around, searching for an escape, but she was cornered. Desperation flickered across her face before she lashed out one last time, a reckless attack born of fear. I sidestepped, bringing my dagger down in a decisive strike that severed another tail.

She stumbled back, panting heavily, her nine tails now reduced to seven. "This isn't over," she hissed, but her bravado was slipping.

"No it is,good night little fox" i said as i strongly kicked her head then she fell unconscious.

Now it's time to take her to those scp agents

With the fox-woman unconscious at my feet, I bent down and secured her with a sturdy rope from my pack. She was lighter than she looked, and it didn't take much effort to hoist her over my shoulder. The forest was silent now, the tension of the hunt dissipated.

[Serafall: Nice work, Null! They won't see this coming.]

[Ritsuka: I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.]

I made my way back through the forest, my senses still sharp for any signs of danger. The SCP agents were likely still nearby, and I wanted to avoid any unnecessary confrontations. The moonlight guided my path, casting eerie shadows that danced with each step.

It didn't take long to find the agents. They had set up a temporary camp, their equipment glowing faintly in the darkness. As I approached, one of the soldiers noticed me and raised his weapon, but quickly lowered it when he saw the fox-woman slung over my shoulder.

"I've brought you your target," I said, tossing her to the ground in front of them. "She's unconscious but alive."

The leader stepped forward, a look of surprise mingled with suspicion on his face. "You actually caught her. Impressive."

I nodded, keeping my expression neutral. "As I said, this forest answers to me. Now, take her and leave. Your presence here disrupts the balance."

He nodded, motioning for his team to secure the fox-woman. "Understood. We'll be out of your way soon."


Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is not currently contained. Mobile Task Force Eta-10 ("See No Evil") has been assigned to monitor the █████ Forest for any sightings of SCP-XXXX. Any interactions with SCP-XXXX should be documented and reported to Site-██ immediately. Personnel are advised to avoid engaging SCP-XXXX without express permission from the Site Director.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity known as "Null." SCP-XXXX exhibits several anomalous traits, including enhanced physical capabilities, heightened sensory perception, and an apparent ability to manipulate shadows and darkness. SCP-XXXX self-identifies as a "hunter" and is known to pursue entities it deems as "prey," particularly those that have committed acts it considers sinful.

SCP-XXXX was first encountered by SCP personnel on ██/██/2024 in the █████ Forest, during an operation to capture a rogue instance of SCP-953. The following is a transcript of the initial encounter.

Encounter Log XXXX-01:

Agent ████: "Well… May I wonder what a group of soldiers are doing in my forest?"

Agent ████: "Who are you?"

SCP-XXXX: "Me? I am just a hunter looking for prey."

Agent ████: "…A criminal escaped, and we are looking for her. She is a woman."

SCP-XXXX: "Oh, that fox girl. She just disappeared a few moments ago. Now I will tell you this: leave my forest or… become prey."

[End of Encounter Log]

After this initial interaction, SCP-XXXX delivered the unconscious SCP-953 instance to the SCP agents, demonstrating its ability to track and incapacitate anomalous entities effectively.

Addendum XXXX-01: Behavioral Analysis

SCP-XXXX appears to operate under a self-imposed code, targeting entities it perceives as sinful or dangerous. Despite its cooperative behavior during the initial encounter, SCP-XXXX exhibits a territorial nature, referring to the █████ Forest as "its" domain. Further interactions suggest SCP-XXXX possesses extensive knowledge of various anomalies and may have interacted with other anomalous entities previously.

Addendum XXXX-02: Containment Attempts

Containment of SCP-XXXX is currently deemed impractical due to its capabilities and mobility. However, efforts to establish communication and potentially collaborate with SCP-XXXX are ongoing. Personnel are instructed to exercise caution and report any sightings or encounters with SCP-XXXX immediately.

Incident Report XXXX-01:

On ██/██/2024, SCP-XXXX engaged in a hostile encounter with SCP-953, resulting in the incapacitation of the latter. SCP-XXXX displayed advanced combat proficiency and the ability to anticipate and counter SCP-953's attacks. The following transcript documents the final moments of the encounter.

SCP-953: "Do you really think you can defeat me, human?"

SCP-XXXX: "I don't think. I know."

[Combat ensues; SCP-953 is incapacitated]

SCP-XXXX: "Good night, little fox."

[End of Incident Report]

Researcher's Note:

SCP-XXXX's cooperation during the initial encounter and its willingness to assist in the capture of SCP-953 suggest that it could be a valuable asset in the containment of other anomalies. However, its territorial behavior and independent nature pose significant challenges to formal containment. Further study is required to understand SCP-XXXX's origins, capabilities, and potential motivations.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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