61.9% The Worst Father(?) In One Piece / Chapter 26: Chapter 24

章 26: Chapter 24

[EXTRA CHAPTER ON: p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/Amarhazlin

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Chapter 24

"You know that I don't write anything that is related to 'That man' Fleet Admiral-san. As much as a journalist I am. I value my life more" a voice come out from the den den mushi "Even having his picture in my newspaper almost causing my life. And you want me to spread his bounty poster using my news coo? It's seem to me, you are so eager to kill me Fleet Admiral-san"

"Are you disobeying the World Government, Morgan?" Kong clench his armrest almost breaking it

"I work for no one Fleet Admiral-san" Morgan said simply

"….. Then tell me one thing" Kong take a deep breath to calm himself " It's my personal interest"

"I will tell what I can tell"

" The man that on the newspaper.." Kong breath tremble a little remembering something from his old memories " Is he the same person from 58 years ago, and what relation he has with Roger" he said in shaky voice

"…" Kong can hear something drop from the other side before


Morgan hung up

"…" Kong just stare blankly at the sleeping Den Den Mushi



Somewhere in New world

In the middle of a sea

You can see a man swimming 'leisurely' in the middle of the sea at speed that put a normal ship to shame. He was fast approaching a giant black and red colored ship with a figurehead in shape of a Sun that just floating there not moving an inch as it was hit by a small wave form time to times.

On top of the ship, in the captain quarters you can see a man sitting in a reclining chair with both leg resting on the table. He is a tall, muscular man with red hair and amber eyes. His red hair is kept short, ruffled, and spiked, with two strands of hair near the opposite sides of his head falling over his face, as well as distinct sideburns.

He wears a black, leather jacket with a fur collar and a white shirt with a loose black tie and couple button open up. On his left hands that's holding a picture beautifully frame, there's a black ring with a red diamond on his ring finger.

He is looking at the picture with unreadable expression, but if someone that was close to him see him, they can immediately see through that façade of strict face he constantly put on and see the that he was looking at the picture with sad expression

In the picture there is a family of three, all with red hair and smile happily to the camera. On the left is a fair-skinned and slender woman of feminine build with violet eyes, Her hair was straight and reached her thighs with shoulder-length strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left

From the picture alone you tell that she is a very beautiful and elegance woman. Adding the happy smile she display in the picture didn't demise but made he more beautiful

Beside the woman and in the middle between the couple is a boy around the age of 4 with similar red like his parents hanging in a cross position by holding his parents shoulder. He has a cheeky smile on his cute innocent face as he stuck his tongue out toward the camera, unlike his father hair that is on the spiky side. The boy has a soft but slightly curly hair that part in the middle with a more softer color of red.

And the last one is the man himself, unlike his current neutral expression. The man in the photo has a slight smile on his face, showing a genuine emotion of happiness unlike his current self

The man sigh to himself as he put down the picture frame gently on the table, the table also has a couple other photo with different people in it, and one of them is him with a man that is known world wide

Gol D. Roger

In that picture both of them is looking quite young as Roger has his arm hugging across the man shoulder and smile brightly at the camera ahead, but the man clearly didn't enjoy it as he put an annoyed face

"….." he stare at the picture as he put the picture frame beside it for a bit before sighing, pull out a case of cigarette from his breast pocket before lighting it up and take a mouthful much need nicotine

"*Sigh* Fucking Roger, you just has to die. For fuck sake" he put his leg down from the table and stare at the ceiling "You just has to ask the old man to save you, but you fucking didn't. Even leaving a brat behind" He rub his temple and then he gaze fall back to the picture frame of his family

"…. Well, I guess I'm not the one to talk about it" he said with a self-mocking smile

*Knock* Knock*

There is a knocking on the door to his room

"Come in" he laid back to his reclining leather chair as he close his eye, already knowing who the person behind the door was.

As the door open you can see man in late twenties with undercut hair took a step forward but not entering the room fully. Instead he lean to his right toward the door frame and his gaze land at the man that is laying on his chair with his eye close

"Boss" he called out, the man didn't response but just wave his hand signaling him to continue on

" There's a fucking person swimming at our ship….. and he's fooking fast" as he said that, the man finally open his eye and 'look' at a certain direction as he said

"When is the last delivery Tommy?"

"About two days ago Boss" He lit up his cigarette before continue speaking and look up to his boss "Permission to engage?"

Tommy is wearing a set of grey color Tweed Suit, but currently he hang the jacket on his shoulder and holding his Newsboy Cap under his left armpit. He also wearing a black colored glove with white almost invisible transmutation circle engraving on it

[will be explain later. As I said, there's multiple crossover character and power system here]

The man gave him a side glance as he said

"You know who he is Tommy" he got up from his seat, walk toward the door and as he past Tommy, he pat him on the shoulder and said. " Get along with him, he's still basically your in-laws. If you want to kill someone, Benjamin seem to be the right guys for it"

"That fucker Ben, I'll kill him the next time I see him" Tommy said frustratingly before following behind the man

As they walk out of the room, along the way to the deck of the ship, the person that they past by tip their hat and bow a little as a sign of respect toward the person them. Even if the people on this ship has many different background and story, they has absolute admiration and reverence toward the people that just past them. Especially toward the man in front of Tommy

After all, it was because of this single person that they life directly or indirectly change to a better state. And they all know that even though their Boss has the face that said 'Fuck off, I don't care and wont even care about you'. They know that their Boss in his own way care about them. And as they said 'action spoke louder than word', proven by the safety the Boss provide them to their family

Suoh Mikoto

That was his name

The name by itself is nothing special to common people and even some people that didn't have enough power in their hand to get their information on. But to the people that know about him, they will know how terrifying the power this man hold in his hand

This is a man that stood on equals term with the major 'Top Dogs' in the world.

A single word from him can destroy you entire life, family and everything you have built up if you ever so slightly dare to made an enemies of him. Even the infamous "Big News" Morgan didn't dare to directly antagonize the man by writing something about him that didn't receive his permission to publish.

And that's said something, since Morgan is one of the Emperors in the underworld and infamous for his right of "Free Right To Write" motto that he didn't even fear the World Government hunting for him at all.

The reason for that is because…. Well there are many reasons actually, but the most important reason is because the man is known for his wide coverage of network intelligence all around the world, that even if you hide deep under water, he will come to you. And he will come to you faster than you can even blink.

And Morgan knew it on personal level how terrifying large of influence he has, since he was one of the million people that survive even after being targeted and being let off by a warning and a contract that for now remain a secret. That was why, after what has happen, Morgan didn't dare to write anything about the man or even his associate and since he is the major newspaper publishing post on the world no common people know the name of the man and his associate

Because what happen during his capture, has left Morgan absolute obedience to him.

But the most important reason he manage to stay on his position until now is because of his many allies. As a person that is known for his involvement in underworld, he of course has many important business partner. Either they be Pirates, Bounty Hunter and even some Big Kingdom on his beck and call.

Even the other Emperors of the Underworld didn't dare to mess with him (at least on the surface) and even need some of the product that is only being sell by his organization

And as a man that have 80% market in the underworld of the 'New World System' and 60% of the world wide underworld (will be explain later why he has so little hold) he is being called (without his permission)...

"The Red King" Suoh Mikoto

The Leader of "Peaky Blinder"







['New World System' It'll be explain later in the story about what that is all about.

There will be New Character every couple episode in this volume that I borrow their design from other universe be it anime, movie, mythology, celebrity, cartoon and others

I've been taking my time to think of a new concept in my fanfic to make sure that all the character, plot, power system and back story is all lined up. Without trying to destroy the base of one piece world. You can view it as a HUGE butterfly effect that the addition of my MC in the play here basically

Soooo yeah, there will be many thing that will be introduce in this fanfic as the story goes on.

And.... Yeah this is totally super au one piece.

Leave a review on what your thought about my fanfic



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C26
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


